Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Well look here thanks for the advice mr. Southwind but no thanks you are a example of what i am talking about. All i have to say if u don't lik the wwe don't watch it. I been a wrestling fan for 13 years and some of my favorite superstars never was big time champions but I m not crying.

Don't thank me if your not going to take my advice your punctuation and spelling still suck and you continue to butcher the English language.

Cool I hope I am a good example.

I never said I don't like the WWE I said I don't like Raw notice how I said that I haven't watched since August. Orton was the champ in August that must be impossible because, I love Orton so much there is no way I would ever miss Raw without him being the champ idiot.

I like Smackdown better so do a lot of people get off your high horse pal and get a Websters and a Thesaurus.
I thought Raw was pretty good tonight. It was great to see Kofi finally get a decent push. Swagger and Miz have a good feud brewing as well. Bourne actually got a win for once even though it was a count out. I almost swore off wrestling forever when the Nascar douches brought Hornswoggle out as the #1 contender for Cena's title. Who the hell is Kofi Johnson anyways? It was a good show overall, some great feuds are being set up. Undertaker/Show and Cena against Triple H and HBK.

I think the Osbournes will make for interesting guest hosts next week. Survivor Series may actually be a PPV worth buying.
Not really I don't think Triple H slept his way to the top nice try putting words into my mouth you made a habit of it in your "response".

Your probably the same kind of hypocrite that says the IWC only makes up 5 percent of the audience yet can be louder than the other 95 % see next.

Edge is over-rated he has had one solid feud and it was with Cena that's it other than that he is always injured and his gimmick is stale when it started in 2005 it was good now it's not. Conveniently you ignored almost all of the points I made that were indisputable here's where it started.

I never said HBK was over-rated I said I have no respect for all the times he dogs it and he obviously doesn't have much friends backstage. I think he is one of the best in ring workers on the planet I just have issues with his Morales, Lest we forget it took good old Shawn a decade to man up and admit his part in the Montreal incident after making lots of money exploiting it in books. Having said that he is better than Orton right now in ring wise for sure and can cut a better promo. But Orton is only 29 the youngest main eventer i wrestling and will improve watch and learn he will be on your screen for the next decade.

I never shit on Cena's reigns you have a bad habit of putting words into my mouth did you even read my post I don't like insulting people on these boards but you are really testing me.

Your making excuses for Cena here who wouldn't want him to be like SCSA and the Rock they were more over than Cena can ever dream of being.

Great insight on Orton here I see you say he is "shit" twice while claiming I said he was the best heel I said he will eventually be wow you are not a sound reader are you ?

I said Y2J and the Undertaker were better than Orton god your an idiot you don't read do you have a disability Dyslexia maybe ? You pretty much made up your own version of my post.

Most people firmly believe the first two Cena-HHH matches sucked and I agree wholeheartedly with the masses. Triple H still has what he always had the ability to be solid but not spectacular steady but not outsanding. His last good match was in 2004 with HBK and Benoit his matches with Cena have all sucked they are all boring except for the close finishes which mask the overall lack of cohesiveness Cena and Triple H have.

Orton's ironman match last night >than any HHH match since 2004.

Like every other main eventer challenging the Undertaker hasn't done that next.

Yeah Orton is better than Batista by the length of the great wall of China. Nice insertion at the end though implying Batista's heel turn could make him better ah blind hatred.

OK that's your opinion and I respect it, I find that you either think Randy Orton is the best at what he does like me or think he is the worst there really is no middle ground on him.

Well judging by Raw tonight you will get your wish Ted was still being Orton's guy as was Cody so it most likely will happen at WM 26.

Overall you pretty much put words into my mouth the entire post and twisted my post around so you would actually have a point you really didn't do anything besides point out the obvious either.

I guess we will agree to disagree.

If you're trying to compare to Orton and Batista, then you're not being accurate because they do two different things. Batista is the power guy and he does what he is supposed to do well. Orton is supposed to be a viper and psychotic yet he shys away from fights half the time.

