[Official] ROH Thread

well, i guess it would depend on who he was booked against, i mean if they built some hype around, say, Morishima getting his long awaited rematch against Nigel for the ROH title, and hold it for the UK NOAH show, it could be intriguing...it would help with interest in the show, and perhaps dvd sales.

but i do see your point clearly, and it is a shame that they arent traveling back there this year, because they have put on great shows there the last couple of years
Nigel McGuinness in NOAH wouldn't make the slightes bit of difference to the ammount of people who want to go to the show. The quality of wrestling that we get here is so poor it'll sell out in no time. The hardcore fans don't want to see a fat builder who does weekend wrestling. Nor do they want to see WWE performers do half assed matches and pose for kids.
And it looks like Austin Aries is going to be joining Age of the Fall soon. With his recent attitude change he has had it seems like a good idea, i mean with the power strugle that will occur between Jimmy and Austin.

I disagree. IMO it would damage the momentum and credibility of AOTF to have two stars of this caliber fighting for control of the group. They have gained such a fanbase and so much momentum. Their angle is really standing out and I would hate to see this damaged. I also believe it would be a step back for Aries to join a stable again. The guy is doing awesome right now and has stepped back into contention for the ROH Title. I'd love to see him go on another run. Aries and McGuinness having a best of seven would be flat-out amazing. Say instead of Aries actually joining AOTF, Jacobs approaches him about joining the group until it turns into a feud. Jacobs, Aries, and McGuinness all feuding for both pride and the title? Sounds like a great program, especially considering all three men are masters at the multiple-man match. Any other thoughts?
I disagree. IMO it would damage the momentum and credibility of AOTF to have two stars of this caliber fighting for control of the group. They have gained such a fanbase and so much momentum. Their angle is really standing out and I would hate to see this damaged. I also believe it would be a step back for Aries to join a stable again. The guy is doing awesome right now and has stepped back into contention for the ROH Title. I'd love to see him go on another run. Aries and McGuinness having a best of seven would be flat-out amazing. Say instead of Aries actually joining AOTF, Jacobs approaches him about joining the group until it turns into a feud. Jacobs, Aries, and McGuinness all feuding for both pride and the title? Sounds like a great program, especially considering all three men are masters at the multiple-man match. Any other thoughts?

I have to agree, I've been thinking about Aries in AOTF, and I don't think it would be good, it would as you said damage the faction, which is one of the best if not the best faction in ROH, I wouldn't mind seeing a Aries/AOTF feud though, i think that would be great I would love to see Aries vs. Black, Aries vs. Necro, and Aries vs. Jacobs, maybe have the Aries vs. Jacobs turn into a contenders match, or series, both those guys are so fucking great, two of my favorites in ROH right now, and I think they could have a hell of a feud, could be similer to what they did with the Jacobs/Whitmore feud awhile back (year or two ago I beleive), have it end in a cage match or something, I think that would be fucking sick

Last night at the Ring of Honor event in Chicago Ridge, Illinois, The No Remorse Corps' Davey Richards and Rocky Romero captured the ROH Tag Team championships Age of the Fall's Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs in an Ultimate Endurance match.

So we got new Tag champs, and they are the NRC, I'm liking this move, NRC is great, and next to AOTF, who are just in a league of there own, in that there is nothing else like them in wrestling right now, I never expected AOTF to drop the titles this soon after winning them, but glad they dropped them to such a great team in Richards & Romero, was anyone here at this show BTW, I love to know more about what happened in this match, I imagine is was pretty damn good
If you go to the message board on ROH's website they have detailed results of the match. I was at the Dayton show where Age of the Fall got there own seggment of the show right after intermission and up until the cage match they were around. Lost three strait also, i have no idea where there are going with this. AOTF hada bad weekend which might lead to the Aries thing, During the Q and A session he was very much at odds with the crowd and acting very "dark" and Jacobs did extend an open invite to Aires to join AOTF, so only time will tell where this goes, either way we will be enertained. It is nice to be suprised every once in a wile. BTW just watched that Philly street fight from DBD V night two that RVDgurl spoke so highly of and must agree it was bad effin ass. The Hero Mcguinness cage match in dayton was great also, the crowd was super hot for the whole thing. and thats and AAD post from and ADD guy.
Well on June 27th(i might be wrong on the date), ROH champion Nigel McGuinness will wrestle NWA champion Adam Pearce in a title for title match.

what does everyone think about this match?

i personally think that Nigel will walk out with both belts because the NWA needs a champion with more exposer, and Nigel has it. IT will also set up Nigel as a major heel player in both companys.
I will be honest. I have not seen much Ring of Honor and can't keep up with it regulary. But what I have seen of it has got me hooked. ROH is a great wrestling promotion and I will tell you why.

