[Official] ROH Thread

Looks like an awesome, awesome show, match wise. Can't wait to hear RVDGurl's thoughts on Black/Danielson and the six man main event.

Ok... here you are. All three tapings were solid, however, show #2 was the strongest. yes, you guessed- the Black v. Danielson match was fucking great. It was intense from start to finish and the the entire crowd stood for basically the whole match (I'm sure you'll be able to see me jumping up and down like a maniac). Easily the most emotional match of the night. There were several false finishes which kept everyone on the edge of their seats.

The 6 man main event was good. Not as good as it should have been considering the talent involved in this match. Erik Stevens didn't have his usually intensity and Jerry Lynn didn't seem overly comfortable. Aries was on point the entire time and was definately the highlight of the match. Kenny Omega is really starting to become comfortable in ROH. He put on yet another solid performance and is able to get the crowd behind from the minute he enters the arena. Omega is quickly growing on me.

I would also like to say that the Briscow v. Strong match was good, however, the most intense part of the match was the refusal of the handshake at the end by Briscoe. Actually, Jay's dad yelling from the crowd may have been the best part. If you ever wondered where the Briscoe's get their accent from- it's their dad. He talks just like them.
Damn was this show great. I don't think I've ever had this much fan at a event. The live ROH crowd really makes going to these events worth it. Very respectful surprisingly, giving any decent spots performed right a round of a applause, and chants every two minutes or so.

Sonjay Dutt Vs. Roderick Strong. I'm still deciding if this was the match of the night or not for me. While obviously the main event was fuckin fantastic due to the shock, i felt this match held its own against it in terms of match quality. Now I wasn't much of Strong fan before tonight. I felt he was bland, talks like a girl, and looks generic. I actually still feel that way, but damn is he fantastic in the ring. He countered into some of the sickest back breakers i have ever seen. Now i know they call him "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" for a reason, but damn in person you actually think hes breaking some bones. Anyway, the highlight for this match for me at least has to be the finish. It was absolutely sick. Now I'm not exactly sure how it went exactly, since it was pretty fuckin quick and i was busy MTFO, but it was along the lines of Strong performing three different backbreaker variations on Sonjay then ending it with a Gibson Driver. Though again it was quick, so it might have been less backbreakers. Either way amazing finish.

Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tyler Black, First blood. Very disappointed by this match. Jacobs was one of the main reasons i even decided to get the tickets in the first place. Possibly my favorite ROH wrestler. Toss up between him and Aries. Anyway, yea this match was ultra short. Possibly lasted five minutes? Maybe shorter. Basically Tyler was beating Jimmy outside the ring for a few mins, they both somehow end up on top of the turnbuckle, Jimmy pokes him in the head with a screw driver while they're on the turnbuckle. Tyler Bleeds, match ends. Marquis is unhappy. Tyler is unhappy he barely got to wrestle, decides to cash in his title shot to make the main event a 3 way elimination match. Crowds happy, Marquis is still unhappy.

Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. D-Lo Brown. Another fine match in this card of great matches. This was my first time at a live ROH event(but after today/yesterday will not be my last), and wow does Danielson get quite the fuckin pop. I know hes the companies biggest star, but still i was a bit starstruck. Anyway, like i said another fine match. A part of it was wasted in antics between Danielson and Colt, but it was worth it. Match pretty much started out as tornado tag match. I'm sure you can guess who was teaming with who, but as it progressed it started becoming more of a 4 way match as expected. Colt picked up the surprising( to me at least) win here via submission.

P.S, It's fuckin lame none of Bryan's submission attempts went to the ropes. I always wanted to say " He has till five!" in person. Lame.

The American Wolves Vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico, Submission match. Not a fan of Steenerico at all. Clearly i was one of the few who felt this way. Since i was one of the few shouting for the Wolves while the rest of the crowd chanted ole. Anyway, very damn good match. Which is rare since usually i fall asleep during Steenerico matches. Close to the finish is when it started getting especially good. With so many submissions being locked in, and for long periods as well. Everyone was at the edge of their seats thinking someone was gonna tap. I think Steen must have locked in the sharpshooter at least 3-4 times. Two of the times which I'm sure was for long durations. In the end, I'm not exactly sure what one of the wolves did. I think it was Stevens, anyway. Shane distracted the ref while Stevens was unlacing something on El Generico's leg, then preceded to lock a single leg boston crab if i remember correctly. It was some sort of leglock nonetheless. Wolves win, yay.

