Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Raw had a very nice set for Bragging Rights this Sunday. Snoop Dog was great and I'd like to see him as a guest host again someday. When he took Chavo down, I almost died laughing! It does suck that Chavo is nothing but comedy fodder now, but he was a good sport about it.

The show overall was nice with Triple H beating Cena and both teams faced off at the end of the show. The Raw team also having a warm up tag team match was nice to see. You don't get to see the teams usually pair up until that ppv, so that was a nice change of pace.
What can we expect to happen on Raw tonight?

I was expecting a controversial ending to the WWE Title match, but it doesn't sound like we got one. So we are in need of a new contender to the WWE Championship. We have 2 Nascar drivers hosting. Might we get a "Chase for the Championship" or some other gimmick to crown a new number 1 contender?

DX appears to be in a fued with Jerishow, so we will probably see the outline of a match between the two teams at Survivor Series.

Hopefully the Miz will get something to do on Raw as well and not just get lost in the shuffle. I would like to see Cody and Ted get in the US Title Hunt, which would allow the rift in Legacy to be magnified.

I would like to see the Scramble Matches return for Survivor Series, rather see a scramble than a 5 on 5 tag match.
Jericho and show will open raw with a rant about how much better smackdown is and how he masterminded Big show changing sides. DX will interupt. just before they brawl guest host will break them up and announce a match for tonight. That match will end in a DQ or count out. The miz will be in a championship match with kofi, cody will run in for the DQ starting the kofi/cody fued. 3 on 3 divas match.

Same old shit really.
i think randy orton should not lost at bragging rights because he is the only Legend(Killer) in the WWE who can carry the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP NO ONE IS BETTER THAN RANDY ORTON he should be again wwe champion!!!
forgot to say kane-a-knight you forgot the FORMER wwe champion Randy Orton,i think orton will start saying the he beat john cena and he deserves to be the wwe champion not cena and i have a question for you forum? What Championship Will Orton Have Fighting For After BRAGGING RIGHTS?
i kinda agree but not you said i would LOVE a miz siting on raw.a chase for the championship would be nice if it has the right participants.i would like to see the chase,but have it be like this......

the chase would be between four superstars,miz vs ted,orton vs mvp.triple h loses to mvp in a good match when orton interferes by beating on mvp costing trips the match.ted bats miz in an "awesome' match between 2 young guys with morrison coming through the crowd getting revenge on miz for cheating last night (thus,keeping their feud alive AND leads into a TEAM MIZ vs TEAM MORRISON at survivor series).so ted moves on.then its ted vs mvp for a chance at the title.good match until orton comes out trying to stop ted from getting a shot at the this point orton is trying to stop EVERYONE from touching "his" out comes orton to screw ted when trips comes from the back and busts up orton,distracting mvp allowing ted to get the pinfall and become #1 contender......AFTERMATH-ted is now #1 contender with orton trying to stop him (ted goes face....YEAH!!!!);orton and trips feud over orton costin the title turning it into TEAM DX vs TEAM ORTON,featuring jerishow;mvp gets a small glimpse of m.e. scene;and most importantly you get some new faces at the top.


orton can come out and announce himself the undisputed champion,unveiling a new belt styled like a viper (ala john cena and the spinner belt).cena comes out and they argue on who is the "REAL" champ.out comes trips saying he beat cena last week and should get a shot,then out comes miz saying he is on a roll and should be next in line since he won against another champ,out comes mvp,then swagger,then we have the guest nascar guys come out talking bout a chase for the title scramble at survivor series.

what do you guys tomorrow.
i think randy orton should not lost at bragging rights because he is the only Legend(Killer) in the WWE who can carry the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP NO ONE IS BETTER THAN RANDY ORTON he should be again wwe champion!!!

