OCW Information/Action Thread


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
To begin with, this thread is not for discussion about OCW. The main thread has done more than enough for that. The biggest complaint that I've heard for OCW is that the matches get lost in the shuffle. I agree. Therefore, this thread will contain all of the information, matches, promos, news and results for Breakouts (OCW's Television show) and Pay Per Views. I'll be locking it and will be deleting anything that's not official that's put into it. Any questions or anything else can be put in the main thread as well as trash talking.

That all being said, let's get started with an introduction to OCW for those that are new or would like a refresher course.
To begin with, here we have bios of all of OCW's current roster. These are sorted alphabetically, so don't put any stock into what name comes up first.

Music-Crazy Bitch-Buckcherry
Hometown-Leeds, England

The undisputed first lady of OCW, this woman has dominated the Women’s Division in a manner that the Fabulous Moolah would be proud of. A 4 time Women’s Champion, Becca has won the title in many odd ways ranging from standard pinfalls to submissions to being the first person able to strip naked. Her, ahem, friendship, with Stephanie McMahon is well documented and has even shown up on our television stations before. Her love for Shawn Michaels was consummated last year in a moment that was hoped to be forgotten.
Billie Jean (Fictitious)
Music-Billie Jean-Michael Jackson
Hometown-Austin, Texas

A newcomer to OCW, Jeannie captured the Women’s Title in her first ever match, defeating Becca at a house show for the title. Aligned with her boyfriend Thriller, Jeannie Bill shares his fascination with the King of Pop. The two of them dance around in the back, and that’s about it really. While they are likely the top couple in OCW, we’re really not sure what they do around here.
Croatian Communication System (CCS)
Finishing Move-None
Music-Croatian National Anthem
Hometown-Zagreb, Croatia

A representative for one of our biggest networks, the representative, CCS for short, hasn’t made his intentions exactly clear in OCW. While he has made it known that he has a distaste for violence and all things immoral, what this means he has on his mind is difficult to say. CCS debuted at the first Breakout, but no one really has ever seemed to notice or really care for that matter, until it was discovered that he represents the biggest network in all of Croatia, where OCW is the biggest show on cable.
Daniel Stokes (Danmen)
Finisher-Springboard Spinwheel Kick/Stokes Driver
Music-Down Under-Men at Work
Hometown-Sydney, Australia

The man known as Raw Talent truly lives up to his name. A hot prospect from his youth, Dan found himself wrestling men twice his age when he was in his teens and regularly winning. An incredibly agile speed demon, Stokes has been able to be a dominant tag team wrestler here in OCW, yet his time as a singles star has yet to begin. With the pure talent this man has, there’s no telling how far his star could rise by the time his career ends.
DeSade (Marquis)
Finishing Move-DeSodimizer-Flying Elbow Drop
Music-New York-Sex Pistols
Hometown-New York, New York

The descendant of the original Marquis De Sade, this man stormed into OCW and took the Taz Title. A man who offers little remorse for the way in which he wins his matches, DeSade has no issue whatsoever on cheating to win at everything he does. A cheater in every sense of the word he is one of the most hated men in Australia by both the fans and the wrestlers alike. With an attitude that is so easy to hate and a style so hard to stop, DeSade is one of the most lethal forces in wrestling today.
JD Michaels (Real Guy)
Finisher-Hangman’s Neckbreaker
Music-Wanted Dead or Alive-Bon Jovi
Hometown-Baltimore, Maryland

Another American moron, this man hails from Baltimore, Maryland where he won several local wrestling titles before bringing his unique talents here to OCW. Growing up idolizing Shawn Michaels, he grew up perfecting his style to be as close to Shawn's as possible. This proved to be harder than he had expected, resulting in his style becoming his own. Armed with a mixture of the WWE legend and his own twists, he has become a competitor here in OCW.
Joey Manicotti (Mysterio_Fan)
Finishing Move-Family Reunion (Bossman Slam)
Music-Theme from the Godfather
Hometown-The Mother Country

We’ve all seen mob movies. Goodfellas, the Godfather, Scarface, the Little Rascals (I’m telling you they were crooks). Well this guy has seen them all as well, but he lives the life they do. At least we think he does. While he talks a tough game and fights a tougher one, there’s just something not quite right about him. There’s just something about his mannerisms that makes you say. “There’s just something about his mannerisms.” Either way, he could be a former mob hitman that’s trying to make some money for his, ahem, family, so we’re going to let him do just about whatever he wants.
Finishing Move-1/2 of the Double Ankle Lock
Music-Rule Britannia
Hometown-London, England