Jerry Lynn defends vs. Austin Aries Vs. Tyler Black. Man was i fuckin pumped for this. Things kicked off with Ric Flair's theme music starting, but instead of Flair coming out, Aries comes. MTFO moment. He says for some reason Flair can't be the guest enforcer. Didn't really care much, forgot how the crowd felt. Anyway Nigel comes out, cuts a mighty fine introduction promo announcing hes now the enforcer for the match. Yay. Tyler comes into the ring, and obviously Jerry last. As i said earlier, this or Strong Vs. Dutt has to be match of the night. For me at least. A bit spotty at first, but fantastic nonetheless. I could probably go into more detail, but the match was alright for the first half. The 2nd half is when things got fuckin exciting. Tyler eliminates Jerry with gods last gift, leaving him and Aries. Everyone i could see from my view instantly stood up and started marking out. We were about to witness either history if Aries wins, or a brand new champion if Tyler wins. Anyway, during the 2nd half with just Tyler and Aries, both started going at it hard. Spot after spot, everyone at the edge of their seats thinking it would be the end after a couple of close pins, and a figure 4 attempt by Aries. Although I'm not exactly sure how it happened, since i was too busy shouting my fuckin ass off for Aries. Aries kicks Tyler in the head and ends it with a brainbuster. Since i was already out of my seat, i instead just jumped like a little girl. Aries goes for the cover, the whole crowd counts the with ref, 1....2....3, Aries first ever two time champion! The place exploded. And so did i, i stood there for a good minute shouting greatest man to ever live(look it was my first time). It's pretty fuckin sweet i got to witness the crowning of the first ever two time ROH champion in person.

Some notes

- Sonjay did the Batista Bomb taunt, and Flair walk or Jarett's. Wasn't sure.
- Colt has a great entrance theme
- Bryan's final countdown didn't play sadly.
- Bret Hart will be at the September 26 show here in New York
- Aries has a great stache
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Manhattan Mayhem III June 13th 2009

Ok, I wanted to sit there and take notes but everytime I pulled out my phone the security guard was right over my damn shoulder. The card was EXCELLENT, very few boring spots and the crowd did not dissapoint. Ok... so enough of that stuff and on to what happened.

Right before the event even begins all the wrestlers poured out and stood around the ring and alerted us to the fact that Misawa had died. We all stood up and gave him a 10 bell salute followed by a moment of silence.

Flair came out and gave a "Thank You" speech. He also told some girl he was going to "Make a woman outa her" and started wooing, but not to much.

Before the matches began Austin Aries struts out to the ring and begins to lay into the crowd about how New Yorkers are ignorant and stupid. We cheered that comment and told him to shut the eff up. He then tells us that hes taken Kenny King and Rhett Titus under his wing. Oh... he also reminded us about the fan he punched out in NY a show or two ago... it was friggin classic! He basically gave this idiot fan who shoved him a SINGLE punch that took the guy out of working order lol.

1. The Young Bucks vs. Rhett Titus & Kenny King

The Young Bucks were AMAZING, with their high flying and tag team moves the audience never found a boring moment in the match. We cheered the Bucks as they came out and someone compare them to the Rockers, we laughed when the audience began chanting "which ones Jeff?" Anyway... back to the match. For a short while King and Titus seemed to be coming ahead the Bucks take the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks

The Necro Butcher vs. Jimmy Rave with Prince Nana
Ok, this was by far the worst match on the card. Rave comes out and gets into the ring which causes everyone to toss toilet paper at him and the rest of the Embassy. Now, Necro comes out and catches the swiftest ass kicking and wins the match with a small package. Nana taunts him of course, putting down the fact that he was in "The Wrestler". After about five minutes of after match asskicking Colt Cabana comes in for the save.

Winner: Necro Butcher

Sonjay Dutt vs. Roderick Strong
GREAT match!! Dutt came out dancing and styling in his white and black tights and do rag. Everyone in NY knew what was up and started chanting "fuck your bald spot" Dutt replied and gave us all the finger. Strong was and is the Messiah of the back breaker. Dutt however was not a slouch either. They went back and forth for awhile before Strong cought him with a couple of backbreakers followed by the double underhook. I think the greatest part of the match was when Dutt went to give Strong a spinebuster and botched it, making it look very weak and we screamed “that was weak!” Dutt then mocked Batista by grabbing the ropes and shaking it like he would. Dutt got laughs out of us by doing things like that and doing the Double J strut around the ring a few times.

