[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

I agree that TNA needs to lighten on the big name signings but Hall and X-Pac are only pay as you appear appearances which aren't official signings. That means they'll be used like Raven, guys who appear randomly for an occasion or to help further a storyline or a feud. For that, I don't mind. The only problem will be if TNA makes this become a trend to the point where no TNA original talent is getting an opportunity. And so far, TNA puts their guys first. Lots of guys in TNA got rubs from MEM, so they know not to let that overshadow the originals. TNA knows about there younger talent but they also want that notoriety and on 1/4, I don't mind them going balls to the walls to sign talent to steal some of WWE's audience. TNA has to pull all stops on 1/4.
I think that's what they're planning to do. Actually, I hope that's the plan. Using older, more established guys to put over the current young talent. TRUST ME, Hogan isn't THAT much of an idiot. He knows he can't do anything anymore, Flair can't do anything, Waltman can't do much. The only guy that can still hang is Nash and he's not here nor there.

I think they're signin big names only to get the attention of fans. Then when the younger and not-so-known talent goes head to head with the old legends and beat them these same fans will most likely be impressed by their athleticism and overall talent, then look back at WWE and the boring stuff they subject us all to watch and say..

"Wait a minute..THIS is what I want to see!"
I can see TNA's thought process behind bringing in lots of big names. It will certainly grab a lot of peoples attention if names like X-Pac/Waltman, Hall and possibly Flair are associated with TNA.

It could be a detriment to TNA if any of these guys begin to steal the spotlight, and thus not allow any of the young guys in TNA to shine. However, it could be a good idea if these big names are used sparingly, or if they are used to put over talent which are already in the promotion.

I agree that TNA should look at people like Hardy & RVD more so than Hall and Waltman, but they need to be careful that they do not bring in too much big name talent. TNA shouldn't become some sort of WWE tribute act, featuring lots of ex WWE talent, but if they use some big name talent to forge a strong presense of their own, featuring the younger current talent in TNA, it could persuade viewers to switch from the current WWE product to TNA's product
I think that's what they're planning to do. Actually, I hope that's the plan. Using older, more established guys to put over the current young talent. TRUST ME, Hogan isn't THAT much of an idiot. He knows he can't do anything anymore, Flair can't do anything, Waltman can't do much. The only guy that can still hang is Nash and he's not here nor there.

I think they're signin big names only to get the attention of fans. Then when the younger and not-so-known talent goes head to head with the old legends and beat them these same fans will most likely be impressed by their athleticism and overall talent, then look back at WWE and the boring stuff they subject us all to watch and say..

"Wait a minute..THIS is what I want to see!"

You obviously don't know too much about Waltman. Waltman can stlll go and is a great addition to TNA's roster. He's also a former X-division champ. His matches with AJ were classic. The only problem with Waltman is that he's not stable and may no show a few TNA shows. That's the only risk. Other than that, TNA would still be with the company because out of that whole nWo and DX era, he's still of great use and is not that old.
In the end, of course, big name signings will have to slow down due to financial constraints. Where is all the money coming from to sign these people? Ratings have been stagnant for a long time (meaning that advertising rates won't go up), and attendance at house shows certainly isn't paying the bills. Unless everyone attending a TNA show is walking away with $100 of merchandise after each show, I don't see how the company can possibly sustain their "attack" on WWE.

Pay-as-you-appear seems to be the only way to get big names at a reasonable cost. Yet, how many wrestlers who will appear on that basis are really considered big names? If any of those "temps" start to generate a real fan following, WWE can pick them off by hiring them away from TNA.

WCW was able to snatch big name wrestlers by paying them premium salaries. Yet, even that company couldn't go on losing money forever. How can TNA do it? I'm having a tough time trying to figure what Hogan & Co. hope to accomplish.
I think they're going overboard. 2 big debuts on the one show can dilute the impact of the other as it is, but if reports are true, there will be debuts/re-debuts of almost every current non-WWE contracted wrestler who was popular in the 90's/2000's with Hogan, Sting, Flair, Hall, X-Pac, RVD, Hardy, Kennedy etc all being heavily rumored to appear.

