[OFFICIAL] All things KB thread Special Guests: ST, Lariat, X, NSL and Becca

I'm calling you out KB. Your review of Barely Legal is completely and totally wrong. The international six man tag is far and away better than anything the WWE has done since the summer. How you can give this year's Survivor Series a B-, and Barely Legal barely gets a C- is beyond me man. Christ you gave a better rating to the first In Your House. Come the fuck on, the first IYH?!

Here's a test for you KB. Download this match, watch it, and tell me what you think:

There was a WCW PPV that was all round robin tournament matches for the US, HW, and tag titles. Remind me what it was.
I'm calling you out KB. Your review of Barely Legal is completely and totally wrong. The international six man tag is far and away better than anything the WWE has done since the summer. How you can give this year's Survivor Series a B-, and Barely Legal barely gets a C- is beyond me man. Christ you gave a better rating to the first In Your House. Come the fuck on, the first IYH?!

Here's a test for you KB. Download this match, watch it, and tell me what you think:


I gave it a C- because it's ok but nothing great. I was hoping some ECW fanboy would call me out on this.

The main event, which should be the most important match on any show, isn't a match. They ended on an angle for the most part. Since this was ECW's first real attempt at a national show, I'd consider it closer to a failure than a success. There was some very good stuff indeed, but the completely ridiculous weapons spots and just flat out stupid booking at times had me rolling my eyes and wanting it to end.
Being it was the original PPV, you have to expect some fuck ups. And consider who's booking it.

Paul Heyman.

Of course it's going to end like that. Part of why "we" loved the product.
I put that at the end. I gave it the benefit of the doubt because they had zero clue what they were doing. The ending was the worst part. I would have had Dreamer beat Raven there.
I put that at the end. I gave it the benefit of the doubt because they had zero clue what they were doing. The ending was the worst part. I would have had Dreamer beat Raven there.

Funk getting the belt was because of his service to the industry. Funk, Raven, and Heyman have all said that.

As for Dreamer...I'm not sure what happened. I'm thinking he was supposed to be in either the Three Way or the ME, and was taken off, or left off, or whatever reason.
Yeah, and that's stupid.

The point of Funk going there was to put young guys over. So on their first big chance for him to do that, he goes over two young guys in Richards and Sandman, and then a third in Raven and technically a fourth in Dreamer as he gave up his spot for Funk. The point was for Funk to elevate people, and while I don't think he was trying to steal the spotlight like a bald old guy is going to do in TNA, it's dumb booking.

The matches on the show are ok, but they needed to have some matches with no weapons. Even the 6 man, which wasn't as great as you guys hype it up to be for multiple reasons, had a random chair shot in there. That match was supposed to be the pure wrestling match of the night, so why use a chair there? That would be the problem with the show as a whole for me: doing too much of the same thing.
Yeah, and that's stupid.

The point of Funk going there was to put young guys over. So on their first big chance for him to do that, he goes over two young guys in Richards and Sandman, and then a third in Raven and technically a fourth in Dreamer as he gave up his spot for Funk. The point was for Funk to elevate people, and while I don't think he was trying to steal the spotlight like a bald old guy is going to do in TNA, it's dumb booking.

I'll agree it wasn't Funk's fault, but it was done wrong. Dreamer getting the win on ECW's first PPV would have been huge. He's said he never wanted titles though, so maybe he took himself off the card, to let Funk get the win.

It's all speculation anyway...

The matches on the show are ok, but they needed to have some matches with no weapons. Even the 6 man, which wasn't as great as you guys hype it up to be for multiple reasons, had a random chair shot in there. That match was supposed to be the pure wrestling match of the night, so why use a chair there? That would be the problem with the show as a whole for me: doing too much of the same thing.

I can't speak for the people in charge, but I think they were trying to prove they were different, and show they had something special. Which, ironically, was the problem. They did, but they tried too hard. Had they put a match like Rey v. Juvi on the card, and let them go, it would have been a MOTN.

It's times like that, that make people think ECW was nothing but Cheese Grater Scaffold Matches...
I can't speak for the people in charge, but I think they were trying to prove they were different, and show they had something special. Which, ironically, was the problem. They did, but they tried too hard. Had they put a match like Rey v. Juvi on the card, and let them go, it would have been a MOTN.

It's times like that, that make people think ECW was nothing but Cheese Grater Scaffold Matches...

Exactly. That was the primary reason the show was graded badly. This was ECW's big debut. This was their chance, as Bubba said about their appearance on Raw, to show that they were legit. They weren't trying to appeal to a niche anymore. They were trying to go to a national audience and in doing that, you have to book differently. You have to have traditional, and when I say that I don't mean NWA style but rather a match with rules, wrestling to balance out the extreme stuff. If extreme is all you do, then it's not extreme. It's the norm. If you have regular stuff to balance it out, the extreme stuff looks much better and you appeal to a wider audience by having stuff that non-extreme fans can be entertained by also. That's what Heyman and a bunch of other people have always preached that ECW was all about: having a little bit of everythign in it. This show didn't do that but it seemed liek it was trying, hence the C-.
I'm with jmt on ECW...'94-'96 were by far their best years. They were still great (to me) after that, but those were the years where you'd have Jericho v. Scorpio opening, and they had a solid tag division.
Yep. You go from guys taht can put on kick ass matches anywhere in the world to guys that are either relative no names elsewhere or guys that can't work a match longer than 4 minutes without a chair or a weapon, like New Jack or Sandman.
Yep. You go from guys taht can put on kick ass matches anywhere in the world to guys that are either relative no names elsewhere or guys that can't work a match longer than 4 minutes without a chair or a weapon, like New Jack or Sandman.

