[Official] Dragon Ball Z Thread

Those Dragonballs aren't there just for show now.

I brought this up before. Who would wish him back? And by the time he came back he may very well have been way too weak to make any kind of impression on them. Everyone they fought again was more powerful by either Broly's Saiyan DNA, or Coolers new Robot abilities. I doubt he would have been much of a challenge if he were brought back.
Wasn't Turles a Saiyan himself? I think with the combination of that and maybe training in Hell that he would be a more destructive force in his resurrection. As for the reasons of him returning, the same could be said for why would somebody try to bring back Broly or awaken Majin Buu. There will be somebody out there wanting to take over the world and maybe he has a grudge against the Z Warriors for whatever reason. He wishes back one of their most powerful enemies and then enters Turles. I would have him returned after the Frieza saga though to replace the Garlic Jr. minisaga.

Sony Vegas???

Very nice. I give you props. The "timing" with the song was greatly executed. Most new amv makers fail to understand that every amv needs to be timed perfectly with the song -- movement by movement/beat by beat. However, I don't think 'Whispers in the Dark' is a good song for an amv like this considering the lyrics.

I kept in mind that it was your first:

Quality: 10 (No blurry/pixilated images)
Choice of Song: 5
Timing (song w/video): 9
Animation (video/images itself): 9.5

I always found myself a descent critic of amv's. :p...
Yes agree overall with that assessment. Its an awesome AMV, I simply dislike the choice of song/band. Each person of course has their own musical taste, but it doesnt match mine.
You said original, do you mean before Schemell got there or after? I agree with the latter.

Schemell. I thought the first group was called 'Ocean Blue' (or something like that)...they were funimation also?

I agree, but I at least am someone whom can get used to it. I for example go from watching an anime in only English to watching it in Japanese many times, most;y to watch the series because it takes FAR too long for them to release it here. Ive done it with many animes such as Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. So it doesnt effect me as much.

Bleach is a great example to your point.

This would simply ruin the story, in many way. The entire reason they went to Namek was because their friends had died and were unable to be wished back because the Dragonballs were gone. Vegeta then went after Frieza to Namek because Frieza now wanted them. The story on Namek is very important as it creates the story about Dende later on, Vegeta helping them, and of course all of the Nameks that were very important like Guru and the later elder. Not to mention that it would provide an awesome backdrop and the fight between Frieza and Goku literally couldnt be contained on Earth, seeing as one of the big points of it is that they are fighting on thee dieing planet.

You have a good point. However, that also concludes to my point I said earlier where the film series could not follow the manga storline so strictly. It would be impossible. there is just way too much that it just couldnt possibly fit into one movie.

Im about to adress your two film scenario right now...

You see I dont think 1 film would be anywhere near long enough for some sagas, Cell all in one film? The amount of changes would make it unwatchable. There should be AT LEAST 2, same for the Buu Saga, which while the Cell Saga ends better for a movie series, should be shown if we've already come that far, and because its probably the most popular one.

The problem wit that is that the film series will get redundant. We dont want another Harry Potter do we? If you want everything from DBZ to fit into the films, it would at least have to be a grand total of about 7 films. No company will want to have that. Especially considering how low of a profit Evolution made.

However, there would be too many draw backs. the storyline would have to get reduced a great amount. But its really not that hard to pull off a good movie if you think about it. All it needs is a bit of creative thinking.

Ive found if a film is good enough or a story is compelling enough people dont mind sitting for more than 2 hours. The LOTR trilogy had films far in excess of 3 hours, and people stayed. But I wouldnt go that far, perhaps 2:30 or something. It all depends upon the quality, or how its directed really. But a whole saga such as the Androids/Cell cant be done in one film unless we are making it Obscenely long, like 5 hours, and the same goes for Buu.

Exactly. So in reality, You would have to cut down on some storie parts if you were a screen-writer. Thus, the movie would contain only key events adapted into their own creative writing. Evolution tried to this---but ultimately FAILED.
Schemell. I thought the first group was called 'Ocean Blue' (or something like that)...they were funimation also?

Not sure.

Bleach is a great example to your point.

I would have said Bleach but I wanted a more recent example, as Ive been watching Bleach in Japanese for years now. The Japanese is far superior in voice acting quality in this case.

You have a good point. However, that also concludes to my point I said earlier where the film series could not follow the manga storline so strictly. It would be impossible. there is just way too much that it just couldnt possibly fit into one movie.

