[OFFICIAL] Fratelli argument thread


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok i need to get rid of some 'forum rust'.... apparently


Dolph Ziggler getting a push
One of legacy getting a run with the U.S title
Keeping the Title on Edge for the rest of the Year
Colons vs Hart Foundation - TLC match


Cena/HBK/Jeff Hardy/Christian turning heel
Keeping the Divas Title
Having inter-brand PPVs
What do you mean by interbrand PPVs?

I know of co/tri-brand PPVs. I know of single-brand PPVs. But what is this you speak of?
interbrand ppvs as in having all 3 brands have matches on the same show.

it should go back to what they used to do a few years ago when the royal rumble, Wrestlemania, summerslam and survivor series were the only co/tri branded ppvs.

have ecw and smackdown share their ppvs as ecw would have 2 matches at the most, giving the chance for a monthly u.s/I.c/tag team/women title..... match every PPV
I hope Dolph Ziggler gets demoted and fired, shortly after Legacy gets no US Title shot. Then they should have Edge lose the title while TLC Matches get banned.

Then I hope Cena, HBK, Jeff Hardy and Christian all turn heel and win the Diva's Title at an interbrand pay-per-view.

interbrand ppvs as in having all 3 brands have matches on the same show.

it should go back to what they used to do a few years ago when the royal rumble, Wrestlemania, summerslam and survivor series were the only co/tri branded ppvs.

have ecw and smackdown share their ppvs as ecw would have 2 matches at the most, giving the chance for a monthly u.s/I.c/tag team/women title..... match every PPV
Yeah, we can't debate. I'm on your side of the argument.

Single branded PPVs, in theory, should have built more new stars by making creative work extra hard to get at least eight important matches out of each brand for every single PPV. But lazy booking killed the idea. In theory, it was the way to go. Now creative is doing the same coasting they were back then but they get by because they use the same established stars every month on PPV rather than trying to build anyone new. And it's still not working because the well is running dry.

They should bring single branded PPVs back and book it properly.
I hope Dolph Ziggler gets demoted and fired


Dolph ziggler defeated todd grishams favourite wrestler this week 'Jimmy Yamg Wang' in a pretty dead match. khali came out and chased him up the ramo setting up the pointless fued between the two.
ziggler NEEDS a feud with someone like R-truth or rey mysterio more so than jericho, at least someone who the fans will actually care about.

i wont accept anyone who says zigglers gimmick is the smiling guy who introduces himself. if you saw this weeks smackdown he extended his hand to wang yang in an attempt to make himself look like the better man. when yang refused ziggler slapped him right on the face. Ziggler has adapted to be the man who looks for his opponents respect by shaking hands with him before the match. if they dont respect him he lashes out.

ziggler controlled most of the match but i found it one of his poorer matches to be honest. zigglers match with mvp was pretty good, the fans were really into it and ziggler looked good in the process. mainly because mvp is a guy who the fans care about.

what the wwe should have dont is used this and had ziggler face off with rey mysterio upon his arrival to smackdown, challenge him for the title and lose. taking his anger out on mysterio for the loss by attacking him with the chair. setting up a little fued before jericho and mysterio take over the fued.

by giving khali to ziggler to fued with was pointless. yeah it looked good when he took him out with the chair but any match between the two will never show off zigglers ability to his full potential. ziggler will rarely be able to get the big man off his feet for most of the match and the majority of the fans wont even care about khali.

many of the i.c will hate this i think when taker comes back he should start a mini one month fued with ziggler. ziggler needs the opportunity with a guy like undertaker or jeff hardy although he may be leaving. Taker has the abilty to make anyone and if ziggler shows he has potential thats great and the wwe can run with it but if the fans dont get into it and it bombs then maybe its time for ziggler to move onand ill accept ziggler isnt as great as i want him to be
I'm just going to pretend the word Argument says Agreement here. After all, Coco is posting in here... and I think us two 17 year old prodigys have a common enemy here.

Though firstly, as I'm ever so tired right now to help with the Dolph Ziggler argument, I want to quickly just applaud you on the Interbrand PPV opposing.

Like you said, it is good for the 4 main PPV's in current WWE history.

Recent Wrestlemania's haven't lived up to expectations, and it can be argued that when Talent from all brands is being seen on every PPV... it takes away some magic. Wrestlemania is about the biggest matches offered from each brand for the entire year potentially. So if you see each brand only putting on the biggest on-paper matches for every PPV in a calendar year... it just becomes run of the mill.

When you have brand-only pay-per-views for lesser events, it means you see one huge match in the form of the brand's top title being defended, a top feud, a mid-card feud, etc.

When it comes to interbrand PPV's... there is hardly much space for the midcard (thats why I love Judgement Day for proving me wrong for once). Brand-specific PPV's would ensure this while the "biggest" matches would be on the 4 interbrand PPV's in the past.

Yes, this shortchanges ECW, and I can't see an immediate solution except maybe dishing out a bit of ECW talent onto RAW and SD! pay-per-views. It is a developmental brand and it would be a welcome reward to those performing well on the brand to find themselves on a card.

For the sake of everyone involved in the WWE, interbrand PPV's MUST be scrapped except for "The Big 4".
Looking above, I see even Coco actually agrees on that point.

This miracle is bigger than the first ever pregnant man.

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