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[Official] ROH Thread

I ordered Driven and I felt it was a great show. I was sold on Briscoes/ Kel Steenerico alone, but Castagnoli/Sydal was great especially with the World Liner and I thought Whitmer/Marufuji was an awesome match as well. I'm thinking a Marufuji run with the world title will happen eventually with the quality matches he's had in ROH. I also like the hot openings that the pay per views have had with Whitmer/Morishima on Respect Is Earned and NRC/Delirious-Resilliance on Driven.

Maybe I'm looking into things a bit too much but Marufuji has singles victories on pay per view against one member of the NRC and one member of the Hangm3n. I Wonder if he'll work with the Vulture Squad, the Resillience (Marufuji vs. Aries please) or even The Age Of The Fall (I'd like to see Marufuji vs. Black).
I just started watching ROH a few months ago and I'm pretty impressed. These guys are great. If only WWE could pull off matches like the ones in ROH it would not have its ratings problem. Out of the few wrestlers I've seen in ROH I'm most impressed with Claudio Castagnoli, Nigel McGuiness, and Brian Danielson. Like Mr.Krinkle said the Danielson VS. McGuiness match was amazing, definatly my favourite ROH match!
Aries beat Danielson last night in the best of three series. I marked for that one. Its good cause now Danielson is finally out of the title picture for a bit. I also think Aries is a strong contender to be the first 2 time ROH champion.
Aries beat Danielson last night in the best of three series. I marked for that one. Its good cause now Danielson is finally out of the title picture for a bit. I also think Aries is a strong contender to be the first 2 time ROH champion.

Well that's good, I like Aries alot more than Danielson, as it seems like Danielson tends to get put over more than anyone else in ROH, and I'm kinda getting bored with him, he's a great wrestler and all, but depending on who he's wrestling his matches can tend to look alot alike, I want to see the best of three series, and I hope that Aries is the next ROH champion, cause imo him, Jimmy Jacobs, & Roderick Strong are the best three guys in ROH right now
has anyone seen Driven yet? even though i just got 4 new dvds in the mail Thursday, i said fuck it and ordered Driven last night, since my wife had to work early today, so i kicked back last night with a few beers and some nuggs and watched the best ppv ive seen ina long time...it had been a few years since ive ordered ppv, because i refuse to spend money on WWE ppvs...anyways...i wont spoil it for anyone who hasnt seen it yet

this was great...the opener was awesome, NRC vs. Delirious, Erik Stevens and Matt Cross...i am not at all a fan of Stevens & Cross, they bore me, but wow...this was just great
The opener was solid, and did its job well. It was a fast paced spotty match designed to get the crowd hot.

It wasn't great by any means but did the job it was supposed to do.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Matt Sydal...another fantastic match, i was a little bored at first but then they got cookin, and they pulled off some great moves...another quality fight
Are you kidding? This match was a complete bore. CC is terrible in the ring, and his style with Sydal's was a complete clash and did not make for good match at all.

BJ Whitmer vs. Naomichi Marufuji...sorry, but i got up to do a couple things and only caught the end...i am sure it was great though
It was so bad, I do'nt even remember watching it.

Brent Albright vs. Pelle Primeau...squash
Yes, because when I order a PPV, what I want to see is a WWE reject squash match. DUD

The Briscoes vs. Steen & Generico...great tag team match, really awesome stuff from two of the best...the only thing that got me was i know how this fued ends, and so i was just kind of waiting for it to get finished
A solid match, despite Kevin Steen's complete lack of ability to put on a quality match. Mark Briscoe must have been really tired after this match, because he spent the whole time carrying the other three guys.