Thus why you have a series of films.

Im about to adress your two film scenario right now...

The problem wit that is that the film series will get redundant. We dont want another Harry Potter do we? If you want everything from DBZ to fit into the films, it would at least have to be a grand total of about 7 films. No company will want to have that. Especially considering how low of a profit Evolution made.

Thus why it must be done by a good and well known director whom they know will do it justice. Who that may be Idk, this is all hypothetical anyway.

Also there is nothing really wrong with the HP series, if anything its good for films. No longer do we HAVE TO see films where the story must be shown in one or a couple of films, we can see series of films. Many film experts look down on episodic stories, but if they are based off of something that is already episodic in nature there shouldnt be anything to complain about. Also their criticism flies in the face of reality. Episodic film series, books, video games, etc make studios big bucks and make people want to come back. They feel compelled to finish the series in most cases, this also brings extra profit as an ongoing series draws more attention than just one of 2 films.

However, there would be too many draw backs. the storyline would have to get reduced a great amount. But its really not that hard to pull off a good movie if you think about it. All it needs is a bit of creative thinking.

your train of thought only applies if we do in fact super-condense the series, which Im illustrating isnt necessary. Of course some things will be needed to be cut, and even some characters, but not THAT much, especially when a series like the Android/Cell series would be best to be spread out over at least 2 films.

Exactly. So in reality, You would have to cut down on some storie parts if you were a screen-writer. Thus, the movie would contain only key events adapted into their own creative writing.

Only if we make them into 1 film. They dont need to be. Sure it will be more baseline "key events" which would make for a better film anyway, but making the entire Android/Cell sagas and the Buu sagas into 1 film respectively would be a terrible idea.

Evolution tried to this---but ultimately FAILED.

It suffered from a lot more than that. It suffered from an idiot for a director and totally new elements added. No one would have minded if Goku was the age he was during the King Piccolo Saga and he had met them normally, or even via flashbacks, and he DIDNT GO TO HS, but they ruined it.
Furyof5 said:
Not sure.

Yea dude, I dont think the first group was FUNIMATION...they were something else...

Also there is nothing really wrong with the HP series, if anything its good for films.

Thats a matter of opinion really...Harry Potter is shit to me. Only some films are good enough to have its own series of films.

No longer do we HAVE TO see films where the story must be shown in one or a couple of films, we can see series of films.

Ummm...I respect you, so I won't laugh but I think you worded that wrong. Film series have existed throughout the beginning of films itself. Also, a couple of films already counts as a film series...

Many film experts look down on episodic stories, but if they are based off of something that is already episodic in nature there shouldnt be anything to complain about. Also their criticism flies in the face of reality. Episodic film series, books, video games, etc make studios big bucks and make people want to come back. They feel compelled to finish the series in most cases, this also brings extra profit as an ongoing series draws more attention than just one of 2 films.

In the end, the Dragonball film series would have whatever number of sequels based on how much profit they indeed made. Howver, its too late now to even have one sequel unless the Dragonball series gets re-booted.

your train of thought

My train of thoughts is off today. Stomach problems...

I've tried making 3 posts in the non-spam sections already but didn't because of so much crappy thought being put into them.

but making the entire Android/Cell sagas and the Buu sagas into 1 film respectively would be a terrible idea.

Again. Matter of opinion. It depends on how you handle it really. If properly handled, it could make a good movie.

It suffered from a lot more than that. It suffered from an idiot for a director and totally new elements added. No one would have minded if Goku was the age he was during the King Piccolo Saga and he had met them normally, or even via flashbacks, and he DIDNT GO TO HS, but they ruined it.

Ah-huh 100% agree...but the main damage was caused because of how horribly the story was executed.
Yea dude, I dont think the first group was FUNIMATION...they were something else...

Thats a matter of opinion really...Harry Potter is shit to me. Only some films are good enough to have its own series of films.

I enjoy them all, rather a lot actually. I also read all of the books. But Thats just me.

Ummm...I respect you, so I won't laugh but I think you worded that wrong. Film series have existed throughout the beginning of films itself. Also, a couple of films already counts as a film series...

No, I mean series not by the meaning of a "film series" but by the mathematical definition. Not to mean simply that a couple would make a series but rather a series as in an undetermined amount of films that would be more than a simple 2-3. I could have perhaps phrased it better.

In the end, the Dragonball film series would have whatever number of sequels based on how much profit they indeed made. Howver, its too late now to even have one sequel unless the Dragonball series gets re-booted.

