Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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WWE no longer necessarily goes out of their way for Madison Square Garden anymore. So don't necessarily get your hopes up. They certainly have not any more of a conscious effort at it the last several times Raw has been done there, so I don't see why they would this time around. Although, they did provide a decent Main Event. But I wouldn't expect anything else.

Remember when they held Raw there right before SummerSlam when Triple H was wrestling King Booker at the PPV? Everyone was speculating that Triple H was going to make his return at the PPV, but then thought he was certainly going to appear at Madison Square Garden at the Raw before ... just because it was (drumroll please) "MSG". And the result was .... he didn't appear.

TV is simply TV now. No more effort seems to go into a show in City A then City B anymore. And now, that even includes Madison Square Garden.

Now House Shows used to be a different story. MSG House Shows, which were done regularly back in the day, gave NYC the Red Carpet treatment compared to the House Shows done everywhere else. They always got the bells and whistles. Vince McMahon would always come out in the Attitude Era, when he never worked House Shows anywhere else.

They always brought the Entrance Lights and Pyro, where as none of the other arenas got that stuff.

They would have matches there never seen anywhere else.

You would see title changes there at House Shows, occasionally.

None of that really happens anymore. NYC and MSG has become just like any other city.

And it should be like that, just another city. I dont have anything against new york, Im a big yankees fan but the thing is that if you guys get better shows than the others cities just because youre new york then other towns might say its not fair and they could encourage fans that unless they get a good product from wwe to not go to the arenas. The prices are the same for all the arenas what changes the price is the event,WM> PPV>RAW SD>HOUSE SHOWS. wwe needs to be careful when they give preference to a city because there could be angry fans waiting...
I am a Native New Yorker also and if I wasnt stationed in Germany I would be at that show next week,
Now as MSG being now just another show or arena I doubt that, now dont get me wrong the last few time have the shows been perfect no, but at least theres an effort,
Roddy Piper hosting in genius, The NYC crowd loves Piper look at the ovation he got at the 2008 rumble I was there and it was loud.
Perfect main event and overall should be a good and the debut of the new raw opening. It should be a great show I just wish i could be there
For those going have fun!
And it should be like that, just another city. I dont have anything against new york, Im a big yankees fan but the thing is that if you guys get better shows than the others cities just because youre new york then other towns might say its not fair and they could encourage fans that unless they get a good product from wwe to not go to the arenas. The prices are the same for all the arenas what changes the price is the event,WM> PPV>RAW SD>HOUSE SHOWS. wwe needs to be careful when they give preference to a city because there could be angry fans waiting...

The reason we get better shows is because we are generally harder to please. New York is so big with so many things to do. If we are going to sit in one place for 3 hours or so you better keep us happy or we will let you know our distain. We don't "appreciate" you coming here so to speak. Its like if we are paying and giving you our time, do what we want lol. Look at the Yankees, look at the Giants. Look at how we treat the Knicks. We hate them even though we are fans!

I think this is going to be a big RAW since its the go home show. I expect something that we haven't seen before. They have to do that. Maybe Booker T? I don't know. MSG is the capital of the WWE. The crowd will be electric so they will have to bring their "A" game.

I expect guys like Hornswaggle and Santino to get booed. They haven't brought their current nonsense to the east coast yet, but we'll see. Even if everyone is cheering, my wife and I will boo.

House shows are still particularly large here though. When I went last year they still had pyros and the lighting, and EVERY RAW star. I remember when I went a couple of years ago Vince was there as well doing some great heel work.
Calling Madison Square Garden the mecca of wrestling is more of a tradition than a fact. I wish I could have been around during the golden years ('60's-'70's) to see what went on during the monthly shows at MSG. It must have been exciting to be among fans who came for the wrestling matches rather than to talk on their cell phones.

There was no pay-per-view back then and the twelve annual shows at the Felt Forum were the showpieces of WWE's operation. If I remember correctly, the arena held 17,000 wrestling fans and they had no trouble selling it out each month.

That was the true appeal of Bruno Sammartino, by the way. It's ironic to read folks on this board talking about how he wasn't as popular as Hulk Hogan. It's like comparing apples and oranges because wrestling was different back then. No PPV, no merchandise sales. no worldwide exposure. But Bruno's ability to sell out the most famous arena in the world on a regular basis speaks volumes about his impact on wrestling.