Morishima vs. Jimmy Rave...squash... making poor Jimmy look weak on ppv as he is set to start in TNA...kinda liked it
Completely bush league. You have a PPV show, you don't have the World Title match main-event in favor of a pre-taped match, and the Title match is a squash match. Horrible booking.

and finally...

the infamous Philly 6/9 match...Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuiness...oh crap this was top fucking notch...i wont spoil any of it, because you owe it to yourself to see for yourself...all i can say is when it is all over, i felt like i had just watched a big money fight, in the same vein as boxing or mma, the atmosphere was incredible, and these two tore each other down, even though i knew who was going to win i was still drawn into it like i didnt know for sure what was gonna happen...the end sequence was one of the best ive seen
Haven't seen this yet as I haven't had the time, nor really the interest. But, I'll check it out soon enough. I'm sure it'll be similar to the last match at Unified. Built up by ROHbots with MOTY ejaculations because it went for a long number of minutes, and completely devoid of wrestling psychology and storytelling, in favor of random high spots and unrealistic "chain wrestling".

I'll watch with an open mind, but I bet I'm not impressed.

anyways thumbs way up...i am so glad i tivod this
Absent of the Nigel/AmDrag match, this show was a borefest. Decent opener and solid tag match were the only things on this show worth watching.
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how Ring of Honor could be called Ring of Sports Entertainment? I mean, they have a Lizard Man, numerous factions, Project 161, a Sydal heel turn on a PPV show, Aries coming out of a crowd...

I find it funny that Ring of Honor is not about matches but rather storylines, angles and all-around entertainment.

So much for being for REAL wrestling fans. :rolleyes:
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how Ring of Honor could be called Ring of Sports Entertainment? I mean, they have a Lizard Man, numerous factions, Project 161, a Sydal heel turn on a PPV show, Aries coming out of a crowd...

I find it funny that Ring of Honor is not about matches but rather storylines, angles and all-around entertainment.

So much for being for REAL wrestling fans. :rolleyes:

Great matches happen when there is conflict. that is done through storytelling. and the ROH dudes still work their asses off every match. you have to have some kind of storyline. ROH has been doing it forever (the prophecy angle, the whole Rottwillers thing. when the briscoes where mannaged by Corrnett. SPECIAL K!!!! the list goes on) they have always booked most of the stuff with storylines the Aries thing was a SMARK angle in that it was no secret that Aries hated working for TNA. Its American Pro Wrestling, there is going to be a bit of a dog and pony show to hide the production quality. because in the end great Pro wrestling is all about storytelling. If you don't tell a good story then you have a couple dudes just running spots (ex: Teddy Hart vs Jack Evans vs Peaty Williams in CZW). ROH still puts together quality matches and the Guys work thier asses off.
But, that's not what Ring of Honor is about. Ring of Honor is supposed to be about two guys settling their differences in the ring, to decide who is a better man. It was a no frills, in-ring action driven promotion. It was based upon the Code of Honor in professional wrestling.

Today's ROH fans like to pretend that it is still about that, when it is very clearly not. I agree, that to be successful, it has to incorporate those elements into the promotion, and that is what professional wrestling is all about. But, to hear some of its fans talk about it, you would think that ROH was above such things.
i'll agree that they have gone away from the whole code of honor, but that was a means of putting over heels. and if you'll recall on the first show didn't they have the Christopher Street Connection on that show. think so. ROH still puts out a product that is by far above what the other "top" promotions do in this country. but they have always had faction wars, and storylines to drive their product, while they focus more on the wrestling. admit it, who else has the balls to bring in legends like Misawa and Kobashi. they cater to the wrestling fan.
i'll agree that they have gone away from the whole code of honor, but that was a means of putting over heels. and if you'll recall on the first show didn't they have the Christopher Street Connection on that show. think so. ROH still puts out a product that is by far above what the other "top" promotions do in this country. but they have always had faction wars, and storylines to drive their product, while they focus more on the wrestling. admit it, who else has the balls to bring in legends like Misawa and Kobashi. they cater to the wrestling fan.