Orton vs. Rey Mysterio 2006 > Any Orton match since 2004
I thought the beginning of RAW was awful.

In my opinion Cena beating Orton (for supposedly the last time) is a BIG deal. The last two times the title has changed hands it's been an after thought and taken a back seat to miniscule RAW events.

Not only that but he gets trumped by Legacy to even begin with--doesn't really say much at all--then makes a random match.

Lame in my opinion.
well it was annonced on last nights raw. that at survivour Series It Will Be John Cena Defending The WWE Title Against Shawn (HBK) Micheals And Triple H In Atriple Threat Match. This Is A Good Idea On The WWE'S Part As All 3 of them are faces should be a good match.

Cant Really Understand Hornswoggles involvement with DX Possibley New Member???

Dont No Why The WWE put The Miz Over John Morrison As John Is Clearly A Better Tallent.

We Will See What Smackdown Brings Tonight
Raw last night was WWE at it's best. Simple as that.

The main story is, without a doubt, Kofi Kingston. For a year he has been as impressive as hell in every match he has had. He had a decent IC reign, a tag reign (not his fault that it never took off) a great performance in MitB, and one of the best US title reigns in recent memory. Last night he entered the big time.

His match with Jericho was exceptional. I love how he took the finisher and still won, cleanly. Jericho is brilliant at putting over talent, and he was at his best last night once again. After the match Kofi was attacked by Orton. Randy Orton!!! I thought Kofi was getting a Cody feud, but, no, he's been put straight into the big time.

Later on, Kofi cemented his place as the best of the Raw upper mid-card with a superb promo. Every second of it was brilliant. I hope Kofi picks up a win over Orton at some point, at a PPV. His talking skills were incredibly good too. They have themselves a star.

As well there is tension building for a Miz/Swagger feud. Whilst I am not a fan of heel/heel match ups this is an interesting little programme. Really well done segment with Swagger interrupting the Miz's match.

Cena cut a good promo on Legacy, telling them to earn their way in the business. Little seeds such as this can all contribute to Ted's face turn eventually. I am loving the slow build.

The mixed gender match was good for what it was, but the RAW Diva division is dead now Mickie and Beth have gone. Liked the little Hornswoggle bit with his legal notice from HHH.

Legacy/MVPHenry was pretty good, I liked Legacy managing to find a way to bring Henry down, and I liked them have Legacy lose through cheating from the opposition.

As for the main event, it was brilliant. I haven't seen a crowd like that in a long time. The whole of Raw gave Big Show retribution (Kofi got in the move that finally slowed Big Show down for good) and Cena/HBK/HHH finished Show off. No one was harmed in this bit, except Masters but no one cares anyway.

Hornswoggle making it a triple threat between Cena/HHH and HBK was brilliantly done. I can't wait for the build up to this one.

Excellent Raw. 9.9/10 (Needed Mickie James)
If you're trying to compare to Orton and Batista, then you're not being accurate because they do two different things. Batista is the power guy and he does what he is supposed to do well. Orton is supposed to be a viper and psychotic yet he shys away from fights half the time.

Orton vs. Rey Mysterio 2006 > Any Orton match since 2004

Your absolutely right to compare Orton and Batista was asinine but I never did. I was merely responding to the poster that compared a power wrestler to a mat based ground guy like Orton. Talk to him not me.

I disagree however with Batista doing what he does "well" he can't even execute his finisher properly half the time it's a 50/50 proposition. Sorry but if you can't execute your finisher or speak coherently on the mic your not doing your job "well".

I am intrigued by his recent heel turn however.

Orton does what every heel since the dawn of wrestling has done what heel doesn't run away from a rabid babyface ? I could spin that facet by saying that Orton is being calculating by avoiding his opponent waiting for the perfect time to strike but I won't for the sake of your argument.

Nice your probably right Orton and Mysterio work very well together and Orton wasn't the Viper yet. His move set was very different he was getting cheers as a heel so it never really worked for him.

Randy Orton can execute the prettiest dropkick in wrestling. He used to do a top rope crossbody elevated neck breaker among other things most people either forgot about this or started watching the WWE in 2007.