Even today, I'll bet if you talk to little old ladies in New York City about wrestling, they'll associate Madison Square Garden with Bruno Sammartino.
I'm a native New Yorker and I still live here. My favorite shows are when the WWE comes to Madison Square Garden. It feels better just because it's in MSG. Yeah, we New Yorkers have pride for being in the Greatest City in the world ;). WE are hard to please and that's one of the main reasons the shows are so good. Another reason is that Vince calls MSG his. The fact that Roddy Piper is hosting is some fucked up shit. Nobody gives a shit about him hosting Raw. I'd rather have Jimmy Fallon on Raw hosting the damn show. He's a funny guy, entertaining, knows about the WWE and is an actual celebrity. I just hope that Piper gets like only 2 segments for the show and fucks off for the rest of Raw, one of them can be a segment with Santino and Chavo together and for the beginning. I'm looking forward to the main event though. We haven't seen a triple threat tag team match since NoC 2009 and before that was ages ago. I just hope the show turns out good and not a shithole like the ones with Jeremy Piven and whoever else did a bad job hosting Raw.

To whoever is going to the show, have fun. Will you be holding up any signs? If you will, what will they be?
I really don't think WWE at MSG is that big a deal anymore. Of course Vince will go a little above and beyond for MSG because he feels it's "his" building as far as pro wrestling goes. I'm also looking forward to the main event. Undertaker and Cena on the same that's going to be great.

As far as expectations go, I think it will be a very good show. I'm looking forward to seeing Piper back in WWE. Back to Raw not being that big of a deal at MSG. I don't think it has anything to do with MSG not having any nostalgia left. It's just that wrestling isn't as hot as it was some years back.
The show will be somewhat of a big deal because not only is it at MSG...the "home" of the WWE, but it is also the go home show to one of the big 4. The crowd will be hot, so even if its just an above average show, the hot crowd will make it more electric. Plus with an Undertaker payoff I don't think the crowd will die at any point during the night leading up to the main event.

I'm making 2 simple signs. One will say "BOO" and one will say "CHEER". The "BOO" sign was created with Hornswaggle and Santino in mind. There is nothing else I can think of when those two come to mind other than "BOO".

Cena may get the boo sign depending on his segments before his match.
The show will be somewhat of a big deal because not only is it at MSG...the "home" of the WWE, but it is also the go home show to one of the big 4. The crowd will be hot, so even if its just an above average show, the hot crowd will make it more electric. Plus with an Undertaker payoff I don't think the crowd will die at any point during the night leading up to the main event.

I'm making 2 simple signs. One will say "BOO" and one will say "CHEER". The "BOO" sign was created with Hornswaggle and Santino in mind. There is nothing else I can think of when those two come to mind other than "BOO".

Cena may get the boo sign depending on his segments before his match.

You should make a funny sign like "Fire Hornswoggle" or "Hornswoggle sucks". Where will you be sitting?

I'm really looking forward to this raw because it's my home town, I live 15 minutes away from Madison Square Garden, and it's the most famous arena in the world. And I'm digging the main event. The WWE should make WrestleMania 28 or 30 in Madison Square Garden.
I still think when WWE goes to MSG its still a big deal IMO. For one like some have said its always been the WWE's homebase for TV,PPVs,House Shows,etc. I think with the Main Event it will make it feel more bigger as well and Undertaker being back on RAW in The Garden should be awesome as well as Teaming up with John Cena vs DX & Jeri-Show. The NYC Crowd should be electric for that one. One other thing why you guys hating on Santino?

Also since this has it's own Thread why not ask what is everyone's Favorite RAW that has taken place in MSG? One of mine has to be the 1st one in September 1997 where Austin stunned Vince for the 1st time and Cactus Jack Debuted as well. I also liked the one following the KOTR in 2001 where WCW Invaded and Booker T nailed a scissors kick on Vince. Of course lets not forget HHH's Return in January 2002.
Does it really matter? It's very likely to follow the same "guest host" formula. In fact we know that the main event is following it already.