Really? Orton is alright. He's not that great certainly isn't anywhere near the level of Cena. He should have lost, he's been boring for the better part of of the last 3 months. He hasn't been entertaining. Last night was the first good match that he's had all year. Please don't tell me you called him a legend.... He's no where near that level... Btw you're out of your fucking mind!!!! Orton isn't on the level of Shawn Michaels, Edge, 'Taker, Cena, Jericho, Triple h, John Cena, or Punk. He might be ahead of Batista. I wish Orton would be great, but it hasn't happened and it most likely won't because he's lazy can hardly work on a mic... Oh and to answer you're question he's going to feud with Dibiase least that's what I say. He's not going after a championship.... Least not while Cena hold the belt... Tough luck!
The only thing I'm predicting for tonight is that Orton will blame Ted and Cody for not coming to help at the end. He was clearly waiting for them last night and looked pissed when they didn't turn up.
You can also expect the announcement of some kind of tournament for the No 1 contender spot. I know there is a 3 hour RAW coming up at some point and I'd love to see the return of KotR and the winner getting a title shot. Well that or they'll just give it to HHH:suspic:
Really? Orton is alright. He's not that great certainly isn't anywhere near the level of Cena. He should have lost, he's been boring for the better part of of the last 3 months. He hasn't been entertaining. Last night was the first good match that he's had all year. Please don't tell me you called him a legend.... He's no where near that level... Btw you're out of your fucking mind!!!! Orton isn't on the level of Shawn Michaels, Edge, 'Taker, Cena, Jericho, Triple h, John Cena, or Punk. He might be ahead of Batista. I wish Orton would be great, but it hasn't happened and it most likely won't because he's lazy can hardly work on a mic... Oh and to answer you're question he's going to feud with Dibiase least that's what I say. He's not going after a championship.... Least not while Cena hold the belt... Tough luck!

I think I lost braincells reading this.

Wow wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong and another wrong Orton is the best heel in wrestling right now.

I'm sorry but anybody that says that HHH is a great worker loses credibility I've argued with many Orton haters such as yourself and even the most severe haven't said that.

He's lazy prove it he has mastered his character and unlike Cena gets his boos and does his job Cena is a face that gets booed which means he isn't doing his job.

You laughably don't back up any of your claims and just list guys in your twisted world that are better. Edge is the most over-rated worker in the E and HBK is right up their as well hmmm an injury prone guy with the same gimmick since 2005 (Edge) Or a guy who slacks of almost every night while alienating those around him (HBK) I don't like either.

John Cena is a face that gets booed like I said before while he is the best guy you listed here the fact is that he's not doing his job. Cena is a guy that has my respect he tries to work with what creative gives him but nobody buys his BS underdog gimmick. He is already a 7 time world champion that's like saying the Steelers are perennial underdogs it's faulty and a joke just like your post to be honest.

I like John Cena and enjoy his work but he is failing as the face of the WWE I'm not saying Orton should be the face (he's a heel.) But I am saying that Cena isn't on the level of the top babyfaces before him like SCSA the Rock HBK and Hogan. Randy Orton will be on the level or may even surpass the greates heels of all time when he hangs up his boots.

The Undertaker I really can't argue with all I have to say is that Randy Orton is only 29 and the Undertaker is in his 40's so I'm pretty damn sure Orton will be on his level soon enough.

Jericho same as the Undertaker.

Ah HHH not really sure I should point out the obvious facts of him not putting on a good match since 2004 oh wait I just did. He is the epitome of solid nothing great or spectatcular he can work the mic pretty well but he is a god awful babyface that relies on DX kayfabe to get over. I enjoyed him as the leader of Evolution and "the game" circa 2003-2004 but now I'd rather not see him and his two quad tears thank you very much.

CM Punk is a good in ring worker but he has a ceiling his gimmick of being straight edge doesn't do it for me. It was the best thing in wrestling for the first month but now it's stale that gimmick has a shelf life and it's very short. He can only do so much with guys that aren't perennial screw ups and drug addicts like Jeff Hardy. What is he going to say to the Undertaker ? All your talk of taking one's souls is a direct result of LSD use Taker' ?

The fact that you even mentioned Batista in the same sentence as Orton, and adding that Randy "might" be ahead of Batista means that your just a blind hater. That can't back up facts come on your better than that at least provide a credible argument Batista !!!!? Are you kidding me ? A slow steroid using statue and botch monkey than can't even execute his own finisher correctly is better than Randy Orton ?

By the way Randy Orton's "bad mic" work, is perfect for his character a cold sadistic viper speaks the way he does he is a emotionless lethal killer that doesn't care what he does to get what he wants. Do you want him to sound like the Rock, and get fired for getting fans to cheer him the WWE loves that you hate his mic work it means Randy is doing his job.

Just an over-all awful and off based post most Orton haters go to the classic "boring" argument but they just don't understand the psychology of a heel. You however have brought Orton hate to a new standard of low.