Winner: Roderick Strong

First Blood Match
Jimmy Jacobs vs. Tyler Black
Not even gonna lie, right before the match came on they announced that Bret the Hitman Hart was going to be at the next show. Me and a part of the crowd hauled ass downstairs to wait on line for tickets. Match started later as they brawled outside everywhere. A friend told me Jacobs cut Black before the match officially started and when the bell rung the ref saw Black and called for the bell again.

Winner: Jimmy Jacobs

After the match, Black got on the mike and started talking about how he wanted the ROH president to put him in the title match tonight. He promised a great match for the belt and he really did come through.

Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. D-Lo Brown
Ok, this match was decent, nothing terrible. Colt Cabana's comedy just doesn't sit with me for some reason. Cabana and Danielson worked together against the heels until Cabana tried to get a quick roll up on Danielson. When Danielson kicked out he yelled "what are you doing!?" Cabana shrugged and Danielson gave him a scolding look. I must admit, it was pretty funny lol. So anyway, the match then became a free for all with Cabana taking the win.

Winner: Colt Cabana

After the match Cabana did his little leg wobble thingy and made Danielson do it as well. Please... dont do that again Dragon...

Jay Briscoe vs. Guido Maritato
Decent match, nothing spectacular with Jay or Guido. We did pop when he started dancing and hit the Sicilian Slice on Jay but after a valiant effort Jay planted him with a Jay-Driller for the win. After the match we welcomed back Guido and as he left the ring, he tried to dance but looked like pain struck him again and he just walked out. A funny thing happen Guido gave Briscoe a low blow kick and Mark yells "That was dirty" and Guido immediatly yells back "Your mothers dirty!"

Winner: Jay Briscoe

The American Wolves with Shane Hagadorn defend vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico
*Match can only be won by submission

The Wolves came out guns a blazing against the former champs. The match begins by having the wolves leave the ring as Steen and Generico enter. This really got boring as they did it about three or four times before the match started. I can honestly say this was the first time that I have seen Generico not get beaten around the ring like a ball of yarn by a cat. The wolves really didnt cheat, they just used what they had better. They had multiple times in which Steen and Generico couldve won, including the double Sharpshooter moment near the end. Luckily the Wolves bashed Generico's knee, removed his brace and hit the half crab for a win.

Winner: The American Wolves

ROH World Title Match
Jerry Lynn defends vs. Austin Aries
*Ric Flair will be at ringside
Former ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness will be in New York City

While he WAS in NYC his music hits to having Austin Aries come out to explain that Flair wouldnt be at ringside due to influences outside of ROH's power. He then went on to say the match would not have a special guest at ringside. This is when Nigel's music hits and McGuinness went on to say he was going to be the special enforcer at ringside. So, the match starts up now as a elimination match between Black, Lynn and Aries.

Great match between everyone involved. The match really picked up when Black hit the "God's Last Gift" on Lynn for the pin. The crowd loved it and went crazy when we knew a new champ would be crowned in NY. The match went on with everyone ready to say "3" after the first brain buster to 450. Black escaped the pin attempt that time but the second brain buster sealed his fate.

Winner and new champion: Austin Aries

After the match Kenny King and Rhett Titus came out to lift Aries on their shoulders and take him on a victory lap around the ring. I really wanted Black to win, I was happy at the way the night turned out but wished for a different champ. Nigel did much of nothing on the outside by the way, I guess they just wanted to let fans know hes still around.

After the event I saw Mark and Jay Briscoe outside and had a quick pointless chat. Jay signed something for a kid and walked off with his brother. It was good to see he didnt put up a fuss. He was polite and signed the book and thanked us for showing up tonight. Im not a fan of the Briscoes but they seemed to be pretty nice to everyone outside even though they were tired.

Im waiting for the show in September, I was able to snag 3rd row tickets but im going for first row for the show after that.

