Next jericho

Aren't you that like every weekend or something? I always seem to see you posting on here during the morning / noon hours of Denmark.

An energy drink usually quickens you up a bit although.
Son of a bitch!! It sent itself before I could write anything!! FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!! GODDAMMIT!!
And JUST reported him for spamming. Douche. Somebody should probably delete his post worshiping himself.

I reported it about 5 hours ago...

But yeah, I am sure he has already been infracted for it.
I red-repped him this:

So, I have a picture that is 12,000 pixels wide and 10,000 high.

Who wants some rep?
ME!! As long as its green, I could give a fuck less about what the pic is. Sam red repped me with a GIANT picture of Buzz Lightyear onetime.
Next Jericho would like some red rep with that I could imagine.

I got a huge picture anyway although so I doubt it'd make a difference with one ten times bigger, might crash my user CP but I'll live.
Here is what you are both getting...

Click it at your peril.


Still want it?
It is done.

That shit really slows down a page loading, huh?

EDIT: It's a charcoal phoenix from DeviantArt.
What the FUCK is that? I couldn't scroll around enough to get a proper idea of what it was.

it was an Phoenix. I right clicked on the image and loaded it in a new window, which shrunk it down to fit the screen.

EDIT: What Dave said, I though it looked like an Eagle at first.

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