Orton will eventually feud with Dibiase I think it should happen post Survivor Series though. They don't need to rush this and if they do it could fail if creative doesn't screw it up which is certainly possible Randy Orton will make Ted Dibiase into a star.
Randy Orton needs a good storyline and maybe he will feud with dibiase but at bragging rights dibiase and rhodes helped him orton maybe will be the best again we will see and orton is a legend in the wwe maybe he is not very entertaining but he is a very good wrestler
Raw will be Raw people

Dont expect them to have an awesome show, i have been expecting an awesome show after a PPV but it has yet to happen.....

Although i will say that SS is one of my favorite PPVs so i am excited for the next how ever many weeks it is until SS so it will hopefully be a good

i expect some kind of championship tournament thing, which it BETTER happen or else they are just going to throw someone in there with Cena and we all know how that turns out (SUCK!!!!)

Anyways just wanted to say dont get ur hopes up to much even though mine are
Raw will be Raw people

Dont expect them to have an awesome show, i have been expecting an awesome show after a PPV but it has yet to happen.....

Although i will say that SS is one of my favorite PPVs so i am excited for the next how ever many weeks it is until SS so it will hopefully be a good

i expect some kind of championship tournament thing, which it BETTER happen or else they are just going to throw someone in there with Cena and we all know how that turns out (SUCK!!!!)

Anyways just wanted to say dont get ur hopes up to much even though mine are

Couldn't agree more some people are foolishley expecting great things they will again be dissapointed by their faulty expectations. HHH will challenge Cena and it will be lackluster at best.

Hopefully something comes of the Rhodes Kingston confrontation last night but we all know the WWE isn't afraid to leave plot holes in their storylines.

Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase will be all this show is worth watching for the forseeable future.

Raw will be Raw which means get ready for piss poor diva matches lame DX skits from 40 year old men bad creative decision Leprechauns and "the Champ".
Couldn't agree more some people are foolishley expecting great things they will again be dissapointed by their faulty expectations. HHH will challenge Cena and it will be lackluster at best.

Hopefully something comes of the Rhodes Kingston confrontation last night but we all know the WWE isn't afraid to leave plot holes in their storylines.

Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase will be all this show is worth watching for the forseeable future.

Raw will be Raw which means get ready for piss poor diva matches lame DX skits from 40 year old men bad creative decision Leprechauns and "the Champ".

Agreed and to be honest i was one of those guys that marked out about DX coming back and bringing WWE out of PG crap, but nope all we got is two old guys who wont put young talent over and these dumb skits that happen everytime, and some foolish pathetic stunts to sell merchandise.

Seriously WWE get over the DX thing if you are going to bring back DX bring it back and dont make it a piss-poor version of one the best factions of ALL TIME

oh and btw i could care less about DX at this point, if you couldnt already tell
Would you two please get a room with Orton - good god! While I like Orton and think he makes a great heel, he is not gods gift to Raw by any means. Raw needs help and they need heels. I am expecting too see a Cena vs Face for his next title defense. I dont see any fueds developing right off the go. Cena will most likely hodl the title and slowly work into a program while things set up around him.

Also dont forget you have heels in other places that could be moved forward. However, I wouldn't be suprised if Orton isn't out of the picture completely knowing the E.

But for now, ease up on the Orton love. He's not that great...yet.
Really? Orton is alright. He's not that great certainly isn't anywhere near the level of Cena. He should have lost, he's been boring for the better part of of the last 3 months. He hasn't been entertaining. Last night was the first good match that he's had all year. Please don't tell me you called him a legend.... He's no where near that level... Btw you're out of your fucking mind!!!! Orton isn't on the level of Shawn Michaels, Edge, 'Taker, Cena, Jericho, Triple h, John Cena, or Punk. He might be ahead of Batista. I wish Orton would be great, but it hasn't happened and it most likely won't because he's lazy can hardly work on a mic... Oh and to answer you're question he's going to feud with Dibiase least that's what I say. He's not going after a championship.... Least not while Cena hold the belt... Tough luck!

I agree with on the most part man, except for listing CM Punk in that list, being ABOVE Orton. You're high off your ass there. CM Punk isn't technically a main eventer yet. He's still trying to get there. Orton has already established himself, he's had a major feud with Undertaker, wrestling him at WM and everything, while Punk hasn't even had a singles match at Mania yet. Watch what you say because saying CM Punk is above Orton is bullshit.