First of it has real pro wrestling. And no I don't mean that by non-scripted. It has the type of wrestling I enjoy seeing. Great technical wrestling combined with some good bumps and spots plus some other good stuff I enjoy. It doesn't have stupid gimmicks or dumb angles. It draws fans on it's wrestling. Not it's soap opera angles. I like a few angles and gimmicks every now and then but not the stuff WWE provides. ROH is proof you don't need gimmicks and angles to draw fans or excite me. ROH is proof all you need to do is be able to work.

The crowds. The crowds are just good. They get excited and mark out when they see something they like. And they are not afraid to show disgust at something they don't enjoy. They have simple, yet classic, chants. They remind me of the original ECW fans.

And finally the talent. ROH has some amazing talent. Bryan Danielson, Matt Cross, The Briscoes, Nigel McGuinness, Doug Williams, Matt Cross, Brent Albright, Austin Aries, The Necro Butcher and many others. Most of these guys can out wrestle half of the WWE roster. You know, they could outwrestle the likes of John Cena, Triple H, Batista, Snitsky, Khali, Hornswoggle, and prolly more.

In closing thoughts I must say ROH>WWE. Am I saying I am anti-WWE. No I am not. I watch WWE every week and still enjoy it. I am just saying that at the point i enjoy ROH better than WWE. I wish I had regular access to ROH but I don't which sucks. And to all ROH doubters out there, if you want a soap opera, watch Days of our Lives. If you want wrestling, watch ROH.
And finally the talent. ROH has some amazing talent. Bryan Danielson, Matt Cross, The Briscoes, Nigel McGuinness, Doug Williams, Matt Cross, Brent Albright, Austin Aries, The Necro Butcher and many others. Most of these guys can out wrestle half of the WWE roster. You know, they could outwrestle the likes of John Cena, Triple H, Batista, Snitsky, Khali, Hornswoggle, and prolly more.

You have to remember the difference in booking style between the two companies. From what I have seen from ROH, which is limited, it seems that they do not limit their talent. On the other side you have a huge company which invests tons of money into their talent who they don't want getting hurt, botching anything on live TV or showing up the main event guys, which limits the big spots.

What I saw of ROH I liked. I just think that it will be a jump of point for guys into TNA and WWE, similar to the talent raids of ECW. Hell didn't Jim Ross say in one of his blogs that WWE should invest in ROH or something?
Well unfortunatly, I also see ROH as a breeding ground for WWE and TNA talent.

I have seen some ROH stuff and It is very good.IMO
Like it has been said before, ROH has a wide talent roster, and a new big time heel at the head of the company Nigel Mcguinness. Also they have some amazing factions like AOTF, sweet& sour inc., the no remorse corps. The storylines and angles that are used are simple but effective. It isnt the best company out there, but i believe if they had more money they could easily compete with TNA for the number two spot.
I agree to that they could compete for the number 2 spot. ROH is different and alot of people to me seen it they would want more and it has the best wrestling in the world. roh has a little bit of everything for everyone if alot of people could see roh they would be hoohed just like me it took 1 match for me in 2003 and i was hooked and that match was joe vs punk vs homicide and thats where i made my prediction of punk and said he would be the future of the wwe and win a world title from the wwe. it is just amazing but i find it hard to talk about roh with people either they don't know what it is or they hate it.
Well unfortunatly, I also see ROH as a breeding ground for WWE and TNA talent.

I have seen some ROH stuff and It is very good.IMO
Like it has been said before, ROH has a wide talent roster, and a new big time heel at the head of the company Nigel Mcguinness. Also they have some amazing factions like AOTF, sweet& sour inc., the no remorse corps. The storylines and angles that are used are simple but effective. It isnt the best company out there, but i believe if they had more money they could easily compete with TNA for the number two spot.

All Indy feds are breeding ground for WWE and TNA talent. That's just the nature of the beast. ROH is by far my favorite company, but it is not meant to appeal to the masses as WWE and TNA are. I fear that a bigger budget and more production value would water down the product much like what happened to ECW in 2000. At this stage of the game, ROH is the alternative to mainstream wrestling I don't feel that they are attempting to compete with the WWE or TNA.
I'm glad to see this topic getting more discussion. It was at a stalemate for a while after peazy420's january post...

