[Official] ROH Thread

So Tyler Black is the new ROH world champion. He defeated Austin Aries this past Saturday in NYC. I have mixed emotions about this. Not because I dislike Tyler, because I am certainly a fan. If given the choice, I would have like to see Roderick Strong be the guy to dethrone Aries, but I don't hate the idea of Black holding the title. He's sure to be a respectable champion.

What's concerning to me is the booking of Adam Pierce.

First of all, the predictability that the Aries/Black fued carried was unreal. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Black was going to walk away from this match with the title. I can't remember a time when a title transition was so predictable in ROH. There was nothing surprising or shocking throughout the entire program that these guys worked.

Aside from the predictability, Tyler Black is now the 4th ROH champion within a year. This just doesn't sit well with me. Yes, this has been a crazy 12 months for ROH. They lost their 2 biggest draws in Danielson and McGuinness, and endured an unexpected negative reaction to Jerry Lynn's title reign. Lynn's reign was cut unecessarily short as a result of the overwhelmingly negative response from the fans. Instead of capitalizing on this and turning Lynn heel, they simply had him drop the belt after less than 3 months as champion. In steps Austin Aries who has been the hottest heel in wrestling over the past 6 months. He wasn't ready to drop the belt, yet Tyler Black is our new ROH champion.

I hope for Black's sake that this turns out to be a long and successful title run. I'm not expecting fireworks as the days of Black being the fan's #1 guy are all but over, thanks to Davey Richards now being the darling of ROH faithful.
Tyler black ROH Champion,Thats really good for him.This could really help him out if he really wants to go to a major wrestling company WWE or TNA.Tyler black is a very good wrestler im really glad that now he is the ROH champ.
So Tyler Black is the new ROH world champion. He defeated Austin Aries this past Saturday in NYC. I have mixed emotions about this. Not because I dislike Tyler, because I am certainly a fan. If given the choice, I would have like to see Roderick Strong be the guy to dethrone Aries, but I don't hate the idea of Black holding the title. He's sure to be a respectable champion.

What's concerning to me is the booking of Adam Pierce.

First of all, the predictability that the Aries/Black fued carried was unreal. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Black was going to walk away from this match with the title. I can't remember a time when a title transition was so predictable in ROH. There was nothing surprising or shocking throughout the entire program that these guys worked.

Aside from the predictability, Tyler Black is now the 4th ROH champion within a year. This just doesn't sit well with me. Yes, this has been a crazy 12 months for ROH. They lost their 2 biggest draws in Danielson and McGuinness, and endured an unexpected negative reaction to Jerry Lynn's title reign. Lynn's reign was cut unecessarily short as a result of the overwhelmingly negative response from the fans. Instead of capitalizing on this and turning Lynn heel, they simply had him drop the belt after less than 3 months as champion. In steps Austin Aries who has been the hottest heel in wrestling over the past 6 months. He wasn't ready to drop the belt, yet Tyler Black is our new ROH champion.

I hope for Black's sake that this turns out to be a long and successful title run. I'm not expecting fireworks as the days of Black being the fan's #1 guy are all but over, thanks to Davey Richards now being the darling of ROH faithful.

That is my only problem with this too. ROH has always been consistent with having their reigns get some longevity going, and with the past year, they just made it seem like they're playing to the WWE fans.

Not only that, but Austin Aries is the only heel right now who is worthy of holding the World strap, yet they take it from him. Instead of giving him a few contenders first and letting him have the reign we all know he can have. If you ask me, ROH is losing its mojo.
Tyler Black is the new ROH Champion. I will agree that I hope he gets a long reign, as the last couple of reigns have been fairly short. I was expecting Aries to hold the belt a few months longer. Austin Aries is THE top heel in ROH, and by having him drop the belt you instantly lose the only heel in ROH capable of holding the belt or seeming like a realistic challenger. Here's hoping Black has an extremely successful and lengthy reign.