Now, on topic. I'm really not sure what they'll do. Apparently Orton is done feuding with Cena(for now), and he's the champion, so I guess he doesn't get a rematch. And, it's REAL hard for the WWE to push new talent, especially on Raw, so I don't know who'll be the new #1 contender. DX is busy, and they're the only main eventers left, so idk.
Raw can still be good. Cena has had matches with HHH, but not a program and it might be good. You can have Cena face the fresh heels that he has not faced and you can have Orton face wrestle the new good guys. We need fresh feuds that we have not seen, DX vs Jerishow will be a great program for a while and go with that. Built up to a match with ted jr and orton. But it will be interesting to see what goes on from here on out. They should take the time and build fresh new feuds that will be great, its time for the younger guys to make their mark.

DX and JeriShow start a solid feud that ends up with DX taking the belts at Survivor Series.

There's a 4 man tourney for the #1 contendership for the belts. Say, Kofi v. Rhodes and DiBiase v. MVP. Orton tells the Legacy guys that their job is to get the belt back into the group so he can get his hands back on his title. After Randy's domination of Ted last week, the two agree.

Kofi beats Rhodes tonight and continues their building feud. Meanwhile DiBiase beats MVP and becomes Randy's poster boy.

Swagger needs something to do as well where he can continue his winning streak. Maybe put him in a feud with Mark Henry and send him into some sort of tag match at SS against MVP/Henry. Pair him with Carlito or someone. Just keep Swagger in the spotlight.

Finally, the Miz needs to come out and be dynamite like usual, perhaps continue his feud with JoMo and maybe have the traditional SS match led by the pair. He just needs to be on the microphone because he's the best part of Raw.

That leaves us with:

-DX v. JeriShow feud for the tag titles.
-Rhodes v. Kofi
-DiBiase's push to face Cena with Orton in his corner (set up by the 'match' they had on Raw last week)
-Miz continues to be Awesome

Ideally this would leave to SS with DiBiase beating Kofi thanks to Rhodes' interference and taking on Cena at SS. Win or lose, that sets up a Teddy face turn and a long feud with Orton going into the Rumble.

But I'm sure we'll have HHH v. Cena and DX vs. JeriShow set up at the SS so that Trips can come out with three belts and call himself Triple Strap or something stupid.
Couldn't agree more some people are foolishley expecting great things they will again be dissapointed by their faulty expectations. HHH will challenge Cena and it will be lackluster at best.

Hopefully something comes of the Rhodes Kingston confrontation last night but we all know the WWE isn't afraid to leave plot holes in their storylines.

Randy Orton and Ted Dibiase will be all this show is worth watching for the forseeable future.

Raw will be Raw which means get ready for piss poor diva matches lame DX skits from 40 year old men bad creative decision Leprechauns and "the Champ".

It sounds like if you don't get your way, you cry that Raw is bad. But if Orton would have won last night, you'd be marking out, right?

Come on. We all enjoy wrestling, so stop hating on it if it doesn't go exactly as you planned.

Raw/Smackdown have had a few great shows in the last 2 months. It's starting to hit the big scene again and I'm really expecting the WWE to ride this momentum all the way to Wrestlemania. They have a mix of great young talent mixed with the vets who still have legendary status to the fans. It also seems HBK and Jericho are willing to push the young stars over while Cena couldn't be bigger with the kids.

We all know wrestling still has a lot to do to get back to what made it so popular, but we are getting there. Slowly but surely.
It sounds like if you don't get your way, you cry that Raw is bad. But if Orton would have won last night, you'd be marking out, right?

Come on. We all enjoy wrestling, so stop hating on it if it doesn't go exactly as you planned.

Raw/Smackdown have had a few great shows in the last 2 months. It's starting to hit the big scene again and I'm really expecting the WWE to ride this momentum all the way to Wrestlemania. They have a mix of great young talent mixed with the vets who still have legendary status to the fans. It also seems HBK and Jericho are willing to push the young stars over while Cena couldn't be bigger with the kids.

We all know wrestling still has a lot to do to get back to what made it so popular, but we are getting there. Slowly but surely.

Um no that's not the reason I'm not an idiot do you think wrestling is real ? Because I don't so therefore I can't get mad over a fake result wow.

The ratings back up my point it really doesn't matter if Orton is champion or anybody else the product is lackluster at best. Vince obviously got you to drink the cool aid that's ok most people with a brain can see how bad the product has been.

If HBK and Jericho are willing that's nice but it's not working is it ?