OHHHHH... somebody paid with a credit card and I guess it was declined so they called him out on it. The announcer tells us "youre gonna have fun with this name" The guys last was Semen. That made us scream at him and point him out while yelling "Your names Semen!" followed by claps. He was PISSED lol. Oh So Cal Val was at the show... that woman is a Goddess, everyone stared her down like a dogs to a pack of sausages.
So I attended the TV taping this past Saturday and it was the craziest ROH I have ever attended. Two fans got thrown out and several more were warned about their behavior. Good times- it felt like a full moon. One guy hopped over the railing in an attempt to attack Austin Aries during a promo (Security made quick work of this guy who probably has a black eye today). I sincerely hope that this promo airs on TV because Aries was absolutely brilliant. He may be the hottest heel in wrestling right now. There were several grown men in the crowd who were seriously angered by Aries (it was funny shit, really) and Aries came out with some of the best taunts that I've heard in years.

Overall, the show was solid- although Aries was definately the highlight of the night. It was nice to see Mark Briscoe and Nigel McGuiness back in the ring and healthy again. Personally, I was disappointed because Bryan Danielson wasn't able to wrestle his scheduled match due to a staph infection. He also reported he will be out for next weekend's shows as well.
So I attended the TV taping this past Saturday and it was the craziest ROH I have ever attended. Two fans got thrown out and several more were warned about their behavior. Good times- it felt like a full moon. One guy hopped over the railing in an attempt to attack Austin Aries during a promo (Security made quick work of this guy who probably has a black eye today). I sincerely hope that this promo airs on TV because Aries was absolutely brilliant. He may be the hottest heel in wrestling right now. There were several grown men in the crowd who were seriously angered by Aries (it was funny shit, really) and Aries came out with some of the best taunts that I've heard in years.

Overall, the show was solid- although Aries was definately the highlight of the night. It was nice to see Mark Briscoe and Nigel McGuiness back in the ring and healthy again. Personally, I was disappointed because Bryan Danielson wasn't able to wrestle his scheduled match due to a staph infection. He also reported he will be out for next weekend's shows as well.

RVDGurl, your man better appreciate you because if he doesn't then you are flying out here to California to accompany me during my journey through the independents! Any other member of this board who has been your myspace friend can attest, I'm sure! And we mentioned my shot at Danielson at some point... well, it's happening. So I'll have to let you know how that goes. Let's hope I make it out alive. On to business...

You mentioned Mark Briscoe. I believe Mark to be the more underrated of the two Briscoe brothers. Anyone who has seen the two square off in singles competition against each other or even against anyone else should be able to tell that Mark has been destined for greatness. Sometimes, I wish the Briscoes were NOT brothers. That they had NOT grown up together. That maybe they both grew up on different coasts, being trained in different styles of wrestling so that one day these curiously simliar men woud clash in a who's who of independent competition. Unfortunately, these two were bred of the same household. Thus, tag team competition would end up getting the grace of these talents. Mark my words, Mark or Jay will hold the ROH World Title before they retire... but which will it be? Certainly not both, right? Opinions...

Jerry Lynn when and broke my heart by getting defeated for the belt. My good buddy Joey Ryan was seen thrashing my friends, Johnny Saovi and Doom two video wires ago. I'd love to see these two face off. Joey is a well-deserving talent (I may be biased since he's my pal) and Jerry has more than proven himself in the talent pool of the company. With Lynn's squeaky clean babyface image and Joey's sleazy style, I think we have the makings of a showstealer. I just hope that ROH actually wisens up and sees the potential there... argue if you must...
RVDGurl, your man better appreciate you because if he doesn't then you are flying out here to California to accompany me during my journey through the independents! Any other member of this board who has been your myspace friend can attest, I'm sure! And we mentioned my shot at Danielson at some point... well, it's happening. So I'll have to let you know how that goes. Let's hope I make it out alive. On to business...

Haha...Funny you should say that! My friend and I have been talking shit for weeks about moving to California so we can see some PWG shows. You need to do some work on the east coast so I can see your crazy ass perform! Jason Sensation vs. Bryan Danielson- ya know I'm dying to see it.

