NXT: Non-Wrestling Moderator

Tenta, Thriller, MRC, and myself. Yeah. I voted for myself. Bitch.

I understand what CH David is coming from, but I'm all for giving Tenta a shot to prove himself. If there's anything his wrestling posts have shown, it's that he's capable of posting quality. Now can he translate that into the NWS? Let's find out.

Sense. This makes it.

Look, guys, I'm not going to lie. People have said I'd be better suited to be a Wrestling Mod, but quite frankly, that isn't going to happen for a while. Cue the quotations:

Tents, I love you and you're my best friend on here but it isn't going to happen for a while. The spotty returns work against you. I know why they happened, but you know. Perception and all that.

See, the fact is, this is my only chance to prove, without the necessity of a selection committee, that I can run a position as a mod. I'm not asking for a whole lot, just the chance, really, to prove I can be a capable mod. I just, you know, don't frequent the NWS Sections to do such.

Numbers, I'm sorry, I should've voted for you. I miscounted, and I thought it would be a case of either voting you or Disarray. I had my numbers wrong, and thought I could only pick twelve. Otherwise, I'd say you more than deserve nine votes. You're still in contention for this thing, I believe, all you need is two more votes and such to be in the 10-11 slot. Two votes which I'm sure someone on here should give... Anyone reading this right npw.
I did not vote for Tenta because, to my knowledge, he's already been a mod before, and neither Thriller nor Razor never have been.
Oh Ech. Just for that, I'm going to go against my better judgment and try that alcoholic beverage you posted in here a few days ago. After I'm done having my stomach eaten out from the inside, I'll come back here and post the results.
I did not vote for Tenta because, to my knowledge, he's already been a mod before, and neither Thriller nor Razor never have been.

Ech, your drink is a delectable concoction. That said, nope, never been selected
So two from each round are moving on? Damn, I need to edge out SSC and Becker to make it. Well vote for me, even nobody took up my debate offer to earn their votes. Bunch of bitches I'll tell ya.
Little Jerry Lawler seems to be the most versatile out of the group; CH David would be my second choice
Huh. Me and Ech are on the same wavelength. Coulda sworn you were tossed a bone quite a few months ago.

Could be totally, horridly wrong though.
Coco and Disarray locked in a battle to the death. This is so delicious it just has to be fattening.

Edit: I feel bad I didn't vote simpsons-fanatic now. Oh well - c'est la vie.
Oh Ech. Just for that, I'm going to go against my better judgment and try that alcoholic beverage you posted in here a few days ago. After I'm done having my stomach eaten out from the inside, I'll come back here and post the results.

the vodka, worchstershire, and fruit juice? yeah, good stuff
I really do believe that IndyJon should be getting more votes here. Yes, he has a fair amount indeed, but the fact is, I'm reading his MMA Stuff, and it really is top notch. Also, I've read some of his sports stuff, quite delicious if I do say so. The man has a very wide array of knowledge, and I just really think that if he weren't in an already stacked MMA Section, he would have already been a mod at some point. Consider this my rallying cry, if you will, but IndyJon needs more votes to stay in this biznatch. Give it to him
Damn, I feel like a fool. I voted Razor without remembering the multiple votes aspect of things. Not that it matters now, but I was also planning on voting for Tenta and Thriller.
Huh. Me and Ech are on the same wavelength. Coulda sworn you were tossed a bone quite a few months ago.

Could be totally, horridly wrong though.

Nein. Never got a chance.

See? People already think I've been a mod. Should point to how much good I can do in this thing
Yep. That indeed. I'm sure I'll mix it wrong and end up with a lot of Worcestershire sauce in my mouth, but meh. It'll be worth the experience I'm sure. And the horrid cramps/vomiting.
Really? I could have sworn I saw your name in bold months back, when your name was a pun on megazord

Nyet. I believe that's more the awesomess of Power Rangers, if anything. I've always been a bridesmaid, never been a bride.

God, I need better cliches
I agree with Tenta on Indy. Always liked the his stuff. I almost voted for SSC and Becker but then realized they are neck and neck with me and decided against it. So I voted for CH, because when I think of the sports section I think CH.

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