I enjoy wrestling but now I don't have to watch it like I used to Raw was a must see but now it's not that shows how far it has fallen to me.

I haven't watched a Raw since August I just read the results and it's plain to see nobody really likes what's going on until the product gets better I'm not watching.

Smackdown is at least 10 times better right now and the Batista heel turn was brilliant.
I always watch Smackdown becuase it's the A show now haven't missed an episode for a very long time.

ECW=good show for what it is

Raw=garbage show whether Orton Cena HHH or hornswaggle is the champion

Smackdown=the best show by a mile great matches storylines and feuds and talent.
U Know its not vince destroying the company its thes extreme nosey fans who complain about everything wen they favorite superstar doesn't come out on top
Cena is a face, by the deal of the challange Orton will no longer be in the championship match. A heel needs to face cena. Big Show, HHH, HBK, Jericho is in a fued that will last another 2 months. This leaves a heel to headline two minor ppv's. Jack Swagger, christan (heel turn comming over like swagger), and Miz are the only options. I think this will be a joke title comp comming up the next two months and hopefully the wwe will let one of these young guns taste the title for a month
U Know its not vince destroying the company its thes extreme nosey fans who complain about everything wen they favorite superstar doesn't come out on top

You know periods and correct spelling and punctuation would make you sound a lot more credible.

Oh and adding something to the forum is recommended spamming isn't really encouraged here so I'll let you know since you obviously haven't read the rules yet.

I'll help you out a little

U should be You*

thes should be these*

nosey should be noisey*

A few commas and a period, would go a long way into making you sound like a competent user of the English language as well.
Well look here thanks for the advice mr. Southwind but no thanks you are a example of what i am talking about. All i have to say if u don't lik the wwe don't watch it. I been a wrestling fan for 13 years and some of my favorite superstars never was big time champions but I m not crying.
I think I lost braincells reading this.

Wow wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong and another wrong Orton is the best heel in wrestling right now.

I'm sorry but anybody that says that HHH is a great worker loses credibility I've argued with many Orton haters such as yourself and even the most severe haven't said that.

Triple H is a great worker. He's put on some pretty stellar matches throughout his career. Hell he even brought out a side of Cena's abilities we don't see too often. The man knows how to put on a great match and tell a story in the ring. Obviously you are one of the one who think he slept to the top.

He's lazy prove it he has mastered his character and unlike Cena gets his boos and does his job Cena is a face that gets booed which means he isn't doing his job.

Cena does his job perfectly. Those that boo him are smarks/members of the IWC who are sick of how over he is. Cena does his best to get cheers out of the crowd and for the most part he succeeds. Same goes for Randy Orton. He gets cheered every now and then too.

You laughably don't back up any of your claims and just list guys in your twisted world that are better. Edge is the most over-rated worker in the E and HBK is right up their as well hmmm an injury prone guy with the same gimmick since 2005 (Edge) Or a guy who slacks of almost every night while alienating those around him (HBK) I don't like either.

Edge is not overrated by far. As far as I can tell he can put on excellent matches with just about anyone. His feuds over the years with Cena are just golden. Also to say that HBK is overrated is by far the most idiotic statement I've ever heard. HBK is one of the greatest---if not the greatest----ring performers I've ever seen. He can put on amazing matches with just about anyone. Hell this past year at WM25 he put the Undertaker to the test. They were both so worn out from that match they needed months off to recuperate.

John Cena is a face that gets booed like I said before while he is the best guy you listed here the fact is that he's not doing his job. Cena is a guy that has my respect he tries to work with what creative gives him but nobody buys his BS underdog gimmick. He is already a 7 time world champion that's like saying the Steelers are perennial underdogs it's faulty and a joke just like your post to be honest.

How is that even a good comparison? Orton is a 6 time world champion? Why not shit on him when his reigns are more shit then Cena's.

I like John Cena and enjoy his work but he is failing as the face of the WWE I'm not saying Orton should be the face (he's a heel.) But I am saying that Cena isn't on the level of the top babyfaces before him like SCSA the Rock HBK and Hogan. Randy Orton will be on the level or may even surpass the greates heels of all time when he hangs up his boots.

Cena doesn't need to be on their level. The man is way over and is definitely the top face of the company. He doesn't need to be like the Rock or Stone Cold because nobody wants him to be. Orton one of the greatest heels of all time? Not with his shit booking over the years. His last great feud was with the Undertaker a few years back. Since then he has been nothing but shit.