I implore you watch his SummerSlam match with Chris Benoit in 2004 it shows all of Orton's arsenal from his cocky "Legend Killer" gimmick.

Now his gimmick and character is different and so has his move-set he must keep the psychology of his character in order it's like a movie part what is so hard for people to understand about this ?
Not really I don't think Triple H slept his way to the top nice try putting words into my mouth you made a habit of it in your "response".

I'm just stating my opinion and it's not really putting words in your mouth so much as stating what I thought about you at the time.

Your probably the same kind of hypocrite that says the IWC only makes up 5 percent of the audience yet can be louder than the other 95 % see next.

No. But I know enough to know that a lot of the IWC wants impossible things and big changes overnight that just won't happen. Now this next part isn't saying you feel this way but in general this is what I see all over these forums :

- End the Brandsplit/Unify all the titles
- Cena sucks and only has 5 moves
- A ton of Triple H hate

Edge is over-rated he has had one solid feud and it was with Cena that's it other than that he is always injured and his gimmick is stale when it started in 2005 it was good now it's not. Conveniently you ignored almost all of the points I made that were indisputable here's where it started. solid feud? Have you been watching wrestling for the last 10 - 15 years? He's been apart of some awesome feuds throughout his career. He was apart of an awesome three way feud with the Dudley's and Hardy's some years ago. Not too mention more recently the Rated RKO feud with DX that ended early due to Triple H's injury. Sure he has been injured a few times but that by no means makes him overrated. Hell even his mini-feud with Kurt causing Kurt to have his head shaved was good.

I never said HBK was over-rated I said I have no respect for all the times he dogs it and he obviously doesn't have much friends backstage. I think he is one of the best in ring workers on the planet I just have issues with his Morales, Lest we forget it took good old Shawn a decade to man up and admit his part in the Montreal incident after making lots of money exploiting it in books. Having said that he is better than Orton right now in ring wise for sure and can cut a better promo. But Orton is only 29 the youngest main eventer i wrestling and will improve watch and learn he will be on your screen for the next decade.

Actially you did call him overrated. Your exact words were :

Edge is the most over-rated worker in the E and HBK is right up their as well

He can only improve if they change his booking. Hopefully last night culminates in a good feud with Kofi and hopefully Randy helps build and establish Kofi. These feud coule possibly help freshen up Orton's career as he won't be involved with Triple H, Cena, HBK, or Batista.

Also Shawn owning up the screwjob has nothing to do with him being overrated. If you were Shawn Michaels would you have owned up to it right away? Would you come right out and say " I screwed Bret Hart. "

I never shit on Cena's reigns you have a bad habit of putting words into my mouth did you even read my post I don't like insulting people on these boards but you are really testing me.

You certainly made it seem like you were shitting on him and the fact that he is a 7 time champion. As I said Orton is right behind him and half of his reigns came in the last year alone.

Your making excuses for Cena here who wouldn't want him to be like SCSA and the Rock they were more over than Cena can ever dream of being.

I'm not making excuses for Cena. Yeah they were over and maintain wrestling as a part of the mainstream media for years. Who wouldn't want him to be like SCSA and the Rock? Shall we take a vote? Make a poll? How many comparisons have we seen on these forums of Cena/Orton to them? Sure I was one of the ones who made that mistake but I quickly realized I was wrong.

Great insight on Orton here I see you say he is "shit" twice while claiming I said he was the best heel I said he will eventually be wow you are not a sound reader are you ?

I said Y2J and the Undertaker were better than Orton god your an idiot you don't read do you have a disability Dyslexia maybe ? You pretty much made up your own version of my post.

I'm just making the point that unless they change his booking he will not be one of the greatest. This gimmick he has will grow to be stale as it already is becoming less entertaining to people.

And yes I basically said what you said. Therefore I AGREED with that part. Or did you miss that?

