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[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

To be honest, hopefully this would be a good move for them. I know that both Matt and Helms are two of the most underutilized talents that WWE has. Very sad as they could be great. The four of them, this all depending on if Jeff goes to jail of course, would be awesome. It would be nice to have someone use them properly, assuming that would be what actually happens and they don't just get swallowed up in the overpopulated seas of what is already too much TNA Talent as it is..
This would be a very good move. Matt would be able to finally break that glass ceiling and we would have the greatest Cruiserweight in a long time to finally make his way into the X Division. Now there are gonna be people here who say that they are more "WWE Sports Entertainers" who are just coming in to ruin TNA. Go back and watch some Omega. Go back and watch some of the matches that Hardy can pull out. Watch the greatness that is Shane Helms in the ring. And if ya get your head out of your ass for two seconds, shut your pie holes and open your eyes wide you will see that greatness may be headed to make TNA better. And while Matt & Shane are ont he move they are more than welcome to bring Paul Burchill and the sexy english queen Katie Lea over with them.
Yeah, I first read something about this rumor just a day or so after Jeff Hardy showed up at TNA on the 4th. The way I look at it, it couldn't really hurt their careers to jump ship to TNA. They're not really doing much of anything in the WWE and really haven't been for quite a while.

However, if they were to jump ship to TNA, I can't say that I think it would hurt the WWE in any way, shape or form. Matt Hardy is someone that just does not have that x-factor that his brother Jeff has. Matt Hardy is a solid in-ring worker but he can be dull as shit to watch in matches sometimes. In the WWE, the only time Matt Hardy has been interesting is when he's done something with his brother Jeff, whether it be in a feud or as a tag team. As a singles wrestler, Matt Hardy has had runs with every championship in the WWE except for a world title and, quite frankly, none of Hardy's runs with any title he's held as a singles wrestler has been memorable in the least.

As for Gregory Helms, it's more or less the same. He's a good overall in-ring worker, but there's just nothing spectacular about the guy. In May 2007, Helms was put out of action due to having a couple of broken vertebrae in his neck, one of which was pressing against his spinal cord. Helms was completely MIA from the WWE until September 2008 when he started his interviewer thing with the WWE and didn't wrestle until December '08. So, Helms was gone for roughly a year and a half all told from WWE tv, which leads me to believe that some of the higher ups in WWE must really like Helms. To be honest, I'm surprised that the WWE did keep him on the payroll with him unable to work for so long. If he did jump ship, part of me would think it's a pretty shitty thing to do because it doesn't really show much loyalty for a company that stood by him when he was on the shelf for so long.
I really doubt that this would happen. Helms is a possibility but i really doubt this would happen for Matt Hardy. Hardy has been a work horse for Vince longer than Cena has. Hes put up with bullshit,roster changes,and not getting pushed longer than anyone currently in the WWE. If they did move yes i would love this. Who wouldn't want to see the classic tag matches between the Hardy Boyz and Team 3D? I sure know i'd love that.
Matt would never go to TNA for there is no reason for him to do so. Jeff may come back to WWE next year when his contract expires with TNA. And Hurricane is pretty popular on ECW which is a complete waste for him to go. Close but no cigar. If the hArdyz were to feud with 3D it would not be the same because I remember the classic triangular ladder matches with JR and King, a sold out arena, and a WWE ring not TNA.
Because I do not know or trust the credibility of this source, I have reached out to my contact with the Hardy Show and will find out if any of this has legs. As soon as I have some information, I will let you know.

With that said, let's just play the speculation game for a second. People are posting whether this would be a good move or a bad move for those guys and my feeling is that it's an indifferent move. From talking to Shannon, I got the vibe that he loved his time in TNA in 2005 and would love to go back now, and going with Jeff is great for them to have each other. However, because of the influx of names, I'm not so sure it'll turn out the way they or I might hope. Shannon is a very likeable guy and when he said that if those 4 got together in wrestling again, it would be magic, I believed him. I really want to, because as men, they are quality. Unfortunately, I don't think Hogoff (remember, it's my term for Hogan and Bischoff and their shared brain) would remotely know how to utilize the 4 men and certainly I wouldn't expect Hogoff to allow them to use their creativity for their own push and storyline. That is why I wouldnt' recommend the move to Matt. Shane I could understand because, given his position, probably could make similar money in TNA to work less, but Matt I'm sure can make a lot more in WWE and has a pretty good position.