The Undertaker I really can't argue with all I have to say is that Randy Orton is only 29 and the Undertaker is in his 40's so I'm pretty damn sure Orton will be on his level soon enough.

Jericho same as the Undertaker.

Chris Jericho is a way better heel then Orton. He garners more heat then just about anyone on the entire roster. His feuds from the last year have been gold starting with HBK.

Ah HHH not really sure I should point out the obvious facts of him not putting on a good match since 2004 oh wait I just did. He is the epitome of solid nothing great or spectatcular he can work the mic pretty well but he is a god awful babyface that relies on DX kayfabe to get over. I enjoyed him as the leader of Evolution and "the game" circa 2003-2004 but now I'd rather not see him and his two quad tears thank you very much.

Triple H has still got it. He is excellent in the ring as I said earlier. His first two meetings with John Cena 1-on-1 were definitely great matches that no one expected out of either one of them. Sure he revives DX too often. But he can work well as a face without DX. He was over before DX even reformed again this year. He works great as a heel or face.

CM Punk is a good in ring worker but he has a ceiling his gimmick of being straight edge doesn't do it for me. It was the best thing in wrestling for the first month but now it's stale that gimmick has a shelf life and it's very short. He can only do so much with guys that aren't perennial screw ups and drug addicts like Jeff Hardy. What is he going to say to the Undertaker ? All your talk of taking one's souls is a direct result of LSD use Taker' ?

No but he can call out the Undertaker for being a fraud. He can say his powers are fake. He can say that it's all lighting and fog machines. Oh wait...he already did.

The fact that you even mentioned Batista in the same sentence as Orton, and adding that Randy "might" be ahead of Batista means that your just a blind hater. That can't back up facts come on your better than that at least provide a credible argument Batista !!!!? Are you kidding me ? A slow steroid using statue and botch monkey than can't even execute his own finisher correctly is better than Randy Orton ?

I'll give you that. Randy Orton is better the Batista. Batista is just about to enter a new plateau though. He hasn't been a heel since Evolution and I'm looking forward to seeing him really becoming an animal and tearing everyone apart.

By the way Randy Orton's "bad mic" work, is perfect for his character a cold sadistic viper speaks the way he does he is a emotionless lethal killer that doesn't care what he does to get what he wants. Do you want him to sound like the Rock, and get fired for getting fans to cheer him the WWE loves that you hate his mic work it means Randy is doing his job.

I doubt they'd fire him. If anything they'd probably make him more of a tweener if they started cheering him more often.

Just an over-all awful and off based post most Orton haters go to the classic "boring" argument but they just don't understand the psychology of a heel. You however have brought Orton hate to a new standard of low.

Can I take it lower? Orton may have perfected his character. He may use a moveset that suits his gimmick but it's crap. He may be " The Viper " but he's booked more and more crappy each year. As I said earlier he hasn't been anything worth notice seen The Undertaker feud.

Orton will eventually feud with Dibiase I think it should happen post Survivor Series though. They don't need to rush this and if they do it could fail if creative doesn't screw it up which is certainly possible Randy Orton will make Ted Dibiase into a star.

I hope this doesn't happen until after Wrestlemania of next year. Ted needs to be proven as a good singles competitor before he can do anything against Orton. He has been looking strong the past couple of months but as a team with Cody. He needs to look great alone to get going with a face turn. Maybe give him the US title and throw him in there against the Miz and even throw Cody in there. It would do wonders for both of them, plus create further discension in Legacy.
Triple H is a great worker. He's put on some pretty stellar matches throughout his career. Hell he even brought out a side of Cena's abilities we don't see too often. The man knows how to put on a great match and tell a story in the ring. Obviously you are one of the one who think he slept to the top.

Cena does his job perfectly. Those that boo him are smarks/members of the IWC who are sick of how over he is. Cena does his best to get cheers out of the crowd and for the most part he succeeds. Same goes for Randy Orton. He gets cheered every now and then too.

Edge is not overrated by far. As far as I can tell he can put on excellent matches with just about anyone. His feuds over the years with Cena are just golden. Also to say that HBK is overrated is by far the most idiotic statement I've ever heard. HBK is one of the greatest---if not the greatest----ring performers I've ever seen. He can put on amazing matches with just about anyone. Hell this past year at WM25 he put the Undertaker to the test. They were both so worn out from that match they needed months off to recuperate.

