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Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

I think it'll wind up being Shawn, which sadly enough will somehow involve JBL being added into it, turning up its level of suck to a level that it has no desire to be at. Other than that it would be a classic "respect" match that is simply hard to mess up, and for two guys like these it would be nothing short of a classic. They bump up their game in the big matches and this is the epitome of that. They haven't had a proper match in almost 10 years, and it could be an absolute classic match if done right. By done right I mean no JBL involvement.
I would love to see Y2J and the Undertaker because I don't believe they've ever faced one-on-one. It could be a brand supremacy match like Batista/Umaga last year. After Jericho/Cena at Armageddon, what are Jericho's options? I don't see anybody on RAW that he can feud with so Smackdown is the logical choice. Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels pulled it off and I think it can work for these two.
Contrary to the predicted Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker, I really do think it will be Chris Jericho that faces the dead man at next year's Wrestlemania as well. As mentioned, they've never had a one on one program, ever. Two of the biggest stars in the company right now. Undertaker obviously won't be in the title match after winning it two Wrestlemanias in a role and unfortunately, Jericho won't be in the RAW title match either so why not pair them up together? Jericho can lose to Undertaker without being hurt, whereas this could very well be Shawn Michaels' final Wrestlemania so find him an opponent he can go over, like Morrison.
I think Jericho is a pretty good idea. However, we are talking about WM25. WWE is going to build up the Undertaker's streak cause he isn't in the title match. And it is the 25th anniversary of WM. I think if WWE is going to do one of two things. First I think WWE is going to want a very big name in that match. They might stop the Big Show program now and bring it back for WM, bring in HHH. With a big name in the match, Undertaker will win the match, having WWE promising that person a title run in the very near future. However, with it being WM25 WWE might want him to lose the streak at this PPV. My second idea is having a young up and coming star end the Undertaker's streak. I am sure everyone has heard Ted DiBiase as someone who could end the streak. A name I think that should be brought up in this conversation is (make sure you sitting for this one) Mr. Kennedy. If WWE is serious about making this guy a main event guy who else deserves a big push like beating the Undertaker at WM25. Now I know he isn't a "young" guy but he has the potentail still be a big time player in WWE (granted he stays healthy) Those are my thoughs...
Honestly I think the streak should never be broken thats just my opinion; but all good things must come to a end I guess. We've all heard the rumors of him facing HBK which I don't care to see personally especially if he ends the streak that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. We've heard Dibase Jr who I like but he's not ready for that responsibility just yet. I would have liked him vs Koslov if he stayed undefeated but ofcourse thats over unless they only count singles competition. Honestly there's nobody on the roster who should end the streak.
So who will Taker face is probably Shawn or some monster, but i think he should face Cena. What would be a better main even of WMXXV then superman v the streak i think it would get a huge amount of buys by itself
Undertaker v HBK and they both retire. It's time for them both to go, and they should go out in style, especially with being the only ones left from the beginning, epsecially Taker with being there forever, but Taker should win and retire with the streak intact.

How would Taker retire from that?
There'd have to be some catalyst as to why he would just walk away after winning another WrestleMania. Not talking about personally i mean from a character standpoint. They've kept the streak going and could easily drag it out another 3 yrs beyond WM25 to make it 20 and 0, i mean he doesn't wrestle anywhere near full time, and hasn't in a long time.

It's no secret Vince McMahon want the streak to stay unbroken

He's already beaten Andre's 15yr undefeated streak kinda, which is what i though they were going for, but 17-0 is an odd number to finish on.

So yeah back to the match , taken from the post about HBK's final match

It's more likely HBK will be facing the Undertaker in a Legend Career vs Undertaker Mania Streak, irony HBK puts Flair out, then 1 yr later he himself loses a retirement match. and add to that the fuel mentioned in an earlier post, the two have tussled in the Royal Rumble the past 2 yrs eliminating each other 1 a piece and from "my old gettting forgetfull memory" haven't really had a major battle 1 on 1, since Taker and HBK met in the very first Hell In A Cell match
Any thoughts on this? We're getting closer and closer to WM25, and Undertaker does not have a set opponent for Grand Daddy of 'em all yet. Who do you think he should face this year, what kind of match should it be, and do you think he should win in order for his streak to continue?