One thing to look forward to though is that next month they will crown their television champion. I am very excited for this as I've always felt with the loss of the Pure Title that ROH always needed another championship.
This past Saturday at SCOH 5, Tyler Black defeated Roderick Strong to keep his ROH title. From the reports, the crowd was shitting all over Black the entire match. Even though the people at the show weren't happy with the outcome, I am. I think that having Black lose the title after only a few defenses would have made him look really bad. But the problem is, Roderick Strong was built up so much that I'm not sure what he can do next. I also don't think that Roderick Strong is World Title worthy. He's got good backbreakers and chops. Thats fine and dandy, but I have never seen a Roderick Strong match that had me freaking out over awesomeness, even though apparently his match with Davey Richards was great. But Strong is as bland as bland can be.

At the next iPPV, Tyler Black defends his title against Davey Richards. Even though I really really like Tyler Black, I think that Davey Richards should go over here and take the title. It still runs the risk of making Black look weak, but I really think Richards' time is now and that Black will be able to rebound better from a loss than Richards. Winning the title could take Davey's feud with Christopher Daniels to the next level. Glory By Honor Daniels vs Richards for the title just sounds amazing. I can't help but get excited about all of the possible title defenses involving Richards. Plus, the Wolves will have both singles belts. The possibilities are nearly endless for Richards, who I think should have a Danielson/McGuiness-esque reign with the title.
This past Saturday at SCOH 5, Tyler Black defeated Roderick Strong to keep his ROH title. From the reports, the crowd was shitting all over Black the entire match. Even though the people at the show weren't happy with the outcome, I am. I think that having Black lose the title after only a few defenses would have made him look really bad. But the problem is, Roderick Strong was built up so much that I'm not sure what he can do next. I also don't think that Roderick Strong is World Title worthy. He's got good backbreakers and chops. Thats fine and dandy, but I have never seen a Roderick Strong match that had me freaking out over awesomeness, even though apparently his match with Davey Richards was great. But Strong is as bland as bland can be.

I'd disagree with you there Bearded One. Roderick may not have an over-the-top personality, but he is one hell of a worker inside of a wrestling ring and he can put on one hell of a match, and that's all you really need to succeed in a company like ROH. I don't get why the smarks are down on Black all of a sudden, he's been a fine champion and has had some very good defenses thus far and should continue to so he can continue to be be built up as a bonafide main event draw in ROH.

At the next iPPV, Tyler Black defends his title against Davey Richards. Even though I really really like Tyler Black, I think that Davey Richards should go over here and take the title. It still runs the risk of making Black look weak, but I really think Richards' time is now and that Black will be able to rebound better from a loss than Richards. Winning the title could take Davey's feud with Christopher Daniels to the next level. Glory By Honor Daniels vs Richards for the title just sounds amazing. I can't help but get excited about all of the possible title defenses involving Richards. Plus, the Wolves will have both singles belts. The possibilities are nearly endless for Richards, who I think should have a Danielson/McGuiness-esque reign with the title.

Yeah I too absolutely see Davey taking the title here, and honestly I wouldn't argue with it anyways. Davey is on FIRE right now, there is not a bigger draw on the international/independent scene than Davey and ROH knows it, which is why they got him to sign that exclusive contract a few months back, foiling Gabe Sapolsky's plans to utilize Davey Richards in his EVOLVE promotion. It's obvious that Davey is the next big thing in ROH, and his loss to his partner Eddie Edwards in the finals of the TV Title tournament just solidified that to me, especially now with the announcement of his title shot.

Davey Richards will soon be the ROH World Champion, and there isn't a more deserving man in the promotion than him. Davey is certainly in the argument for the best all-around worker in the world right now, and few would argue that.
I'd disagree with you there Bearded One. Roderick may not have an over-the-top personality, but he is one hell of a worker inside of a wrestling ring and he can put on one hell of a match, and that's all you really need to succeed in a company like ROH. I don't get why the smarks are down on Black all of a sudden, he's been a fine champion and has had some very good defenses thus far and should continue to so he can continue to be be built up as a bonafide main event draw in ROH.

