[Official] Roster Cuts & Acquisitions Thread

If Jeff Hardy went to TNA, then I would be impressed by that. I said in another thread, the subject of which was Hogan, that the only way I can look at TNA and call them competitive would be to bring in wrestlers that are not only big stars but are young as well. To be honest, I'm not really all that sure why Hardy has such massive appeal, but he's got it.

However, Jeff Hardy could very well be as much of a detriment as a help to TNA. In the past few years in particular, Jeff Hardy had made some world class screw ups. A few years back, Hardy was suspended while in the middle of a run with the IC title, was wildly popular with fans, and seemed to be on the fast track to main event status. After he comes back, he's still as popular as ever and eventually does make it to main event status. But..well..then he decides to leave the WWE right in the middle of the biggest push of his entire career. After he finally gets to the level any wrestler wants to get to, he doesn't want to continue working with the WWE. After his last official appearance, he's arrested days later and is facing a number of felony charges.

I dunno, I just see Jeff Hardy as a tragedy in the making. IF he were to head to TNA after all this mess is settled, and he's not sittin' in a cell somewhere, I think TNA has to be careful. Could very well blow up in their face.
I'm a huge ass Jeff Hardy mark(he's my all time favorite wrestler)but no, I do not think him going to TNA would make a huge difference. Hardy was one of the most popular and most over stars in the WWE, and has a big fan base, but I still don't think they would all follow him to TNA.

Everyone keeps saying "Hogan's going to push TNA to the next level", "Jeff is going to make TNA the next big thing", "Ric Flair would help the ratings". And I disagree. I don't think one or two HUGE names are going to make that big of a difference to TNA.

I mean WCW had some big names, and huge stars, and they still tanked. TNA just needs more visibility, better production, more publicity, and a better overall product. Yes, Hogan or Jeff or *insert name here* might bring some attention to TNA, but I don't think it will make a lasting or huge impact.

So, I think it would be awesome if TNA signed Jeff. I think it might spark some interest, but if the show isn't on it's A game, and made to look like a competitive wrestling alternative, signing this people won't make much of a difference, imo.
Reported on the WZ homepage.
Hulk Hogan was on his friend Bubba The Love Sponge's radio show today and talked in-depth about TNA Wrestling.

Among other topics, Hogan mentioned that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Macho Man" Randy Savage could be coming with him to TNA.

He also discussed The Nasty Boys possibly coming in and asked Bubba The Love Sponge how serious he is about possibly taking a spot on the creative team.

Obviously with these comments coming from Hogan, you can take them with a grain of salt.

Now, just like posted in the quote, we can take this with a grain of salt.

But, if Stone Cold were to come to TNA, that could be another huge signing.
Obviously, Austin wouldn't be wrestling due to his physical condition. But really, if he had any on screen position, it could help BIG time with ratings! Or at least I personally think it could!

What do you guys think?
While it's interesting to think, this is damn near impossible to happen. Austin isn't going to piss all over his WWE legacy for a guest appearance with TNA. Vince Mcmahon has all but shoved the Austin is the Greatest crap down our throats for the last year now, no one Stone Cold goes against that.

This is what hogan going to TNA does, it causes people to talk. Hogan is saying this kind of thing to get the IWC talking, and to piss Vince McMahon off. I love what Hogan is doing myself.
I don't think Stone cold will go to tna. He might go for a appearance or two but still I don't see a point to bringing these Wrestling Legends in. Some of these legends Tna judging by reports want to bring in have not wrestled in years. I mean yeah this will bring the rating up alittle and get there name more out of there. But what can they do Hogan is proboley the only one who is going to wrestle. Savage and Austin not sure about the Nasty boys have not wrestle in years. The only thing I see them to do is possibly manage some of the younger talent but that's it.
I really doubt it. He wouldn't be able to wrestle because of the neck and it would probably cost a lot to bring him in. I'm not saying they shouldn't bring him in at all, but it likely won't happen and wouldn't make much sense.

