Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

see i was thinking the same thing, that they might end up doing some sort of 3-way or 4-way.

BUT its not going to happen.

if taker lost, and wasnt pinned, it would ruin the entire streak thing, and there would be an * beside the match he technically didnt loose.

but the next few weeks are going to be very interesting.

WWE knows fans want taker vs hbk...... lets hope they dont screw it up :):lsabre:
The funny thing is that a lot of people are thinking that this match is set in stone for wrestlemania. The WWE hasn't announce anything yet and with the involvement of Vladimir Koslov into the storyline i don't know if a One on One match between The Undertaker and HBK will even take place. Suppose that HBK and Taker face each other one on one, who should win that match. HBK is the home state hero and will be over huge so you would think that he should win. But on the other hand, it would be stupid to have HBK be the one to stop the streak of the undertaker because this honor should go to somebody that is a future main eventer not a guy that's near the end of his career. So what i'm thinking is that why not but JBL against Taker and Koslov with HBK. Either that or just have a fatal four.

Also, let's face it, A HBK vs Taker match will probably overshadow everything else on the PPV and with the 2 main event being so weak, having a match like HBK vs Taker at wrestlemania will not help the main events.
Right we got 3 choice so let's list the advantage and disavantage of each of them.

First you have Vladimir Koslov, the advantage of having him facing the undertaker is that it give the undertaker a chance to put over a new talent by giving him the win. The problem is that Koslov is really boring in the ring and taker isn'T the worker he was 15 years ago. Taker age is showing and he not able to always carried the younger guys to a great match so a Koslov vs taker match should be a very boring match.

Second we got JBL, The advantage of JBL vs Taker is that JBL could lose to Taker and it would affect him as much as Koslov plus JBL can give a great performance when theres a need for it. The problem with this is that if they don'T put some sort of stipulation, this might become a drag especially if they try to actually wrestle.

Finally, the most popular choice, HBK. The advantage is simple here, these 2 might have one of the best match at wrestlemania and you know they will give there all to make it a memorable match. The problem is, who should win and that'S a big problem since they both got a good reason to win. Am sure the HBK would love to get a win in Texas at wrestlemania but for that you need to stop the streak and i don't think the honors should got to HBK.The other problem is that with 2 weak main events, having a epic match like this one will probably take all the momemtum away form the 2 titles matches.

So for if i had to pick, i would got with JBL only because out of the 3 choice, he'S the one that makes the most sense + with JBL out of the picture, you could have Koslov vs HBK and have HBK winning at wrestlemania and have is hero's welcome.
The funny thing is that a lot of people are thinking that this match is set in stone for wrestlemania. The WWE hasn't announce anything yet and with the involvement of Vladimir Koslov into the storyline i don't know if a One on One match between The Undertaker and HBK will even take place. Suppose that HBK and Taker face each other one on one, who should win that match. HBK is the home state hero and will be over huge so you would think that he should win. But on the other hand, it would be stupid to have HBK be the one to stop the streak of the undertaker because this honor should go to somebody that is a future main eventer not a guy that's near the end of his career. So what i'm thinking is that why not but JBL against Taker and Koslov with HBK. Either that or just have a fatal four.

Also, let's face it, A HBK vs Taker match will probably overshadow everything else on the PPV and with the 2 main event being so weak, having a match like HBK vs Taker at wrestlemania will not help the main events.

Taker is from Texas too (Houston to be exact) so he isn't some outsider. Kozlov vs Undertaker would probably be the worst idea ever especially since HBK vs Taker is something that everyone wants. It's the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania and what better way to celebrate than have the two legends go at it?

Turning it into a fatal four way would just ruin the match because both Kozlov and JBL suck and they are nowhere near the levels of HBK and Undertaker. Besides, what would be the point? Isn't the goal of the match to end Taker's streak? There isn't a reason to pin anyone else in a fatal four way or triple threat besides Taker.
I am worried that the expected Undertaker v HBK epic match may not happen. I mean, they first have HBK AND JBL want to fight Taker, now Koslov has been thrown in the mix. Also, Vince has been doing a lot of swerves lately (Matt being Jeff's attacker, Christian on ECW etc) and with speculation rife that they could this epic match, Vince may change it, just to swerve everybody.

Also, Vince often changes booking plans. He may have orginally planned Undertaker v HBK, but changed his mind, and it may be Taker v Kolzlov (I sure hope not). Also, there may be politics involved, especially since both Taker and HBK are politicians backstage. Shawn may not want to job to Taker, and Taker definitely won't want to lose his WM streak, so it may not happen, or become a watered-down Triple-Threat, with Taker pinning Kozlov, so HBK won't have to take the pin.

