Tenta, Thriller, MRC, and myself. Yeah. I voted for myself. Bitch.
I understand what CH David is coming from, but I'm all for giving Tenta a shot to prove himself. If there's anything his wrestling posts have shown, it's that he's capable of posting quality. Now can he translate that into the NWS? Let's find out.
Sense. This makes it.
Look, guys, I'm not going to lie. People have said I'd be better suited to be a Wrestling Mod, but quite frankly, that isn't going to happen for a while. Cue the quotations:
Tents, I love you and you're my best friend on here but it isn't going to happen for a while. The spotty returns work against you. I know why they happened, but you know. Perception and all that.
See, the fact is, this is my only chance to prove, without the necessity of a selection committee, that I can run a position as a mod. I'm not asking for a whole lot, just the chance, really, to prove I can be a capable mod. I just, you know, don't frequent the NWS Sections to do such.
Numbers, I'm sorry, I should've voted for you. I miscounted, and I thought it would be a case of either voting you or Disarray. I had my numbers wrong, and thought I could only pick twelve. Otherwise, I'd say you more than deserve nine votes. You're still in contention for this thing, I believe, all you need is two more votes and such to be in the 10-11 slot. Two votes which I'm sure someone on here should give... Anyone reading this right npw.