Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

Good match,crap build-up.They screwed up when they had HBK qualifying to face Taker(in the process throwing Koslov under the bus) I would have much rather seen a match build up around a long-running feud like Taker/Edge at WM24.
No comment needed. INCREDIBLE MATCH!

Solid wrestling.
The match told a story.
It had a very oldschool feel to it but with modern day high spots.

The buildup could've been improved on, but nonetheless, SOLID!
Few things can describe this match that has not already been said.

The whole heaven VS hell theme was great, I loved HBK's "Holy-Taker" gimmick that he had, and although he will probably never do that again, it would be cool to see it again somewhere down the line.

The match itself was simply amazing, with all those 2 counts it made everyone think HBK had a chance. This was the best match I have ever seen, and although it shouldn't have closed the show, it definately was an act too tough for the orton/hhh match to follow.

Did anyone else feel sorry for that camera guy who looked for a few seconds like he was dead? lol

I agree the false counts is what made this match so exciting. If anyone could end the streak its HBK. (I know its all written, but HBK has accomplished so much in his career, especially at WM that it was very possible that this could be another feather in his cap.)

However, I disagree with its place on the card. That match should have closed the show. Sure no title was on the line, but the streak was. And at WM, the streak is almost, if not more than, important then any titles.

The think that got me cringing the Undertaker/Cameraman dive was the loud CRACK that came from it.
This match was epic. I legit thought HBK might win. The near falls, the spots, the story that was told in the ring, was so epic.

It almost saved the whole night which was beyond awful.

I agree with those who say both should retire after that match, they will never be in a better one then the one they had a week ago.
This was without a doubt one of it not the greatest matkh n wrestlemania history...two of the greatest of all time going at it almost at the end or their kareers and they are puttin on better matkhes than everybody in tha wwe today...this is in my mind the greatest matkh ever n i have been watkhin wrestling for about 17 years now...thats jus my opinion so i dont wanna hear anybody tellin me im wrong
Meh, it was great. but not THAT fucking great.

Extremely formulaic. Extremely. To the point were I called out just about every spot directly before it happened. Really guys, thats all? Please spare me all the laying around as well. I understand what they were trying to do, but each one of those "lay around doing nothing, struggle forever to get up" spots couldve been shortened by at least 30 seconds. Ok, they are both awesome, and the match is hard and shit. We get it.

Im not sure why everyone is talking about being on the edge of their seats. Why? For what? Becuase you thought the streak was going to end on a count out? Or predictable SCM's? You fuckin serious?...if people were on the edge of their seats here, it was becuase they wanted to be. Not becuase the match was actually crazy.

Sam had it right. signature spot *lay around doing nothing for way too long* signature spot *lay around doing nothing for way too long* so on and so forth.

Predictable. Followed a formula. It was damn good though, easily MOTN and a solid MOTY canidate. 9.5/10

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