There is likely not a drop of truth behind this whatsoever, I bet Austin hasn't even talked to Hogan for months and Austin knows as much about him going to TNA as we do. However, it's not surprising to hear this, it seems like everyone has been rumored to have signed with TNA recently, I can't believe we haven't heard any news on the Andre the Giant front yet.
Austin going to TNA has a .001% chance of happening.

Not only has he stated he's done wrestling and wants to concentrate on acting. Like Shocky said he will not under any circumstances mess up his Legacy by joining up in any fashion with WWE's competition.

To be honest with you I don't want to see him in TNA either. I just don't think they would use him right
Don't Hogan and Austin have a beef? I can remeber reading some interviews where they took turns taking shots at each other. Anyway, I think there's a zero chance of this happening. Austin just had that pretty nice send-off some months back at Wrestlemania 25 weekend, and I doubt he would want to ruin that. Besides isn't Austin trying to focus on his movie career? Him being in TNA wouldn't help that at all.
Hogan is completely blowing smoke out of his ass, and is simply trying to get under Vince's skin with his remarks. Austin has made very clear that he is done with wrestling, and I take the man at his word.

As far as Randy Savage, I would like to see it, and could very well be a possibility. There will go Savage's Hall of Fame Induction, though, for another 30 years.

But as far as Hogan's comments about the Nasty Boys coming in .... give me a break. If Carter allows that to happen, then she is foolish. And if Hogan is being serious about this, as opposed to simply trying to stir up controversy by being the "same old Hulk Hogan", then I am really disappointed in the man. I thought he said he learned from his mistakes in the past.

But as far as Austin, this isn't going to happen, and I will take that prediction to the bank. Hogan's just trying to ruffle McMahon's feathers.

I hope this is an angle leading up to Hogan turning Heel in TNA, though.
unless I'm mistaken, doesn't Savage hate Hogan? Remember "Be A Man"? Unless I missed something and they patched up their differences. It would be cool to see Austin in TNA but like previously said most likely will not happen. Savage will be cool to see but don't know if will do anything for ratings
Hogan's bluffing. Why would Austin go to TNA? He's trying to start an acting career. His neck is on the fritz and he gets more than enough pay from WWE by just showing up on Raw for 5 minutes and stunning McMahon. Hogan has no kind of friendship with Austin. Bishoff might. But I doubt it that close of a friendship. So Austin to TNA? Its just Hulky Boy trying to pull McMahons stings. McMahon would be an idiot to fall for this one though. What kind of threat would the Nasty Boys pose? Poor Brian Knobs doesn't walk anymore. He waddles like a penguin. And even if they have any kind of creative exepertise, I don't think it will be that great.

Randy Savage to TNA? Didn't he do that already. He teamed up with Jeff Hardy. Right? Or was it with Jeff Jarrett? I know he was involved in a feud involving those two but non the less, it didn't do ratings much favors. So other than cutting a promo with Jay Lethal, what else could TNA benefit from him?

Hogan is taking this war with WWE and Vince McMahon thing way to personal. He needs to stop blowing smoke out of his ass, stop being an attention ****e, cancel all guest apperances and start working with TNA like his contract dictates. NOW!

Hogan reminds me of a bad politian. He'll promise you gold filled utopia with candy cane lamp posts, and when your stupid enough to vote for him... He just sucks the funding dry. Hulky Boy is promising the world Randy "Macho Man" Savage and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, but what happens when we listen and decide to take a look? We get "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal and Shark Boy (Creepy coincidence, huh?). Not quite what we expected, right? Dixie and Eric better put Hulk on a leash soon or else all of those Monday Night Wars II dreams are gonna go up on smoke and TNA will become a laughing stock.
Hogan has no kind of friendship with Austin. Bishoff might. But I doubt it that close of a friendship.
Austin doesn't like Bishoff and hasn't since Eric fired him from WCW over the phone. Which is another reason Austin won't go to TNA. I seriously doubt Austin will ever join a company with Eric Bishoff again unless they offer him more money than Vince did when they were on RAW together.
Well, I am sure it wont happen and if it does, it would cause a buzz like no other in the industry. However, the news about The Nasty Boys, well all I can say is ,"Please God NO!" TNA has a very healthy Tag Team division and we just don't need this garbage stinking it up. The ONLY way it would work is if it was a short term thing where they feud with Team 3D so Team 3D can go on and say that's another legendary tag team they have beaten in their careers. Other than that, not something I really want to see.
It's another Russo swerve and another case of TNA celebrity jockriding.