Do you think that the WWE will see sense, and use JBL and Kozlov as only red herrings, not as actual participants in the match? Everyone wants "The Wrestlemania Streak" v "Mr Wrestlemania", but no-one wants Taker to fight the "broken-down millionaire" JBL or the "Russian idiot savant" Kozlov. What do you think they will do?
If HBK isn't involved in this match then what's he going to do, be in the MITB match? I don't think so. Most of the big matches are already in place. The Hardy match, the world title matches, the Jericho match, it even looks like there's going to be a U.S. Title match.

Kozlov & JBL can eaily be shoved into the Money In The Bank match, they need big guys to catch little guys. Like Kane they'll serve their purpose in a match like that. HBK wouldn't and he's too big a star anyway.
If HBK isn't involved in this match then what's he going to do, be in the MITB match? I don't think so. Most of the big matches are already in place. The Hardy match, the world title matches, the Jericho match, it even looks like there's going to be a U.S. Title match.

Kozlov & JBL can eaily be shoved into the Money In The Bank match, they need big guys to catch little guys. Like Kane they'll serve their purpose in a match like that. HBK wouldn't and he's too big a star anyway.


I just fear that they may do Taker-Kozlov, and have HBK v JBL again, even though they were going to end it last month.

Kozlov and JBL wouldn't work in MITB. JBL has a stuffed back, and couldn't take falls off the ladder. Kozlov is as quick as a lump of cement, so he would suck in MITB as well. I'd sooner keep them off the card altogether , and put a sign outside the Reliant Stadium "No Crappy Wrestlers Please"
I just fear that they may do Taker-Kozlov, and have HBK v JBL again, even though they were going to end it last month.

JBL/HBK is finished. michaels pinned him twice to prove that point.

Kozlov and JBL wouldn't work in MITB. JBL has a stuffed back, and couldn't take falls off the ladder. Kozlov is as quick as a lump of cement, so he would suck in MITB as well. I'd sooner keep them off the card altogether , and put a sign outside the Reliant Stadium "No Crappy Wrestlers Please"

JBL & Kozlov don't need to take any ladder related bumps. That's what John Morrison and other are for. They'd be there to hold ladders and to catch wrestlers, which is just as important as falling off a ladder. Even more so because without them most wrestlers would be in wheelchairs after those matches.

Although Kozlov might be too inept to trust in a match as dangerous as that.
Here the thing, Koslov is still Undefeated in one on one matches and as beat the Undertaker clean last night. So right now that got a interesting thing going on with Koslov in the fact that he beat the phenom on smackdown so taker would want revenge for that loss. Plus i don'T see them building up Koslov the way they did since he started last year to have him lose is first single matchs on free T.V.

So sure HBK vs Undertaker would be a great match without a good build-up or story to tell. With Koslov, sure it might be a boring matches but at less you got a good story going on between them. So don'T be surprised if JBL doesn'T interfere on Raw monday night and cost HBK the match against Koslov and then would get JBL vs HBK and Koslov Vs undertaker.
While It'd be awesome to see a HBK-taker match, i'm not sure if we'll get it Koslov beat taker on smackdown, it's obvious that he's going to beat HBK, to get a rematch with taker at mania, while HBK, beating koslov would give him a "push" as the guyto end the streak, it may not happen.
I hope there's not a triple threat match between these two if koslov wins over hbk on monday, b/c koslov will mess it up.
if hbk loses to koslov, I could see him maybe taking on Jericho at mania, as the legends angle with y2j would fit this, but yes, HBK Taker is ideal, as they would blow the roof off of Reliant Staidum
I am guessing this match is going to be a classic cat & mouse style contest where Shawn will try to wear down his larger opponent in hopes to land his Superkick and get the three count. Undertaker will most likely try to use his strength and power to put Shawn away early and extend his streak that he has going for him, but either way this will end up being a classic bout at WrestleMania. I would give Undertaker the nod due to WrestleMania experience, when Shawn was out for 5 years he missed a lot of WM's and Taker was there to cash in some some key wins during that timespan, plus I think power will prevail over skill and agility in this case, so I am giving Undertaker 4/1 odd's.