New Jack couldn't work a match with a weapon. I'd rank him below Ian Rotten, that's how bad he was.

Sandman could work some good matches. He obviously wasn't a technician, but he could do a decent hurracanrana or Russian Leg Sweep as good as anyone. His best was definitely with weapons though.
Another thing I forgot to mention that they messed up badly: I had no idea what most of the stories were leading up to the matches. Dreamer hates Raven. Why? They makes some vague allusions to Dreamer losing to him a lot and them having known each other for most of their lives but it's never explained. Other than Durante vs. Douglas, there was no backstory at all. Taz and Sabu are having a grudge match. Ok, why are they having a grudge match? Why do they hate each other? The show was geared towards the already existing fans. That's fine for a local TV show, but not a newly national product. Now to be fair, I knew a lot of the stories based on looking them up or having heard them over the years, but if I were watching this show live, I wouldn't have a clue what was going on.
Another thing I forgot to mention that they messed up badly: I had no idea what most of the stories were leading up to the matches. Dreamer hates Raven. Why? They makes some vague allusions to Dreamer losing to him a lot and them having known each other for most of their lives but it's never explained. Other than Durante vs. Douglas, there was no backstory at all. Taz and Sabu are having a grudge match. Ok, why are they having a grudge match? Why do they hate each other? The show was geared towards the already existing fans. That's fine for a local TV show, but not a newly national product. Now to be fair, I knew a lot of the stories based on looking them up or having heard them over the years, but if I were watching this show live, I wouldn't have a clue what was going on.

Pitbull #2/Franchise and Taz/Sabu both had well known backstories. The 6-man was a random match. The rest, I don't know why they didn't explain them.

The Taz/Sabu match was built up over the year, and appeared on RAW, with Taz holding up the sign "Sabu fears Taz"...
Well known to who? If I'm watching for the first time, I've never heard of these guys, let alone their stories or feuds.
Well known to who? If I'm watching for the first time, I've never heard of these guys, let alone their stories or feuds.

Sabu/Taz would have been known by casual WWF fans. The Franchise/Pitbull feud was pretty big at the time, at least locally, because of what happened with Douglas breaking Wolfe's neck. They explained it at the PPV also.

Other than that, they could have done a better job with backstories for the matches. The 6-man was just a random match added on, and ECW did that alot. RVD and Sabu faced Shizake (sp?) and Hayabusa for the tag titles, and it was their only match ever in ECW.
And that's the problem. This wasn't a local show anymore. It was national, and that means a ton of people have never heard of these guys. I'd bet only a handful of people in say Los Angeles had ever heard of the company, let alone the wrestlers. if you're marketing to the whole country, you have to bring them up to speed on everythign. I missed the ECW Raw, so I wouldn't have known who they were, The show did some good thing s and some bad, but the bad were really noticeable, which is why I downgraded the show.
And that's the problem. This wasn't a local show anymore. It was national, and that means a ton of people have never heard of these guys. I'd bet only a handful of people in say Los Angeles had ever heard of the company, let alone the wrestlers. if you're marketing to the whole country, you have to bring them up to speed on everythign. I missed the ECW Raw, so I wouldn't have known who they were, The show did some good thing s and some bad, but the bad were really noticeable, which is why I downgraded the show.

The future PPVs are essentially the same. There's not a whole lot of description going on during the show, so you're expected to know what's going on. But, from PPV to PPV, you start to know the stories and who's who.

I want to see if future shows are affected by this, or if you get sucked in as well, and enjoy the show for what it is, not what it could have been.

That's what happened to all of us die-hards. We didn't care for all the other stuff, we just enjoyed it. It's all changed so much since then.
I tend to not get sucked in to that many shows. I've seen so much wrestling that it's difficult for me to really see something that gets me drawn in again. I'm starting to see why ECW completely failed as a national company. A system like this simply won't work. That's something that WWE does very well. With all the recaps and constantly saying the same stuff about feuds and titles over and over again, they're making sure no one that's just tuning in is lost. It's very much a user friendly show where you can start with almost any show and get the main ideas going on. The PPV recaps are GREAT too. They give you a reason to care about the matches, and while it's really fast, it explains things well. That's very important for new viewers or casual fans.
They would have been fine working as a semi-regional company, a la TNA...

Maybe that explains my love for the show...
Very much so. Here. This is an excerpt from the Rumble 02 review.

While Jazz is on the way to the ring, we see a very quick video of Jazz hurting Trish’s hand while King alludes to Jazz going after Trish in the past few weeks. See what they did right there? Inside of 30 seconds they’ve explained that Jazz has been aggressive towards Trish, established Jazz as the heel here, shown that Trish might not be 100% coming into this match, and said that this has been going on for at least a few weeks because King is mentioning other things that Jazz has done. That took about 20 seconds.

Apparently Jackie was the other option for #1 contender and lost, so that validates her being a referee. Again, there’s an explanation. It’s freaking stupid, but it’s something at least

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