I don't understand it either, especially the way they were cheering for him at the 8th Anniversary Show. He always gives it his all and deserves the title. I think that a relatively short reign, at least in ROH standards, is whats best for him though.

As for Roderick Strong, I just can't get into him. He does nothing to make me care about his matches. I don't know what it is about him, but something just doesn't connect with me. While I don't thikn I've ever seen a bad Roddy Strong match, his matches just sort of feel empty to me for some reason.
This past Saturday at SCOH 5, Tyler Black defeated Roderick Strong to keep his ROH title. From the reports, the crowd was shitting all over Black the entire match. Even though the people at the show weren't happy with the outcome, I am. I think that having Black lose the title after only a few defenses would have made him look really bad.
While I like Tyler Black, I was not in favor of putting the title on him in the first place. Austin Aries was having a fantastic reign and I don't think it was the right time for him to drop the belt to anyone. Regardless, it happened and I think Black has been a respectable champion. Although it is concerning that for nearly a year fans everywhere would chant "next world champ" every time Tyler Black stepped into the ring and now that he has the belt, some fans seem bored by it (I think this depends on the area- Philly still loves the guy).
The worst thing ROH could do is have Black drop the belt too soon. They put too much into building up to this moment and it would be detrimental to Black if he were to lose after such a short reign. Historically ROH has made their champion look strong by giving them 1+ year reigns and Black should be no different. This is where booking needs to step it up. Adam Pearce needs to make everyone care about Tyler Black as much as they did just 6 months ago. A heel turn, perhaps. Hey, the heel turned McGuinness at a time when his reign was getting stale and it worked perfectly. Black could get the same results.

But the problem is, Roderick Strong was built up so much that I'm not sure what he can do next. I also don't think that Roderick Strong is World Title worthy. He's got good backbreakers and chops. Thats fine and dandy, but I have never seen a Roderick Strong match that had me freaking out over awesomeness, even though apparently his match with Davey Richards was great. But Strong is as bland as bland can be.

I have to also disagree about your assessment of Strong. Wrestling is all about personal preference, but I think Roderick Strong is a fantastic performer. He is so solid and smooth in the ring and he has improved his mic skills tremendously over the past year. I do share your concern about his future. IMO, Roddy should be the man to take the belt from Black when the time comes, however, ROH booking built that fued up way too quickly. It leaves Roddy with nowhere to go.

At the next iPPV, Tyler Black defends his title against Davey Richards. Even though I really really like Tyler Black, I think that Davey Richards should go over here and take the title. It still runs the risk of making Black look weak, but I really think Richards' time is now and that Black will be able to rebound better from a loss than Richards. Winning the title could take Davey's feud with Christopher Daniels to the next level. Glory By Honor Daniels vs Richards for the title just sounds amazing. I can't help but get excited about all of the possible title defenses involving Richards. Plus, the Wolves will have both singles belts. The possibilities are nearly endless for Richards, who I think should have a Danielson/McGuiness-esque reign with the title.

Davey Richards is absolutely the current darling of ROH fans. And why not? The guy is amazing to watch. However, I don't think putting the belt on him right now is best for the company. Black needs a long reign- it's just too soon to have him drop to anybody. With that being said, I wouldn't be shocked if Richards does go over here. Pearce is a much different booker than Sapolsky was and he has already shown that he's much more inclined to give into the people as soon as they complain (ya know, having Lynn drop the belt as quickly as he won it).
While I like Tyler Black, I was not in favor of putting the title on him in the first place. Austin Aries was having a fantastic reign and I don't think it was the right time for him to drop the belt to anyone. Regardless, it happened and I think Black has been a respectable champion. Although it is concerning that for nearly a year fans everywhere would chant "next world champ" every time Tyler Black stepped into the ring and now that he has the belt, some fans seem bored by it (I think this depends on the area- Philly still loves the guy).

