Chicago crowd will be a prime example of internet wrestling fans's stupidity

Who should the crowd chant for?

  • CM Punk

  • Daniel Bryan

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I would just like to state that I love Punk. Easily my favorite wrestler of the last decade, but he is no Rock. He isn't The Rock in any platform and should not be compared. Rock is a once in a lifetime level performer and the WWE has been looking for the next Rock since he left and they have yet to find him. They settled for Cena and that is not an insult to Cena, but no one has been able to match Rock's drawing ability and crossover appeal since he left. Only Hogan and Austin have been on that level and Rock had surpassed it, which is why he is no longer a wrestler today and is a movie star. Him being the GOAT is debatable, but he is definitely in the discussion. Other then that I am on Team Punk with this topic.
They shouldn't hijack the show... It's an important WM build up raw, and that can't just be wasted because fans are upset, maybe during squash matches... I just hope not during the bigger segments
They shouldn't hijack the show... It's an important WM build up raw, and that can't just be wasted because fans are upset, maybe during squash matches... I just hope not during the bigger segments

They're going to do it whenever they feel like it and there is nothing you, I, or the WWE can do about it. Kind of like how we can't do anything about some of the WWE's awful, lazy, tone-deaf booking of late.
WWE gave the young guys a chance: WM25 and WM26, what happened?

Both PPV buyrates didn't reach 1 million buyrates.

"""WWE gave the young guys a chance""""
WM 25 4 main events-- Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy, HHH vs Orton, Rey Mysterio vs JBL, Taker vs HBK

WM 26 4 main events -- Vince McMahon vs Bret Hart, Jericho vs Edge, Cena vs Batista, Taker vs HBK

what youth are you talking about?
They're going to do it whenever they feel like it and there is nothing you, I, or the WWE can do about it. Kind of like how we can't do anything about some of the WWE's awful, lazy, tone-deaf booking of late.

Not totally true. There are plenty of things WWE can do. How well organized are these "hijackers"? I don't use Twitter but since it is a public forum than couldn't someone from WWE just take over the feed? Make it impossible to know what to chant? Any chance WWE could convince Twitter to take down the feed?

How about every time the fans start a useless chant, WWE finds the fattest, most pimply face virgin in the crowd and put him on the Titan Tron to show the fans how stupid they look?

Maybe they stick Daniel Bryan out there for three hours.

Or they could just put on a high quality show that keeps the fans interested and invested.

But yes, there's bound to be plenty of idiots who think Raw has been crap for years yet still watch every week and paid money for a ticket to see it live. They will try to make the show about them by pretending that they mean business. However how much they do it is somewhat in the control of WWE.
"Stupidity" or the Sense to express your intrigue towards some and discontent towards some others, the sense to not just sit there and feed on what is being fed to you, like a flock of sheep?
While I don't support hijacking shows by chanting wrestlers' old gimmick names (does harm to their current character) or chanting names of the fucking commentators (disruptive, nothing else), chanting for other wrestlers that they like (and the authority doesn't like) or chanting for their hometown hero isn't bad at all.
Good job creating another controversial topic, by the way.
Firstly, I am a CM Punk guy. I'm also a Daniel Bryan guy. So my issue with this post is simple : Punk has, like it or not, become a symbol. As has Bryan. Both are symbols of the systemic lack of direction WWE has undergone as of late. Some may suggest that WWE has always been adrift, specifically in terms of creative output. But it has been , at best, erratic. They routinely ignore the Universe. Push many deserving wrestlers little, if at all. While force feeding us the same tired bile, show after show. A message must be sent to WWE. If Punk chants are one symbol of that message, good. If Bryan is the same, great. If you cannot stand the current ebb and flow of WWE, then rise up, together ; legion.
Firstly, I am a CM Punk guy. I'm also a Daniel Bryan guy. So my issue with this post is simple : Punk has, like it or not, become a symbol. As has Bryan. Both are symbols of the systemic lack of direction WWE has undergone as of late. Some may suggest that WWE has always been adrift, specifically in terms of creative output. But it has been , at best, erratic. They routinely ignore the Universe. Push many deserving wrestlers little, if at all. While force feeding us the same tired bile, show after show. A message must be sent to WWE. If Punk chants are one symbol of that message, good. If Bryan is the same, great. If you cannot stand the current ebb and flow of WWE, then rise up, together ; legion.