I think I know who he should face: Kozlov. I think this one is a no-brainer, and let me explain why. First off, I do not think he should be in another world title match for the 3rd year in a row. He went over Batista at WM 23 and Edge at WM 24 the last two years- another title match for him would be old and stale, not to mention pretty predictable. I mean, I know alot of people want to see him in another title match, but just not this year, not for the 3rd year in a row. But then, where does that leave him for this year's WM? I think the best option that the WWE should go with for 'Taker is to pit him against Kozlov, another wrestler who is boasting an undefeated streak- I mean, this guy just went over HHH! It could be WM Streak vs. Undefeated Streak in one of the Undertaker's most challenging WM matches yet. Of course 'Taker would defeat him and finally bring his streak to an end, but it would be epic. They could play off it being America vs. Russia, with Undertaker utilizing some of his American Badass moves during the match, such as The Last Ride. WWE could make this match HUGE, they could make it one of the top matches of the night if they hyped/built it up enough in the weeks leading up to 'Mania. They could even have Kozlov become an uber heel in the preceeding weeks that tries to gain respect for himself by doing things that disrespect America, like trying to burn the American flag, and then 'Taker could come out and stop him and tell him that he can earn respect in a 'Mania match against him. They could make this feud get really personal, with the Undertaker acting a little bit out of character, and not delivering his usual soul-stealing promos. They could even make the matchup a hardcore match if they wanted to. It would be awesome, it would be another classic WM match for 'Taker.

Do you agree? What are your own thoughts on Undertaker's WM25 opponent?
kozlov or umaga are the two obvious choices. frankly, i don't really care too much who taker faces at wm because the streak will be intact. is it just me that feels that way? i don't want to be a smark, but i have not looked forward to any taker matches since taker/kane at wm 14...
Honestly I think that the WWE has not a clue what they plan to head towards, whether it be Kozlov or Umaga ^^ and that is something they would do, but I don't see them doing even that for WM25, their silver anniversary. Of course a moment to remember would be
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels; but there are other options, although I think this is my preferred choice. I think if they weren't headed in the direction of Matt vs. Jeff (which I think is a great idea for this anniversary of WM), I think Jeff vs. Undertaker would kick ass in a solid 30 minute WRESTLING match of opposing styles and I would prefer that opposed to HBK/Taker because that shows how different two styles can be, and how tradition can face the future/next generation style and entertain better than anything. But as of now, I would like to see Undertaker vs. HBK, yet I think if it were not Wrestlemania 25, Kozlov wouldn't be a terrible option... HBK is most likely going to face JBL, so I wouldn't get our hopes up; and prepare for Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov
Shawn Michaels or Vladamir Kozlov. Two matches would be great.

As for Umaga? No way, Taker has gone over Batista manny times who beat Umaga at wrestlemania last year. So there wouldn't be any doubt in who would win really. At least with Kozlov their could be legitamate belief in Undertaker perhaps losing.
Michaels beat the World Champion two weeks ago on RAW, JBL has lost to Cena, so putting Michaels/JBL would be another no brainer as to the winner. So pitting Taker/Michaels would be a much more interesting choice.
Well, I would love to see him face Shawn Micheals, but I can't see it happening. It just needs more time, plus HBK is tied up with JBL right now. The most likely choices are Umaga, who will hopefully be returning soon, or Koslov, who would put on a good enough match with the guy. I'll go over them.

Umaga Let's say he returns and attacks Undertaker, and Taker gets pissed and fights back. It obviously won't be a verbal fued, unless we want lots of glares and random Samoan screaming. It just needs to be enough build to have a good, long match at Wrestlemania. Undertaker will win, obviously. He won't be losing for a few years at least, if ever.

Vladmir Koslov Pretty much same thing as Umaga. Koslov is pretty much undefeated. He and Taker would put on a great match and it could be a really great fued if it's handled properly. It could be Koslovs match streak vs. Takers Wrestlemania streak. I wonder who will win? Lol.

I just think this year it will be a good ol' fashioned Taker beat down of a random monster heel. He has been in the title match two years in a row, so I think it's time he just had a regular fight.
I know that a HBK v.s. Taker match would be epic, but why not have him face somebody on his own brand. IMO he should face the winner of the elimination chamber assuming he doesn't win.If it's the Big Show. That would bring back a literally huge rivalry.If it's Edge I wouldnt see it as exciting as someone else facing Taker. Jeff or Matt Hardy would also make a nice opponent for the Undertaker even though it is not as much of a threat as Triple H or Big Show,or even Kozlov.So, I would have either one of those three win the elimination chamber match at No Way Out.
taker imo will wind up facing big show. they planted the seeds for it already at rumble, if not then i think he will face michaels but it will more likely be the big show
It wont be Big Show. They had 2 matches just recently at No Mercy, Cyber Sunday, and a steel cage on SD. Plus they already wrestled at WM 19 (A-Train too). Also it looks like they may be turning Big Show back to a face with what happened on SD by him picking up Vickie and pissing Edge off. RR everyone goes against everyone. UT would not accept I dont think going against the Big Show for a 4th time in 6 months esp at WM 25, while he can feud with HBK.

