Name change??


Championship Contender
I hope someone can help me out..I know wwe doesn't like for wrestlers to use their names. I seen the interview about it..that way if one was to leave and he wanted to keep the character, he could..there's a few that does..John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry, Randy orton, Layla, jbl, Lawler, Brian Kendrick...

That's every male and femal in WWE and NXT...except refs...

So my question is. Since Punk has been fired and hates the wwe. Then why on every interview, ever facebook post he makes. (I know, he is on my list)... So I if he hates wwe and will never go back, then why does he still go by and referr hisself as CM PUNK...why? And as money hungry as Vince is, why hasn't he put a stop to it??
That was one of the big concerns punk had when negotiating his contract before he “left” the company with the championship he owns the right to the name CM Punk he can use it as much as he wants and will do so because that name carries recognition as well as rubs Vinces nose in the fact he lost a huge draw every time he even sends out a tweet
As far as I know, CM Punk name has been used by Phil Brooks long before he came to WWE. It's a rare case where Phil has the right to CM Punk and not WWE. Sure, a lot of people know him for his work in WWE, but CM Punk was a thing long before that.
Be interesting to see Lesnar, Orton and Cena enter todays WWE. They sure as hell wouldnt be using their real names.

Brock Lauder
Jonny Cedar
Randall Orange

Best I can come up with.
"Phil Brooks" - How many folks know this name. Ask a non-internet wrestling fan or simply a child "Who is Phil Brooks"? The answer will be "I don't know"? Then, ask who is CM Punk. You will be answered a paragraph full of what the answer is. The point being that, CM Punk has 100 times more fans than Phil Brooks has. I wonder what name will he use in UFC.
Orton was always using his own name cos of the 2nd Gen side of things, even today, as a Hall of Famer it would make sense to keep his father's legacy going, just like Cody. Guys like Bray and Bo, don't have that and it makes sense to give them "gimmick names".

Cena got to keep his name as it was better than anything they could come up with... It was memorable, short and fit him.

Today WWE at least allows guys to within reason, pick their own names. Adrian Neville for example picked Neville based on someone from a band he likes... the Adrian part was WWE, but that's now been dropped so in essence he's picked his name, but he has the Pac name to use if he ever leaves.

Guys like Itami and Balor know they have their old names to fall back on should they leave WWE, same for Owens.

In CM Punk's case he always owned that name since the day he debuted as a wrestler, WWE felt he was marginal enough at signing him to not make him change it... so he had the power to allow them those rights or not.
Cena got to keep his name as it was better than anything they could come up with... It was memorable, short and fit him.

At least they dropped "The Prototype".

However, on names, I think Batista should have kept the "Leviathan" name. But I guess if you debut as Deacon Batista you're kind of stuck with it.
To me A Name doesn't make a Wrestler Great as Randy Poffo was destined for Greatness but "Macho Man" Randy Poffo does sound as good as Randy Savage. Plus 1 thing you probably don't know is that Wrestlers come up w/ their own name as they make a list of their WRESTLER name but after Vince and the Guy or Gal go thru the list then what name he likes of what a pick was he lets you be that name. So Phil owned the CM PUNK name just like James Helwig and now Dana Helwig oWn the WARRIOR name. Plus if Cena wasn't able to be JOHN CENA he'd be what he was in OVW "THE PROTOTYPE" still. So what I'm saying is a name doesn't matter imo it's what the become w/ it.
I hope someone can help me out..I know wwe doesn't like for wrestlers to use their names. I seen the interview about it..that way if one was to leave and he wanted to keep the character, he could..there's a few that does..John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry, Randy orton, Layla, jbl, Lawler, Brian Kendrick...

That's every male and femal in WWE and NXT...except refs...

So my question is. Since Punk has been fired and hates the wwe. Then why on every interview, ever facebook post he makes. (I know, he is on my list)... So I if he hates wwe and will never go back, then why does he still go by and referr hisself as CM PUNK...why? And as money hungry as Vince is, why hasn't he put a stop to it??

I'm not sure if you even aware of who Phil "CM Punk" Brooks is...

For the record WWE doesn't own the royalty of the name CM Punk. Because Phil has been using the name CM Punk since the day he started working in the Indie Promotions. His first notable gimmick in the indie is Chick Magnet Punk he never changed his name from CM Punk throughout his wrestling career. He owns the Royalty for that name not WWE.

If you still aren't content with that he isn't just using CM Punk as his ringname in UFC. He's using Phil "CM Punk" Brooks!

It came to a head a few years back with Christian, when he left WWE for TNA and was able to trademark "Captain Charisma" and Christian Cage from under them... from that point they were very hot on changing names to what they can own cos he was suddenly making a shit tonne of money from Merch in TNA as their top guy, and they couldn't even sell their old stock without giving him a cut.
WWE allowed Phil Brooks to keep using the name CM Punk, it was a name he'd been using since the very beginning of his career. He and a bunch of friends formed their own backyard wrestling federation called the Lunatic Wrestling Federation. CM Punk wasn't a name that was given to him by the WWE. When Punk came to WWE, John Laurinaitis was in charge of talent relations and WWE's developmental system; he may well have been the biggest yes man to Vince in the company, with the possible exception of Kevin Dunn, and it's not a name that he ever would have picked.

As to why he's still using it or goes by it, because of name recognition. As much as Punk railed on WWE late last year and very early this year, Punk's success is due to not only his own talent, but having a platform to showcase said talent. Without WWE, frankly, CM Punk would most likely be a nobody if you discount fans on the indie circuit. Brooks knows that CM Punk is recognizable, it's the real reason why Dana White signed him to the UFC despite the fact he's a 36 year old man that's never fought a single MMA fight in his entire life. Whenever Brooks makes his UFC debut, which will be in one of the main event fights, White is counting on the CM Punk name to rake in a lot of pay-per-view buys from wrestling fans on the novelty of them being curious to see how he does in his debut. Whether some like him, hate him, want him to do great or fall flat on his face, the point is they'll pay to see what happens and that's precisely what White wants.
I'm worried about Samoa Joe in all this. Maybe they'll go the Bryan Danielson route and call him Joey Samoa. Or Jamoa Soe.

Knowing WWE, he's not related to The Rock's family so he'll be a Hawaiian Mayan.
I'm worried about Samoa Joe in all this. Maybe they'll go the Bryan Danielson route and call him Joey Samoa. Or Jamoa Soe.

Knowing WWE, he's not related to The Rock's family so he'll be a Hawaiian Mayan.

Joey Samoey is the best one xD

As far as the CM Punk name... It just boils down to basic research. If the OP knew anything about CM Punk pre-WWE, he'd know that Punk wrestled with that name since he was a teenager. He made a name out of CM Punk before they ever entertained the idea of signing him. The guy was already a big star by the time his ROH run ended. How is Vince going to claim the rights? I'd really like to know.
I'm worried about Samoa Joe in all this. Maybe they'll go the Bryan Danielson route and call him Joey Samoa. Or Jamoa Soe.

Knowing WWE, he's not related to The Rock's family so he'll be a Hawaiian Mayan.

I sincerely hope they make him change that awful name he's used for years. I mean, come on, he's hillbilly Jim with a harder head. That said, I say go with the one word name and use his last name, Senoa (someone check the spelling for me). That sounds way more imposing and a lot less stupid than Samoa Joe.

That said, most talents have some say in their names and most have worked out just fine so I'm not so up in arms about it. Sasha Banks is a terrible name though. That one they got very wrong.

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