Here's what will happen (and let's see how close I am):
-Piper comes out with NYPD/FDNY bagpipes band
-Piper is interrupted by Orton and Legacy crew or Jericho/Big Show
-DX comes out and is friendly with Piper and makes fun of Orton or Jericho
-Token Divas match, probably a multiple diva match
-Santino & Hornswoggle involved in some Piper comedy act
-Chavo complains and Piper puts him in a match he'll lose
-Some sort of "NYCs own so and so" person is here
-Miz complains he's better than Piper and insults a sports team
-Legacy v. whoever they are feuding with
-Main event involving any of the following Orton/Legacy/Jericho/Show/Cena/DX

Let's see if the show turns out anything like this...and every other show after.

The only thing of interest is if the Undertaker turns on Cena or something.
I'm going to be at the Garden this Monday night for Raw and it will be a big show I think since it is before the Survivor Series. Piper hosting is ok but the last time I went he was there as well so it's not that big of a deal to me. I may be bringing a sign but we will see. My seats are awesome and like some people have said the tickets are pretty steep for MSG. My seat is Section 12 Row D Seat 2 so pretty awesome seats and I got them during the presale so I'm stoked and can't wait to go.
Only caught parts of it and read the results. To me, Hornswoggle getting involved in the main event feud sounds like the most intersting thing to me, I have no idea what's going to come of that. Sure, it probably won't be good, but it's unpredictable.

Nothing else really to comment on, I'm kinda pissed about Swagger losing his streak though. Hopefully this leads to a feud with him and the Miz afters SS, that'd be quite interesting.

But yeah, should be pretty good next week, especially with THE UNDERTAKER!!!
I think they are debuting a new stage for monday night raw along with the new theme because they are selling tickets where the entrance ramp usually is set up at the garden
I haven't missed 1 televised show since 2002 at the garden and the stage is always at the same spot
on top of sections 11 and 12 in front of section 115 and in between sections 7 and 8

so lets see!
When a leprechaun is the center piece of your show you know you have massive issues.

Hornswoggle was the main cog here with DX and Cena right by his side. It's frustrating to me how the WWE title scene has become an absolute joke now, with DX and Cena failing to build any of pre-match psychology between each-other. Although they tried (and in my opinion failed) to try and turn DX against each-other.

The mid-card has no identity and no feel to me Orton and Kingston started out hot but has cooled down a bit to me. Part of this is because the shameful way creative books Orton he needs to look dangerous and evil to be successful right now he looks like a joke that is losing control.

I was originally a huge supporter of the idea of Legacy now ? I can't wait for it to be over when the inevitable Orton/Dibiase (and possibly Rhodes) conflict comes it will make me very happy.

This stable has failed and has earned it's place in infamy among the other awful stables to grace our television. It's not all Legacy's fault quite the contrary actually creative butchered them as did Cena and DX. Destroying all the momentum by insulting them and insinuating they are jokes after their solid feud with DX.

I thought Raw sucked and I really have nothing more to add than that.
Really good Smackdown tonight Cm Punk delivered a great promo, had a pretty good match with R-Truth and got a good heel win.

Mickie James and Natalya had one of the best Diva matches I've seen. It was very fluid no botched spots hit their spots at the right time, too bad the crowd SUCKED and that was for the whole show. Anyway I love to see Natalya using the Sharpshooter, seeing a Diva using a submission is such a breath of fresh air.

I really like Drew McIntyre, but I think he could use a new moveset, i don't think the Double Arm DDT has enough impact for him. Personally I think he's one of the few people that could pull off an STO, unless Shad still uses it. Anyway his matches usually leave me a little flat because none of his moves really hit with any impact put I think he has all the potential in the world. Also Finlay should drop the shileleigh(I have no idea how to spell that) I don't really buy that as a weapon either.

I Hate contract signings so I skipped that part, but Jomo VS Ziggler was a really good match, its just too bad it ended in a double countout. Y'know before this year they had about one countout finish per year, know they have 1 like every week on both shows. Same thing with the double DQ with Finlay/McIntyre, too very lame finishes, especially when this was like the on match the crowd seemed to wake up for.