My thoughts exactly. Well said.

On a personal note, this is one of my last attempts dealing with WWE. I'll be there shouting and chanting and having fun along with everyone else, but if the product continues to be the way it has, I will pass on Wrestlemania and the WWE for the time being. I'm so fed up with the product yet still try to watch in order to support some of the wrestlers and talent that I do like. That's the problem in of itself. I like alot of the talent, just hate everything else.

But at some point, either the company or the fans have to give in. I love DB and I like Punk, but will simply stop spending money on the WWE if it keeps going this way. Like I said, at some point one or the other has to give and I'm at that point right now. In fact, I think most of the rowdy fans are showing their displeasure and are in the same boat, just at different points in the river. That said, if WWE doesn't change things up, most fans will hit the waterfall sooner rather than later.
Not showing up to the show at all, not watching RAW, etc. is a much bigger statement than fucking chants lol.

To be honest I think the Daniel Bryan thing is just kind of a bandwagon now. Bryan isn't some microphone wizard, so once he gets that belt his entertainment will strictly revolve around his in ring work (excellent) and the stories he's put in (which relies strictly on Creative...).

IMO, people are just tired of the product and politics we've been getting since 2008 or so and Batista, Cena, HHH, Orton, Punk, and Bryan are all just the perfect scapegoats for their respective roles in this situation.
Well no shit that not watching is a bigger statement, hence why I said that's the next step if things continue to worsen.

I agree. I just wonder would fans actually be that bold to do that, stop watching and not attending the shows because that's the only way they'll get the attention they want
The first thing I wanna say is that OP's opinion on the topic of CM Punk is understandable. I may not agree with everything he said, but I can understand why some feel the way he does. When you break down the situation to its simplest form, CM Punk was burnt out and fed up with the way things were going, so he took his ball and went home. That said, in all honesty no one can come on here and say they know why punk left for 100%. The only people who now the truth for sure behind his walk out are CM Punk and Vince McMahon. Just to clarify for those who blame Batista winning the rumble, I'm pretty sure it wasn't cause it was Batista who won the rumble, it was cause it wasn't Bryan. Punk stated at a comic con Q & A about two weeks before the Rumble that he liked Batista and was glad he was back, BUT this was Daniel Bryan's year. I don't feel like Punk is being selfish cause he wants the main event. I feel like Punk wasn't happy with his characters direction and the companies direction as a whole. When the fans chant CM Punk I don't think they're chanting for a quitter. They are chanting for Punk and they feel like all the reasons he got angry and left are because of things the WWE did or are doing. It would mean a lot more and have a louder impact if Punk had been fired. That said they still chant cause, while WWE didn't fire him, many fans feel as if WWE's actions basically pushed him to walking out.
First off, I'd like to make a point about CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.

These are two guys who were NEVER supposed to get as far as they came.

You had a three hundred pound burlap sack of failure named JBL exclaim his adoration for The Miz as a small penance for fingering him so many times during hazing sessions, Miz didn't have staying power.

You had the pro-wrestling world's version of Larry the Cable Guy put all his faith into a socially inept drug addict named Andy Leavine because Stone Cold "don't like people who think their shit don't stink" and "you stand there... with your stupid AFRO!". Basically what would happen if you hired Gary the ****** to star as Sergeant Hartman in a Full Metal Jacket remake, the result was Andy Leavine.

You had Rock and Vince and God knows who else look at an idea like "Curt Axel" and think "This is totally going to work!". So he's either a figure skater, or he's just very fond of that one part in what makes up a vehicle. Forget John Rearviewmirror, Curt Axel is the real mother fucking deal!

Stephanie "Shart Gargler" McMahon laughed at the idea of CM Punk even getting on tv, and it took a little finagling on Shawn Michaels' part to get Daniel Bryan a push. Those two guys are what happens when the fans don't give up on what's most important to them. I realize that the failures of those I mentioned above went way beyond just lack of fan approval, but there would be no CM Punk or Daniel Bryan in WWE if it wasn't for each of their vocal fan-bases.

Now then, on the subject of whether or not a fan's rage is justified in the case of CM Punk.