Jonny likes two things: the Queen and alcohol. On the rare occasions that he’s sober he actually is quite a decent wrestler. His grand total of times he’s wrestled sober-1, we think.
KB (Dead)
Finishing Move-DDT
Music-Firefly-Breaking Benjamin
Hometown-Lexington, Kentucky

Coming from the American South, KB grew up roaming the streets of the great Southern cities. It was then that he learned his fighting craft and homed his skills. From street fights to bar fights, KB had his shares of both losses and victories but through it all he learned to do one thing: survive. As he grew physically, his mind grew as well and the skills of business that he gained soon were strong enough for him to bring his new found wrestling abilities to the Land Down Under, where he began OCW. Since then this good old boy has dispensed his own version of Southern Justice throughout Australia.
Height-Shorter than a giraffe
Weight-About as much as my Uncle Gus
Finisher-Falling and hoping to land on his opponent.

We don’t know, and we don’t want to know.
Lumpy Magoo (Real Guy)
Finishing Move-Belly to Belly suplay
Music-I Touch Myself-Divinlys
Hometown-Hershey, Pennsylvania

The fattest man in OCW, he for some reason enjoys wearing form fitting tights in the ring. Simply put, he’s hideous. I need to stop interviewing him now as he’s licking his lips as he looks at me and I fear I may wet myself.
Mike Harthan
Finishing Move-Triangle Choke
Music-Animal I Have Become-3 Days Grace
Hometown-Cleveland, Ohio

Having grown up in the town known as the Mistake on the Lake, it's no surprise that Harthan became the crazy man that he is today. With a fist of iron and a jaw of steel, he may be the pound for pound toughest man in the history of OCW. He's never shown a bit of remorse for the savage beatings that he imposes on his opponents, and there's no other way we would want it anyway. If there has ever been a man that is vicious, this is the one.
Finishing Move-Fatality-Unprettier/Death Sentence-Tazmission
Music-For Whom the Bell Tolls-Metallica
Hometown-Parts Unknown

There is simply no nice way to describe this man. One of the most evil, bloodthirsty men to ever walk the face of the planet, Murfish has unleashed his wrath on more men in OCW than can be counted. A former OCW World Heavyweight Champion, he has never met a fight that he didn't like. With a thirst of blood that is insatiable, the Pale Destroyer walks the path of a man that few have ever dared to travel. Rarely interested in getting his hand raised, all Murfish wants is to taste the blood of the poor unfortunate opponent sat in front of him.
Music-Save Me-Shinedown
Hometown-Detroit, Michigan

The first man to take notice of OCW, Monkey has always had a special place in the heart of KB. As perhaps the most under the radar wrestler in OCW history, his accomplishments are constantly forgotten in the annals of OCW history. Always a rebel, Monkey has a tendency to fight first and think later. This can get him into trouble but has lately gotten him into evil. As the only man that was successfully hypnotized by Sabre, Monkey murdered KB yet somehow managed to avoid legal punishment on the grounds of insanity.
Nighthawk (Night Shift Legend)
Finishing Move-Lights Out-Diving Headbutt
Music-Back in Black-AC/DC
Hometown-Rochester, New York

This man has put on some of the best battles that the company has ever seen. With his dark demeanor and slow movement, Nighthawk casts fear into the men that dare to look across the ring at him, yet he has been taken in by the people. Never having seen a chance that he didn’t want to take, his matches will almost always take to the air, where he is second to very few. He may be the most complicated man to ever set foot in an OCW ring, but he’s one of the most fun to watch.
Papa Shango
Finisher-Taxi Driver-Death Valley Driver/Raging Bull-Spinout Powerbomb
Music-Not Listening-Papa Roach
Hometown-Los Angeles, California