I didn't see the Beth Phx match but I saw her match against a jobber last week which was definately a good match.

The Main-Event was also very good match, its too bad Jericho tapped(everyone taps WAY to fast to the Triangle or Gate or w/e)but he came off looking pretty strong throughout the match and hes still got the triple threat at SS. Right now I'm liking SD so much more than Raw its funny. If WWE must be PG SD does a much better job of it then Raw. Could still use some more innovative booking and more character development, but at least they aren't cramming a bunch of ridiculousness down are throat.
SmackDown just seems to get better a little bit each week and just keeps improving. Punk cut a great heel promo and then had a nice match with R Truth, who deserves to be in the spotlight as well. Punk looks like he's being re pushed for the main event scene and will face Undertaker again in the future. Mickie vs Natalya was a great Divas match and hopefully they will face off again in the future. Mickie's beef with Michelle needs to end.

McIntyre has talked a nice talk, and his match with Finlay wasn't too bad, but the guy needs a better, stronger finisher. The double arm ddt just isn't doing it. He has a bright future though. Beth Pheonix looks very refreshed on a new brand and maybe we'll get a 4 way match for the women's title or something so Mickie, Beth, Natalya and even the champ Michelle can get some nice exposure.

Undertaker vs Chris Jericho was a great main event, but Jericho shouldn't have tapped out that fast to the Hells Gate submission. He's built up nicely to face the Undertaker, even with Big Show in the mix, but can't be dropped like that even against the World Heavyweight Champion. Undertaker has done a nice job in this triple threat feud and it's nice to see him in a nicely lengthened title run. Hopefully he gets to hold onto it a little longer. Interesting to see Kane in the mix and the tag team match for next week should be nice to see.
I thought last night's Raw was just God-awful. Nothing happened at all for the first hour and a half. Miz-MVP, Melina-Fox and Swagger-Bourne might not have added up to ten minutes of wrestling.

And the promos between everything were poor. OK, it's not WWE's fault that Piper was drunk. But everything else was WWE's fault. Except for Jericho-Masters, just about every segment could have been cut in half and got the same heat and accomplished the same thing.

Kofi-Orton was awesome, but after an hour and a half of mediocre to abysmal, I had sort of checked out.

Did I not have the sound up high enough? If I didn't have three little kids in the next room, would the MSG crowd have saved the show for me?

Because the {website removed by Moderator} raters loved it. I thought it was a crapfest for 90 minutes, which killed my involvement in the last half hour and overrun.
I honestly thought Raw last night was better then most Raw shows in months. Maybe it was the crowd or the arena since WWE stepped up their game and didn't have any drawn out cheesy comedy skits with celebrities. Some were cheesy with Hot Rod and Luis Guzman, and the 30 Rock VH1 douche with a trucker hat. I guess Masters is going to be forever known as "Mighty Pecs" now since that is all he does on Raw.

I thought the Miz cut a good promo and had a decent match with MVP. Wow, is MVP going nowhere fast. The divas match actually impressed me with Melina and Alicia Fox. It was a quick match and fast paced. Swagger and Bourne even had a decent match as well. I'm glad the DX lawsuit is over with. I think I am even more glad that Hornswoggle got his comeuppance via a pedigree since he has been annoying the piss at the majority of viewers. I really wanted a DX heel turn but I guess we are stuck with the same crap.

Even though a heel turn would sell more merchandise and peak interest, just like it did back in the attitude era. It wasn't a five star match, but Chavo and Santino had a decent match as well. It was fast and Santino was actually funny for once without being over the top. I really enjoyed the Piper/McMahon "shoot" promo. I'm glad we didn't see a match between these two geezers. I'm even happier that McMahon is retired from in ring action.

It's weird because I just watched the Real Sports Bryant Gumbel interview on you tube that had Piper and Vince McMahon in it. Piper said he was disgusted with who his character was and that 8 out of 10 people were on drugs in the locker room. He didn't blame Vince but he did basically blame promoters for the hard life style. Piper said he didn't think he would see 60. Vince came off like a ******** in the interview smacking the clipboard out of the interviewer's hand when he asked Vince if he felt responsible for any of the wrestler's deaths. I didn't know that Piper got fired right after that interview in 2003.