Anyway, I'll get to the point...
I agree with what RVDGurl said. ROH is comfortable with its current position. When asked in an interview with current_tv, officials even stated that they do not want to compete with WWE or TNA. They are doing what they are doing because it is what they love and the workers feel the same. ROH is fantastic exposure for the workers to attain their ultimate dream, that is if ROH is not the dream itself, as I know many workers-myself included-who would be ecstatic to be a mainstay on the ROH roster. But the matches-and even the storylines-speak for themselves. Think about what they are doing. Sweet and Sour Inc buying out the roster, AOTF vs. Aries/Lacey/Briscoes/THE WORLD, Richards taking out Strong after his HELLACIOUS war with Stevens, Delirious/Daizee/Rhett Titus/Nigel's controversial run, Pearce defending the NWA title in ROH, and all of this goes on with the focus of the website and the promotion remaining primarily on one thing... the action in the ring. I challenge any wrestling fan to go to rohvideos.com and watch the roh video wires from start to finish and tell me ROH is not entertaining and even innovative.
ROH discussion yay lol. Anyways, what bugs me is some fans think that ROH got the PPV deal to compete with WWE & ROH. Thats not their intention. Cary isn't that dumb or naive. ROH couldn't compete with WWE or even ROH when they have limited disturbution. TNA & WWE have weekly TV shows, the closet thing ROH have are the video wires. But the whole point of the PPV's is to get more coverage and get their name out. It's a logic step in business.
I will be honest. I have not seen much Ring of Honor and can't keep up with it regulary. But what I have seen of it has got me hooked. ROH is a great wrestling promotion and I will tell you why.

First of it has real pro wrestling. And no I don't mean that by non-scripted. It has the type of wrestling I enjoy seeing. Great technical wrestling combined with some good bumps and spots plus some other good stuff I enjoy. It doesn't have stupid gimmicks or dumb angles. It draws fans on it's wrestling. Not it's soap opera angles. I like a few angles and gimmicks every now and then but not the stuff WWE provides. ROH is proof you don't need gimmicks and angles to draw fans or excite me. ROH is proof all you need to do is be able to work.

The crowds. The crowds are just good. They get excited and mark out when they see something they like. And they are not afraid to show disgust at something they don't enjoy. They have simple, yet classic, chants. They remind me of the original ECW fans.

And finally the talent. ROH has some amazing talent. Bryan Danielson, Matt Cross, The Briscoes, Nigel McGuinness, Doug Williams, Matt Cross, Brent Albright, Austin Aries, The Necro Butcher and many others. Most of these guys can out wrestle half of the WWE roster. You know, they could outwrestle the likes of John Cena, Triple H, Batista, Snitsky, Khali, Hornswoggle, and prolly more.

In closing thoughts I must say ROH>WWE. Am I saying I am anti-WWE. No I am not. I watch WWE every week and still enjoy it. I am just saying that at the point i enjoy ROH better than WWE. I wish I had regular access to ROH but I don't which sucks. And to all ROH doubters out there, if you want a soap opera, watch Days of our Lives. If you want wrestling, watch ROH.

Wow, you really have alot wrong. Matt Cross is a better worker than HHH. That had me laughing my ass off. Matt Cross matches have no psychology what so ever. Cross's match are just amazing display of athleticism, Sure it looks "cool" but it isn't real wrestling. Imo a good worker can make a crowd pop for a DDT or a elbow. For Matt Cross to make a crowd pop, he has to nearly kill himself. Same with the Briscoes. They're in no way shape or form the greatest tag team in the world. People complain about how Cena does the same shit every match, Well a Briscoe's match is made up of 10 minutes of the same high spots they do every match, and then 20 minutes of near falls.

Anyways the point i want to make is WWE and ROH styles are way different. WWE focus more on storytelling and psychology , something alot of ROH's roster lacks. There are some guys who are pretty good storytellers like, Dragon, Nigel, Aries, Claudio, Hero, and a few others, but alot of their guys need to put logic in their matches rather than 100 moves a minute.

Anyways. It's stupid to say wrestlers don't have gimmicks, every wrestler has a gimmick of some sort even having no gimmick is a gimmick(I.E Chris Benoit). To say ROH doesn't have gimmicks is stupid. Larry Sweeney, Hero, Nigel, Claudio, Dragon, Toland, etc all have gimmicks. So to say they don't have gimmicks is dumb. And if you take gimmicks out of wrestling all you have is Wrestler A Vs wrestler B.

