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[Official] ROH Thread

Hey I heard that former ROH stars Colt Cabana and Matt Sydal have signed WWE developmental deals, a few questions about both:

A. What are some of each of their best matches and where can they be found?
B. What can I expect from them fighting style wise? My only real knowledge of former ROH stars is X-Division Guys, CM Punk and of Course Mr AUSTIN ARIES!
C. Sorry but gotta get my money's worth- Do u think they will be able to adapt to WWE style and be successful like Punk has been?!


Well even though RVDgurl already answered your question, and she's hit everything right on, I'd say tyhat if you havn't seen Cobana in ROH, then your missing out, I think Cabana may be one of my all time favorite ROH guys, I would suggest picking up the Best of Colt Cabana, and then ypou should also get the Good Times Great Memories show (Cabana's last ROH show)

I do think Cabana could be some what successful in WWE, at the very least he could be as successful as Punk IMO, Cobana is a rarity, he is one of the few guys WWE has in a developmental deal that can both cut great promos, and wrestle great matches, of course his moves and wrestling style would be a bit watered down, but I think he could be a success in WWE, especially if they let him talk

As for Sydal, I don't think he'll be that successful in WWE though, if they even decide to bring him up, I think the only way you'll see Sydal in WWE is if he's part of a tag team
wow... its a shame that this thread has died out...

but yes, i will have to agree with AustinAriesMArk. ROH Punk was pretty much awesome. Prepare to be impressed by Cabana as well. Check out their debut match from Night of the Butcher on December 7th of 2002 and then watch how much they grew within the company in Punk's last match at Punk: The Final Chapter on August 13th of 2005 (also against Cabana) and Colt's last match from Good Times, Great Memories from April 28th of 2007. Anyone who still wants to talk ROH... PLEEEEEEEEEASE POST!
Weird I thought this thread died...I just have to say that I'm excited about Aries/McGuiness and that match should be one of the best ever...I really wish my area could get the ROH PPVs and I have yet to really get in-depth with my knowledge of the matches they've had and such...one more thing...does anyone else feel that Kevin Steen and El Generico are a phenomenal pairing?
Weird I thought this thread died...I just have to say that I'm excited about Aries/McGuiness and that match should be one of the best ever...I really wish my area could get the ROH PPVs and I have yet to really get in-depth with my knowledge of the matches they've had and such...one more thing...does anyone else feel that Kevin Steen and El Generico are a phenomenal pairing?

I am a huge fan of Steen & Generico. I think it's a brilliant pairing. Both of these guys are solid in the ring and can entertain as well as anyone else. They play the comedic role especially well as Steen is masterful at feeding off of Generico. They're year long fued with the briscoes yielded some of the more entertaining tag team matches that I have seen in a long time.
I went to the show in dayton last month, great show. the PPV match with the briscoes vs richards and romero was great. looking forword to the aries/mcguinnes match this week, nigels gonna hold on to the belt though, you can already tell by the upcoming bookings they have, but the show will be great, it won't be as awesome as the claudio/hero match (btw, i am huge mark for hero and the sweet n sour gang, what an amazing heel group that is fun to watch and funny) because well, its claudio and chris hero and well CHRIS IS AWESOME (clap clap clap clap clap clap), i got tickets to like three show already next year and look forword to see what ROH is gonna come up with this year.
Does anyone else feel that if Jimmy Rave were brought back to ROH, he could be a MONSTER heel? Watching some of his old matches I can't help but see that his psychology is pretty good and he has great mat skills. Get him to talk a bit better and you've got some gold...
meh... i always thought rave was overrated. honestly, i liked his earlier stuff better, back in 01-02 in his czw days. when they made him the crown jewel of the embassy his ring work seemed to take a hit. but i think that if he performed to the full extent of his capabilities (since you have to remember he was unhappy with the direction of his character before he left, therefore his ring work would naturally reflect) that he could be a solid contender for the roh title.
I got a quick completely unrelated question. Am I the only one really unhappy with the in-ring direction of ROH lately? Not so much the upper-card guys - they are as good as anyone who has ever stepped into an ROH ring. Great work, fantastic psychology etc. But more-so with the mid and lower-card guys. They seem to be getting booked in a very X-Division manner. Completely absent of psychology, overly fast-paced, way too many high spots, way too many dives to the outside etc. etc.

Maybe its just me, but I am so over that style. I'd much prefer to see a hard-hitting, mat-based, shoot style in the ring. Just for the simple believability of it as opposed to other styles.

