If Punk is SO popular with wrestling fans....

it's been said already -- more than once, in fact -- that Punk HIMSELF stated on Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling Podcast that WrestleMania XXX belonged to Daniel Bryan. this was the year of Daniel Bryan and nobody could deny that. from the outside looking in, and if rumors are to be believed, it seems that the WWE still almost denied DBry anyway to go with Batista/Orton, one-on-one. either way, Mania 30 was Bryan's moment to shine. Punk could have been given that spot and probably not caused a riot, but it really needed to go to Daniel Bryan this year.

however, the three years prior all could have belonged to Punk and arguably, at least one of them should have.

in the build to Mania 27, Punk could have won the Rumble and challenged a face World Champion in Orton, but instead they left that match non-title and gave us Cena/Miz, which was awful.

Mania 28 was another year that could've been Punk's, as he defended his World Title against Jericho. the feud was still fun and I liked the Best in the World vs. the Best in the World at What He Does deal. given that Rock/Cena was a dream match that the entire world wanted to see, especially in Rock's hometown of Miami, Punk/Jericho was likely never going to main event Mania here, but still, it was an option.

which brings us to Mania 29. Punk's record-long World Title reign ended at the Rumble when Punk dropped the belt to Rock. but Punk could have defended the strap against Taker in a Streak vs. Streak Match and headlined the show. again, if Punk is to be believed from his podcast, several backstage admitted that Punk's match against Taker was the best of the night and deserved to go on last.

Punk had 2-3 years that belonged to him and were denied for whatever reason. but nobody can deny that this was the year of the Beard... of the Yes! Man.
Being a fan doesn't mean always wanting your favourite to be on top, it means they are being used properly. Bryan was hot, he should have win over Punk - even Punk said that. As a fan I didn't have an issue since someone else deserving would have gotten the spot if Bryan had. Fans not being mad doesn't show that he is not popular, it shows they understand the business and that it wasn't Punk's turn.

As for fans and their "pull", there is no such thing anymore. The wwe universe is trained well and aside from the odd city like Chicago who go against the norm, they cheer for whoever wwe wants. Simply put, Vince and the gang don't listen anymore because really, they don't need to. Before if a storyline sucked, the fans let it be known and wwe had to react. Today, the mentality is wwe won the war so they know what is best so you don't boo storylines, you sit through them. Fans gave up their pull a long time ago.
Punk wasn't as over as his fans or he thinks he was. He was legitimately extremely over for about 6 months. Punk isn't a baby face naturally. He's Roddy Piper, he's not Hogan, not Austin, not Cena, wasn't as over as Bryan and not for as long.
it's been said already -- more than once, in fact -- that Punk HIMSELF stated on Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling Podcast that WrestleMania XXX belonged to Daniel Bryan. this was the year of Daniel Bryan and nobody could deny that. from the outside looking in, and if rumors are to be believed, it seems that the WWE still almost denied DBry anyway to go with Batista/Orton, one-on-one. either way, Mania 30 was Bryan's moment to shine. Punk could have been given that spot and probably not caused a riot, but it really needed to go to Daniel Bryan this year.

however, the three years prior all could have belonged to Punk and arguably, at least one of them should have.

in the build to Mania 27, Punk could have won the Rumble and challenged a face World Champion in Orton, but instead they left that match non-title and gave us Cena/Miz, which was awful.

Mania 28 was another year that could've been Punk's, as he defended his World Title against Jericho. the feud was still fun and I liked the Best in the World vs. the Best in the World at What He Does deal. given that Rock/Cena was a dream match that the entire world wanted to see, especially in Rock's hometown of Miami, Punk/Jericho was likely never going to main event Mania here, but still, it was an option.

which brings us to Mania 29. Punk's record-long World Title reign ended at the Rumble when Punk dropped the belt to Rock. but Punk could have defended the strap against Taker in a Streak vs. Streak Match and headlined the show. again, if Punk is to be believed from his podcast, several backstage admitted that Punk's match against Taker was the best of the night and deserved to go on last.

Punk had 2-3 years that belonged to him and were denied for whatever reason. but nobody can deny that this was the year of the Beard... of the Yes! Man.

I think WM29 would have been the best option, and make it triple-threat.

WM27 it would have been good, but they wanted to have the Rock cost Cena, to build for the next night, and the next year.

WM28- No way! You don't book a match like Cena v Rock (which should have been "Once In A Lifetime" a year out, and then relegate it to second-last. That was not going to happen, and it wasn't good business if it had happened, just to accomodate Punk's massive ego.

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