ROH does have storylines and "soap opera" angles. The 1 year bulid up of Lacey and Jimmy, The AOTF, Aries v NRC, etc. So again its silly to say they don't.

Some of the live crowds they perform infront of are terrible. They try to get themselves over, and its nearly impossible to get the angles over. Indy crowds are the worst crowds, the wrestlers have to nearly kill themselves to get over. It's like some of them are there to criticise the show instead of have a good time. When i go to wrestling shows i have fun, i don't got to say "oh that guy can't work or fuck that was only a *** match".

I am a fan of ROH, but it is still a sports entertainment promotion, so its dumb to say it isn't.
July 30th: This is a big newswire with lots of news for many upcoming events. Remember, every ticket for all shows are now $5 off at www.ROHwrestling.com until Thursday morning including this Saturday's return to the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan, NY. This will be the place to be. Right now, we will start with the next event, which will take place this Friday in Manassas, VA. The entire card is now set. Just added to the show are Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. NWA World Heavyweight Champion Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn as well as Pelle Primeau vs. Rex Sterling, who is one of the top local wrestlers. Sean Denny, another local star, will also see action on the preshow. We have a look at the entire lineup below with the triple main event.

July 30th: ROH "Respect Is Earned II" is set to premiere on PPV this Friday, August 1st, on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network and TVN cable systems. It is also on iN DEMAND's primary PPV channel this Sunday at 6pm and The DISH's All Day Ticket this Sunday. If you have the 3rd PPV channel on iN DEMAND it is on this Saturday at 8pm. There are plenty of great chances this weekend to see a damn great pro wrestling show. The first reviews are in from critics who have seen advanced copies and they are already raving about ROH "Respect Is Earned II" (check out http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=2180 for lineup and more details). "From top to bottom, if you want athletics in your wrestling, you want ROH, who start their second year of PPVs the same as their first - with a wrestling PPV focused on great wrestling." - Mike Johnson at PWinsider.com

July 30th: Attention fans in Boston!!! ROH is bringing a PPV taping to Boston at the beautiful Boston University campus on September 19th. This will be the biggest ROH event to ever come to Boston. Now it is New England's chance to show everyone what ROH in Boston is all about. The first match for PPV taping #9 in Boston will be announced next week. Save $5 on all tickets now at ROHwrestling.com and experience ROH PPV live!!!

July 30th: Don't worry Philadelphia we haven't forgotten about you. ROH is set to return to Philly on 9/20 at the New Alhambra Arena (formerly ECW Arena). This show will be "Glory By Honor VII" so you know we are coming to this historic building with both barrels firing. We'll have much more news for this event starting next week in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire.

July 30th: The buy 3, get 1 FREE sale on ROH DVDs continues until Thursday morning at ROHwrestling.com. ROH has had a great run of DVDs lately and now you can catch up by getting free DVDs. The more you buy, the more free DVDs you get. Check the main page of www.ROHwrestling.com for details and get these ROH releases for FREE:
-"Take No Prisoners" (entire PPV on DVD with the Nigel McGuinness vs. Tyler Black match of the year candidate plus bonus match from Japan with Briscoes vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Suguira)
-"Tag Wars 2008" (Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black vs. Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, Briscoes vs. Austin Aries & Kota Ibushi)
-"Return Engagement" (Briscoes vs. Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin II, El Generico vs. Kota Ibushi)
-"Southern Navigation" (one of the best semi & main event combos of the year with Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black and No Remorse Corps vs. Morishima, Marufuji & Shiozaki)
-"A New Level" (ROH's must see debut in the Hammerstein Ballroom. This is the new standard)
-"Up For Grabs" (newest release is a one night, eight team tourney for the vacant ROH World Tag Team Titles)
-"Death Before Dishonor III" (a must for all CM Punk fans)
-Plus over 200 more titles including Best Ofs, Straight Shootin' Series, Secrets Of The Ring and more!!!

July 30th: FIP World Heavyweight Champion Erick Stevens says he will be a fighting champion. He plans to put the belt on the line at both the 8/15 Cleveland and 8/16 Chicago events. We will have his opponents next week after the happenings of this upcoming weekend.