ROH is doing what professional wrestling HAS to do to survive: evolving.

i'm still waiting for someone who knows wtf i'm talking about when i say "daniels vs. punk"... *cough* rvdgurl *cough*
i'll agree that they have gone away from the whole code of honor, but that was a means of putting over heels. and if you'll recall on the first show didn't they have the Christopher Street Connection on that show. think so. ROH still puts out a product that is by far above what the other "top" promotions do in this country. but they have always had faction wars, and storylines to drive their product, while they focus more on the wrestling. admit it, who else has the balls to bring in legends like Misawa and Kobashi. they cater to the wrestling fan.
What does having balls have to do with bringing in a Misawa or Kobashi? TNA brought in Liger at Bound For Glory 2005, as well as Tiger Mask within the last year or two.

It has nothing to do with having balls, it has to do with making money. WWE fans don't give a flying fuck about Misawa (certainly not at his present age) or Kobashi, so why would they sign them?

ROH doesn't focus more on wrestling, they focus on the same things that the WWE and TNA do. It's storyline driven, with factions and "sports entertainment" style. That's not a bad thing. It's what professional wrestling is supposed to be about. But, ROH fans like to think their company is some how above that style, and their not. ROH does the exact same thing as the WWE, just on a lower level and with inferior talent.

And, ROH above the WWE? :lmao:. That's all that needs to be said about that. Sure, they appeal to their core audience, but that is all. The WWE appeals to a much larger demographic of audience, the storylines are better, the promo/mic work is far superior, and the in-ring work, on average is superior.

ROH has a long ways to go if they want to compete with the WWE. I mean, they bring in Misawa for a couple shows, and, even at his old age, is head and shoulders a better worker than 95% of the ROH roster.
ROH is doing what professional wrestling HAS to do to survive: evolving.

i'm still waiting for someone who knows wtf i'm talking about when i say "daniels vs. punk"... *cough* rvdgurl *cough*

Hey I've seen that match, it was one of the better Punk matches I've seen, especially towards the end, where it seemed it could've gone either way, I've been meaning to watch it again, but have been trying to get through my other ROH dvds first
It has nothing to do with having balls, it has to do with making money. WWE fans don't give a flying fuck about Misawa (certainly not at his present age) or Kobashi, so why would they sign them?

ROH has a long ways to go if they want to compete with the WWE. I mean, they bring in Misawa for a couple shows, and, even at his old age, is head and shoulders a better worker than 95% of the ROH roster.

Yeah but then again Misawa and Kobashi are better workers than the majority of the WWE and TNA rosters anyway so how is that any different from RoH? WWE fans have pretty much never given a flying fuck about Japanese Wrestlers except for guys like Keiji Mutoh and Jushin Liger, so it is a pretty useless statement to make about WWE fans and not caring about them at any length.

Anyway It will be interesting to see how the Ring of Honor house shows are going to do Wrestlemania weekend. If it is in Orlando as well as Wrestlemania 24. It would be an interesting way for Ring of Honor to promote itself to WWE fans as an Alternative to WWE and TNA programming, which isn't a bad thing as it would help in raising the profile of Pro Wrestling in a positive light based on what Ring of Honor is with the differences settled in the Ring in contained feuds, even if there are storylines to go with the feud it is almost entirely contained inside the feud and not going outside of it often.
For all the arguing, tell me this.

Who in singles in WWE can compete with Brian Danielson or Nigel?

Which tag team can even touch The Briscoes?

And that's not even talking about getting into stable wars if WWE would ever make one, which would help them out, I promise.
For all the arguing, tell me this.

Who in singles in WWE can compete with Brian Danielson or Nigel?

Which tag team can even touch The Briscoes?

And that's not even talking about getting into stable wars if WWE would ever make one, which would help them out, I promise.