Don't get me wrong, I'm intrugued to see how some of them will fit in, but even if they debut 50 new wrestlers on that night, they're not going to win the war on Jan 4. I think they'd be best served holding off on debuting some of the bigger names and give them all their own chance to shine seperately, because they will get lost in the shuffle if they all come out the same night as Hogan, not too many mention, there's still the whole of the current TNA roster to showcase as well. I just realized TNA's roster isn't far off the size of WWE's, and they only have one weekly show compared to WWE's 4, that is crazy.
I agree. tna doesn't need to sign every big name wrestler that wwe releases, they need to focus on tna and how to make it better. tna has got great talent they dont need hogan.
You obviously don't know too much about Waltman. Waltman can stlll go and is a great addition to TNA's roster. He's also a former X-division champ. His matches with AJ were classic. The only problem with Waltman is that he's not stable and may no show a few TNA shows. That's the only risk. Other than that, TNA would still be with the company because out of that whole nWo and DX era, he's still of great use and is not that old.

...that's why I said he can't do much. I always liked him and thought he was terribly underrated ( in WWE/F).

However, it IS a great idea to offer the wrestling world a plethora of new talent. Let's face it, these guys are different in any possible way from the WWE guys. I find them a lot more exciting to watch. They look better, they act better, they perform better and they're hungry. Trust me, we will be surprised with "the new direction".
I think Hogan has been around enough to know the recipe for failure. He's not going that route again. He's been talking about the young talent in TNA and how great they are. Big names will get people to switch the channel. The young talent and the way they perform will keep them watching. Since Hogan has been around they are bringing in some older big names, but look at the way they have positioned the majority of the roster. Morgan, Henandez, Pope, Suicidey have all been getting in the spotlight and are getting put over by 3D. AJ, Daniels, and now Joe has the briefcase he can cash in at any time. Lashley also has a title shot. Motor City Machine Guns were the team that the Young Bucks faced in their tryout match. That is a match people won't be able to change the channel for. World Elite are all young guys who can perform with the exception of Rob who is just the big enforcer type and doesn't have to do much but look intimidating. Angle can still perform with the best, and at the same time has put over the young guys and instantly put Desmond Wolfe up to the top of the roster with their current feud. Beer money are back in the hunt for the tag titles as well. The roster is stacked and positioned with new young guys. Main event mafia has broken up. Booker has gone away. Nash is now just a sidekick to World Elite.

The knockouts division has suffered since Angelina has had to go away. I used to enjoy the attitude she brought, and they brought ratings. Honestly from the knockouts side of things, I couldn't imagine a better scenario than for Angelina to come back and TAKE her stop back from Lacey. I think that's the only reason they've held onto Lacey is to set that up when Angelina can finally return. The knockouts division is all stacked with talent as well. Kong, Sarita, Hamada, Tara, Taylor, etc can all perform.

Now, from the marketing side, none of those new guys have instant drawing power. Many of them also don't have the mic skills yet to be huge stars. Those two things are what the old guys bring. Flair and Sting in the same ring again has some serious drawing power. Hogan in a battle for control of TNA with Foley/Jarret has some drawing power. A possible NWO reunion has some drawing power. Those guys also provide something that many of the wrestlers in TNA do still lack and that is mic skills. Flair telling Sting that he had to come out of retirement until the two of them could go one more time and ride off into the sunset together, Woooo! Jarret and Foley telling Hogan how it will be over their dead bodies that he gets to walk in and take control of everything. The young guys don't trust hogan. At the same time, Hall and Nash expecting a big NWO reunion and Hogan telling them that the past is the past and it's not gonna happen this time because he's got bigger things going. He's taking over and going after Vince. They tell him the NWO IS ratings and they're taking over whether he likes it or not. Eventually the young guys start to trust Hogan and Morgan, hernandez and pope come out and tell the NWO it's not gonna happen in their company and eventually send them back where they came from.

At the same time all that is going on, the younger guys are being built and showcased for 1/2 to 3/4 of the show so they gain exposure of the audience brought in by the big names and their feud.
I agree. tna doesn't need to sign every big name wrestler that wwe releases, they need to focus on tna and how to make it better. tna has got great talent they dont need hogan.