I also think that Austin Aries shouldn't have lost the belt in the first place as well. He was having an awesome title run that was full of great moments and awesome matches. His A Double L Double was just hilarious. But Tyler Black was given the belt, and if ROH were so intent to take the belt off of Aries, I think that he was one of the better choices they could have made.

The worst thing ROH could do is have Black drop the belt too soon. They put too much into building up to this moment and it would be detrimental to Black if he were to lose after such a short reign. Historically ROH has made their champion look strong by giving them 1+ year reigns and Black should be no different. This is where booking needs to step it up. Adam Pearce needs to make everyone care about Tyler Black as much as they did just 6 months ago. A heel turn, perhaps. Hey, the heel turned McGuinness at a time when his reign was getting stale and it worked perfectly. Black could get the same results.

For some reason, I never pictured having Tyler Black's reign be a long one. Most people tend to think that ROH always has super long title reigns. But he truth is 7 people have held the title for 6 months or less. Tyler Black would fall in line with these wrestlers. I don't think his reign would be viewed as a failure.

I could also see a heel turn after he loses the belt. Just have him say as champion, he always wanted to give the fans what they wanted and they didn't like it. Now that he no longer has the championship, he no longer cares about making the fans happy. Then just have him do things that would just completely piss the crowd off.

I have to also disagree about your assessment of Strong. Wrestling is all about personal preference, but I think Roderick Strong is a fantastic performer. He is so solid and smooth in the ring and he has improved his mic skills tremendously over the past year. I do share your concern about his future. IMO, Roddy should be the man to take the belt from Black when the time comes, however, ROH booking built that fued up way too quickly. It leaves Roddy with nowhere to go.

I obviously must be missing something about Roderick Strong, because everyone but me loves the guy. I have only been a ROH fan for a little over a year, but I have seen about 15 DVDs that span from 2005-now, so I must not be watching the right shows or understand the greater scheme of things going on.

Davey Richards is absolutely the current darling of ROH fans. And why not? The guy is amazing to watch. However, I don't think putting the belt on him right now is best for the company. Black needs a long reign- it's just too soon to have him drop to anybody. With that being said, I wouldn't be shocked if Richards does go over here. Pearce is a much different booker than Sapolsky was and he has already shown that he's much more inclined to give into the people as soon as they complain (ya know, having Lynn drop the belt as quickly as he won it).

It seems to me that Pearce is trying to make the fans happy, which sounds good to me. Davey doesn't have to go over clean. Strong could cost Black the title and the 2 of them could fued while Richards continues his angle with Daniels.
Davey Richards is absolutely the current darling of ROH fans. And why not? The guy is amazing to watch. However, I don't think putting the belt on him right now is best for the company. Black needs a long reign- it's just too soon to have him drop to anybody. With that being said, I wouldn't be shocked if Richards does go over here. Pearce is a much different booker than Sapolsky was and he has already shown that he's much more inclined to give into the people as soon as they complain (ya know, having Lynn drop the belt as quickly as he won it).

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there RVDgurl my dear friend. I don't think ROH would have signed Davey to an exclusive contract if they didn't have big plans for him. Losing to Eddie Edwards in the finals of the TV title tournament kind of solidified to me that he'll be the next world champ, and it will most likely happen very soon. Which I wouldn't mind one bit, because Davey is without a doubt one of the most consistently excellent workers in the world right now, which is why he was in such high demand and being booked at just about every indy promotion in the states.

I like Tyler Black, think he's been a good champion, and think he has a bright future in this business, but I believe Davey Richards will be taking that belt from him soon and I wouldn't mind seeing it one bit.

Sidenote: I'm going to be watching a few more ROH events from 2010 so far and putting up ratings for them in my ratings thread/blog as well as ratings for their last iPPV "Big Bang".
I'm gonna have to disagree with you there RVDgurl my dear friend. I don't think ROH would have signed Davey to an exclusive contract if they didn't have big plans for him. Losing to Eddie Edwards in the finals of the TV title tournament kind of solidified to me that he'll be the next world champ, and it will most likely happen very soon. Which I wouldn't mind one bit, because Davey is without a doubt one of the most consistently excellent workers in the world right now, which is why he was in such high demand and being booked at just about every indy promotion in the states.