Well, I think I could answer that question, btw I am an ROH fan more than WWE, but anyway to answer the question

For singles I would say Punk, and possibly Regal, & Shelton, I've always felt Danielson reminded me a little of a younger version of Regal, who btw is a good a pretty good technical wrestler, Punk is former ROH, and IMO could hand with just about anybody in ROH ever, Shelton just just damn amazing and I get the feeling he could hang in there as well

Now as for which Tag Team I think could touch the Briscoes, that is a tough one, but I wouldn't mind seeing what Londrick culd do against the Briscoes, I think the could hang, and that it would be a hell of a match, but that's about the only team in WWE that I could see even coming close to the Briscoes, of course it just so happens both of those guys are also former ROH guys as well, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that possibly WGTT might be able to pull of a decent match with the Briscoes as well, though I do think the Briscoes are light years ahead of WGTT when it comes to tag wrestling
i'm still waiting for someone who knows wtf i'm talking about when i say "daniels vs. punk"... *cough* rvdgurl *cough*

I know, I know...I have been getting through some other DVD's first. I plan to watch it on Thursday, so hopefully I can discuss the match properly.

Now...I saw the Philly show this past Friday night. It was a great show, like always. The Danielson v. Aries match was phenomenal (my 2 favorite wrestlers!!) and the Aries win was definately surprising. I was content with the highly publicized main event that featured Morishima & Marifuji v. Misawa & Kenta. The fanfare surrounded this was unreal. The show was being broadcast on TV in Japan and the whole venue was filled with Japanese photographers, journalists and cameramen. I am very unfamiliar with Japanese wrestling and I was impressed with the spectacle they made. I was, however, surprised by how old Misawa is. I have never seen him wrestle and I expected much more for the hype he was given. I definately plan to get a hold of some of his work from his younger years as I assume he was much better a few years ago. Overall, a very solid show.

By the way, Homicide was in attendance just to watch the show. He was very incognito and there were very few fans that even realized who he was. I thought that was cool to see him there as a fan.
For all the arguing, tell me this.

Who in singles in WWE can compete with Brian Danielson or Nigel?

Which tag team can even touch The Briscoes?

And that's not even talking about getting into stable wars if WWE would ever make one, which would help them out, I promise.
Are you talking in kayfabe, real life or in pro wrestling ability?

Because, the answer to all of them would be plenty.

Who's better than Danielson? HBK, Undertaker, Finlay, Mysterio, Cena, MVP, HHH, Umaga just to name a few who are so far superior to Danielson or Nigel it's laughable to even compare them.

London and Kendrick, MVP/Hardy and Cade and Murdoch are all better than the Briscoes. And, again, this is just the most obvious ones.
didnt hbk train danielson?? i saw the driven ppv and was really impressed with the briscoes they would match up good with the mcmg from tna,and probably kendrickandlondon. is there anywhere to see roh online,youtube doesnt seem to have that much.
didnt hbk train danielson?? i saw the driven ppv and was really impressed with the briscoes they would match up good with the mcmg from tna,and probably kendrickandlondon. is there anywhere to see roh online,youtube doesnt seem to have that much.

The Briscoes and MCMGs have had a match in ROH, you should do yourself a favor and order Good Times And Great Memories, that's the show it took place at, it's easily the best tag match in recent history IMO, and alone is worth the price of the DVD, I've watch that match alone at least a half dozen times within a month of ordering it

I would love to see the Briscoes vs. Londrick, that right there is a ROH dream match IMO, the only thing that could be better than that is a Triple threat with The Briscoes vs. MCMG vs. Londrick, these matches would of course have to take place in ROH, cause ROH would be the only place to give them the time and freedom to put on the five star spectacular that we all know they are capable of

