Official DX Reunion Thread (merged)...Discuss EVERYTHING DX related here ONLY!!!

I think the perfect DX member would be.... Stone Cold Steve Austin... i don't care that he has been gone from the WWE since the the re-debut of SNME, he would be perfect, he has tag team background with HHH, and he lives in Texas, so does Shawn Michaels. It would be a perfect fit. IF not, maybe Eugene. HAHA. Peace out! CHEAAAA!!!
dx needs somenone with attitude(if they continue with dx in the future etc...) imo, shelton benjamin would work....he's a horrible face anyway. imo.
snitsky is another good one.
New Age outlaws will not come back to WWE it's more likley that Jesus will come back to Earth before that happens. Sean Waltman(X-Pac) whilst a good cruiserweight would have never amounted to anything if he hadn't joined DX. Look at his career out of DX(1-2-3 kid anyone) he never done anything outside the group except team with Kane for about five minutes. John Cena? A heel turn is the way to go with him. NOT joining DX which the majority of fans over 12 don't want to see happen(so expect it to happen soon).:wwf:
Well this Monday they will have a 3rd member for DX. Should be interesting to see who they will get. As for you guessers out there....

John Cena? I like him, he's cool, BUT, he is to have a feud with Edge for awhile yet.

Snitsky? LOL, that's funny. Whoever they pick, they need someone who hates Mr McMahon.

New Age Outlaws, would been great, but they signed a new contract with TNA, besides, after talk smack about HHH, it would been highly unlikely anyway.

X-Pac, I liked seeing him wrestle, but that's me. He's been pretty quiet since that awful tape of him and Chyna came out.

Edge? See Cena above, he was also suppose to start a feud with HHH but HHH didn't think Edge was ready yet, wanted Edge to stay as he is, get more heat, make sure he is ready.
Whoever it is, has to be on McMahon bad list.
Yo the new member will be Carlito hes the perfect person and he can come in from getin screwed out of the title by the spirit squad.
"Spit or swallow" Carlito "My Apples " hot rporter"Of corse I swallow"
"Cool" Carlito
I think the will hold out on addind new members until the can confirm that DX will last till Survivor Series.Then maybe thre will be a reason to have more members(for a traditional Survivor Series Match)I think if Nash & Hall could get their shit together & if Hogan was willing to turn heel,the DX vs NWO angle would be a hit!
all these ideas are great! i mean, if some of this stuff really happend, it would be great for the wwe....but i dont see john cena joining dx....look at the past 3 months....he has been feuding with edge and rvd...thats wont end for a while and dx has nothing to do with edge and rvd and triple h will not be feuding with edge anytime soon...he turned the angle down....i also dont see it being randy orton because he is scheduled to face hogan at summerslam and dx again has nothing to do with hogan....i think that the third member will be someone that hasnt been in the wwe for a while, i think they have been in the wwe at somepoint in their career, but left and now they will return on mondays raw....thats just my opinion......let me get the feedback...and if anyone here has yahoo messenger, IM me at [email protected]....
i have to agree with that other person i definetely would like to see the kliq back in wwe but unfortunately by the time wwe wise up they'll be running around in walking frames and wheelchairs.!!

I rather see that stupid spinning belt everyday than DX. How can we get the king of kings and the show stopper back to beating the ba-jesus out of eachother again.
Yeah they had Classic matches like the 3 Stages of Hell and Hell In A Cell.
yeah thats true i reckon this would probably be the only way of doing it once they break up im sure they'll have a whole lotta matches now that i look forward to!!!!

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