My time here is done

Even if Profit comes of as arrogant, he's not that way to be a jerk to anyone, its just his demeanor, thats all. I've read his work, and you cant really take anything he says too personally because if you do you'll miss the actual legitimate point he's usually trying to make.
Milk[lw];924611 said:
They were all horrible. Coming in arrogant anywhere, is enough to get you shot these days. Battelz thought he was amazing, but was pretty suck. Never liked any of his work. And deadman. Well hes a 13 year old child, going through puberty. I was the same way. Haha

Meh.. Deadman wasn't arrogant, he was just an idiot, he tried too hard to be in a "me against the world" mentality and failed miserably with it. Me, yea i'm arrogant, but why not be? I havn't ever been shot at, and if I ever do get shot then so what, thats life we all gotta die someday and atleast I die being myself.

As for Battlez, he wasn't arrogant so-much. He wasn't half as bad as I am, and anytime he insulted someone he did it out of self-defense. His posts didn't suck, you're just a bad judge of whats good and whats bad.
Even if Profit comes of as arrogant, he's not that way to be a jerk to anyone, its just his demeanor, thats all. I've read his work, and you cant really take anything he says too personally because if you do you'll miss the actual legitimate point he's usually trying to make.

Exactly, if people would use their brains instead of sitting there letting anything I say make their poor lil baby feelings hurt, then they'd see that.
As I said, coming in arrogant is just stupid. If IC wanted to become an arrogant bastard and a fascist like dictator of WZ. Then so be it. Notice hes started out as a nice guy, Hitler did the same. Guys in bars walk in arrogant get there butts handed to him, let a bouncer or a regular get arrogant, who cares. Have some decency, show so politeness while your new. Humble yourself, otherwise you look like a douche, that no one likes. IE profit.
Your attempt at a sarcastic goodbye is pointless, he's gone and won't see it, so your need to have your life justified by attacking someone on the internet is just a big failure, sir.

Pffft chances are he'll comeback like most people do, this to me, just seems like another desperate attempt to get attention, give him a week or so and I bet he's back
Battlez was terrible. Nothing anyone says can change my mind. Profit is a 'tard. I wouldn't be sad in the least to see them both gone.

If you're leaving, Profit.. Don't let the door smack ya in the arse.

I could care less about your opinion, you are honestly one of the biggest douchebags on here. I mean, to be fair, you have moments when your actually tolerable.. but they are few and far between.
Seriously though, Battlez was a good poster, just check his threads and posts to see this. Unfortunately he isn't coming back, and after talking to him I understand why that is, I might join him in his exit but i'm not sure yet.
I find it amusing people keep saying this, and yet no one has the balls to actually say what it was.

Sad really.
I completely agree with you, especially about me being brilliant.

Seriously though, Battlez was a good poster, just check his threads and posts to see this. Unfortunately he isn't coming back, and after talking to him I understand why that is, I might join him in his exit but i'm not sure yet.

If you want the whole story, just talk to him about it, he'll fill you in if he feels like you're not a douchebag. When you know the reasons you'll better understand why he left, he wasn't just whining. I admit at first I thought he was, I thought he was thin-skinned and let some stupid internet shit get to him, but after discussing it with him I know that I was wrong in that assumption and it has nothing to do with being a crybaby or anything like that.

Battlez, you will be missed, not by a lot of people but by the people that understand good posters, and those are the only people worth anything on these forums.

I got three lines in to the opening post, and all I saw was a plea for people to get him to stay.
:lmao: I actually find it quite funny that he is leaving ebcause some people are talking about him or whatever. Isn't he 17 or something and he cares about this shit. I don't even care what people say about me at school in real life.
Well, at least I know my mentoring skills are good :lmao:

But seriously, don't leave dude. As Shocky said, when you're a noob, everyone is going to get shit. Hell, EVERYONE on this Forum had received pay outs from others. Also, as Slyfox said, it sounded like he had a pretty tough debut as well. I received two infractions within my first 10 posts here, my computer wouldn't let me sign in on the Forum for a whole month when I was a noob.

But I'm still here.
Well actually Rusty I never got shit from anybody (unless I just couldn't see it) but my computer did not let me activate my account for 3 months and I did get an infraction in my first 2 weeks. Altho if he really thinks he cant handle it, I am afraid he wont survive when he is older.
:lmao: I actually find it quite funny that he is leaving ebcause some people are talking about him or whatever. Isn't he 17 or something and he cares about this shit. I don't even care what people say about me at school in real life.
Go read your PMs.
Milk[lw];924637 said:
As I said, coming in arrogant is just stupid. If IC wanted to become an arrogant bastard and a fascist like dictator of WZ.
He tried this once. 'Twas funny

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