Besides, its gotten to a point in ROH where it is just overkill. When you have Jack and Matt Cross, Primeau, Generico, Jigsaw and even guys like Hero going nuts on acrobatics when evryone knows he and the others have so much more to offer its insulting. They are treating educated fans like the average TNA mark who just wants to see a dive to have the opportunity to chant TNA. Noticed how thats the only time those letters are chanted in the ImpactZone these days? Even the Briscoes are tending to wrestle in a more acrobatic fashion lately. They always had their spots, but its now getting ridiculous. The regularity of the spots and the number of spots has increased exponentially.

Anyone else think the same?
I got a quick completely unrelated question. Am I the only one really unhappy with the in-ring direction of ROH lately? Not so much the upper-card guys - they are as good as anyone who has ever stepped into an ROH ring. Great work, fantastic psychology etc. But more-so with the mid and lower-card guys. They seem to be getting booked in a very X-Division manner. Completely absent of psychology, overly fast-paced, way too many high spots, way too many dives to the outside etc. etc.

Maybe its just me, but I am so over that style. I'd much prefer to see a hard-hitting, mat-based, shoot style in the ring. Just for the simple believability of it as opposed to other styles.

Besides, its gotten to a point in ROH where it is just overkill. When you have Jack and Matt Cross, Primeau, Generico, Jigsaw and even guys like Hero going nuts on acrobatics when evryone knows he and the others have so much more to offer its insulting. They are treating educated fans like the average TNA mark who just wants to see a dive to have the opportunity to chant TNA. Noticed how thats the only time those letters are chanted in the ImpactZone these days? Even the Briscoes are tending to wrestle in a more acrobatic fashion lately. They always had their spots, but its now getting ridiculous. The regularity of the spots and the number of spots has increased exponentially.

Anyone else think the same?

Hmmm....that's an interesting observation, I just ordered a few shows that have taken place in the last couple months, they should be her sometime this weekend, I'm guessing when I watch them I'll see more of what you mean and will be able to comment more on it

Now I got a few things of my own (hopefully they will revive this thread a little), first I was just wondering what other people think about Nigel's title reign so far, he seems to have become injury prone as of late, which just seems to have come at a really bad time for the guy, since it happened pretty much right when he finally won the title, which was the feel good story of the year for ROH this year (or last year I guess), and I've had discussions with other people about this, and some have brought up the fact that maybe Nigel should drop the title till his injuries heal, which is something I don't know what to think, I can see both sides of that, and was just wondering how the other ROH fans on this forum feel about it

Now onto the second thing, I was recently told that ROH provides health insurance to all their talent, now I'm wondering if anyone here knows if that's true or not, if it is that's pretty cool, especially seeing what those guys do to themselves and others in that ring, and I don't think either WWE or TNA do that so that makes ROH look even better as far as taking care of their talent

That's all I have, lets get some more discussion going in this thread, it seems to have died off as of late, and needs to really come back, cause I for one would much rather discuss ROH over TNA or WWE
Hmmm....that's an interesting observation, I just ordered a few shows that have taken place in the last couple months, they should be her sometime this weekend, I'm guessing when I watch them I'll see more of what you mean and will be able to comment more on it

Now I got a few things of my own (hopefully they will revive this thread a little), first I was just wondering what other people think about Nigel's title reign so far, he seems to have become injury prone as of late, which just seems to have come at a really bad time for the guy, since it happened pretty much right when he finally won the title, which was the feel good story of the year for ROH this year (or last year I guess), and I've had discussions with other people about this, and some have brought up the fact that maybe Nigel should drop the title till his injuries heal, which is something I don't know what to think, I can see both sides of that, and was just wondering how the other ROH fans on this forum feel about it

Now onto the second thing, I was recently told that ROH provides health insurance to all their talent, now I'm wondering if anyone here knows if that's true or not, if it is that's pretty cool, especially seeing what those guys do to themselves and others in that ring, and I don't think either WWE or TNA do that so that makes ROH look even better as far as taking care of their talent

That's all I have, lets get some more discussion going in this thread, it seems to have died off as of late, and needs to really come back, cause I for one would much rather discuss ROH over TNA or WWE

I think that Nigel's title reign should continue for as long as he is capable of competing, which seems to be the standpoint of both him and Gabe right now. Danielson was able to wrestle through his injuries in mid to late 2006 while he was champion and in doing so was able to cement his reign as one of the best title runs in ROH and perhaps even wrestling history. I know that's a big call, but Dragon's run as champion was incredible.

Getting back on point, I know this may seem selfish, but I think ROH really needs to keep the belt on Nigel for as long as possible. IMHO, Takeshi's run was a huge disappointment as a follow up to what was ultimately a transitional run by Homicide. I think ROH needs Nigel to return a lot of lost prestige to the belt. Not that the belt lacks its prestigious status, I just feel it was more of a "power-symbol" back in late 2006/early 2007 than what it is right now. And I feel that Nigel could give it that status of power and absolutism that it lost under Takeshi - simply for the fact that he will more than likely put on one incredible match after the other.