Breaking Kayfabe, I hope WWE does not try some lame 3 way match at WM, the fans REALLY want Michaels -vs- Undertaker at the biggest WWE event of the year, they no NOT want a 3 way bout and hopefully WWE understands that. If there is a 3 way match I will seriously be upset.
It looks like we are going to see Shawn Michaels versus The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I know, it's the 25th Anniversary, it's in Texas, and the match will be a spectacle. We'll see two icons tear the house down and put on a four, maybe five star match. But I have one major problem with the match. It is too predictable…

Does anybody expect Shawn Michaels to win? Honestly, who actually expects him to win at Wrestlemania? If you think HBK has a chance, I am jealous. I really am. The match will be more fun for those who think it could go either way. But most internet fans, and those who have watched wrestling for decades, know exactly what will happen. Michaels will put up a gallant effort, cover for a few near falls, but will ultimately fall victim to the Tombstone for the 1-2-3.

The Undertaker has never lost at Wrestlemania, and probably never will. However, "probably" is the operative word. There is a slight chance that someday The Undertaker will lose in a stunning upset at a Wrestlemania. If that day were to ever occur, the Deadman would hopefully lose to an opponent that would benefit from the win. And I can't imagine that the WWE would ever give such a significant win to a person who doesn't need it. That, my friends, is the reason why the ending to the HBK/Undertaker battle will be predictable and even anti-climatic.

Shawn Michaels is a legend. When historians list the greatest wrestling icons of the past two to three decades, The Heartbreak Kid will be right up there with your Flairs, Hogans, and Austins. Defeating The Undertaker will not change Michaels' status. Because of that, WWE would be foolish to let Michaels taint The Undertaker's most enduring claim to fame.

Ironically, those who were less established than Michaels have posed a greater threat to Taker's streak. Just consider Orton, Batista, and Edge. Randy Orton was a young superstar on the rise and a win for The Legend Killer would have made him a permanent main eventer. However, after a quality match at Wrestlemania XXI The Undertaker got the win. There were moments when the outcome was in doubt, but it was not Orton's night. Two years later Batista attempted to end the streak. He was probably the least likely of the three wrestlers listed to defeat Taker. Regardless, they put on an excellent match at Wrestlemania XXIII and had us all wondering for a second if the Animal would pull off the upset. Batista earned a lot of respect that night in a losing effort. And last year we had the Streak vs. "Streak" match between Edge and you know who. Going into the title bout, an Edge victory was not completely out of the question. A win for the Rated R Superstar would have made him WWE's biggest heel for the next 10 years. Sure, Edge is already awesome in his current role. But ending Taker's streak would have put him over the top. It would have been good for WWE's long term future because as much as a face can sell tickets, a great heel can also draw. Just ask Ric Flair.

A strong case could have been made for Orton, Batista, or Edge ending the streak. They would have gone from being main eventers to legends. That's how significant Taker's streak is. But there is no rational reason for why Michaels should defeat The Undertaker. None. HBK would get another feather in his cap, but it wouldn't make him any more beloved or over than he is right now. Michaels doesn't need a rub; he's already better than The Undertaker. Simply put, Shawn Michaels gains nothing by winning while The Undertaker loses his streak by losing. Use wrestling logic. It's a no-brainer. Taker wins.

I would have rather seen John Cena and Shawn Michaels switch places for their projected (though unconfirmed) Wrestlemania matches. The Undertaker vs. John Cena would be a far more intriguing match. Going in, Cena would be the toughest challenger to Taker's streak that we've ever seen. A Cena victory over The Undertaker would be as surreal as Hulk Hogan pinning Andre the Giant. It would be a true passing of the torch moment. And could you imagine the heat for that match? Beantown's own John Cena walking into Houston and challenging The Undertaker? The crowd noise would be deafening. Now that would be a match where anything could happen.

Shawn Michaels challenging Edge at Wrestlemania would also be a fresh match. The fans would be red hot for that every bit as much as a Taker/Cena bout. And the outcome would be completely unpredictable. Micahaels and Edge have always worked well together and a World Heavyweight Championship match between the two would be one for the ages. But anyway, let's make the best of what we got…

Maybe WWE will add a stipulation to the contest. If it was a match that would force Shawn Michaels to retire if he lost, well, that would be a different ballgame. Then I would question who would win. The tagline for the event could read: Career vs. Streak. Something's Gotta Give. Either way, something would come to an end that night. That would certainly thicken the plot.

If it's a straight up match though, we'll see Taker win. But hey, what can I say? It's the 25th Anniversary! It's a celebration. Taker and Michaels is a dream match that everybody wants to see. McMahon will be giving the fans what they want with those two icons locking horns. The event will be fun either way because of its significance and atmosphere. Wrestlemania XXV will probably not be THE greatest show of all-time. It'll be fun though. And that's what it's all about.