Yeah they do. TNA has zero name recognition for the casual fan that watches their commercials. Now they see Hogan and will tune in/DVR the show on Monday and will probably tune in on Thursday nights. Whether or not he can still go is irrelevant. He needs to wrestle once every few months and make appearances and it'll get TNA some much needed mainstream exposure.
They look better, they act better, they perform better and they're hungry. Trust me, we will be surprised with "the new direction".

If they act better then why aren't any of their wrestlers making movies and WWE stars are/former WWE stars are.
If they perform better then why are most of them WWE has-beens who WWE didn't want anymore? Surely if they are better than what WWE have got they wouldn't have been let go...
You'd be surprised just how effective the name value is. TNA is nothing without them. Yes it has good talent that's homegrown, but the only way it can ever compete is to get butts in seats as it were with the big names, then showcase their real talent. If, on 4/1 they introduced Hall, Waltman, Jeff Hardy, Kennedy, RVD, Flair, and maybe even announce Heyman joining the team, it would be very much ON. Jeff Hardy is one of WWE's biggest draws and if they lost him shortly after he was just a world champion to TNA, that's one hell of a victory for TNA. If they got Jeff, Matt may even follow if TNA show their ambition. These are the names that can draw, then show off the spectacular women's division, better than the awful action in WWE, show them the young bucks, mcmg, beer-money etc, the great tag division, show them what WWE is missing without the X-division, have a compelling main event fued rather than just Cena steamrolling everyone, show them hardcore content, sex, violence etc that they can't get in WWE now. If the ECW shows (the one night stand events, not the current show) proved anything, it's that there's still a popular demand for that kind of show, and TNA is where people can get it. TNA is a better product in terms of in-ring action and currently storylines than WWE, it's just the lack of drawing power/money that's holding it down. Big names equal big ratings, big ratings equal more money.
I just think they've gone completely over-board, most of the wrestlers they have are from or have been trained by the WWE. If TNA want to be indipendant from the WWE they need to get some new original talent. I know a lot of you are saying that WCW and the WWE used to do the same thing with each other, but that was a different time. There are plenty of new indy wrestlers which TNA can sign now days... TNA need orginality and DON'T need to parading WWE past exploites like some crappy spin-off show.

I agree. I have the wwe encyclopedia, and see alot of people who are on TNA now, in there. TNA needs some people that they can build off of. Bring some nobody in, and make him a somebody. Hulk has been made from wwe. WWEan take all the credit for making these superstars. TNA loooks so much for older wiser ppl, that they overlook something big that can happen with the new young generatio.n
If they perform better then why are most of them WWE has-beens who WWE didn't want anymore?

Answer: Most of them? Tell me EXACTLY who that is. Mick Foley? The guy's having a blast in TNA, he's fun, he's entertaining, WWE barely used him for anything. Kurt Angle? Arguably the face of TNA? Kevin Nash? The guy that came back to the WWE, did the nWo thing, injured the crap out of himself and nobody gave a damn, but now is pretty entertaining to watch, gave us many laughs with his PCS and Papparazzi Productions. It's not that WWE didn't want them...it's just that WWE didn't know how to USE them.
I agree after they sin Flar, Waltman, and Hall there should be no more big names signed. TNA has said that Hall and Waltman will be temporary stars. TNA is probably using to boost Hogan. TNA needs to start signing younger talent that is well known to the wrestling community like Kennedy. All these big names get whateve they want, and the younger more talented guys that are th future are going to be left out. Of course once all these people are going make TNA a bigger company. But that will be temporary. Ever one knows that Higan, Nash, Flair, Foley, Hall really can't do much more they are way to old now and it sjows when they wrestle.
angle10 I agree. I think Ken Kennedy is probably the number one guy they should be gunning at. He deffinitely has the mic skills and I always loved his inring work and intensity. Obviously TNA is using the dinosaurs for recognition.