Regarding my post about the in-ring style, its actually something I have felt has been happening gradually for a long time now. I recently watched a series of ROH events from 2003/2004 (which is what inspired my post and was the basis of my observations) and was shocked at how much the ringwork has evolved. ROH used to present more of a shoot-style in the ring. To a particular degree, very much akin to an MMA style. In fact I recall a match between Low-Ki and Samoa Joe, where a (positive) chant of UFC broke out in the ROH crowd.

Again IMHO I just consider that style to be more authentic and really adds to overall realism of the product. I mean I love the high-flyers just as much as the next fan, but it is to be used in moderation. I feel ROH has perhaps began to rely on it a little more than it should have to.
Now I got a few things of my own (hopefully they will revive this thread a little), first I was just wondering what other people think about Nigel's title reign so far, he seems to have become injury prone as of late, which just seems to have come at a really bad time for the guy, since it happened pretty much right when he finally won the title, which was the feel good story of the year for ROH this year (or last year I guess), and I've had discussions with other people about this, and some have brought up the fact that maybe Nigel should drop the title till his injuries heal, which is something I don't know what to think, I can see both sides of that, and was just wondering how the other ROH fans on this forum feel about it

I'm not a fan of Nigels, and I didn't want him to win the title, but however I think if he goes back to his Pure Title ways and turns heel and relys on cheating and being a coward his title run can be good. I think using the "injuries" can be a way for him to duck and hide from certain wrestlers.

This would easily get Nigel over as a heel and the fans will love to see the title come off of him.
i think that Chris Hero should win the belt, thus giving sweet and sour all the power. it would be the most amazing heel run for the title in the company's history. ADDED BOUNUS CHRIS HERO IS YOUR WORLD CHAMPION!!!!! does anything else need to be said, come on CHRIS IS AWESOME (clap clap clap clap clap). i am intersted t o see if the qhole Puder thing works out but thats why we watch right. In the year 2008 the world needs a HERO!!! CHRIS HERO THE GREATEST ATHLETE IN ALL OF PRO WRESTLING!!!!!
i think that Chris Hero should win the belt, thus giving sweet and sour all the power. it would be the most amazing heel run for the title in the company's history. ADDED BOUNUS CHRIS HERO IS YOUR WORLD CHAMPION!!!!! does anything else need to be said, come on CHRIS IS AWESOME (clap clap clap clap clap). i am intersted t o see if the qhole Puder thing works out but thats why we watch right. In the year 2008 the world needs a HERO!!! CHRIS HERO THE GREATEST ATHLETE IN ALL OF PRO WRESTLING!!!!!

I think seeing Hero capture the ROH title at some point this year is a real possibility. He (along with the rest of S n' S) is completely over with the crowd. At the Nov. 2nd show in Philly I saw McGuiness v. Hero and the crowd was definately backing Hero, which was a surprise to me. Nigel usually has a very solid backing with the ROH fans, but the crowd went bananas for Hero.

Keep your fingers crossed, Peazy- you may get your wish.
I think seeing Hero capture the ROH title at some point this year is a real possibility. He (along with the rest of S n' S) is completely over with the crowd. At the Nov. 2nd show in Philly I saw McGuiness v. Hero and the crowd was definately backing Hero, which was a surprise to me. Nigel usually has a very solid backing with the ROH fans, but the crowd went bananas for Hero.

Keep your fingers crossed, Peazy- you may get your wish.

Haha, that's funny, I literally just got that show in the mail like Sat., haven't gotten around to watch it yet though, but you can bet I will be doing that shortly, I mostly got it for Aries/Danielson, AOTF/VS, and Briscoes/NRC matches, the Delirious/Davey Richards match caught my eye too, and I always hear how good these Philly shows are, so it seemed like a worth while buy to me
i'm gonna be at the dayton show on the 25th, i might have to drive 5 hours for it, but its worth it. ROH shows are sooo much fun live!!! which brings me to a fun topic, WHY DO THE FANS HATE TODD SINCLAIR? this guy gets more heat than anybody at the shows. i got booed for saying that we should stop making fun of him (only because we had been doing it for the entire show, and even i thought it was getting obnoxiuos< but aperntly not). i think its because he has trouble hearing seeing and counting to three ;)
i'm gonna be at the dayton show on the 25th, i might have to drive 5 hours for it, but its worth it. ROH shows are sooo much fun live!!! which brings me to a fun topic, WHY DO THE FANS HATE TODD SINCLAIR? this guy gets more heat than anybody at the shows. i got booed for saying that we should stop making fun of him (only because we had been doing it for the entire show, and even i thought it was getting obnoxiuos< but aperntly not). i think its because he has trouble hearing seeing and counting to three ;)