How is that even a good comparison? Orton is a 6 time world champion? Why not shit on him when his reigns are more shit then Cena's.

Cena doesn't need to be on their level. The man is way over and is definitely the top face of the company. He doesn't need to be like the Rock or Stone Cold because nobody wants him to be. Orton one of the greatest heels of all time? Not with his shit booking over the years. His last great feud was with the Undertaker a few years back. Since then he has been nothing but shit.

Chris Jericho is a way better heel then Orton. He garners more heat then just about anyone on the entire roster. His feuds from the last year have been gold starting with HBK.

Triple H has still got it. He is excellent in the ring as I said earlier. His first two meetings with John Cena 1-on-1 were definitely great matches that no one expected out of either one of them. Sure he revives DX too often. But he can work well as a face without DX. He was over before DX even reformed again this year. He works great as a heel or face.

No but he can call out the Undertaker for being a fraud. He can say his powers are fake. He can say that it's all lighting and fog machines. Oh wait...he already did.

I'll give you that. Randy Orton is better the Batista. Batista is just about to enter a new plateau though. He hasn't been a heel since Evolution and I'm looking forward to seeing him really becoming an animal and tearing everyone apart.

I doubt they'd fire him. If anything they'd probably make him more of a tweener if they started cheering him more often.

Can I take it lower? Orton may have perfected his character. He may use a moveset that suits his gimmick but it's crap. He may be " The Viper " but he's booked more and more crappy each year. As I said earlier he hasn't been anything worth notice seen The Undertaker feud.

I hope this doesn't happen until after Wrestlemania of next year. Ted needs to be proven as a good singles competitor before he can do anything against Orton. He has been looking strong the past couple of months but as a team with Cody. He needs to look great alone to get going with a face turn. Maybe give him the US title and throw him in there against the Miz and even throw Cody in there. It would do wonders for both of them, plus create further discension in Legacy.

Not really I don't think Triple H slept his way to the top nice try putting words into my mouth you made a habit of it in your "response".

Your probably the same kind of hypocrite that says the IWC only makes up 5 percent of the audience yet can be louder than the other 95 % see next.

Edge is over-rated he has had one solid feud and it was with Cena that's it other than that he is always injured and his gimmick is stale when it started in 2005 it was good now it's not. Conveniently you ignored almost all of the points I made that were indisputable here's where it started.

I never said HBK was over-rated I said I have no respect for all the times he dogs it and he obviously doesn't have much friends backstage. I think he is one of the best in ring workers on the planet I just have issues with his Morales, Lest we forget it took good old Shawn a decade to man up and admit his part in the Montreal incident after making lots of money exploiting it in books. Having said that he is better than Orton right now in ring wise for sure and can cut a better promo. But Orton is only 29 the youngest main eventer i wrestling and will improve watch and learn he will be on your screen for the next decade.

I never shit on Cena's reigns you have a bad habit of putting words into my mouth did you even read my post I don't like insulting people on these boards but you are really testing me.

Your making excuses for Cena here who wouldn't want him to be like SCSA and the Rock they were more over than Cena can ever dream of being.

Great insight on Orton here I see you say he is "shit" twice while claiming I said he was the best heel I said he will eventually be wow you are not a sound reader are you ?

I said Y2J and the Undertaker were better than Orton god your an idiot you don't read do you have a disability Dyslexia maybe ? You pretty much made up your own version of my post.

Most people firmly believe the first two Cena-HHH matches sucked and I agree wholeheartedly with the masses. Triple H still has what he always had the ability to be solid but not spectacular steady but not outsanding. His last good match was in 2004 with HBK and Benoit his matches with Cena have all sucked they are all boring except for the close finishes which mask the overall lack of cohesiveness Cena and Triple H have.

Orton's ironman match last night >than any HHH match since 2004.

Like every other main eventer challenging the Undertaker hasn't done that next.

Yeah Orton is better than Batista by the length of the great wall of China. Nice insertion at the end though implying Batista's heel turn could make him better ah blind hatred.

OK that's your opinion and I respect it, I find that you either think Randy Orton is the best at what he does like me or think he is the worst there really is no middle ground on him.

Well judging by Raw tonight you will get your wish Ted was still being Orton's guy as was Cody so it most likely will happen at WM 26.

Overall you pretty much put words into my mouth the entire post and twisted my post around so you would actually have a point you really didn't do anything besides point out the obvious either.

I guess we will agree to disagree.

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