Most people firmly believe the first two Cena-HHH matches sucked and I agree wholeheartedly with the masses. Triple H still has what he always had the ability to be solid but not spectacular steady but not outsanding. His last good match was in 2004 with HBK and Benoit his matches with Cena have all sucked they are all boring except for the close finishes which mask the overall lack of cohesiveness Cena and Triple H have.

Well that's where we differ yet again. I feel that personally those matches were quite good and I rather enjoyed them. They put on quite the show. Similar to when Cena and Michaels wrestled for nearly an hour in London. It should be interesting to see the Survivor Series match.

Orton's ironman match last night >than any HHH match since 2004.

No. Just no. It was a great ironman match but it was not better then the matches Triple H has had in the past 5 years. Funny how you forget that he had those three great matches with Batista in 2005 where he helped establish Batista and turn him into a main eventer. His latest feud and matches with Legacy were pretty good too. Better then the matches we've seen from Orton this past year. I will say the Ironman Match was good but it was not that good.

Like every other main eventer challenging the Undertaker hasn't done that next.
Yeah Orton is better than Batista by the length of the great wall of China. Nice insertion at the end though implying Batista's heel turn could make him better ah blind hatred.

Blind hatred? WTF? Whose putting words in mouths now? I never said I didn't like Batista therefore how is this hatred? I quite enjoy Batista. But even I can admit Orton is better then him. And I was saying that we've never seen Batista as a heel on his own so it should be interesting to see how it turns out for him.

OK that's your opinion and I respect it, I find that you either think Randy Orton is the best at what he does like me or think he is the worst there really is no middle ground on him.

Well judging by Raw tonight you will get your wish Ted was still being Orton's guy as was Cody so it most likely will happen at WM 26.

I respect your opinion too but you're wrong. I don't think Orton is the best or the worst. I think he is a good wrestler with a case of bad booking. As many people have said on these forums, he needs to have his gimmick revamped. Make him less psychotic and boring to people. They need to find a mesh between the Legend Killer/Viper gimmick. Then he would be gold I believe.

Overall you pretty much put words into my mouth the entire post and twisted my post around so you would actually have a point you really didn't do anything besides point out the obvious either.

I feel I didn't twist anything. I just took your post and tore it down for what it was. I simply was stating my opinion on what you said, nothing more, nothing less.

I guess we will agree to disagree.

Guess so.
The show was ok I suppose. I don't really see the sense of putting 3 faces in the Raw main event for Survivor Series. Triple H and Shawn Michaels should be putting together a team to face Jerishow! Not taking on John Cena in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship! Any other superstar on the roster would've been nice to see. MVP, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Chris Masters even. Not the same old stuff. At least HBK is in it. That's the one thing I like about the match.

It was nice to see Chavo not wrestling Hornswoggle. Even in a mixed tag team match, it's nice to see him out there and wrestling. Miz/Swagger could be a nice mid card feud and really get these 2 going. Also, I'm really hoping Legacy builds a team now for Survivor Series against a team headed by MVP/Mark Henry. I mean Henry and MVP are a nice looking team and work just as well together and this is a good way to get all 4 of these guys on the card and get some exposure and not be overshadowed by the bigger stars on their respective teams.

Oh I haven't forgotten about Kofi Kingston! Holy crap did he ever step up this week. After Cody Rhodes nailed him at Bragging Rights, I was sure they would feud, but no! Kofi is going right for Randy Orton! He set the guy off, which isn't really hard to do, but Kofi did it in a way where it looks like he's been given the ok to test the main event waters. He's still an upper mid card, but what an impact he made and what a show he had Monday night! Some really good and some rather dull moments, but it was and OK show. The main event was great just to see the Raw guys clean Big Show's clock. I'm a Raw guy and the traitor had it coming!
I don't really see the sense of putting 3 faces in the Raw main event for Survivor Series.
You don't see sense in the three most popular people being in the same match? It's a great move. There is going to be so much tension on the DX friendship and the match itself is going to be brilliant, as will the crowd reactions, which will be split three ways.