A true OCW icon, this man is a walking Hollywood geek, but not one that you would want to mess with. Armed with the Taxi Driver, Shango has been the only man to constantly put down the king of OCW, Rusty. With an attitude that never ends and fists that never stop, this Voodoo Man is one of the best to ever set foot in an OCW ring. From the hills of Hollywood, Shango came to OCW searching for asylum after stealing the LAND letters from the Hollywood Land sign. Now never being allowed to set foot back in America, Shango has become a mainstay in OCW and will always work in this town again.
Pip N. Wellington (Big Pippen Pump)
Finishing Move-Pippen Pump-Codebreaker
Music-Best of You-Foo Fighters
Hometown-Denver, Colorado

Have you ever met that guy that is so proud of what he did in college and simply will not let it die? Wellington is that guy. He was a college wrestling star, and he makes sure that no one, and I mean no one will ever forget it. Pip, who won’t let us know what his real name is for some reason, is perhaps the first male diva in wrestling. High maintenance, self-absorbed and occasionally neurotic, he has to let him wrestling back him up before someone knocks his block off. Luckily for him, he’s half as good as he thinks he is, making him at least very good in the ring.
Finisher-Guillotine Legdrop
Music-Better Than You-Metallica
Hometown-Belfast, Northern Ireland

Continuing his heritage of an Irish brawler, there is no one in OCW that personifies the idea of the man that loves to fight like Polley. A founding member of the Impact Players, Polley is one half of the most dominant and successful tag teams in the history of wrestling as part of the Irish Canadian Car Bombs with IC. A skilled wrestler in his own right, Polley can wrestle almost every style that is asked of him, from technical to a power game to high flying. With the best leg drop in wrestling today, there are very few that can stand up to this skyscraper with legs.
RBI (Fictitious)
Weight-Not touching that with a ten foot pole
Finishing Move-None
Hometown-Some town in California

She’s hot, blonde and has big boobs. There''s about 9 different ones. We really don't know the difference, nor do we care.
Finishing Move-Ratings Spike-Elevated Rolling Cutter
Hometown-Adelaide, Australia

Without a doubt the most successful star in the history of OCW, Rusty was the first man to reclaim the OCW World Heavyweight Championship which he has held on 4 occasions. Using his patented Ratings Spike to finish off opponents, Rusty has led both the Aussie Army as well as the Impact Players. The Superman of OCW, Rusty has only seemed to have one Kryptonite-Papa Shango. The Voodoo Man and Rusty have had some of the greatest battles in the history of the company including the main event of the first ever Final Chapter, but Rusty has never been able to get the three count on him.
Sabre (Fictitious/In Jail)
Finishing Move-Cyclone-F5

Hailing from the past, Sabre cast a shadow over OCW the likes of which no one has ever done before. With his mighty arms and booming voice, he became the OCW Champion for the longest period of time yet. As the nightmare from KB's past, he shook the foundation of OCW in one swift movement. Armed with the Cyclone, he has tasted defeat only once and no doubt will one day return to wreck his havoc again.
Showgirl (Big Showtime)
Weight-None Of Your Business
Finisher-Show Stopping Number-High Cross Body
Music-Man, I Feel Like A Woman-Shania Twain
Hometown-San Francisco, California

The result of putting his foot in his mouth, he soon became a she. A former Women's Champion, Showgirl is nothing short of, shall we say interesting? Wanting a more prominent role in the company, the wrestler formerly known as Showtime signed up for "a new direction" and it has played out perfectly. Now one of the pioneers of the Women's Division, her wars with Becca have become the things of legends. Her epic quest to regain her manhood ended when she saw herself in the mirror one day, and fell in love with her new look.
Smooth Criminal (a0161613)
Finisher-Break In-Downward Spiral
Music-Smooth Criminal-Michael Jackson
Hometown-Dallas, Texas

He spent his first two years in OCW trying to find himself, and apparently he now has. Since aligning himself with Thriller and Billie Jean, Numbers, or apparently now the Smooth Criminal couldn’t be happier. A former Taz Champion, he has always had the skills to back up anything he says, despite the fact that it usually put the people in the audience to sleep. With a new attitude and apparently a new outlook on life, things are certainly looking up for this man.
Finishing Move-Frog Splash

An OCW Original, this man is one of the few to have left the warm arms of Australia to venture out into the wrestling world on his own. Once he was spurned by the evil in the world, he returned home to his first love: OCW. He was one of the original Impact Players as well as a proud member of the Aussie Army. While he may be small in stature, his love for his the island he calls home is second to no one. Armed with a great leaping ability, this man is a bundle of greatness.

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