Steve Austin will make an appearance at the Pay Per View.

But it will be Lee Majors, the Bionic Man Steve Austin.
Hogans full of shit. Stone Cold isn't stepping foot in a TNA ring, building, or the fucking impact zone. This just makes Hogan and TNA look like the jokes they are.
Hogan should bring in Hall and restart the nwo with him and Nash, very much doubt that will happen though!

On Austin going, he would never go, Austin basically is the Wwe, he'll probably do something at Wrestlemania 26, he would never jump to Tna, and even if he did I would doubt that the ratings would go up, I'm not saying that Austin wouldn't draw a big crowd, Austin would be a massive draw, it's just the fact that tna is on a channel that hardly anyone has, or so I assume from the ratings and how people seem to say they don't have that channel! I haven't watch tna in a while myself, haven't been able to.
I listened to the show today and never heard Stone Cold's name I did hear Steve Austin, so maybe it might be like a Gillberg thing. I'm pretty sure Savage hates Hogan, but he may want to go stir the pot since Vince won't put him in "his" HOF. I thought the HOF was for the fans, but you know Hogan and Vince are just alike, the have MASSIVE EGO'S and won't put business first, only their pride and names. I don't ever see Austin ruining the chance of a WWE pay day, just to go to TNA, and I think he hates Bishoff and always has since he did get fired by letter from Bishoff cuz they had not interest in a man in Black tights and bald. Nasty boys, OK who cares about these guys, they sucked 15 years ago and would suck even more now. Hogan is running his mouth off and not doing nothing for TNA, what is his job in the company to show up at PPV once or twice, if he's going to work for TNA then get on the damn tapings. Stop promoting your book at a book store, How about get on National TV and promote it you idiot. How about make the company take off like you say and stop promoting your ego. Hogan my advice to you, is if you want your legacy to be more than a big boot, leg drop and pushing your massive ego while burying the next group of starts. Get to TNA start helping the company and building new stars, or are you just afraid that one of them may become bigger than you. NO matter how much I hate your ego, you'll always be one of the biggest stars and your name is sacred with wrestling, but do you want to be a Legend or a GOD? Help the company that probably wasted their money on you and you'll just bury the company like you did WCW.
no way in hell will stone cold go to tna. 1: he is still under contract with wwe films so under contract with wwe. 2: steve knows it was wwe and vince that pushed him and helped make him who he is and will remain loyal to him and to wwe. will we ever see stonce cold in a ring again yes but in a wwe ring and not wrestling it will be a one off maybe two.
Its funny how many people are "Austin will never got to TNA 100%" , after all the latest news you would think most of you would learn NEVER say never.

If Someone said to you a month back, Hulk Hogan And Eric Bischoff are going to TNA wrestling in 1 months time ..... u would have laffed untll death. But ohh wait, it happened didnt it ?

As i would agree it is highly unlikey, NEVER ever ever say never in this business. With all the latest coming out of the TNA camp, you cant help but think could this be another HUGE piece of news ready to be released soon ?
Part of me would be thrilled to see this happen? How will it tarnish him? He and Hogan are the biggest stars ever, theres nothing McMahon could do to change that.

