[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

BIG SHOW needs TNA!!! The WWE has grossly mishandled him since the day they brought him in. He is the "World's Largest Athlete" and WWE constantly lets him get his ass kicked by Cena. Big Show could be and should be a main star in a promotion. He should be made to be invincible so that when he loses it really means something. Show could come to TNA and destroy all the X-Division guys, run some feuds with Abyss and Samoa Joe, and then get a long term title run. I think Big Show could bring some credibility to TNA and TNA could give Big Show the run he deserves and needs!!!
What ever happened to Sean O'hare, I always l alway kid of liked him. Plus he's been away from the E long enough to not seem a wash up. Also, Colt Cabana, he can wrestle many kinds of matches, and ha charisma out he wazoo. Plus he has had some great matches with already established TNA stars. RVD is a no brainer.
Id say Matt Hardy. Although he is extremely over with the crowd in WWE. WWE has just never game him that big push and they probably never will. However if Matt went to TNA he could be in the Main Event competing for there title with some huge names and huge match possibilities. Matt vs AJ, Matt vs Sting, Matt vs Morgan, Matt vs Hogan(lmao)
i agree: WW wack constantly drops the ball. Kofi kingston can't cut a promo either but he gets pushed ahead of benjamin. Benjamin is a much better athlete than kofi. MVP sucks as well and botches a whole lot of moves, but there both on raw and benjamin on ecw, seriously it's almost ludacrous. The big show is another. Big show doesnt give his all anymore because he's been in wwe 10 yrs and has never been used or pushed correctly like he was in wcw. In wcw he was made to look like a true giant. He got tired of being beat down and some how slammed week in and week out by kurt angle, the rock, triple h, the undertaker, and john cena so he said f*** it. Wrestlers who should leave and make a statement are of course,

Shelton Benjamin, The big show, kane, evan bourne, christian, mysterio.
I would bring in no one and just build from within. They already have enough young guys that need to be pushed. They don't need another ex-WWE guy coming in and taking up more TV time.
I'd love to see Austin in a ring again, and while I'd rather that was with the WWE, I'd more excited about Austin than Hogan in TNA. That being said, this is very unlikely, and I don't think we'll ever see it. Isn't Austin's knee quite bad? I think it was his knee anyway. Unlike Hogan, I don't see him wanting to be a part of something as big as a wrestling company again. He'd fit into what they seem to go for, but if he's smart he'll stay away.
first Rokitka i said nothing about a wrestling contract i said he is under contract by wwe as his contract is a WWE films contract am quite sure it will say he cant work a wrestling show for a company witch one day could be a rival one day

and i have been thinking about this hogan is talking out his backside in saying that stone cold this could be really bad for tna the more hogan goes on well lying about stuff like this the more he will piss off vince and vince still has the power to bury tna i dont think it good enough yet to stop him. Wcw was bigger and he helped to kill it
Like I already stated there is no way this is happening.

With that said it never hurts to ponder and day dream just a bit so here it is:

While Austin is focusing on a movie career that doesn't matter very much if he did join TNA. He'd most likely be able to keep a movie schedule all while showing up for impact tapings and the PPV.

Like some other people mentioned, the last thing Austin said was that if he did return to wrestling he wants to do something that would have some real impact. Austin going to TnA would indeed have a impact (No pun intended! I'm getting tired of having to say that so much =/)

If Austin did actually end up in TnA I'd be both very excited and worried. Austins legacy could end up being a bit tarnished.
I would bring in no one and just build from within. They already have enough young guys that need to be pushed. They don't need another ex-WWE guy coming in and taking up more TV time.

I agree with this... and if I had to bring in anybody, it would be low indy wrestlers. In fact, if I ran TNA, I'd start up my own developmental promotion... or just get Hermie's UWF in Virginia to play that part for me. That way, I could continue to build talent on my main product, and have back ups for just incase purposes.
Rather than picking a ripe young and athletic prospect, I would instead go for an already established WWE worker. Why? Rather than taking the same route of pushing Ex-WWE talent to the top, wouldn't it be a good idea to push down said superstar?

This is a damn good idea...

TNA is constantly catching crap for pushing established guys, instead of working on their own talent. No one notices the work they've put into a lot of their own guys, so by bringing in an "outsider", and using them as a mid-carder, it would open some eyes.

Batista is not the guy I'd have in mind though...Someone like CM Punk, The Miz, or Finlay...Guys that are mid-carders in WWE already, and people would expect them to get insane pushes. Then TNA leaves them in the mid-card, and that would be fine.
Well, I'll believe it when I see it.

Wrestling and Wrestlers are always doing the opposite of what they say they will or won't do, but in the case of Steve Austin I would have to quote Gorilla Monsoon and say 'Highly Unlikely!"

I would LOVE Austin to be a part of TNA but I don't see what he would be able to do.

He can't and/or chooses not to Wrestle, so that eliminates that.

He is concentrating on acting, and Wrestling is not his focus.

However, if he appeared in TNA he would make a fantastic GM character, but then what about Foley and/or Jarrett?