July 30th: Kenny King is looking to make an impact when he returns to ROH on 8/15 in Cleveland and 8/16 in Chicago. He has demanded top competition and ROH officials have answered. 8/15 in Cleveland will see King immediately thrown into the fire as he tests himself against "The Best Wrestler In The World" Bryan Danielson. It won't get any easier on 8/16 in Chicago as King faces Kevin Steen. How will King fare against two of ROH's best? Will he do or die?

July 30th: There will be main event quality matches announced for Cleveland and Chicago next week in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire after the happenings of this weekend.

July 30th: News about ROH's shows in Japan is coming at any moment...

July 30th: The fans of Virginia made ROH's debut in Manassas a big success and now it is time for the encore. You earned another ROH show so now we will deliver with a triple main event this Friday. Here is the current lineup:

Ring Of Honor
Sports Network and Fitness Inc.
August 1st, 2008- 8:00pm belltime
8320 Quarry Road
Manassas, VA 20110

Save $5 on all tickets at www.ROHwrestling.com until Thursday morning.

Main Event #1- ROH World Tag Team Title Match
Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black defend vs. Naomichi Marufuji & Go Shiozaki

Main Event #2- ROH World Title Match
Nigel McGuinness defends vs. Ruckus

Main Event #3- Dream Tag Team Match
Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries vs. The Motor City Machine Guns of Alex Shelly & Chris Sabin

Rematch From "Injustice"
Roderick Strong vs. Necro Butcher

Grudge Match
Chris Hero with with Larry Sweeney, Sara Del Rey & Bobby Dempsey vs. Brent Albright

Special Challenge Match
Delirious vs. Rhett Titus

Tag Team Attraction
Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. NWA World Heavyweight Champion Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn

Bonus Match
Pelle Primeau vs. Rex Sterling

Also signed: Daizee Haze, Sean Denny and others!!!

-Here is the latest newswire realeased late last night and i feel that it hypes the pay-per-view and the show tomorrow.

both events seem very packed however the virginia show tomorrow just seems like a set up for saturday's show in the hammerstein ballroom.
Also, i like how they are trying to elevate new talent but their are many more worthy challengers for nigel then Ruckus.

What is everyone else's thoughts?
I truly agree with TNA smark. ROH is an upcoming company with a good atmosphere and alot of great talent. Think of bryan danielson,roderick strong,austin aries,jack evans,and my favorites the briscoes. Also them teaming up with other companies with great talent makes it even better. So I completely agree with TNA Smark.
ROH is by far, my favorite wrestling promotion in the world.

IMO, Ring of Honor is better then WWE in a wrestling aspect, but, not in production value and other because...simply they don't have that kind of money.
I watch ROH because IMO, the wrestling is so much better, it is more entertaining. In ROH, the tag titles are just as important as the World title, in WWE...Tag Titles...lol...please. Ring of Honor doesn't need to compete with WWE or TNA, nor should they. They are doing completely fine right now. The point I am trying to make is I watch ROH, because it is the closest thing to professional wrestling...not sports entertainment.
I agree with you completly Draman27, ROH doesnt even need to compete because it is just fine the way it is.

and the tag titles are really something in ROH, for example, tonights show was main evented by the tag title match. I dont think that has ever happened in the WWE before..

O and Draman27, Who do you think will walk out of the Hammerstein show tomorrow as the ROH champion?
personally, i think nigel will be elimanated but then the time limit will expire and nigel will still retain his title(although I would be just fine with a Tyler Black victory..)
I agree with you completly Draman27, ROH doesnt even need to compete because it is just fine the way it is.

and the tag titles are really something in ROH, for example, tonights show was main evented by the tag title match. I dont think that has ever happened in the WWE before..

O and Draman27, Who do you think will walk out of the Hammerstein show tomorrow as the ROH champion?
personally, i think nigel will be elimanated but then the time limit will expire and nigel will still retain his title(although I would be just fine with a Tyler Black victory..)

Man, I wish I was going tomorrow...I live in NYC. My first live ROH event will be the next show in the Hammerstein which is rumored to be Final Battle 08.

Anyway, I think the main event tomorrow can be a MOTYC...I am not a big fan of Claudio...but I love the other 3.
I see Nigel eliminating Claudio, Tyler eliminating Nigel, and then I agree with you with the time limit draw thing. The fan's will go absolutely nuts. Also, I think since, if Claudio loses tomorrow, he leaves ROH right...well here's the problem. Larry Sweeney owns his contract :) So expect him to be the next guy in Sweet and Sour lol...Just my thought.