The thing I would be excited for is what McMahon would do. If SC ever went to TNA, the ratings would go up, no questions asked. Vince would have to do something to shake everything up, and that would be to throw a billion bucks at the Rock to make some appearances, that would be HUGE, esp if he can still go. Everyone says he wouldn't come back, but if everything else happened, Vinnie would give him all the money in the world to come back.
While I know you never say never in this business, I will say it in this instance. I can't see Austin ever going to TNA. It makes no sense on any level. If it did happen I would have to think Vince is purposefully invading TNA. At the end of the day, theres alot Austin can offer TNA, and nothing TNA can really offer Austin. I think Hogan is trying to stir up more interest and theres nothing wrong with that, just don't get too excited unless it happens. As Bischoff has said controversy creates cash, and if you have people tuning in to see if Austin shows up that helping ratings and making money whether or not Austin shows up. As far as the Nasty Boys, god I hope not. They wouldnt be able to contribute anything to a tag division that is already way over on its own merits. Not too mention that last time I saw Knobs he was so out of shape im not sure he could do a real match. Not saying it to be mean, just calling it like i see it.
I agree with the comments above, NEVER SAY NEVER! Austin could help TNA out tremendously in an on air role, like when he was GM for Raw. If Hogan could convince Dixie that Stone Cold is worth the money then who knows. This could also work for Austin as a platform to push and plug his movies.

As far as people saying that it will never happen because Austin won't let his legacy get ruined? Lets not forget this is a guy who once apon a time walked out of the WWE completely because he wanted more money. Austin is a buisness man and will go where ever is best for him.

As for Savage and the Nasty Boys? Savage has been out of the public eye for too long in my opinion and Father Time has not been all that good to him. Knobbs and Saggs used to be a pretty cool team, but like Savage, it has simply been too long since their last major wrestling appearance to really make any impact. Saggs actually looks to be in pretty good shape, but Knobbs is just really fat. They belong on the inderpendants doing the nostalgia thing, not taking up TNA's TV time when guys like Lethal Conquences and MCMG struggle for air time as it is.

But I like what Hogan is doing. The saying used to be "Anything can happen in the WWE!", but most of us know there are alot of things that won't happen in WWE. Right now though, Anything CAN happen in TNA. Austin is one of them.
lol yea right,Hogan just said that to get people to watch TNA hoping he might show up,you know like TNA did when they used Goldberg and Brock Lesnars names awhile ago for i forgot what. The day Austin goes to TNA is the day i trade my PS3 in for an Xbox360.
Stone Cold Steve Austin going to TNA wud be the equivelancy of Michael Jordan going to play baseball, ie: pointless and a waste of time. I mean it may sound appealing, but honestly it would only down grade Austin in the worse way possible and would possibly even ruin his legacy. He would do nothing for the company, honestly. I mean personally, Stone Cold on TNA is not gonna make me wanna watch it anymore than i do now...time money, fans all wasted
Hogan isn't above dropping names to get the rub to put himself over.

Yeah, it's true, "never say never" in wrestling, but, wouldn't TNA be a step backwards for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin? From sold out arenas around the world to a second rate tourist attraction in Florida known as "The Impact Zone?"

I know Austin has a number of alimony checks with ex-wives eager to cash as they are holding out their hands, but, I don't think Austin is THAT much in trouble to ****e out his legacy in the WWF/WWE to go to TNA (at least the current incarnation of TNA).

For the most part, Austin left wrestling on a high note and he's too smart to allow a return to wrestling, and especially TNA to spoil all he's done in the 90's. And I'm sure if he needed the cash, WWE would find projects for him. WWE loves putting over the Austin/McMahon era and have no problems milking as much as they can from it.

I chuckled when it was suggest earlier here that we'd be seeing Lee Majors as the Bionic Man's character Steve Austin because that could quite possibly happen! Majors could use the work.

Savage, on the other hand, I'm sure wouldn't mind Dixie signing a few checks his way. Again, given the past history between he and Hogan, it would be surprising to see. However, IF Savage ends up appearing on TNA TV... TNA WOULD see some solid ratings from it. Numbers that the WWE wouldn't be nervous over, but, they would be the best in TNA's history.

Nasty Boys in TNA? If that happens , it would sum up the direction Hogan would take TNA in a nutshell.

By the way, didn't Dixie Carter ban TNA talent from appearing on The Bubba The Love Sponge radio show only a couple of weeks ago? Gots to love the politics.

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