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Dark Match Winner
This little fuckwit gave me red rep for posting a thread asking for advice, in the bar room because it wasn't wrestling related. "this is a wrestling forum!" Go jump off a cliff, fucktard.
if those are his exact words it sounds more like hes mocking you for asking for advice on a wrestling forum not for it not being allowed or in the wrong area, still an asshole move though.
Red rep is cowardlyyyy

Rip the shit out of him in public so everyone else can see, don't hide it in his Control Panel
He is an ass. I made a thread about TNA needing a killer heel a la Orton, when he punted everyone and mentioned Wolfe as an option. He then red-repped me for said mention.

And this thread was three fucking months old!!
Well, considering you can get rid of them yourself, I imagine it wouldn't be too bad.
I believe it's either ADSL or DSL, I'm not exactly sure considering I didn't set it up, and the fact that the box is somewhere out of reach in the attic area.
Sure, it's just not a question I usually get asked. Hell I've never been asked that.

That picture is awfully big you know.

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