Nash Shits on Miz, WWE; Promises No Return

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Kevin Nash posted and later deleted comments from his Twitter page late Monday night/Tuesday morning. "I promise I will not be back in the WWE," Nash wrote at one point. He also complained about the youth movement. "They think youth sells," he wrote. "I've watched Gran Torino 15 times - bad ass sells, not Men's Fitness in trunks."

Nash was also critical of The Miz winning the WWE Championship. "WWE told the world that their shit is a work with Miz as champ," he wrote. He followed by writing, "Going to bed, WWE is a buzz kill. Triple H, Undertaker, get well."


Love you, Big Sexy!
Gosh, what a loss! Kevin Nash is not returning to the WWE in his 50's. Too bad too, I heard Grecian Formula is looking to invest money in the WWE and they're looking for a spokesman.

I assume he was drunk or something when he first tweeted, then sobered up and realized what a jackass he was (again) and deleted it.

Plus, what the hell does Kevin Nash know about what sells in pro wrestling in 2010? He knew what sold over a decade ago for a brief period of time, but for him to suggest the youth movement in the WWE doesn't sell is nothing short of laughable. Let's look at the respective ratings and see what sells these days and what doesn't. Nexus sells. The Miz will sell. Cena, Orton, Bryan, all sell. The Immortals? EV2.0? Fourtune? Not so much.
Gran Torino was shit, Kevin Nash is shit. The last time he did something worthwhile it was courtesy of Alex Shelley. He should shut the front door.
Nash also quoted this on twitter: "WWE told the world that there shit is a work with the Miz as champ." I don't understand this really. Is wrestling suppose to be a shoot like in TNA? when in reality every wrestling company is a work.
Gran Torino was shit, Kevin Nash is shit. The last time he did something worthwhile it was courtesy of Alex Shelley. He should shut the front door.

Gran Torino made a shit ton of money, homey. Not saying it's not shit, but Eastwood as a star is a draw (as a director, maybe not so much).
Or do you mean before the Guns won their tag titles, the last time Shelley was worthwhile was because of Kevin Nash?

The most worthwhile thing Kevin Nash did for TNA was miss Bound For Glory 2005.

I just remember a series of unfunny skits with occasional funny input from Alex Shelley. Though shut the front door was a good line, I'll give him that much.
I find it very interesting that Nash had one WWF title reign when he was a young guy and it was one of the worst title reigns from a drawing perspective ever, before his first WCW Title reign was 8 days, ended Goldberg's run which is often credited with hurting WCW badly and then the Fingerpoke of Doom. Nash's biggest moment in wrestling is walking on camera a few weeks after Scott Hall did the same thing. He really hasn't been a huge deal throughout wrestling other than being famous for being a former WWF Champion and a founding member of the NWO, yet he can tell a company is going to fail a mere 19 hours after a title reign begins?

Not to mention that Nash's latest involvement was in part of an angle that is completely failing from a ratings standpoint. Who is he to criticize anything WWE does?
Question the methods all you want but Nash is dead on here. Miz is about the least believable champion I remember seeing. WWE just put THE title on a middle school novelty act.
KB, isn't that how long it took you for the 3D turn angle? I am not saying he will not be successful. WWE fans have shown they will accept whatever mediocrity is pushed on them. I am just saying he doesn't look the part or have a character to justify it.
There's something you need to get through your head: TNA and WWE are held to different standards. This is the case for multiple reasons, but first and foremost: WWE has a record of success. TNA has a record of failures. If WWE wants to try something new I'm likely going to give them more credibility than TNA, because TNA has shown time and time again that they can blow anything.

Oh and you're annoying. Go away.
Meanwhile, TNA tells people "there" shit is a work, by actually telling people that their shit is a work.
Jeff Hardy has Hulk Hogan and the leader of the company backing him. Jeff Hardy has been one of the most popular figures in present wrestling and has had runs at the top, Jeff Hardy has a fresh larger than life gimmick. Miz hasn't beat anybody and walks around with his boyfriend and won with a suitcase and looks like an undersized idiot. Does he even have a defining move in the ring?
Jeff Hardy has Hulk Hogan and the leader of the company backing him. Jeff Hardy has been one of the most popular figures in present wrestling and has had runs at the top, Jeff Hardy has a fresh larger than life gimmick. Miz hasn't beat anybody and walks around with his boyfriend and won with a suitcase and looks like an undersized idiot. Does he even have a defining move in the ring?

Skull Crushing Finale. You know, the move he beat Orton with.

Dude your shit is weak, now seriously, go back to the TNA section where you still suck.

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