Taker will go against HBK. I'm almost positive. Their confrontation backstage at RR, the fact JBL and HBK are fighting at NWO.
i know this won't happen but imagine Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell at Wrestlemania 25...Imagine the buys for that match The daredevil hardy vs the man who made hell in a cell.. There would be so many high spots in the match.

In reality it looks like it'll be HBK vs Taker at WM 25 but since WWE likes to play curveballs im thinking at NWO JBL beats HBK and then decides to challenge Taker at WM so he can be the one who ends the streak. JBL makes it a triple threat match except since JBL owns the right to HBK he makes a rule that HBK can't pin JBL or something like that...This will then make the match outcome not as easy to tell who will win and it continues the program of HBK and JBL...So i'm thinking it'll be a Texas Triple Threat Taker vs JBL vs HBK...
Imagine HBK vs. The Undertaker in a One Hour Ironman Match.

HBK gets the first pin with a superkick out of nowhere. Undertaker gets a pin with a chokeslam. Undertaker gets a pin with a Last Ride. HBK submits the Deadman with a Sharpshooter. The Undertaker is down and HBK tunes up the band, only to have it reversed into a tombstone piledriver within the last minute.

This would be among the greatest matches of all time, and would allow HBK to have the distinction of being the only person to pin or submit Undertaker at Wrestlemania, while allowing the Undertaker to maintain his streak. It's perfect.

Damn this is really a great idea except for one flaw. When has HBK ever made anybody submit ( not including the screwjob) plus Undertaker has NEVER submitted

I say Taker gets the 1st pin with a last ride, HBK gets the second with a superkick. Have the match go back a forth for a while then have HBK try to take him out with another superkick then have taker submit him with a gogopleta (hell's gate)

it works out the same without having taker submit to the sharpshooter
No on the Ironman match. Taker is old and his knees barely work anymore. That's why he appears sporadically on tv and has shorter matches. For him 30 minutes is an eternity. This isn't 13 years ago for Shawn either when he could pull off an hour long match when he had to. You're also ignoring the fact that iron man matches are boring as hell with the possible exception of Rock and HHH from Judgement Day 2000. The high spots would be fine but that's about 10 minutes of the match. The rest would expose Taker as not being as great as he seems since he'd be in control for the most part. Just wouldn't work.
Your absolutely right Ironman won't work between these two but hey we can dream can't we? How bout one of undertaker's many gimmick matches?..... An Inferno match would work great between these two especially seeing the set up for this fude would've been the whole "somethimes you gotta go through hell to make it to heaven line."
Inferno match wouldn't work either. Who are the only kinds of people to lose inferno matches? Kane and MVP. Both had that full body suit that makes it look more legit but at the same time protects him. Those kinds of matches are pure gimmick and lets two people beat on each other while not really accomplishing anything. Way too much like a first blood match and why would it happen? Just wouldn't work.
That's possible but still a long shot. Wrestlemania is a show that doesn't need gimmicks to its big matches. You have two of the best workers of all time that are going to put on their best at Wrestlemania. Why do you need a gimmick here? They've had gimmick matches before. Those matches were the result of a long term feud. This would be about a two month build up. That's not enough time for a gimmick to be needed.
Taker. Right now there is absolutely nothing except for Taker to link WWE back to the old days. he's the only thing that's stayed consistent all those years. The first PPV that I ever saw was Summerslam 1990. Watching it now, the show looks ancient. That night began the feud that brought in Taker just three months later. He's been undefeated at Wrestlemania for almost twenty years now and the streak has become his easily greatest legacy. What would be gained from taking it away? Shawn's legacy has been long since established, so let Taker have his. Shawn doesn't need it.
True you're one of the few people besides myself that think Taker should NEVER lose at wrestlemania. Even Taker himself wanted to lose at the event to put over Kane of all people. I just doesn't make any sense to me to have him lose to anybody at the event especially when he's beatten everybody there is to beat. I say give him one more title run and let him ride off into the sunset as the legend is.

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