I agree with this 100%. I'm sure that ROH has big plans for him, I just don't want to see it rushed. Davey is a tremendous worker and one of the few guys that never seems to have a bad match with anyone.

Also, you mentioned the TV title match- which I think Davey should have won. It would have been a logical stepping stone for Davey to become the world champion somewhere down the line while still keeping the belt on Tyler Black. In my mind, Roderick Strong should be the man to take the belt from Tyler. In turn, Strong vs. Richards would be a great fued stemming from their NRC days.
I can not wait to go to the Chicago Ridge show and see the return of the Young Bucks/Generation Me to ROH. It is going to be awesome.
I can not wait to go to the Chicago Ridge show and see the return of the Young Bucks/Generation Me to ROH. It is going to be awesome.

I simply read the headline "Young Bucks return to ROH this July". I got all excited assuming that they were returning for good and I would be able to see them at the July TV tapings. Much to my dismay, they are only doing a weekend of shows. I'm jealous that you will be able to see them. Have fun!!
So its been announced that Glory By Honor IX on September 11 is going to be the next iPPV. Ring of Honor has a lot to live up to after the awesomeness that was Death Before Dishonor. I know the show is still about two months away, but its never too early to start speculating on what the card will be. I'm not going to try and make each match, but just name the big matches.

ROH World Title
Roderick Strong vs Tyler Black (c)

Although I thought that Davey Richards was going to win at DBD, I think Tyler Black is great champion and has been receiving a ton of undeserved hate from the fans. He has done nothing but put on great matches since winning the title, but he is still getting booed. I don't understand it. For GBH, I have him defending his title against Roderick Strong. Strong has been accusing everyone of lying to him, everyone except Truth Martini. I'm not sure if I like this pairing or not, but I can't complain about it. I would have Strong finally get his one on one shot for the title without any way of being "screwed". I would book a clean victory for Tyler Black, proving that he is able to beat Roderick Strong on his own. This would put Tyler Black on the next level, and Strong would be able to move on to other things.

ROH Tag Team Titles
Dark City Fight Club vs Kings of Wrestling (c)

I think the DCFC are the dark horses to win Tag Wars and get a title shot. They are big guys and I love watching them wrestle, and them going up against the Kings would be great. It would be a physical match with the two biggest teams in ROH. The Kings would retain, but the DCFC will give them a run for their money, enough so to establish themselves as one of the upper echelon teams on the roster.

Davey Richards vs Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels returned at the Big Bang claiming to be the best in the world. The fans often chant "Best in the world" at Richards. This match has been building for months and has greatness written all over it. I would have Christopher Daniels go over here and challenge Tyler Black for the title at Final Battle.

Kevin Steen vs El Generico

This will be some kind of gimmick match, no doubt about it. It will be physical, it will be brutal, and it will be awesome. I don't know who will win, probably Steen to set up the blow-off at Final Battle.

Kenny Omega vs Eddie Edwards

No other reason than to get both men on the show and have a great match. This would be a blast to watch.

Briscoes and Delirious vs Austin Aries and The All Night Express

This is to get the Briscoes away from the Kings of Wrestling for the first time on iPPV this year and to continue the Delirious and Austin Aries feud. It would be a solid match that I think would be a lot of fun to watch.

I know there would be other matches, probably involving The Embassy and Grizzly Redwood, but this is what I would book.

So, how do you see Glory By Honor IX shaping up?
I saw that The Worlds Greatest Tag Team (Benjamin and Haas) are going to be at Glory By Honor this year. That is great, I'd love to see how this Tag Team does in Indy wrestling, it gives them a new shot since neither were used well in the 'E

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