My time here is done

If you're even still a member of this forum, or still check your PM's, or are still checking this very thread.. I'm asking you to not leave the forum.

Just because multiple people give you shit, doesn't mean you need to give in to them and leave the forum. This thread, you created, was one big intentional "asking for it" shitfest, and I hope you realize that.

Christian, you're a decent enough guy and I enjoy reading your stuff. Don't post here for anyone other than yourself, but don't leave here for anyone other than yourself, either. So what if some don't like you, or what you post. Ignore them, they're useless and unimportant anyways. All that's important is whether you enjoy being here or not.

This forum isn't restricted to only the "uber popular", and again.. who cares if certain people don't like you. Just ignore them and don't give them the time of day. That's all they want anyways, to get a rise out of you.

So I'm asking you, on a personal note and a professional one. Stay. I enjoy reading your stuff, and I know others do as well. Not everyone enjoys everyone else, it's just common, but that doesn't mean you should leave because of it. So don't leave because of anyone, or anything other than you wanting to leave on your own.
If you're even still a member of this forum, or still check your PM's, or are still checking this very thread.. I'm asking you to not leave the forum.

Just because multiple people give you shit, doesn't mean you need to give in to them and leave the forum. This thread, you created, was one big intentional "asking for it" shitfest, and I hope you realize that.

Christian, you're a decent enough guy and I enjoy reading your stuff. Don't post here for anyone other than yourself, but don't leave here for anyone other than yourself, either. So what if some don't like you, or what you post. Ignore them, they're useless and unimportant anyways. All that's important is whether you enjoy being here or not.

This forum isn't restricted to only the "uber popular", and again.. who cares if certain people don't like you. Just ignore them and don't give them the time of day. That's all they want anyways, to get a rise out of you.

So I'm asking you, on a personal note and a professional one. Stay. I enjoy reading your stuff, and I know others do as well. Not everyone enjoys everyone else, it's just common, but that doesn't mean you should leave because of it. So don't leave because of anyone, or anything other than you wanting to leave on your own.

Or, you know, he could just go lol.

Flames Out
Or, you know, he could just go lol.

Flames Out

:lmao: When Dee is out to push you off the forum, you must've truly fucked up something major. She never dislikes ANYONE.. except for the Goth.

Christian, what the fuck did you do to Dee? LOL

Seriously though, Dee, just ignore him and vise versa for him to ignore everyone else. (reg. can't ignore mods though - that should be noted)

or, use the damn ignore button.

Thats both a good and bad response though.

Its an internet forum. You shouldn't be relegated to ignoring anyone, and sadly half of his enemies seem to be individuals he honestly CAN NOT ignore to begin with.

All in all, I would suggest a mutual agree to disagree. In other words, from this moment forward neither Christian, nor his "enemies" pick fights. (ie. Just stop talking about one another and leave it be.)
Really? :cry: :sad:

Was he banned? No line.. did he just leave? Well this blows if he is. All because other people couldn't just be the bigger person and let shit go. :disappointed: Such a shame.

I still enjoyed Christian's BT threads w/ Profit, Myself and Solo.
Umm...Will apparently...

Honestly though, I do. I could care less if other people disliked him. Other people don't tell ME who I can and can't like. And I liked Christian.

So to see him get ran off the forum, because popular people had issues is a bit much to me. But at the same time, I even told Christian time and time again to drop it and just ignore them. He didn't, and I can't control that either.

I'll miss his BT threads, and hold out hope that he'll return and ignore everyone else and continue posting in there.
So with Christian Battlez apparently gone, there needs to be someone to fill the role of the person that nobody gives a damn about. I am here to say that I will gladly accept this role, so don't worry.
Pfft he'll be back. Or at least he should. It shouldn't matter if your liked or not, if you enjoy posting wrestling and other crap then do it. When I first started posting people were on my ass, but I just kept posting and eventually people started to give me more of a chance.

Don't let one bad experience make you stop enjoying yourself. As long as your having fun posting wrestling, or sports, Book this, ect then that's all that should matter :)
Pfft he'll be back.

I hope so.

Or at least he should.

Damn straight.. oh, wait is that PC to say? :p

It shouldn't matter if your liked or not, if you enjoy posting wrestling and other crap then do it.

I agree more than anything else, with this single statement.

When I first started posting people were on my ass,

*dirty thoughts* When I first started posting, I was just sitting alone in a cpu chair. :lmao:

but I just kept posting and eventually people started to give me more of a chance.

I can't seriously imagine anyone disliking you. What crazy stupid bitch would dislike you?!

Don't let one bad experience make you stop enjoying yourself.

Technically.. I think he had more than one.. bad.. experience. lol But WHO'S counting...

As long as your having fun posting wrestling,

Its truly why most people sign up for being on a Wrestling forum to begin with, so who wouldn't come here and dislike Wrestling?!

or sports,

He posted sports?

Book this,

One of the best to post in that section. Christian Battlez, that's who.

ect then that's all that should matter :)

Should.. is a very key word.
I hope he has a new gimmick now he's returned. Sort of like when HHD left and he came back as a slightly crazy dutch guy.

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