To answer your other question, no I don't think there is a whole lot of places, at least that I've found, online to watch ROH matches, you got whatever you can find on youtube, and a little bit over on Dailymotion, but other than that I haven't seen a whole lot, just go ahead and order some DVDs from ROH, they often to sales and specials, so you just have to keep your eyes open, all of their DVDs are well worth the money, I'm sure anybody else in here would tell you the same, well except Sly, but he's an ROH hater
I like the ROH style I gotta say, but the arenas are so dark and the camerawork so bad on all of the stuff I've seen that I can't sit through a match if its longer than 15 mins, its a shame cos there roster is awesome, but I gotta say; GUYS COMPARING ROH GUYS TO WWE IS LAME, one if you're talking Kayfabe then the WWE guys will always win and if you're talking better wrestling abilitiy I have to say WWE, it may be popular for ROH fans to say WWE is this or that but the fact is they're the best and Vince is the most influential man in the industry, so if he says his guys are better, then they are. We all know what WWE look for and ROH like many Indy's take what talent they can and use them as long as they can until the really talented ones get signed elsewhere (ECW-a like anyone?) ROH is far more of a WWE alternative than anywhere I've seen so why even bother comparing, I like both for different reasons.

The power lies right here, Brother - Hogan threatening Andre the Giant RIP
What does having balls have to do with bringing in a Misawa or Kobashi? TNA brought in Liger at Bound For Glory 2005, as well as Tiger Mask within the last year or two.

It has nothing to do with having balls, it has to do with making money. WWE fans don't give a flying fuck about Misawa (certainly not at his present age) or Kobashi, so why would they sign them?

ROH doesn't focus more on wrestling, they focus on the same things that the WWE and TNA do. It's storyline driven, with factions and "sports entertainment" style. That's not a bad thing. It's what professional wrestling is supposed to be about. But, ROH fans like to think their company is some how above that style, and their not. ROH does the exact same thing as the WWE, just on a lower level and with inferior talent.

And, ROH above the WWE? :lmao:. That's all that needs to be said about that. Sure, they appeal to their core audience, but that is all. The WWE appeals to a much larger demographic of audience, the storylines are better, the promo/mic work is far superior, and the in-ring work, on average is superior.

ROH has a long ways to go if they want to compete with the WWE. I mean, they bring in Misawa for a couple shows, and, even at his old age, is head and shoulders a better worker than 95% of the ROH roster.

1.) ROH brought in Liger a good year before TNA ever did.

2.) IWA:MS brought in Tiger Mask IV as well.

I don't know what your point was by saying TNA brought these guys in. It's been done before. Kobashi and Misawa besides visiting Harley Race's school have done no wrestling in the US. Those two guys are the Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair of Japan. For a small company like ROH to bring them in it does take balls. They take that risk to spend that much money on bringing them in because in the long run it will payoff.

ROH is above the WWE Sports Entertainment style because unlike the WWE ROH has reallistic characters and storylines. They also don't mess with our intelligence. Are we actually suppose to believe we've never seen Big Daddy V before. The WWE changes someone's character and it's like the guy never existed before. Or how about killing Paul Bearer? The WWE believes its fans are all in elementary school. ROH has storylines, but they settle them in the ring. They can tell a story by just wrestling. That's the difference. The matches in ROH have a purpose. The wrestlers are also given a freedom to do whatever moves they want. They are not held back and there is no glass ceiling in ROH. And comparing the two rosters by actual talent is apples to oranges. Like I said the ROH talent aren't held back. The two promotions work two different styles. My personal opinion I feel ROH has the more talent workers, and the only reason I say that is anyone could do what they do in the E. Majority of the E wrestlers go out there for 5 minutes and put on a basic simple match. Not a whole lot of talent needed. That's why guys like Snitsky, Khali, Batista, Big Daddy V, etc. are in the WWE. No talented big men.