Any other superstar on the roster would've been nice to see. MVP, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger,
This is Survivor Series though. If it was a smaller PPV I'd agree, but for Survivor Series, a match involving the three most over people is a great prospect.

Chris Masters even.
Oh, so you're being sarcastic? If not, I feel sorry for you. You would really rather see Cena vs Masters than Cena vs HBK vs HHH?

It was nice to see Chavo not wrestling Hornswoggle. Even in a mixed tag team match, it's nice to see him out there and wrestling.
Yeah, a Chavo match got no reaction whatsoever until Hornswoggle appeared. Looks like he needs Hornswoggle after all.

Also, I'm really hoping Legacy builds a team now for Survivor Series against a team headed by MVP/Mark Henry. I mean Henry and MVP are a nice looking team and work just as well together and this is a good way to get all 4 of these guys on the card and get some exposure and not be overshadowed by the bigger stars on their respective teams.
Yeah, I'd love to see a Legacy team taking on MVP/Henry and Kofi. Put Cryme Tyme on the Kofi team too, and the Hart Dynasty with Legacy and you have an intriguing match.

Oh I haven't forgotten about Kofi Kingston! Holy crap did he ever step up this week. After Cody Rhodes nailed him at Bragging Rights, I was sure they would feud, but no! Kofi is going right for Randy Orton! He set the guy off, which isn't really hard to do, but Kofi did it in a way where it looks like he's been given the ok to test the main event waters. He's still an upper mid card, but what an impact he made and what a show he had Monday night!
Yep, Kofi was Raw on Monday. His participation turned the Raw from a good one to a fantastic one for me. I hope it works out for him. I'm really excited about it.

In my opinion, if Raw carries on like it did on Monday, then I see no reason for them to worry about Hogan and Bischoff.
The only thing I have to say about that RAW was the Sheamus/Noble beatdown was vicious on a Lesnar/Gowen scale. It was easy to be legitimately concerned for Noble
Just checked the front of the WZ main site and it shows an unusual trend. It says Raw's rating was down, which isn't THAT unusual, but it also shows the first hour of the show drew MORE than the second hour, with run over. That's unbelievable to me. I guess the question beckons as to what this means for Raw and means for the product in general? This can't be good can it?
I think maybe the World Series or Monday Night Football had something to do with it but I don't think so. That is a pretty big drop from hour one to hour two. I think they probably lost the most viewers when they did the Raw's got talent segment. After that garbage most people probably changed the channel. Even if Master's was amusing for once, that still didn't save the rest of the show.
I tuned in just in time for the Kofi/MarkVP v. Legacy match. It was pretty good, nothing outstanding though. They've done a tremendous job with Kofi these last couple of weeks, thought we'd get an announcement of Team Kofi v. Team Orton for SS though.

The Raw's Got Talent Segment was complete and utter garbage. The whole thing was just pointless. Khali was completely random, although I did mark out for Ranjin Singh. Santino wasn't even funny, Masters was just strange, and the whole Chavo/Jillian arguing with the Osbournes was just awful. Hornswoggle randomly running in was stupid as well, I just didn't get it.

That's all I watched, if i was more interested in the main event I may have stayed up, but it just didn't do anything for me.
Raw was up and down last night, but the Legacy match with Kofi was great and it was a nice change of pace for Raw with Kofi getting the clean win. Jericho actually pinning Cena was a shock. That's what back to back weeks now he's actually lost cleanly. The Ozzy segments were hit and miss, but I'll live. Some more match time though would do wonders for the show.
Well, this SD was pretty damn good, to me. First, people are saying that the Batista/Matt Hardy match was pretty bad, but it really wasn't. It was pretty damn decent actually, Matt and Batista looked alot better than i thought they would, and it was still a good match to watch. People don't cut Matt a break.