You mentioned Mark Briscoe. I believe Mark to be the more underrated of the two Briscoe brothers. Anyone who has seen the two square off in singles competition against each other or even against anyone else should be able to tell that Mark has been destined for greatness. Sometimes, I wish the Briscoes were NOT brothers. That they had NOT grown up together. That maybe they both grew up on different coasts, being trained in different styles of wrestling so that one day these curiously simliar men woud clash in a who's who of independent competition. Unfortunately, these two were bred of the same household. Thus, tag team competition would end up getting the grace of these talents. Mark my words, Mark or Jay will hold the ROH World Title before they retire... but which will it be? Certainly not both, right? Opinions...

I love the Briscoes as a team. By far my favorite tag team in the business over the past couple of years. I think that I may prefer Jay if I was forced to pick, however, I love watching Mark as well. While they were both trained in the same style of wrestling, I still think they are both unique to each other. Jay tends to be more of a power wrestler while Mark uses more finesse. Regardless, I think both could be huge in single's competition and I do believe that one day we will se that happen. THe Briscoes are still both very young and thay already have years of experience under their belts. This day and age, tag teams don't stay together their entire career. There will come a time where both Mark and Jay can prove that they can stand alone.

Jerry Lynn when and broke my heart by getting defeated for the belt. My good buddy Joey Ryan was seen thrashing my friends, Johnny Saovi and Doom two video wires ago. I'd love to see these two face off. Joey is a well-deserving talent (I may be biased since he's my pal) and Jerry has more than proven himself in the talent pool of the company. With Lynn's squeaky clean babyface image and Joey's sleazy style, I think we have the makings of a showstealer. I just hope that ROH actually wisens up and sees the potential there... argue if you must...

Ok....do you really know Joey Ryan? You see, my friend and I who plan to move to California to follow PWG- well, the second part of the plan is to hang out frequently with Joey Ryan. Yeah, he is my new obsession. I saw this guy at an ROH show back in May and was completely mezmorized by his character. I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of my Joey Ryan Tshirt at this moment (I ordered it 2 weeks ago, so my patience is wearing thin!). I have been slowly trying to gather as much Joey Ryan material as I can. I purchased the WSX series and will be ordering some PWG stuff this week. I could really care less who Ryan fueds with in ROH (although I do like the Ryan/Cabana thing they are currently doing), just as long as he gets a permanent spot on the roster. He brings something new to the table and is so unbelievably talented.

Maybe you could arrange a Jason Sensation v. Joey Ryan match for me, too!
Maybe you could arrange a Jason Sensation v. Joey Ryan match for me, too!

I'd love to. All I have to do is ask Gary Yap (owner of EPIC Pro Wrestling WAR [epicprowrestlingwar.blogspot.com]) to arrange it. Perhaps you will come out and see us in Murrieta, depending on whether Gary is running during the time that you are out. PWG and ROH get a lot of their talent from Gary (The Young Bucks, Joey Ryan, TJ Perkins, Jerome LTP Robinson, etc...). Anyway, not to hijack this thread, PM me if/when you are coming out and I'll see if I can comp you for the show.

Back on topic...

Mark will one day paint the canvas with Jay... (I had to).
Tonight's ROH TV Taping Results and comments.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, this is the result of tonight's ROH TV Taping.

1) Brent Albright defeated Claudio Castagnoli in a Steel Cage Match. Claudio tried to stomp Albright’s head with a chair, but Albright escaped and used the same tactic for the win.

There was a break in order to take down the cage, then two dark matches.

2) Bobby Dempsey & Kyle Matthews won a tag team match

3) Tony Neece defeated Bruno Marciano

4) Delirious defeated Andy Ridge

5) Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn defeated Rhett Titus & Kenny King. Lynn hit Titus with the Cradle Piledriver for the win.

6) Sara Del Rey defeated Nikki Roxx. Nikki’s return to ROH was unsuccessful thanks to Del Rey’s Royal Butterfly slam.

7) Sonjay Dutt defeated Alex “Sugarfoot” Payne. Dutt won with the Camel Clutch and vowed to beat Delirious in a re-match on the next show.

8 ) The Young Bucks defeated the Dark City Fight Club. Nick Young pinned Corey Chavis with a cradle.

9) Bison Smith defeated Sal Rniauro

10) Colt Cabana defeated Joey Ryan. Ryan tapped to the Billy Goat’s Curse.

Nigel McGuinness cut a lengthy promo.

11) Kevin Steen & El Generico vs. The Briscoes was an apparent No Contest. The American Wolves did a run-in to end the match. Steen announced that their chosen stipulation for their title shot against the Wolves will be ROH’s second ever Ladder War on 9/26 in New York.