Also, how would his past history's with Bischoff and Hogan affect things?

Having said that, even though a match is over 90% unlikely, wouldn't an in-ring confrontation between them be awesome?

Besides all that though, Austin seems pretty steadfast in his loyalty to the WWE.

I'm not one of those that will say Austin will never appear in TNA, but I will say that the chances are incredibly slim at best.
Often we talk about how well some WWE wrestlers would do in TNA and that moving could be good for them. However, thinking about TNA's usual type of show, and the direction they appear to be going, who would not be a great addition to the roster? Maybe TNA wouldn't use them right, or their type of wrestling style just doesn't fit in with the norm?
I instantly look at the top of WWE's roster. Guys like HHH, Cena, Orton, and Edge have all grown in the WWE, and that's what they know. There would be too much of an adjustment to come into TNA and get used to the ring alone. Add in working in front of a smaller crowd, making less money...It would be heartache on them.

Also, bringing in a top level main eventer immediately shakes up everything that TNA has going. Daniels and Joe get shuffled back to the mid-card, where they've worked on so many other feuds. Styles goes from "savior" to "the guy that dropped the belt to that WWE guy". It would just be ugly all around.
Just like NS, I look immediately to the top of the WWE card. Especially the elder statesmen like HBK, HHH, Big Show (could he even fit in TNA's truncated ring?) and the Undertaker. One of the biggest facade's the WWE has working in their favor is their special effects. No matter how weak the match he has may or may not be, the entrance alone is enough to give people enough bang for their buck.

What he said about not knowing how to work the ring is a legitimate claim, too. Even Steiner was quoted when he joined TNA, and first saw the ring... "How do you hit the ropes?". The ring work itself is so much tighter in TNA, so you have to know what you're doing.
Off the top of my head, I'd probably have to go with Triple H. I don't believe that there isn't any WWE wrestler that couldn't make the type of necessary adjustments to be able to do the work in the ring, but it just wouldn't have the right feel to it.

Think about it: Triple H in TNA....it just doesn't even sound right. Triple H is someone that's been in the WWE for so long, is so used to things being a certain way for him that I don't believe he'd just feel....well...natural in TNA I suppose.

Also, as NSL pointed out, bringing in someone like him into TNA would reshuffle a lot of positions in the TNA roster. Guys like Samoa Joe and Daniels would probably be right smack in mid-card territory once more and AJ Styles would, mostly likely, wind up dropping the belt to Trips once it was all said and done. I think that type of scenario would happen with just about any of the current main eventers in the WWE right now if they were to head to TNA.
John Cena. John Cena wouldn't be a good fit at all. He's everything that TNA goes against. TNA usually goes after very accomplished wrestlers or very athletic or very talented wrestlers and Cena doesn't fit that category imo. In addition, John Cena is way too much of a WWE company mold. He's way too cookie cutter for TNA. He'd have to do some serious adjustment and I'm not too sure if he'd be ready for that if he went to TNA.
This is based off the thread started by Becca. Her thread ask what stars wouldn't fit in at TNA. So, my thread is asking what stars would be better off in TNA. The first guy that comes to mind is Shelton Benjamin. Shelton is one of my favorites in the WWE and I love his work. He is a superb athlete and had a successful mid card run in the WWE and had main event potential, but he never fulfilled it. I think Shelton would be a superb addition to the X-Division and potential make the jump into the main event. I'll avoid naming others and let you guys do that. So what do you think? What WWE stars would be better off in TNA?

EDIT-My apologies, didn't even know there was a past thread, guess I should put my glasses on, getting pretty old lol.
Personally I don't watch TNA, hell I don't like TNA but I aint gonna bash it, but I don't think 'Taker would fit in TNA, of all the guys on the roster, he's been there since the 1990's, never stepped out of place, and every gimmick hes had was one of a kind, his DeadMan persona can never be matched, his American Badass/Big Evil days was killer, but I highly doubt that it would fit in TNA, theres no entrance that comes close to his, the gong at the start of his entrance theme is only for WWE
I'm going to challenge some of what's been said already and say all the names said: Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton etc COULD fit into TNA, just they wouldn't want to. If you look at the skills required to do so they could do so easily.

People have a perception that TNA and the X-Division are the same thing. I disagree. Sting has never seemed out of place and he's less mobile than all the guys mentioned here. Bobby Lashley's hardly a god in the ring but he's had no trouble adjusting. Mick Foley's been fine in hardcore and regular matches. Has Kurt Angle changed his ring-style? Sure he does 450 splashes and flip dives off the stage and stuff that Vince wouldn't let him do normally, but they're veeerry few and far between. If Kurt Angle's still wrestling WWE-style, then why couldn't those guys?

TNA is an athletic company but the faster guys are almost all mid-to-low card guys. The main event scene isn't all that different to WWE's. Hernandez and Matt Morgan could probably get back into the WWE without changing any of their moves. Hernandez' dive to the outside isn't really all that dangerous, he doesn't flip, and inside the ring he does a standard dropkick or a standard body splash. The rest of his moves are all powerhouse, which is what John Cena brings to the table. Jeff Jarrett never did anything flashy, he was just technically quite sound, as is Triple H regardless of what anyone says.