I would love for Tyler to win the belt, but I am enjoying Nigel's reign so much...I just don't know.
Well if claudio becomes a member of SNS, i think he will eventually turn like albright did. If pearce keeps his NWA title tonight, then maybe claudio can go after that eventually..

But in the main event I would be fine with anyone of them winning really, but I think if they do The time limit draw the crowd might actually riot lol
I see it being claudio elimanates nigel, then nigel gets involved to get claudio elimanated, and finally black and dragon wrestle to a draw....itll be awesome but Ill have to wait for the DVD to see it
Well Nigel was able to slip away with the ROH title after an amazing elimanation fatal four way last saturday...

now he moves on to a defense against El Generico(OLE!) and if Nigel survives that, then he will defend against jimmy jachobs in japan..

I personally think that he will win in both defenses before he finally will drop it on PPV to dragon(as they seem to be building that on PPVs)
I think If I'm a ROH fan at this point, I'm starting to get a little nervous. Why you say, simple, the WWE is simply beginning to recognize your product, and if that happens, it's not just bad news, it's horrible news.

ROH is getting more love by the "big two" then ECW in the 90's ever did. ECW was a talent pool, but it was simply talent that the big two used to get over it's midcard talent. Only one ECW wrestler ever broke the mold, and it took him nearly a decade to do it, and that was Rob Van Dam.

Look what's happened now in around five years of ROH. Samoa Joe is the champion of the second biggest company stateside, and CM Punk is a champion of one of the major titles in all of the business, and not just that, has been champion for a while now. Now, the WWE has decided to put Kendrick (sure he was in the WWE first, but really re-established himself in ROH), in a championship match on a pay per view. Plus there are reports of Danielson and Morishima getting dark match tryouts for Raw.

This is good for ROH, as in, the WWE is now beginning to recognize it, but it's a double edged sword. Now that the WWE is recognizing that ROH guys might just work out, they are going to bleed that well dry.
Depends Shocky. The one thing that ROH lacks in my eyes is characters. There are characters & gimmicks. But nothing that really stands out. So while WWE might take a shine to Morishima & Danielson, they're easily replaced. There are plenty of bland indy guys out there. Which is exactly what Danielson is. But that's unimportant to ROH as it's all about the style of wrestling. There's no need to replace Morishima or Danielson, but they could if they wanted to. It's Austin Aries who'd be more of a loss. I have no idea why WWE haven't appeared to show any intrest in him. The only things I can think of are steroids & a lack of height and reputation.
I think ROH is an amazing promotion that I hold a very high opinion on. I agree with King Jake, in the sense that it does lack characters. But there isn't much you can do when you don't have TV time except what you can..And what they CAN do is give us some DAMN good wrestling, along with some storylines if you have the time to catch the news wires.

Not everybody is lucky enough to catch them though, so it's hard to follow what's actually going on.
I think If I'm a ROH fan at this point, I'm starting to get a little nervous. Why you say, simple, the WWE is simply beginning to recognize your product, and if that happens, it's not just bad news, it's horrible news.

ROH is getting more love by the "big two" then ECW in the 90's ever did. ECW was a talent pool, but it was simply talent that the big two used to get over it's midcard talent. Only one ECW wrestler ever broke the mold, and it took him nearly a decade to do it, and that was Rob Van Dam.

Look what's happened now in around five years of ROH. Samoa Joe is the champion of the second biggest company stateside, and CM Punk is a champion of one of the major titles in all of the business, and not just that, has been champion for a while now. Now, the WWE has decided to put Kendrick (sure he was in the WWE first, but really re-established himself in ROH), in a championship match on a pay per view. Plus there are reports of Danielson and Morishima getting dark match tryouts for Raw.

This is good for ROH, as in, the WWE is now beginning to recognize it, but it's a double edged sword. Now that the WWE is recognizing that ROH guys might just work out, they are going to bleed that well dry.

I agree. As a huge ECW fan, I saw what the WWE and WCW did to that company and unfortunately it looks as though ROH is next to be picked apart. As an ROH fan I can only hope that management is run better than ECW was and that ROH will be able to continue to rejuvenate themselves with new talent.

I have to say that I have been pretty happy with the way that the WWE in particular has used their ROH talent. Punk has kept the integrity of his character and for a while Kendrick and London were the top notch tag team. I saw Matt Sydal in a WWE for the first time on ECW this past Tuesday, and I was impressed. The WWE has allowed him to keep some of his edge.

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