12) Austin Aries defeated Grizzly Redwood to retain the ROH World Championship. Lady Luck was on Aries’ side as he drew Grizzly in the “random” draw for his first televised title defense.

13) Erick Stevens defeated Brandon Day

14) Necro Butcher defeated Jimmy Rave by disqualification. Bison Smith attacked Necro to cause the DQ.

15) Roderick Strong, KENTA, and Bryan Danielson defeated the American Wolves & Chris Hero. Strong pinned Eddie Edwards following the Gibson Driver.

Well, there you have it. Aries's "random" title defense was a load of shit as was to be expected. The cage match opener sounds really good, and worth seeing. Good to see Nikki back in the indies. The six man main event seems like it'll be a damn good one, and looking at the names involved, that's really just to be expected. The announcement of a second ladder match in ROH is big - ROH busts out the big gimmicks only rarely, and when they do, it's a hell of a show. Expect greatness. I'll post tomorrow's results when they're up. Not sure what's scheduled, but I think Aries has another random defense. There's a number one contendership battle royale for the tag titles, I think. We'll see when we get there. Seems like tonight provided some great stuff and hopefully tomorrow night is just as good.

Yeah nobody I know really has HDnet..I usually wait until this dude post it on youtube.....ROHbrazil his stream is very clear and when it was on sat he would have it up by monday.....If Vince is going to raid their talent I see them not going anywhere...bad enough they lost Danielson
To be honest, I don't think the WWE has really raided ROH for a whole lot of talent. Off the top of my head they've acquired CM Punk, Jamie Noble, Colt Cabana (now back in ROH), Paul London and Spanky aka Brian Kendrick (both gone from the WWE now), Brent Albright (back with ROH), Matt Sydal aka Evan Bourne (though I'm not sure if Sydal was with ROH at the time of his WWE signing), and now Bryan Danielson. So really out of that group, CM Punk is the WHC obviously, Colt is back with ROH, London and Kendrick are gone, Albright is back with ROH, Sydal is in the midcard on Raw, and who knows how Danielson will play out with the WWE. Fact remains they haven't had a ton of success with the ROH talent they acquire, and I doubt Vince will raid ROH of a lot of talent since most of them are undersized and don't work a style that would be WWE friendly. Thus why the WWE has been focusing on homegrown talent more than anything.

And even if Vince ended up raiding a lot of talent from ROH, ROH will just go through another transitional period where they will slowly build talent back up like they have in the past. A lot of indy workers want to work for ROH as it is the biggest indy wresting federation in the US, and with ROH's cult like following, it won't hurt them as bad as you may think.

However, this isn't about the WWE, this is about ROH, and I'm really enjoying the work they are putting into the HDNet shows. While it's not as glitzy and glamorous as TNA or WWE, I like the gritty, smaller feel of the show, it brings to mind the way ECW on SyFy started out with the smaller entrance, albeit with a much larger crowd. I'm not sure why I just think it has a more personal feeling to it when you have a smaller audience and stage to work with. As far as the wrestling goes, well it's ROH, it's what the focus on rather than storylines, so to me the wrestling is superb. I have been a fan of the more athletic fast paced wrestling pretty much since I started watching WCW back in the 90's with the luchadors and Cruiserweight Division. While ROH isn't about lucha libre, it's a more fast paced technical style when it's a straight wrestling match, and they have some pretty good hardcore matches as well. I tend to see ROH continuing on a steady path for the time being, and as long as they keep allowing great matches to continue, I think they'll stay as the number three wrestling company for quite awhile.
Just curious, does anyone else like what ROH is doing with Sonjay Dutt? He's very easy to hate as a heel, and even though TNA really gave him a lemon of a gimmick, he definitely made lemonaide out of it. I think he should replace Kenny King in the place of Austin Aries's henchman, because Kenny could definitely be a stand alone talent. He's most definitely better than his tag partner Rhett Titus, so I hope the Pretty Boy Pitbull does go somewhere other than A Double's stable. Though then again, I don't know if I'd like Sonjay in Aries' stable in his place. I'd much prefer Dutt in Embassy I think. It fits better.