ROH isn't trying to compete with anyone. They are just an alternative to the crap on TV. And again I have to disagree that the WWE has better storylines and better in ring work. That's actually a pretty good joke. Sure they may have better mic work, but come on dude, this is still called pro wrestling. Vince can tell you it's a soap opera and entertainment, but at the end of the day it is still pro wrestling and that's why I choose Ring of Honor.
Who on this forum has wrestled in BOTH of these promotions? Who can really, honestly tell me that they've seen WWE's workers wrestle in an environment such as ROH (other than the obvious talent who used to wrestle in ROH anyway) before? I'm willing to bet that many of WWE's workers could hang with a lot of ROH's. I think it's pretty disrespectful of the typical smark fan on this forum to sit here and make calls that he/she doesn't even know about. I understand that as long as there is pro wrestling there will be pro wrestling fans who will critique and share their opinions, just as in nascar or football there will be the same. But as a fellow independent wrestler myself, I wouldn't presume to sit here and judge those who have been in the business already before me and think I know what they can do in the ring. Truth is, you never know someone's capabilities until you've seen them work a style that allows for them to showcase everything they've got. What if ROH makes it as big as WWE? How long do you think they will be able to hold out showing us the product they are showing us now to a worldwide audience on television? The vast majority of ROH fans are a mature audience who can handle their product accordingly. Slap a worldwide label on them and ship them to every TV station in the world. ROH, like WWE or TNA or ECW or WCW or whatever promotion you care to think of, would have to evolve to fit a larger demographic. This is the issue here, in the long run. Demographics. Vince McMahon is a businessman. He realizes this. If he had tried to appeal to the same demographic as ROH, WWE would not be anywhere near what it is today. Not that ROH is wrong, either. I LOVE ROH. I love their DVDs, live shows, and hope to someday showcase myself there. But to compare ROH and WWE is like comparing fats and oils to the rest of the food pyramid. ROH is a nice addition to the wrestling world... but it is a different product within the same spectrum and they are not necessary for wrestling's survival (even though they are so insanely awesome).
Are you talking in kayfabe, real life or in pro wrestling ability?

Because, the answer to all of them would be plenty.

Who's better than Danielson? HBK, Undertaker, Finlay, Mysterio, Cena, MVP, HHH, Umaga just to name a few who are so far superior to Danielson or Nigel it's laughable to even compare them.

London and Kendrick, MVP/Hardy and Cade and Murdoch are all better than the Briscoes. And, again, this is just the most obvious ones.

all of these statements are laughable.

BTW, ROH is running shows the two days before wrestlmania in Orlando, and they have already booked stars from dragons gate for the show. i got tickets to both of them.
Hey I heard that former ROH stars Colt Cabana and Matt Sydal have signed WWE developmental deals, a few questions about both:

A. What are some of each of their best matches and where can they be found?
B. What can I expect from them fighting style wise? My only real knowledge of former ROH stars is X-Division Guys, CM Punk and of Course Mr AUSTIN ARIES!
C. Sorry but gotta get my money's worth- Do u think they will be able to adapt to WWE style and be successful like Punk has been?!

Hey I heard that former ROH stars Colt Cabana and Matt Sydal have signed WWE developmental deals, a few questions about both:

A. What are some of each of their best matches and where can they be found?
B. What can I expect from them fighting style wise? My only real knowledge of former ROH stars is X-Division Guys, CM Punk and of Course Mr AUSTIN ARIES!
C. Sorry but gotta get my money's worth- Do u think they will be able to adapt to WWE style and be successful like Punk has been?!


Cabana has had a developmental deal for at least 6 months now, and Sydal just recently signed. You can search them on YouTube to check out some of their matches. Cabana had some of his best matchs against CM Punk (if you've never seen Punk in ROH you will be blown away). Sydal consistently put on good matches, if you like high flyers. Personally, I think Sydal will have a difficult time adapting to the WWE style. Alot of the moves he used in ROH are banned in the WWE. He could prosper in the Cruiserwieght division if used correctly, however, with the current state of the cruiserweights, it is unlikely. Cabana may have a better chance to be successful as he is a very solid worker and has tons of charisma. However, his physical stature is not what the WWE usually promotes, so Colt may not get the kind of push he deserves.

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