Who knows, with so many shockers the past few months, anything can happen. At least that's what I'll tell myself when the Taker/Michaels match starts.
It looks like we are going to see Shawn Michaels versus The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I know, it's the 25th Anniversary, it's in Texas, and the match will be a spectacle. We'll see two icons tear the house down and put on a four, maybe five star match. But I have one major problem with the match. It is too predictable…

Does anybody expect Shawn Michaels to win? Honestly, who actually expects him to win at Wrestlemania? If you think HBK has a chance, I am jealous. I really am. The match will be more fun for those who think it could go either way. But most internet fans, and those who have watched wrestling for decades, know exactly what will happen. Michaels will put up a gallant effort, cover for a few near falls, but will ultimately fall victim to the Tombstone for the 1-2-3.

The Undertaker has never lost at Wrestlemania, and probably never will. However, "probably" is the operative word. There is a slight chance that someday The Undertaker will lose in a stunning upset at a Wrestlemania. If that day were to ever occur, the Deadman would hopefully lose to an opponent that would benefit from the win. And I can't imagine that the WWE would ever give such a significant win to a person who doesn't need it. That, my friends, is the reason why the ending to the HBK/Undertaker battle will be predictable and even anti-climatic.

Shawn Michaels is a legend. When historians list the greatest wrestling icons of the past two to three decades, The Heartbreak Kid will be right up there with your Flairs, Hogans, and Austins. Defeating The Undertaker will not change Michaels' status. Because of that, WWE would be foolish to let Michaels taint The Undertaker's most enduring claim to fame.

Ironically, those who were less established than Michaels have posed a greater threat to Taker's streak. Just consider Orton, Batista, and Edge. Randy Orton was a young superstar on the rise and a win for The Legend Killer would have made him a permanent main eventer. However, after a quality match at Wrestlemania XXI The Undertaker got the win. There were moments when the outcome was in doubt, but it was not Orton's night. Two years later Batista attempted to end the streak. He was probably the least likely of the three wrestlers listed to defeat Taker. Regardless, they put on an excellent match at Wrestlemania XXIII and had us all wondering for a second if the Animal would pull off the upset. Batista earned a lot of respect that night in a losing effort. And last year we had the Streak vs. "Streak" match between Edge and you know who. Going into the title bout, an Edge victory was not completely out of the question. A win for the Rated R Superstar would have made him WWE's biggest heel for the next 10 years. Sure, Edge is already awesome in his current role. But ending Taker's streak would have put him over the top. It would have been good for WWE's long term future because as much as a face can sell tickets, a great heel can also draw. Just ask Ric Flair.

A strong case could have been made for Orton, Batista, or Edge ending the streak. They would have gone from being main eventers to legends. That's how significant Taker's streak is. But there is no rational reason for why Michaels should defeat The Undertaker. None. HBK would get another feather in his cap, but it wouldn't make him any more beloved or over than he is right now. Michaels doesn't need a rub; he's already better than The Undertaker. Simply put, Shawn Michaels gains nothing by winning while The Undertaker loses his streak by losing. Use wrestling logic. It's a no-brainer. Taker wins.

I would have rather seen John Cena and Shawn Michaels switch places for their projected (though unconfirmed) Wrestlemania matches. The Undertaker vs. John Cena would be a far more intriguing match. Going in, Cena would be the toughest challenger to Taker's streak that we've ever seen. A Cena victory over The Undertaker would be as surreal as Hulk Hogan pinning Andre the Giant. It would be a true passing of the torch moment. And could you imagine the heat for that match? Beantown's own John Cena walking into Houston and challenging The Undertaker? The crowd noise would be deafening. Now that would be a match where anything could happen.

Shawn Michaels challenging Edge at Wrestlemania would also be a fresh match. The fans would be red hot for that every bit as much as a Taker/Cena bout. And the outcome would be completely unpredictable. Micahaels and Edge have always worked well together and a World Heavyweight Championship match between the two would be one for the ages. But anyway, let's make the best of what we got…

Maybe WWE will add a stipulation to the contest. If it was a match that would force Shawn Michaels to retire if he lost, well, that would be a different ballgame. Then I would question who would win. The tagline for the event could read: Career vs. Streak. Something's Gotta Give. Either way, something would come to an end that night. That would certainly thicken the plot.

If it's a straight up match though, we'll see Taker win. But hey, what can I say? It's the 25th Anniversary! It's a celebration. Taker and Michaels is a dream match that everybody wants to see. McMahon will be giving the fans what they want with those two icons locking horns. The event will be fun either way because of its significance and atmosphere. Wrestlemania XXV will probably not be THE greatest show of all-time. It'll be fun though. And that's what it's all about.