R-truth pinned Punk which is sick. Idk if that elevates him or not, but he looked decent against Punk as well so he should at least get an IC title shot, I mean come on.
Everyone complained about HHH vs Orton and Cena vs Orton. What about Evan Bourne vs Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne vs The Miz, Primo vs The Miz, and Primo vs Jack Swagger? How annoying is this? Does anyone have a record of how many times they've fought over the past 3 months? On RAW and on Superstars? It has to be like 8 times right? With Swagger winning all of them.
I think X summed it up the best in the LD about the raw tonight. It was just very uneventful. I found myself blanking out while watching it. It sort of became background noise to my thoughts. Although, I wasnt really expecting much since I didnt know much about the guest host.
Next week should definitely be better. Piper hosting should be a real treat. He was always one of my favorites. In addition to that, you got a main event featuring all of the championship contenders or holders. Sounds good to me.
MSG is the perfect setting for such a night.
I will be there and as I expected they are pulling out all the stops for New York City. I've concluded (being born and raised in New York City) as to why we are so picky with our entertainment. We boo our teams, we boo singers, we boo anyone if you don't give it 150%. We don't want half assness and we don't want potty humor. We don't want nonsense.


1) We pay a lot for tickets. We pay more for tickets in MSG than others do. MSG is very expensive. If we are going to spend the cash, we want a good show.

2) Tickets are hard to get. You think tickets are hard to get for RAW? Shit, try to get them for Madison Square Garden in New York City, and try to get good seats. MSG holds about 14,000 for a televised event, and city has 10 million people. Do the math.

3) Shows don't come to our town often. New York is expensive to come to. Hotels are expensive, food is expensive, renting MSG is expensive. WWE does probably 1 or 2 televised events a year. So when they come they have to be big because the fans won't get to see it for a while.

4) We are a very arrogant town. I don't mean to offend anyone but New Yorkers feel like they are "better". I don't mean better as in "I'm a better person than you", but I would call it more like city pride. We have such a pride for our city that if you come here and you don't give us exactly what we want as far as entertainment goes we will kick your ass out. We boo probably more than any other town, and we will boo anyone. I don't mean heel heat boo, I mean "I'm not entertained" boo. We are very arrogant.

With that said I am looking at RAW for next week and so far its shaped up to be solid. Piper as the host, and the main event looks amazing. The guest host concept is very boring and if they didn't bring the right host we would've hissed like a python at them. They couldn't bring the TMZ host or Dane Cook or some shit to MSG. Piper is perfect. More so because he's a wrestler. This may go in the RAW discussion thread, but I'm particularly talking about the show at Madison Square Garden so I put it here.

What are your expectations of the show at the world's most famous arena? Plus its the RAW go home show before Survivor Series...
Yeah tonight, as KB would put it, was just "there". It wasn't particularly good, and it wasn't particularly was just there. It was pretty hard to even understand what Hatton was saying in the opening promo, but he wasn't a bad host. Wasn't very good either, but they really didn't use him much outside of the opening segment and his "match" with Chavo that was pure shit. I had quite the laugh when they tried to tell us that match was a "Mixed Martial Arts" contest, but Hatton can only win by knockout and Chavo can only win by pinfall? Do they even know what MMA is?

Piper next week has me very excited though, I fucking love the man and he was great on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia a week or so ago, I'm just glad he's back in better health. Having Piper host in MSG and having a big main event match makes next week's Raw look quite good. This week was just bland though.
I tried to get tix but couldn't find cheap tix obviously lol..m but I'm excited to just watch it... Idk why but when any wrestling show is at MSG it has that feel to it... I saw smackdown and ecw this year at nassau coliseum but it just wasn't the same...

Rowdy Roddy Piper hosting monday night raw is probably the smartest for this raw crowd.. Ur totally right though, if it weren't a wrestling personality then the celeb would of been blocked out by the boos towards them... I can guarantee this though.. The crowd is gonna be so frickin insane during the Tag match at the end with Undertaker making what is considered to me as a rare appearance on Raw teaming wit Cena to take on Jerisho and DX.. Wow what a way to throw a great show at the greatest arena... Can't wait.. Hope u enjoy it live I'm jealous lol
WWE no longer necessarily goes out of their way for Madison Square Garden anymore. So don't necessarily get your hopes up. They certainly have not made any more of a conscious effort at it the last several times Raw has been done there, so I don't see why they would this time around. Although, they did provide a decent Main Event. But I wouldn't expect anything else.

