[OFFICIAL] All things KB thread Special Guests: ST, Lariat, X, NSL and Becca

Ehhh, that was bad obviously, but they were still salvageable after that. It wasn't until 2000 that things got really bad, there are alot of hidden gems from 98 and 99. The undercards were stll pretty solid.
KB doesn't like puro I guess. I'll never understand why people can't get over the language barrier. Do you really care that much about the storyline or the angle when you're watching a WWE match? Are you really rooting for John Cena to overcome the "odds" and beat Randy Orton for the 40th time? This "emotional investment" nonsense ended when I was ten years old and found out wrestling was fake. Sure, I'll root for one wrestler over another, but it's only because I personally like that wrestler more than his opponent.

Seriously, are the storylines really that important? They're all the same damn thing, just 9000 different variations of "You're mean, the fans like me, let's fight!" I watch wrestling for the in-ring action, not to see Mark Henry come out to save his lover Mae Young from the wretched hands of the dastardly Dudleys.
Can't win 'em all. It's amazing how much the fans are into the wrestlers in Japan. It's serious business there. And the reactions Misawa and Kobashi get when they're introduced against Hansen and Spivey are awesome. To me, if it's a good story and the wrestling's good, I like it. The Japanese commentary makes it even BETTER in my book. I may not understand it, but you can tell their just as into the match as the fans are. It's amazing.
I love the Japanese commentating even though I don't understand a damn thing. They just sound like the show is exciting and like they actually want to be there. And sometimes I laugh because they sound funny in some parts. Overall though, the commentary being the language I understand is preferred but isn't needed for me to enjoy wrestling matches.
As KB's possibly illegitimate son, I demand my name be added to the thread title.

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