I agree with that completely ^

But, I also think if WWE is going to get anybody next, it'll be Tyler Black. Black is VERY marketable and a great fit into the WWE. I'm in no way comparing Black to Hulk Hogan but it was Vince signing Hogan that started the AWA's slow descent into death. AWA fans wanted Hogan as Champ; Vince stole him away before that could happen. I know Verne Gagne didn't want that muscled-up brawler as AWA Champ but who knows, he might have capitulated to popular opinion eventually. I feel that Tyler Black is in a similar position in ROH. Very popular and on the verge of becoming the Champ. Who knows though.
Just curious, does anyone else like what ROH is doing with Sonjay Dutt? He's very easy to hate as a heel, and even though TNA really gave him a lemon of a gimmick, he definitely made lemonaide out of it. I think he should replace Kenny King in the place of Austin Aries's henchman, because Kenny could definitely be a stand alone talent. He's most definitely better than his tag partner Rhett Titus, so I hope the Pretty Boy Pitbull does go somewhere other than A Double's stable. Though then again, I don't know if I'd like Sonjay in Aries' stable in his place. I'd much prefer Dutt in Embassy I think. It fits better.

I think Dutt fits better with the Embassy to be honest. TNA really screwed over Dutt with a shit gimmick, and once the Lethal/Dutt/So Cal Val storyline was over with, they had nothing for him. It's a shame really because Dutt is a solid performer in the ring, and I like what he's doing in ROH right now. I'd say add him to The Embassy and let him and Rave go for the Tag titles, that could add some more depth to the Tag Division.

Kenny King is damn good from what I've seen so far, and could potentially be a contender for the ROH title in the future. I think they need some fresh blood in the main event scene seeing as we've had the same contenders for awhile now. I think Kenny King could do just fine as a singles competitor, but it just seems ROH keeps him stuck in the tag division, even watching older ROH DVD's, all you ever see him in is Tag matches. Give him a shot to run solo and see what happens, it couldn't hurt and it works out you have a solid contender for the ROH Title, maybe not one that would win it, but could be serviceable if needed.
I think Dutt fits better with the Embassy to be honest. TNA really screwed over Dutt with a shit gimmick, and once the Lethal/Dutt/So Cal Val storyline was over with, they had nothing for him. It's a shame really because Dutt is a solid performer in the ring, and I like what he's doing in ROH right now. I'd say add him to The Embassy and let him and Rave go for the Tag titles, that could add some more depth to the Tag Division.

I like what Sonjay is doing thus far since his return to ROH, but I do think that The Embassy would be a better fit for him. Right now Ernie Osirus adds nothing to the group where as Sonjay could bring more skill and name power.

Kenny King is damn good from what I've seen so far, and could potentially be a contender for the ROH title in the future. I think they need some fresh blood in the main event scene seeing as we've had the same contenders for awhile now. I think Kenny King could do just fine as a singles competitor, but it just seems ROH keeps him stuck in the tag division, even watching older ROH DVD's, all you ever see him in is Tag matches. Give him a shot to run solo and see what happens, it couldn't hurt and it works out you have a solid contender for the ROH Title, maybe not one that would win it, but could be serviceable if needed.

Ya know, I like Kenny King, but I'm not sold on him being a future main eventer. He definately has skill and a tremendous amount of athletic ability, but I just don't feel the "it factor" coming from him. When I look at the younger talent in ROH and imagine who will be the next generation of main eventers, I see Tyler Black (who has already solified himself in that role), Kenny Omega and Eddie Edwards becoming stars before Kenny King. Regardless, King is still a great talent and has been entertaining in tag team matches with Titus.
Hopefully you'll change your mind in time. The self-proclaimed "Pretty Boy Pitbull" has everything that Shelton Benjamin die hards wish the Golden Standard had, i've always thought they where similar. And King has got a look that fits the main event scene, he knows how to cut a promo oozing with charisma, and he knows how to get an audience riled up. Tack on cheetah like athleticism and a well rounded ring arsenal and the comparisons between King and Shelton are going to be made now, or in the future, and not just because both men are black, but because they're so damn graceful, athletic, and overall similar in the ring. Only difference is that Kenny got the charisma chromosome, and boy did he make it work.
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Hopefully you'll change your mind in time. The self-proclaimed "Pretty Boy Pitbull" has everything that Shelton Benjamin die hards wish the Golden Standard had, i've always thought they where similar. And King has got a look that fits the main event scene, he knows how to cut a promo oozing with charisma, and he knows how to get an audience riled up. Tack on cheetah like athleticism and a well rounded ring arsenal and the comparisons between King and Shelton are going to be made now, or in the future, and not just because both men are black, but because they're so damn graceful, athletic, and overall similar in the ring. Only difference is that Kenny got the charisma chromosome, and boy did he make it work.