I wish these men the best and I suppose we'll wait and see what happens, and if I hear back about it, I will certainly let you guys know.
That would be cool to see Matt Jeff shane and Shannon in some form of faction. The hardys, especially jeff, can sell merchandise and are awesome in the ring. if tna gets matt and shane thats bigger than mr. anderson, IMO
i think it would be a great idea for both of them to go there since they arent really used in the wwe correctly in the first place. matt is over with the fans and helms is in his own right as well and i think with the class system in tna it would work better in their favor to jump ship...
I love both of these guys and would hate to see them go. However if Vince continues to misuse these two then I wouldn't be surprised to see them go. Both of them I believe have a lot of potential that the WWE seems to not be seeing. Best of luck to them if they choose to jump over.
I don't watch ECW much (does anybody?) but everytime I have someone else has been under the mask of Hurricane. I have no idea whether or not Helms can still "go" in the ring. Matt Hardy seems to be the kind of guy that everyone either A) thinks he's super undervalued, underappreciated, underused, and underrated (like me) or B) thinks he's never been worth much to WWE aside from being Jeff's brother and doesn't have that "it" factor.

All in all, if Helms is as wrecked as he seems and still pulling paychecks for short interviews on ECW, there's no reason for him to jump feet first into what may end up being a giant self-collapsing clusterf* of random has-beens and almost-weres. At this point in time you've got to think Matt Hardy will eventually get a short world title reign in the "e" just as meager compensation for his dedication to the company and, yeah, he'll probably be in his forties and it'll be in an off-period, but I'll still mark out like a motherf*er. No point in burning bridges you've spent so damn long making.
Mattitude v2 would be awesome in TNA, I have no doubt, but... there's no SmackDown equivalent for the massive roster to showcase their stuff. There's just iMPACT! and Xplosion is not hot enough.

Matt Hardy would make a splash and then fade into the background imo. He's just too much of an all-rounder to reach that upper echelon.

Helms needs to stay where he's at, friends with the Hardys or no, because I have no doubt he'd fade really fast when he can't use the Hurricane gimmick. Even the "Hurricane Helms" gimmick he returned with got scrapped because it didn't get over.

It would be more in THEIR interests to try to work a program with Hurricane taking on Hardy as a superhero apprentice, than to join TNA and get lost in the shuffle. ;)

I don't know, I'm kind of torn, because the TNA roster is getting really, really big for a 2 hour show (!).
hmmm Jeff, Matt, Moore, Helms as a stable could work in TNA.. All there wrestling styles mesh very well with the caliber wresters in TNA currently.
It's certainly an interesting idea with the four of them as a full on Team Omega. But, as has been said previously I don't think it's a wise move. TNA is full with talent almost to busting point, they'd make a nice debut and feud of the bat, but then struggle. I mean, I don't even think Jeff will last that long once the novelty has worn off - he's never been one to make the best decisions - and Shannon found his greatest success there, so he's seems more TNA out of all four.

Matt and Helms have always been company men and been happy (i assume) with their position. In my opinion, the guys aren't underutilised at all, Helms had a great little program with Paul Burchill recently and Matt, despite not having much direction currently hasn't had a bad couple of years, minus injuries with MVP, Jeff and his ECW Title reign.

They both receive a decent amount of TV time on a regular basis, which means they pick up a decent wage packet on a regular basis. Maybe people want more, which is fine because their not the worst workers, in fact I like Helms quite a bit.

I wouldn't be opposed to them working together as a team after the draft, but realistically, I wouldn't want themt o end up in TNA.
matt would be a great signing for tna as long as jeff can stay with tna long term. The hardy boys in the x division would be amazing and ould hae the potential to provide matches like those from the hardcore championship era. I'm not that bothered about Helms as he's hardy used so don't really now what he's capable of as he hasn't had a notable feud for ages oin the WWE with injuries and other things getting in the way. But all four of them would add even more to the X Division which for me personally is why i watch tna.
lol, how long do you guys think Matt & Helms would get pushed in TNA? I'm not hating or anything, but to be honest, if Matt/Helms did go to TNA, they'd get pushed for a few months, then be forgotten, IMO. But I still wouldn't mind The Hardys as a tag team in TNA.
Personally, I don't really give a flying crap WHERE Matt Hardy goes, but I LOVE The Hurricane.. always have and always will. But to be honest, if Helms DOES leave the WWE, I wouldn't see him going to TNA... in fact, if anything I would imagine he would RETIRE from professional wrestling altogether.