TNA has to do what WWE is afraid to do and that's sign guys that we've all wanted to see in a major promotion. Hell, even steal some promising up and coming WWE talent like Ziggler, Bourne or Swagger. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
it's not the fact that they're signing former WWE talent that's a waste, but they're signing former WWE talent that's not relevant that's hurting them. Hall/Nash/Hogan, yup 14 years ago would've been BIG. now, it's blah.

they need to catch WWE by surprise, sign a Cena when his contract is gonna be up or even a Batista, someone in the World title scene right now that'll make fans go "NO WAY, he JUMPED?!" instead of "yeah he's old and needs the money"
Considering that I read into conspiracies and love political/religious/historical banter on how what is being perpetuated amongst society has a slight chance of being wrong, I decided to take a spin take on this and make myself a new thread series based on bits of information about the world of professional wrestling. So, today's topic on discussion:

Mickie James to become a TNA Knockout.

This is my conspiracy theory that I have been pondering on for a while and each week it seems to becoming more of a high possibility of happening. Since you need evidence to back up your points, here is my list on what could potentially lead to Mickie going to TNA:

1) Mickie James was known to be somewhere near the dog house due to the fact she has been gaining weight from when she initially started. Since Vince has an idea of what he wants his diva's to look like, she was told to start toning herself down and look lean. Mickie did not adhere to instruction and got the bitchslap treatment. She lost to Jillian Hall in record time for the title and got sent to Smackdown.

2) Currently, Mickie James has been involved in a storyline with Michelle and Layla about her weight. She is being referred to as Piggy James by the duo, who go as far as wearing t-shirts with the name and doing video promo's (which many people found in distaste). Although Mickie knows what is happening here and probably has accepted the storyline to progress, women and weight are just something you don't tamper with in that matter.

3) Mickie James has just signed a deal to progress onto country music. Now, the WWE travels alot and with Mickie having a presumably hectic schedule due to her being the most over female in the division, it might affect her to continue on this path. If she were in TNA, there would be a lot less travelling on her schedule where she would be able to concentrate on this side of her career (as well as her university studies if she does go back).

I'm not sure on this note, but I am pretty sure the company she signed the deal with is based somewhere around Nashville, the home of the ImpactZone.

4) She is at the point in her career with WWE where she has done basically everything. She has won the Women's Title multiple times, where at least one of her reigns is notable. She has also won the Diva's title, where she will be remembered for her run here. Mickie has faced every opponent there is to work with that can make some sort of interest, once she is done with Michelle and Natalya. If she wishes to keep wrestling just in case all else falls down, she can join TNA and quite easily have great feuds with every girl on the roster.

These are the main points that I can gather why a switch to TNA is a healthy option for Mickie. Now, are these just coincidence or are they leading to a conspiracy theory? Would you welcome Mickie becoming a TNA Knockout?

I would as the amount of matches she could have are endless. Before her WWE run, she was Alexis Laree in TNA where she joined Raven's flock and had hardcore matches with men (along a feud with Jeff Jarrett). She can certainly hold her own and is very over with any audience, you just can't boo Mickie James now. If she does turn and become psychotic, people would still watch Mickie perform. Can you imagine... Mickie James vs. Hamada, vs. Sarita, vs. Alissa Flash... it would be nothing but an improvement for the division considering their last addition (Lacey von Erich) was a let down.

So again, do you see this happening and would you welcome the switch?
I would welcome the switch. Mickie is one of the better in ring divas and she would definitely bring some more credibility to the KO division. Plus it would bolster one of TNA's strongest identities. TNA would be smart to pursue James after her WWE contract came to an end. Plus if she makes it in the country scene and has some success, that gives TNA some more publicity as she would be part of the TNA organization and she would be associated with them. It would be smart for both parties. Like you said Falkon, Mickie has done pretty much everything she could in the WWE and TNA should be looking to upgrade whenever they can in any of their divisions.
I don't know it will happen, but quite frankly it should. Nowadays WWE and female wrestling no longer mix. We already saw Tara/Victoria leave in disgust and I'm pretty sure Gail Kim is regretting the jump at this point. Your points on why it would be a good idea further cement the possibility. However it all lies on Mickie's decision. She can leave the life she's been used to for the past 5 years and start over or stay in her comfort zone amongst friends in spite of the ambiance.
Her exposure would literally be cult more than half fanbase wise. Her exposure to get her music out would decrease greatly. She's still the top diva on Smackdown with Beth Phoenix and McCool. I think Layla's getting better, but nobody can really touch the top 3. Other guys are making movies and traveling and staying with WWE, why can't she do the same? If one can find conspiracies, they will find it. I can say that since Rock is already multiple time WWE champion and has done it all, and since he lives in Miami and only a short drive away from where they tape Impact, he's going to appear on TNA television to promote his Tooth Fairy movie because it's convenient.

