[OFFICIAL] All things KB thread Special Guests: ST, Lariat, X, NSL and Becca

Don't know if you did that by accident, but you doubled up the posting...

I know it wouldn't take long...The only thing I can think of was that it was Styles alone, doing the entire PPV. Either they didn't want to overload him, or simply didn't want to do it.
Yeah I noticed that.

The show was ok, but it was ok for a first show. They need to make some changes.

They really don't though. You don't get backstories on PPV really until Cyrus came on, and by then, it was too late.

Wait until you see the backstage segment with Missy Hyatt at Guilty As Charged '01 :lmao: Truly awful TV...
I shudder to think what's coming. ECW failed nationally, and I can't wait for the hardcore fans to try to defend some of what's coming.
I shudder to think what's coming. ECW failed nationally, and I can't wait for the hardcore fans to try to defend some of what's coming.

I'll defend some of it...But I'm not delusional enough to think it would ever be the biggest company in the world, or anything more than a great niche company.
You're completely and utterly wrong about ECW by the way KB. Awaiting your response in that thread.

ECW's entire purpose was to be an alternative to the WWF and WCW, and you want them to change their entire style to cater to the traditional WWF/WCW fans? That's not what the company was about KB, that's not why people fell in love with the promotion.

How you could give this year's Survivor Series a better grade, I'll never know.
ECW's entire purpose was to be an alternative to the WWF and WCW, and you want them to change their entire style to cater to the traditional WWF/WCW fans? That's not what the company was about KB, that's not why people fell in love with the promotion.

For the new audience that they were getting for the PPV, not many knew they were the alternative, or anything else about the company. They needed to hook them with their variety, and then come back on HardcoreTV with the chairs and ladders and staple guns...
Yeah it's why people fell in love with it. It's also a big reason why it's an afterthought in the wrestling world today.
For the new audience that they were getting for the PPV, not many knew they were the alternative, or anything else about the company. They needed to hook them with their variety, and then come back on HardcoreTV with the chairs and ladders and staple guns...

Who do you think was buying the ECW PPV? ECW fans, different type of fans from those that would be buying Wrestlemania. ECW had about zero advertising for that PPV and many parts of the country didn't even get it.

And they DID produce variety, what do you mean? You've got technical wrestling with Storm and RVD, a mix of lucha and Japanese strong style with the six man tag, a flat out brawl with Douglas and Pitbull, and some hardcore action. That show really isn't very hardcore at all.
Who do you think was buying the ECW PPV? ECW fans, different type of fans from those that would be buying Wrestlemania. ECW had about zero advertising for that PPV and many parts of the country didn't even get it.

And they DID produce variety, what do you mean? You've got technical wrestling with Storm and RVD, a mix of lucha and Japanese strong style with the six man tag, a flat out brawl with Douglas and Pitbull, and some hardcore action. That show really isn't very hardcore at all.

The technical matches were good, but still went into hardcore. They could have booked it all a bit better.

I'm with you in saying it's a B- show, but I understand KB's ranking.
Yeah it's why people fell in love with it. It's also a big reason why it's an afterthought in the wrestling world today.

A) Their style of wrestling had zero to do with their demise, they went out of business because Heyman didn't know jackshit about finances.

B) Afterthought? Is that why there's a show on cable ten years after they folded sharing the same name and trying to share the same lineage? Something like Smoky Mountain, sure, you can call that an afterthought, but not ECW.
Smokey Mountain Wrestling was a show that had NO intentions on going national. They were regional and they played to the southern crowd. ECW was a small indy fed with a promoter/owner who thought it could be a worldwide phenomenon. If Heyman stays within himself, ECW could have thrived, but greed got the best of him. And ECW.

Smokey Mountain Wrestling FTW! Mongolian Stomper v/s Kevin Sullivan in a Singapore Spike Match. That's all that needs to be said.
Oh I loved SMW too Lariat, I'm just saying, ECW is much, much more than an "afterthought". The ECW brand in the WWE right now proves that.
If Heyman had slowed down and taken his time, ECW would be around today, or at least it would have been around as of about 2005.

And yes, ECW is an afterthought today. You're confusing it with WWE AAA.
Ah that was the Iron Man tournament at Starrcade 89. That wasn't for the any titles, and there was no US. The four singles guys were Sting, Flair, Luger and Muta and the four teams were Doom, Steiners, Samoan Swat Team and Road Warriors.
It's official. I'm going back to that name with my next name change.

And a good day (Evening?) to you, MachoUnder. See what I did there? With the name switching? Yea.

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