See, when Gregory disappeared for a while after he lost the Cruiserweight Title, he had surgery on his neck to repair I BELIEVE a disc problem. His neck didn't respond to treatment as well as he had HOPED it would, and his rehab took longer than he expected.

I have heard that he still has nagging problems with it anyway, so for this reason I think that IF Helms were to leave Vinnie-Land.. he would just hang the boots up for good.
Well there is alot of talk about matt and hurricane to tna and I would like to add my two cents into this.
I think this would be great. I do have an idea of how they could use these guys.
Buy my Idea I think you guys would like it..I hope
But lets start off like this
Jeff Hardy confronts Hulk Hogan on something..they start to get into it and the "Band" begins to attack Jeff and Make him look weak and then they take out shannon also. SO with the band it would be 4 against two..I did include hogan in to that. So lets bring in Matt Hardy and Hurrican to help them out and then its a new stable with the four of the OMEGA brand and then they can face the band or the nwo what ever you want to call them.
I think this would be big in tna and these 4 would get a good rub off the band and they could then help out the x division also or what ever they would like to do with that.
With that I hope I explained what i was thinking but what do you guys think..would that be a good way to bring in Matt and Hurrican
Perfect move imo. reform the hardy boyz and let them go after the tag titles. helms and moore as well. that could potentially be 2 new awesome tag teams in tna or potentially 4 great acquisitions to the x division. altho the hardys seem more world title material to me, but theres just too much main even talent in tna to add the hardyz. gimme the machine gunz vs. the hardyz vs. generation me in a 6 man cage match. LOVELY SPOT FEST! vintage TNA!
Matt Hardy is such a mark for WWE I don't see it happening. If he'd gone to TNA in 2005 he more than likely would've become their world champion, something that Matt Hardy has always wanted to be, instead he returned to WWE. The very same company that fired him for being vocal about his relationship. Why would he request his release now? He's in the same position now as he has been on and off for years. He'll deal with it and try to make his team with Khali work.

But either way, who gives a shit if either leave? Helms & Moore won't put on another match as good as they did at Starrcade 2000, just leave the memories alone guys.
I seriously doubt that either Matt Hardy or Gregory Helms will leave the WWE for TNA. Besides TNA has way too many people on their roster as it is right now.

They would probably just get lost in the shuffle so they are better off just staying in the WWE.
I've felt really bad for Helms since his return, seeing as his re-debut flopped, as did the push they tried to give it, which unfortunately for him resulted in him having to revert to that tired "Hurricane" character, wasting his life away on the WWE's C-show, and Matt Hardy has been booked into obscurity for what feels like the umpteenth time.

The connection is there considering the other Carolina boys are already under contract in Shannon Moore and Jeff Hardy, and a reformation of the Hardy Boyz in TNA would be quite fun, if I don't say so myself.

I'm all for it, to be honest. TNA could even do some kind of face stable with them since they all grew up together. Omega unite! :)
Could Matt and Greg go to TNA? Sure, why not? Helms as a bigger connection to TNA than just Jeff, since he's dating Velvet, so if he ever left WWE, I could definitely see him going over and working in the X Division.

Matt is a longtime friend of Shannon and Greg, and obviously he's connected to Jeff, so there's always room there, but as long as he gets a match a month on TV with Vince, he's not going anywhere. As Jake said earlier, he's a mark for WWE. They don't need to push him, for him to want to stay.

I don't think TNA really needs either though. There's plenty of roster as it is to spread around, and there's only so much TV time to work feuds and angles.
I just read that HTM may be signing with TNA... What the fuck??? Are u serious?

I hope this is just HTM talking shit to get his name out there and maybe get some more Indy bookings...

I honestly couldn't see the point of Honky in TNA...
I've defended everything that's happened in this new regime up to now, even the Nasty Boys (to an extent), but this one I've got nothing for. I see no gain here whatsoever. I don't want to take away from his accomplishments as one of the greatest IC champions ever, but in this day and age his name value is next to nothing. He barely got a pop in the WWF at Royal Rumble 2001, 9 years later that can only have gotten worse. All I can hope is he beats Jay Lethal and we don't see him again.

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