I'm a very proud native of Chicago Illinois, even more proud to have grown up in the North Side. Either way, Chicago comes together no matter whose baseball team is playing (unless the Cubs are up against the Sox, in which case fuck the Sox).

You seem to be trying to pull our attention toward Daniel Bryan as a means of baiting his fans into thinking ill of CM Punk. As you said, it's only a (fucking stupid) assumption that Punk left because he was jealous of Daniel Bryan's appeal.

Here's the thing, Daniel Bryan is already over in Chicago. Chicago won't boo Daniel Bryan or drown out his promos or matches with CM Punk chants, you have my word on that. This isn't a Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk war of popularity.

The WWE decided that they needed Batista back to make Wrestlemania a bigger show, which obviously means that Batista gets the main event and thus gets a second Royal Rumble win. For Chicago fans, this is the reason we vent. Our hometown hero, who we see as being on par with Daniel Bryan, was being made to work a pointless feud with Kane while someone only a fucking moron would give a fuck about was being granted the Wrestlemania main event just for being HHH's buddy.

I applaud the WWE for still holding this event, I know Chicago won't let them or a worthless sack of shit like you down.
When you break down the situation to its simplest form, CM Punk was burnt out and fed up with the way things were going, so he took his ball and went home. That said, in all honesty no one can come on here and say they know why punk left for 100%.

Here's what most people seem to be missing though. I might be curious as to exactly why Punk left, but not knowing exactly why he left doesn't dissuade me from being mad enough at the WWE's political bullshit to chant his name.

If anything I'm reminding them of the fact that I won't play their fucking stupid game of who I'm supposed to like and who I'm not supposed to like. It means something to Steph and HHH that their direction for the show is honored by the fans, it validates their sense of creativity. When they plan a promo for Batista's main event at Wrestlemania, they have to plan it to either recognize the CM Punk chants or flat out ignore them which can look even more embarrassing.

Shitstains like goat might try to convolute the issue by suggesting that we're mad at the WWE for Punk leaving. Most of us are damn proud of Punk for leaving when he did, now we're mad at the WWE for pretending like it doesn't matter to them.
I respect cm punk as a wrestler. but i dont like his walkout. we dont know the exact problem. We wait until the real reason came out. wwe leave the problem until wrestlemania or chicago raw. Then they release punk if he wont resign the contract.

WWE is not about Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena, Punk, Bryan and ect, superstars wont made wwe. WWE made superstars. This situation wont affect wwe. Its a temperory problem.

CM Punk chant is unneccessary and a stupid thing. Why they chant his name. They all know the problem. This is the main reason that the management wont consider the fans opinion. Soon later they all move onto another wrestler. They wont boycott or not watching the wrestling bcoz they love wrestling.

Actually i surprised the bray vs roman match at raw. The fans are not interested in that match the chant cmpunk, husky harris, ect. At elimination chamber they chant This is Awsome.

We will see how the chicago crowd react the EC rematch.

I think most of the IWC are in US and UK. But wwe is watched in all around the world. They love wrestling and they wont know the internal politics of wwe. Even they dont know why punk left, why RVD and Jericho leave temperory, why people boo batista. Most of people dont know TNA, ROH and other promotion. They know only WWE.

WWE wants non us and uk fans, so they use their past superstars featured in their promotion. Batista is mainevent superstar before leaving wwe. When he comeback they use him at the same level. People think bryan is the deserved person instead batista. Its true. But wwe not ended in today. They make the story and continue the story as long as they can. Bryan is the future wwe Champion.

So wwe fans if you like a wrestler then cheer him more but won boo to the wrestler you wont like.
If the IWC "fans" (and I use the term loosely) riot on Monday, the Police should arrest the lot of them and throw away the key IMO.

And I mean the REAL Police, not just local wrestlers dressed as security.
Am I the only person who feels like this whole CM Punk thing is a work? If Punk doesn't resurface on Monday, I think he will be back before his original contract expiration. I think the people chant Punk because they like to think they know what's going on.

I like Punk but i feel what he did was totally unprofessional and he doesn't deserve to have his name chanted by anyone... Don't believe me? Listen to his interview with his good buddy Colt Cabana to see how he really feel about his loyal following.

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