That being said, it would be cool to see her wrestling daffney or Taylor wilde, ODB, and others. It would be fresh and of the highest quality
I think that there is a better chance that she leaves wrestling altogether than she goes to TNA. If she was smart enough with her money, she'll have enough to take a leave and pursue other opportunities (ala Chris Jericho), and if they don't work out (or if she misses wrestling), she can come back. Or maybe she'll never come back (ala Trish Stratus).

I don't know why anybody would want to go to TNA at this point unless they had to. If Hulk can pull off turning it around into a legitimate "B" company, maybe. The next 6 months will be telling. But as of right now? No way.

I don't see any one of these divas being lifers, except maybe Natalya. Maybe Beth Phoenix. They'll do it for a few years, save their money, and move on. It just might be Mickie's time to go.
I think that there is a better chance that she leaves wrestling altogether than she goes to TNA. If she was smart enough with her money, she'll have enough to take a leave and pursue other opportunities (ala Chris Jericho), and if they don't work out (or if she misses wrestling), she can come back. Or maybe she'll never come back (ala Trish Stratus).

I don't know why anybody would want to go to TNA at this point unless they had to. If Hulk can pull off turning it around into a legitimate "B" company, maybe. The next 6 months will be telling. But as of right now? No way.

I don't see any one of these divas being lifers, except maybe Natalya. Maybe Beth Phoenix. They'll do it for a few years, save their money, and move on. It just might be Mickie's time to go.

i totaly disagree. mickie should move on to TNA. i had a whole thread about TNA'S knockouts. Imagine mickie going in, and feuding with some big ones. Or if not wrestling, managing. desmond wolf? WWE messed her up, and deserves btter
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1653745 said:
Now, are these just coincidence or are they leading to a conspiracy theory? Would you welcome Mickie becoming a TNA Knockout?

I would welcome Mickie returning to TNA, she could use her old character Alexis Laree from her last run in TNA.

I too see the coincidences, but if she did go to TNA, I don't think it would be for a lengthy run as she has done basically everything she could already do other than win the Knockout Championship and Knockout Tag titles, adding those to her already impressive resume would bring her closer to reaching Trish's level of a female wrestling legend.... I still don't see it happening, but I'm not entirely shooting down the idea because I thought Tara was done before going to TNA too, it could happen. There are some really interesting feuds she could do over in TNA with basically the entire female roster.

I'm not sure if it will happen but I would welcome a federation jump from Mickie because it could be good for her wrestling career and she would have more time for pursuing her music goals too. Only major issue would be the couple of months we would have to wait after her release, so no awesome "OMG" moments for her since we will likely all know ahead of time, but it would be interesting to see this happen.
To help support your claims the piggy james angle is a character killer. Vince likes to devalue talent as much as possible before letting them go to another company.

I'm a TNA fan but I dont want her in TNA. Dont get me wrong, Mickie James would be a great addition to the knockouts roster. I say I dont want her there because TNA is only on one night a week. If I'm gonna be watching WWE on other days I want at least a couple legitimate female wrestlers on their roster. I have no interest in watching a super model trying to wing her way through a match. Some of those divas are worse than Jenna Morasca. That was her first and only match ever. She has a damn good excuse. WWE Divas don't have that luxury. Some of those girls should at least be able to hold their own in the ring.

Without Mickie James and a few others The WWE Divas are just bikini models. I have no desire for them to lose the only diva that made the last years worth of matches watchable. Shes been the one consistent in the division since The Amazon has gotten side tracked alot. That's merely because they cant make anyone but Mickie look credible against her in the ring.

TNA is my favorite promotion and she'd be awesome to see in the knockouts division. Unfortunately that could also ruin the rest of the weeks wrestling programming and I'm not willing to make that sacrafice.

Great thread. Conspiracy Theories Rock!

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