Haha. I thought it was just the Philly crowd that hated Sinclair (he gets the shit booed out of him every match). Then I started going to the Edison shows and realized they hate him there too. I'm starting to think that ROH needs to capitalize on Sinclair's heat and put him in a storyline. I know it's been done before, but it could be fun.
We we're so burtal to him in dayton it was sick. i give him props for not breaking down into tears during his matches. it became a contest between me and my boy, and this couple in front of us who could say the worst thing, my personal favoirte that i said was "Sinclair you started a myspace page and even TOM didn't want to be your friend!!!" i have also thought of puting ding dongs and snoballs on the ends of black and white streamers and throwing them at him, but then i would get kicked out and that would suck ass. what are some good ones you've heard. and yea its ever match, the second he shows up, its boos. In dayton the only bathroom is by the front door, so all the wrestlers and folks where walking past us, sinclair walks by and gets booed, and made fun of the entire time he is in the bathroom, "i hope you can see the toliet, SINCALIR!!" aaah good times, just a few more weeks. BTW how was the big NOAH match in philly, i saw it ended in a draw, any good?
We we're so burtal to him in dayton it was sick. i give him props for not breaking down into tears during his matches. it became a contest between me and my boy, and this couple in front of us who could say the worst thing, my personal favoirte that i said was "Sinclair you started a myspace page and even TOM didn't want to be your friend!!!" i have also thought of puting ding dongs and snoballs on the ends of black and white streamers and throwing them at him, but then i would get kicked out and that would suck ass. what are some good ones you've heard. and yea its ever match, the second he shows up, its boos. In dayton the only bathroom is by the front door, so all the wrestlers and folks where walking past us, sinclair walks by and gets booed, and made fun of the entire time he is in the bathroom, "i hope you can see the toliet, SINCALIR!!" aaah good times, just a few more weeks. BTW how was the big NOAH match in philly, i saw it ended in a draw, any good?

It was a decent match. The atmosphere made it better than it was. I haven't seen that many streamers and fanfare surrounding a match in ROH since Punk's last one. I've never really been exposed to Japanese wrestlers so it was the first time I had ever seen Misawa wrestle. The other guys oversold every single move he gave which took a little bit away from the match. The show in general was good so I recommend grabbing the DVD.
i dont know, despite the draw finish i loved that NOAH match...Marufuji and KENTA were amazing as usual, and Morishima was just awesome the way he was beating the crap out of Misawa...i really enjoyed that match, like i said the finish kinda seemed dead, but oh well...i also read that matches ending in a draw in Japan are considered top notch, so i guess they wanted it to be authentic

on a side note, the next night Misawa and KENTA went at it...did anyone see this?...man, KENTA destroyed Misawa with his Go2Sleep...i thought he killed the old man
At the Nov. 2nd show in Philly I saw McGuiness v. Hero and the crowd was definately backing Hero, which was a surprise to me. Nigel usually has a very solid backing with the ROH fans, but the crowd went bananas for Hero.

Keep your fingers crossed, Peazy- you may get your wish.

Craziness! I love the guy. I think his current direction is really working out and I love the fact that he has finally found his niche in ROH. I hated seeing the guy on team CZW in Philly at the 100th show (which was amazing to see in person btw), but the guy is so great at his craft that even his fans from ROH loved to hate him during that entire program. Now he's more of a comedic heel who is legitimately impressive. Honestly, IMO he could end up being contender for ROH MVP in 2008. Only time will tell...
So Joet Matthews is in Ring of Honor now. He put on a decent show with jacobs and the NRC. And it looks like Austin Aries is going to be joining Age of the Fall soon. With his recent attitude change he has had it seems like a good idea, i mean with the power strugle that will occur between Jimmy and Austin. Black vs Dragon was a show stealer. During the Hero match i got a card from SWeeny because i was sporting a hero shirt going APE SHIT NUTS for hero. I reall love Ring of Honor shows because they are that much fun.
ROH isn't coming to the UK this year. Which I think is bullshit. There's certainly a demand for them. the arena's were full. It's strange to me that they've decided not to come to the UK when they finally have an English champ. They should really have McGuinness drop the title over here. See how the crowd reacts.
ROH isn't coming to the UK this year. Which I think is bullshit. There's certainly a demand for them. the arena's were full. It's strange to me that they've decided not to come to the UK when they finally have an English champ. They should really have McGuinness drop the title over here. See how the crowd reacts.

isn't NOAH coming to the UK this year?
Nigel could easily be part of that show and still defend the ROH title there
Yeah but why aren't ROH capitalizing on having an English champion? If McGuinness defended the title on a NOAH show then I don't think anybody would believe he would lose it. Probably because he wouldn't. And if there's no chance of somebody losing the title then a title match is pointless.

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