Remember when they held Raw there right before SummerSlam when Triple H was wrestling King Booker at the PPV? Everyone was speculating that Triple H was going to make his return at the PPV, but then thought he was certainly going to appear at Madison Square Garden at the Raw before ... just because it was (drumroll please) "MSG". And the result was .... he didn't appear.

TV is simply TV now. No more effort seems to go into a show in City A then City B anymore. And now, that even includes Madison Square Garden.

Now House Shows used to be a different story. MSG House Shows, which were done regularly back in the day, gave NYC the Red Carpet treatment compared to the House Shows done everywhere else.

They always got the bells and whistles.

Vince McMahon would always come out in the Attitude Era, when he never worked House Shows anywhere else.

They always brought the Entrance Lights and Pyro, where as none of the other arenas got that stuff.

They would have matches there never seen anywhere else.

You would see title changes there at House Shows, occasionally.

None of that really happens anymore. NYC and MSG has become just like any other city.
I'll be there as well. Me and my buddy had been speculating who the host or hosts might be, and we thought that after the World Series, they might have booked 1 or more of the Yankees which the crowd would have gotten behind. We were somewhat disappointed to hear that Piper would host. This is a guy who has been on Raw in the past year and looked awful at Wrestlemania. We figure he'll do a decent job on the mic and be entertaining, but with this guest host concept, when you go, you kinda hope to see a big celebrity that isn't a wrestler live in person.

With that said, having the Undertaker there for a match sort of makes up for it because the main event will be fresh and new and I'm excited for it. I hope there's unannounced people there since it is MSG. I mean, after Hogan's press conference there, I sorta thought McMahon would want to "reclaim what was his" with a huge Raw at the World's Most Famous Arena. As for your comment Sidious, for any performer, MSG means something. It may not come off that way on TV, but trust me, they feel it.

So maybe some of us regular posters who are going could meet up at the show?
It was a pretty predictable Raw last night. I think I understood 5 words Ricky Hatton said and maybe 4 that Jericho said too. Jericho is a the definition of a heel but come on, he needs some new material besides being verbose trying to insult the "parasites" and hypocrites" I have no idea where this Hornswoggle/Cena/DX thing is going but it cant be going anywhere good. I wouldn't be surprised if Hornswoggle showed his face at the main event at Survivor Series and cost DX the match. Awful.

Well the whole main event sounds good on paper but they haven't done a good job of building it up. Especially since Cena and DX try to one up each other on who can receive the most awkward silences from the crowd with their "humor". I'll admit DX, Cena, and even Hornswoggle receive loud ovations until they open their mouth and cut a 10 minute promo of jokes only they find funny.

What else is there to say really. The divas match was uneventful as usual with Gail Kim being neglected yet again. We have Bourne vs. Swagger part 8 and MVP and Mark Henry trying to get over with their ballin chants. I don't like see Kofi with MVP and Henry since it takes away from him as a singles star. I guess they are having Chavo wrestle anyone now, staring with his fight with Sharon Osbourne to Ricky Hatton punching him in the sloppiest match since the Brawl for All with Bart Gunn.

I think fans could put up with this crap week after week if Raw actually had some decent creative feuds going. As soon as we see something great like a Legacy break up or Kofi defacing Orton's car, we have crap like Raw's got talent and Hornsowggle doing a DX chop for 2 minutes.

Hogan and Vince were the ones that made wrestling mainstream and successful, they may be the ones to kill it in the end. Well at least one of them maybe but hopefully not.
It could be a good show as long as they don't have Piper square off against Santino or Chavo, which I'm sure might happen one way or another. Hopefully they don't bring out Jillian or Hornswoggle for an extended amount of time because I'm sure you guys along with the rest of the crowd will boo the hell out of them. That's really the main reason I want to watch to see how the MSG crowd will crap on Raw, because believe me some of the segments deserve it.

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