:wtf: Ok...Yeah KK is really talented. Well rounded out sure, more charismatic and better on the mic then Shelton? Yup. But a better Wrestler? MORE Well Rounded? Uh...No! KK has about 2 years to go before he's on or past that level, unless he's quickly pushed into the ROH Main Event with numerous encounters with Black,Richards,Generico,Aries and ect. To each their own, I just disagree.
Read what I said again. I never said he was a better wrestler, or more well rounded, I compared Shelton and King and made the note that they where both very similar in the ring. Only difference being that King has the charisma, something which Shelton doesn't. With King, I think he is a very solid wrestler, I just feel that he needs to get away from Rhett Titus, realistically just on characters alone, both guys don't mix. Kenny King would mix more with someone more LIKE him, such as Human Tornado, and Rhett Titus is not even a character many people can look at and not think he came from a bad disco movie. Anyway, like I said, King is a guy with a prodigious amount of athleticism, he was one of the very few who first impressed me when I first started watching HDNet; along with Tyler Black, i've got a little flaw with Tyler. See, I have no problem with his in-ring prowess, and he has impressed me since I've started watching ROH, because up until that point I hadn't really seen much of him in-ring outside of WSX (remember WSX?....Anyone?....No?...Okay, good, moving on then.) He just doesn't strike me as confident in himself on the mic, and that's what's bugging me about him. He just needs another something to him for me to like him 100% more than now.
Hi guys,

I feel a bit ashamed to say this being a pretty big wrestling fan, but I know absolutley nothing about RoH. Anyone know any decent sites where I can catch up on, or at least start watching their shows.

Cheers in advance.
Ahh cool, never think too look for Wrestling on Youtube as the quality is normally rubbish. I'll have a look tonight.

Thanks :worship:

If you're interested, I'm going to be posting every week's episode of ROH on HDNet in this thread:


Last week's episode is up, hopefully this past Monday's episode will be up sometime by this weekend. Much thanks to the wonderful user ROH Brazil on YouTube who uploads these.

If you're interested in ROH, really the place to go is YouTube or DailyMotion.
Just as a heads up, I just saw they have some 1st row tickets left for the Final Countdown Tour shows at the ECW arena for only 30 bucks.. I'm definitely not spamming, just figured some people here would be as excited for that as I am. Lemme know if you'll be there!
Well, aparently GBH8: The Final Countdown is SOLD OUT. The show now has another main event besides the Ladder war. Its going to be Danielson vs McGuinness and Austin Ares will compete in a double lethal lottery. My guess for his opponents, Roderick Strong & Petey Williams. Anybody else have any ideas who he could face. I havent been able to watch ROH for a bit of the summer and im trying to now catch up.
Im excited for tonight yet depressed because I was just about to get my ticket when I found out they sold out earlier this month. Ive been angry and bitter at ROH because of this and because of my passion as a fan who has supported their company for 4 years now and purchasing over 120 of their dvd's and 7 shirts. Ive been angry and depressed as a passionate fan since they let Gabe Sapolsky go and then after they started having only tv shows in Philly "I live in MD and transportation is difficult with all the tolls up north" So I gotta take a bus to get to NYC that's np. But obviously that means nothing when they sell out lol. I wanted to see both Dragon and Nigel just 1 last time live and it was a low blow when I found out about it selling out, not their fault though. Asides from seeing KENTA vs Misawa live, in Philly at Domination but on the Driven dvd, Dragon vs Nigel was the greatest Match ive ever seen live and the atmosphere was crazy! Going to ROH Live Shows in 06/07 was an experience i'll never forget, now I just go to Manassas Shows sigh...at least the last VA Show was awesome :) Even though ROH are dicks about opening their forums and IMO managment is a bit arrogant as are their board members I watch it for when I wanna see some real damn Wrestling! Thank You Bryan & Nigel! Thank You so VERY VERY much!

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