Orton was over with the entire crowd last night. Him and Kofi beating each other through the crowd was awesome. I seriously thought I was watching Impact for a brief second when I saw Kofi drop a leg onto Orton through a table. I don't want to see a Survivor Series match, I want to see a falls count anywhere match with these two.

I liked the main event but it was too short and rushed. Maybe if DX and Cena cut down their promo a bit we could of seen a longer main event. I really didn't see the point in the DX and Hornswoggle promo. Yeah I guess it ends the lawsuit angle and gives DX and "Edge" but they received more boos then cheers and they are still face? Why would they bring a stretcher for Hornswoggle because they still received boos.

Anyways, I think since Cena has been covering up for Hornswoggle the past few weeks, they should of had Cena run down to the ring to stop it. Then Triple H would of done it anyway and all 3 of them would of had an intense brawl in the ring. I mean besides the name value, is anyone excited about Cena vs. HBK vs. Triple H? They certainly haven't done a good job of building a feud the last few weeks, and Cena's promo last night was one of the worst I've ever heard. Ghostbusters? really? this is Madison Square Garden not Amateur Comedy Night at your hometown. There is a main event PPV match in 6 days with you in it. Cut a decent promo for once.

I think I heard more boos for Cena then I did for Sheamus, Orton, or Jerishow. But lets keep Cena as a stale face for the next few years because we might lose the pre teens and children's money. In my opinion they would make ten fold the money if they were to have Orton and Cena switch places but that's just me. Orton is a great heel but I think in time he could be a great face too. In order to be truly great in the business, you have to do both. Unless you're Ricky Steamboat of course.

Lots of rants but anyways Raw was a pretty good show last night. If Raw could have the same intensity every week I would be happy. The theme song is better and there might even be a new stage for the show too. I'm interested to see how Jesse Ventura will do next week. Jesse is a conspiracy theorist who has been anti McMahon and anti wrestling for awhile now. Jesse has been for wrestling unions which will never happen, but it will be interesting to see what he says on Raw. It will be more interesting to see how the crowd reacts to Jesse since most of them weren't even born when Jesee was a commentator much less a wrestler.
Raw last night did start out slow but I got hooked in with the Piper/Vince segment. Always up for a good worked shoot. The main event did feel rushed and I did not really understand the need to pair Taker and Cena but i LOVED Taker tombstoning "superman" there at the end. It has been a long time since I jumped up and down during something on Raw but I absolutely loved that one. If Cena were to ever turn heel, he won't, but if ever there was the time it is now and he should do it against a guy who won't split the crowd like Taker.
Selling more tickets might be part of the thinking, but I'll bet you the WWE is playing "good corporate soldier" and going in line with NBC Universal's Going Green thing they've plastered over all of their networks this week.

#1 It (By It I mean some might say caving in, insiders might call it "taking creative notes" from upper management, I chose "playing good corporate soldier) has happened before, see

#2 NBC Universal does the Going Green thing every year, and it starts with the simple thing of the NBCU channel logos turning green. They try to incorporate environmental lessons or changes into their programming (as much as it is possible to make green changes on taped programming) the bulk of which seems to occur in live programming; its opinion but hear me out, they throw green segments into the end of the nightly news casts, in the past they have talked about reduced energy use in sunday night football games going so far as to dim the lights in the announcing booth, they'll talk about the lighting on Leno's show... It doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities for Hammer or Zucker (Doubtful it goes that high up) to ask WWE to dump the Titan Tron a week.
Well guys, I just finished watching smackdown and I've got to say that the brothers of destruction vs jeri-show match was awesome. Kane and Undertaker really looked great in the ring, considering their age. It really brought out some of the great matches these two stars have put on over the years. However, credit must also be given to both jericho and big show. What also made the match exciting was the twist added to the end, where it turned into an all out brawl. Got to say, loved the new brothers of destruction entrance. Can't wait for survivor series as I have a hint that we haven't seen the last of the reunion and I feel that Kane will return in the triple threat match.
My thoughts on some of the Smackdown segments this evening:

The right decision was made in the John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler match for Morrison to keep the Intercontinental Title and I'll tell you why. Because the more urgent matter at hand is creating future Main Eventers ... not giving the IC Title to Dolph Ziggler. John Morrison got a nice rub from this feud with Ziggler, and I was pretty pleased with the 2 out of 3 falls match. However, for the life of me, I am getting extremely irritated at them putting this match on Free TV when it belongs on PPV. Once in a while is fine, but they really need to find ways to build matches like this up on Free Television through promos and storylines ... and then let the match take place on PPV for the big payoff.