As for Edge? If Christian could do it, so can he. They're pretty much exactly as good as each other, except Edge has a bit more star presence. Christian's actually better on the mic in terms of what he says, it's just Edge has more credibility to him which makes him more valuable to Vince.

Batista could make it because TNA has no problem with big slow powerhouses who aren't all that good. Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho and Undertaker obviously could make it no problem.

Basically to cut it short I can't really think of anyone besides maybe Khali that wouldn't fit in TNA, but Khali barely fits into WWE so he's just the exception to all wrestling rules.
Cena and Trips are definitely the top 2 that come to mind. There WWE style just would not fit into TNA at all (Cena would get booed out of the building every night and HHH would probably get egged walking to the ring). Not a bash at either Cena or HHH, but TNA is not geared towards that PG crowd like the WWE is, therefore Cena and HHH would not do well.

I think guys like Orton, and Morrison would do very well. I feel they could really mesh with the TNA roster and do good for themselves, I would even go as far as saying they would be definite main eventers in TNA.

Taker will do fine anywhere because frankly, its impossible to boo the guy. Booing taker is like booing Austin, Rock, Hogan or Flair as in you can boo Taker, but even if you did you would still love him, and you would probably feel a little dirty doing it.
Lets see for WWE diva that would not fit into TNA it would defintly no doubt be Kelly Kelly for superstar I would have to say John Cena. Kelly Kelly would not fit because she not to good of a wrestler and is manily eye candy I mean seriously you've been there 4 years and haven't won a title yet you are eye candy. John Cena wouldn't fit in because of his style TNA pobably wouldn't like his style around their product.
This sounds crazy but everyone knows it true. Hornswoggle would be a horrible fit in TNA. He's not really a wrestler, well sorta. There are young audience members in the Impact Zone, and I'm sure lots of them are told when to cheer and boo. I just don't think anyone could cheer on Hornswoggle in the Impact Zone at all. TNA would have him run around with Cody Deaner or ODB and it would just be awful.
I'm not gonna say Triple H, John Cena or Orton. Those guys are such big stars that TNA would make them fit in. They'd get huge pushes and bigger paychecks.
But I think Edge wouldn't work at all. Edge is a great performer, but when Edge really shines is when he has something brilliant written for him. All those cool Edge twists that we see every few months. It takes some really good writers to come up with that stuff. I mean, remember No Way Out this year? Whoever didn't think that was awesome is just not right... I don't think that TNA currently has a level of writers that would be able to facilitate what makes Edge such a great WWE character.
If any Main Event guys jumped to TNA, they would be cheered and viewed as the company Savior. I don't know why people doubt that anyone in the WWE couldn't jump to TNA and be champion within a few months.

HHH, Cena, HBK, Taker, Big Show, Jericho, Edge, Batista, CM Punk, Orton, heck even Morrison, Mysterio, Matt Hardy, DiBiase, MVP, Kofi Kingston, etc. would walk into TNA, hit the ring to the biggest pop ever and be TNA Champion within 2 months.

Benjamin, Miz, Swagger, Henry, and Ziggler would come into a huge pop and work Main Event from the start as well and probably win the belt within the year.

TNA is a joke. They are all marks for WWE guys and will put every single one of them in the main event and praise them. Look at Christian and Kurt Angle.
If any Main Event guys jumped to TNA, they would be cheered and viewed as the company Savior. I don't know why people doubt that anyone in the WWE couldn't jump to TNA and be champion within a few months.

HHH, Cena, HBK, Taker, Big Show, Jericho, Edge, Batista, CM Punk, Orton, heck even Morrison, Mysterio, Matt Hardy, DiBiase, MVP, Kofi Kingston, etc. would walk into TNA, hit the ring to the biggest pop ever and be TNA Champion within 2 months.

Benjamin, Miz, Swagger, Henry, and Ziggler would come into a huge pop and work Main Event from the start as well and probably win the belt within the year.

TNA is a joke. They are all marks for WWE guys and will put every single one of them in the main event and praise them. Look at Christian and Kurt Angle.

And just prior to your last paragraph, I might have actually respected what you had to say, despite the fact that I disagree.

But I digress, because I do disagree.

Guys like Hardy, Morrison, DiBiase and MVP would absolutely not walk into that company to the biggest pop, nor would they be handed the TNA Heavyweight title just for showing face within two months. You think every guy who's worked for the WWE who's joined just receives gold because of where they came from? Bobby Lashley is proof that is just incorrect.

Yeah, the main event guys from the WWE were they to jump to TNA would be cheered and potentially – the operable word here – be viewed as a savior, but what we're debating here isn't necessarily whether they'd be cheered, but whether they'd actually work in TNA.

Booker T is a perfect example. He got a huge pop when he showed up at Genesis 2007, and within two years dropped from relevancy entirely and is no longer a part of the company. He never wore heavyweight gold that he didn't just create on his own – a story line that no one I know or respect even liked – and worked the mid-card until his MEM days.

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