Oh most certainly, I would have thought nothing more. I would want new actors and a new series. Theres no way in hell we should continue that horrific monstrosity. Whom exactly would play each individual roles is something I would wonder, but I know one thing. If Shia Labeouf is involved in any way shape or form I would shoot myself. I cant stand him.

My train of thoughts is off today. Stomach problems...

I've tried making 3 posts in the non-spam sections already but didn't because of so much crappy thought being put into them.

I had the same issue yesterday, I think mine had to do more with exaustion though.

Again. Matter of opinion. It depends on how you handle it really. If properly handled, it could make a good movie.

Yes, but only if it were a very long movie. I dont mind long movies, I sat down and watched Bridge On The River Kwai and Lawerence of Arabia back to back one day, however many dont like to watch 10 hours straight of film. I think if we made the film last 3 - 3+ hours and did it perfectly it would be great, but that is unlikely unless there was someone whom was a great director and would execute this right. I doubt Peter Jackson is interested, perhaps Del Toro.

Ah-huh 100% agree...but the main damage was caused because of how horribly the story was executed.

Well yes, I suppose from a simple movie standpoint that was the worst part. From my standpoint of staying strict to the story its not, and seeing as they only used the most basic elements to do so, I found it terrible.

Also youve seen the credits right? How they may have made it intending a sequel with Piccolo? Thank God it flopped...
Furyof5 said:
No, I mean series not by the meaning of a "film series" but by the mathematical definition. Not to mean simply that a couple would make a series but rather a series as in an undetermined amount of films that would be more than a simple 2-3. I could have perhaps phrased it better.

Understandable. No worries dude. Its all good. I get you now.

If Shia Labeouf is involved in any way shape or form I would shoot myself. I cant stand him.

Speaking of mediocre actors playing anime characters...Did you know that they were planning on making a Death Note movie. Geuss who will play the role of Light Yagami? Zack Effron.

Also youve seen the credits right? How they may have made it intending a sequel with Piccolo? Thank God it flopped...

Yea i saw it. It goes without saying the same cast, writers, director CANNOT be used if a sequel is ever made of the Dragonball films.
Understandable. No worries dude. Its all good. I get you now.

Speaking of mediocre actors playing anime characters...Did you know that they were planning on making a Death Note movie. Geuss who will play the role of Light Yagami? Zack Effron.

Yes, I saw this, however I figured it was just a rumor like when they were going to cast him in the New Spiderman films. Why would he be cast? He doesnt strike me as someone whom reads manga so Ill be prepared for an uninspired performance.

Yea i saw it. It goes without saying the same cast, writers, director CANNOT be used if a sequel is ever made of the Dragonball films.

Nope. And to make sure....we must kill them...:icon_twisted: lol
Furyof5 said:
Yes, I saw this, however I figured it was just a rumor like when they were going to cast him in the New Spiderman films. Why would he be cast? He doesnt strike me as someone whom reads manga so Ill be prepared for an uninspired performance.

Yep. I highly doubt he can play the role of Light Yagami in his serious mood. Zack is to "high-spirited"...But I ges they had him on thie because he has the look of Light?

Nope. And to make sure....we must kill them... lol

We can use this...

Yep. I highly doubt he can play the role of Light Yagami in his serious mood. Zack is to "high-spirited"...But I ges they had him on thie because he has the look of Light?

Ive unfortunately had the "pleasure" of seeing HSM3... Hes not qualified.

We can use this...




Then maybe afterwards we can use this to bring back Billy Mays


I want some OXICLEAN!
I have them both. I hated when they originally delayed it though and I got an IOU until they released it. I think that was 1, could have been 2.
#2 wasn't as good as the first one in my opinion. I ges i say that bc i was so attached to the first one...I knew all 151 Pokemon...ahhh the good days
I know all of the Pokemon now, I try to think off it as not being sad lol. I thought the second generation was the best though, probably why I enjoyed 2 so much, not to mention the HG SS games. Heart Gold was awesome, and even harder than before. Especially Blue and Lance...
Second Generation (legendary): Lugia. Ho-oh. Entei. Suicoon(?)...and that thunder one...

I forgot so much about Pokemon...I stopped watching it when 'advanced battle' came out....I dont think Ive watched it ever since...
I watched up to...Idr what it was even called. I just play the games, I got tired of Ash being incompetent and losing.

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