But Morrison gets more credibility through successfully retaining the IC Title through a program with Ziggler .... and it earned Ziggler some good exposure, as well. Ziggler will be back, and will get the IC Title eventually, but Morrison's future is the bigger priority at the moment.

The Brothers of Destruction vs Jerishow match .... I mean what can be really said about it. Everything happened in the match that you knew was going to happen from the get-go ... unless you're completely stupid. Such as in "stupid" as in the poster above me, who .... um ... didn't see it coming. Okay, then.

Match coming up at Survivor Series ... Taker vs Big Show vs Jericho ... so of course either Show or Jericho was going to initiate a turn on the other, to lead in to the PPV. So nothing unexpected there. I do think that they should have saved an Undertaker vs Jericho feud for a Singles feud first, compared to what we are seeing now though. They have taken the air out of that one down the road, that's for sure.

The CM Punk segment was pretty good and seemed to capture the audience's attention. I think R-Truth definitely benefited from the segment, as well in getting the best of Punk. So this will obviously be Punk's next program.

Drew McIntire vs Finlay. You know, I like the way this match went down. McIntire has destroyed his competition via squash matches for a couple weeks now ... and always has that smug look of confidence on his face. All he basically did was get a poke in the eye, and then planted Finlay for the win. Finlay beat the Hell out of him in this match, and completely dominated it. It shows that McIntire is vulnerable ... and it really surprised me, since I thought they were going to do the typical squash. But McIntire pulled off the lucky win and got the rub from beating Finlay, while Finlay got in 98% of the offense in the match, so he didn't look weak, either.

The "Piggie James" segment with Mickie and Michelle McCool blew me away. I don't think I have seen anything quite like that on Smackdown in some time. That will definitely be one of the more controversial segments in that show's history, I think ... as most of the jaw-dropping controversial stuff seems to only happen on Raw. I think McMahon succeeded in creating a lot of sympathy from the fans for Mickie James though ... whether that was his intention or .. whether he simply wanted to have a laugh at her expense.
What do you guys think of it? In case you're not watching RAW, Jesse Ventura just announced that their will be a tournament full of superstars that have not held the WWE Championship, to become the #1 contender for Cena's title.

What do you guys think of it? Using common sense, Cena will probably not drop the title to whoever wins. He will probably just face a heel for the title, get himself over, and rise the other superstar up the totem pole. I think this would actually be a good idea, because it could give Cena a feud til' he could potentially face off with Undertaker. Also, while giving Cena a "filler" feud, he could possibly bring a mid-carder up the ranks, potentially to a main event status.

What are your guys' thoughts?
I just watch Cena defeat CM Punk and wonder to myself, how did Punk benefit from losing to Cena? Cena hit his moves, Punk might have landed a kick if he was lucky. Punk's best move of the match happened during the commercial. What was the point? Cena looked dominant and Punk looks like a weak heel. Punk should have went over.

Then in the Breakthrough Qualifying Match they had Swagger be on a team with Masters and Chavo. Only to lose to MVP, Truth, and Henry (Nation of Domination Part 2). Why did they have to put him on that team. Not sure if he is in the doghouse, but that was terrible to book him in that match.
Personally I thought CM Punk should've gone over Cena. Cena has nothing to lose, he just won a match against DX for the title for christ sake. On top of that he would be losing to a multiple time world champion and the man who single handedly took out Jeff Hardy. It would've gotten CM Punk's heat back after losing to the Undertaker and being in a middling feud with R. Truth. Especially with the WWE so desperate to create new stars it was an easy opportunity to cement CM Punk as a true star. Now if they are going to have Sheamus go over Cena then I can see why they had Cena go over here in order to stress the significance of a future Sheamus clean win over Cena.

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