Who knows, with so many shockers the past few months, anything can happen. At least that's what I'll tell myself when the Taker/Michaels match starts.

The winner will be the man who wants it more. Period. Shawn has a great chance and he could easily wear down the much larger Undertaker and take home the victory, but Undertaker is known for his brute strength and power and he will use it to his advantage and maybe get the victory. It will be interesting indeed.
Three scenarios i have:

-I think its possible that Kozlov HBK and UT will end up in a 3way at wm 25. Kozlov will win somehow and get the mega push by defeating two legends and takers streak at wm.

-Another scenario, its HBK vs UT. Kozlov gets involved costing UT his streak and starting a feud with him to get him over.

-JBL could possibly get involved also saying he bought Kozlov temp or permanently and kozlov will cause hbk to lose and they get drafted on the same show, so they start a feud.
Im not sure if I should remake this thread or what but if not you guys can just delete it. Some of us have waited 2 years others have wiated 22 years but we will finally get the match,regardless what era Shawn vs Taker at Mania. It's not even the fact of who wins the match but it's the fact that in 1month and 3days we will witness two of WWE's longest superstars go at it for the first time at a Wrestlemania. Personally i will be going just for this one match alone and know that it will be a brawl. I hope that everyone else fills the same. Plus how shocked would you be if Shawn actually buried the streak?
Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker. Possibly two of the biggest names that this business has ever seen go head to head at Wrestlemania 25. Apart from Rock and Hogan (possibly), has there ever been a more eagerly awaited match at Wrestlemania than this one? Mr Wrestlemania vs The Undefeated Streak. This is the first Wrestlemania that has had me chomping at the bit for ages. Considering both mens resume at Wrestlemania, could this be the greatest match in Wrestlemania history? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
No, other then maybe Andre vs. Hogan at WM3,Nothing...Though thiis could easily be the best match in WM History.

I don't think Hulk Hogan -vs- Andre at WM3 was a all around great match, it was a fun match and definatly a classic confrontation, it served it purpose and made history and that is what it's all about. Shawn -vs- 'Taker will be a great match, the crowd will be hott and the bout will be exciting, but I doubt it will be the best match in WrestleMania history or anything.
Right guys, this has been bugging for me a good while. I know that prior to this year and excluding the Rumble in 07 & 08, that Taker and HBK faced each other and aside from a Double-DQ in a straight one-on-one match, Taker has come up short (Hell in a Cell & Casket at Rumble, both to interferences from Kane).

Has Taker actually ever beaten HBK? As in on Raw? Cause atm, he's 0-2 on PPV matches against Michaels! The last encounter was the Royal Rumble in 98. So Taker has a goal in this match, to be HBK for first time on PPV, but is it also in general?
I'll make this prediction, and I am quite confident in its accuracy.

This match will fall FAR below everyone's expectation for the match, and yet, they will all claim its greatness, just because of the names involved in the match.

While this match may be decent, good even, most people will, if they admit it to themselves, feel disappointed by it. But, those same people will hail it as one of the greatest matches ever, simply because it was HBK and Undertaker.

Mark it down, and take it to the bank.
I'll make this prediction, and I am quite confident in its accuracy.

This match will fall FAR below everyone's expectation for the match, and yet, they will all claim its greatness, just because of the names involved in the match.

While this match may be decent, good even, most people will, if they admit it to themselves, feel disappointed by it. But, those same people will hail it as one of the greatest matches ever, simply because it was HBK and Undertaker.

Mark it down, and take it to the bank.

I'm inclined to agree. I think this is where they have to throw a gimmick match in to help. The build-up won't need any extra push, but if you added something extra to the match it can only help here.

We've watched these two wrestle in their one-on-ones for a while now, and I think it would be a disgrace for them to put on a subpar showing by going throw the usual routine.
There's no need for a gimmick match, they can do that down the road. There has to be some reason to buy Judgment Day.

I'm of the opinion that Taker & HBK should take it easy. The match will never live up to the hype anyway. If they have an average match people will say it's great anyway. They can then have a better match at Backlash, as is often the case each year.
First and Foremost, these two are the best in the business today, they are the legends, and they are probably the two greatest legends of Wrestlemania.
That being said, do you feel, that since last year when HBK beat Ric Flair, is he truly "the man" per-say or will that title always belong to the Nature Boy.
also how do you think HBK will retire from the WWE, in a big way, or will he just slowly leave the scene.
Same Question for Taker, Do you think when the dust has settled, Taker will go out with a bang, or do you think he will just step aside?

I believe they should have saved the HBK/Phenom match for the Wrestlemania in which they both retire, I think it would be more memorable.

your thoughts?

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