Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker

I think Ric Flair will always be remembered as 'the man'

Both 'Taker and Michaels I presume would have huge sendoffs simply because of what they have both come to mean to the WWE and wrestling in general. Having them just step aside wouldn't do either man justice as they both certainly deserve to go out in a big way.

Certainly if either HBK or 'Taker, or both had to retire after this match, there would be even more suspence but I'm just glad that we finally get to see them go at it at the big show. Having a retirement angle this year after having one last year might be a bit repeatitive also..but yeh jsut glad to see the match. Fully expect 'aker to win obviously.
Yes , I think it would be a true crime to have Taker lose at any Wrestlemania
simply because that is his "thing" to take that away from him would be a very horrendous thing to me, unless of course Taker wanted someone to end his streak, which I've heard rumors about him wanting Kane or someone to do it, but still they should just let him go down without losing at Mania.
I dont see either retiring soon to be honest, mabye HBK at next year's as he has stated that before and at least in ring he seems to have slowed a step (which is still more than most have to offer), however Shawn has improved so much in his ability to sell a story both from a storyline perspective and in terms of throughout a match.

In terms of Mania both deserve to be considered " the man" natch may have that title as it pertains to just wreslting but as far as wrestlemania go these 2 arguably (maybe Hogan from the early days can say the same, but no one else) are the biggest performers ever in terms of Wrestlemania!

Taker, all though a lot of his earlier match weren't great, is obviously the man at the big show bc of his streak and perhaps his 2 best mania matches ever have came the last 2 years. Shawn is just flat out known for putting on the best matches on any mania card, if you look at the last 6 manias, with the exception of maybe his match with Vince, you could make the claim his was match of the night, and in most cases year!

The above paragraph coupled with the fact that this year's mania is in Texas, where both men are from, and the fact you want this match happening before they get any older would seem to make this the perfect year to have them square off! And Taker should definitely win, HBK's wrestlemania legacy has never been about being the winner of each match, it's more about putting on the best possible match (Besides he's lost just as much as he's won at wrestlemania)
Let me begin by saying these two guys are great. Now let me vent. This is an entertainment industry(ie:not real). Streaks are met to be broken to elevate another star. All I ever hear is how Hogan never put anyone over. Really...? He made Savage with the Mega Powers angle. He gave the ball to the Ultimate Warrior, but he dropped it. He attempted to elevate Earthquank, but his just sucked. His fued with Piper is legendary, and he never pinned Piper in WWE. His fued with Sting revitalized Sting's gimmic. He put Goldberg over big time on Nitro. He put over The Rock & Lesnar. Who has the Taker ever put over? As a matter of fact didn't Hogan lose to the Taker to give him his first title?! Imagine if The Legend Killer Randy Orton beat Taker at Mania. How big would be be today? Nope he jobbed. Everyone loses to this guy. Why have this streak if it can't elevate another star? WM will be a great match with these two, but Taker will win and then what???? Who cares? These guys are great but the Taker NEVER puts anyone over. He always wins his fueds. Exception stunt man Mick Foley got elevated by him, but LOST THE FUED! He should not lose to HBK because it would do nothing for him. But he needs to lose to aid another star or maybe he will just continue to never put anyone over.
For me, when I look back on the WWE in 20 years, I expect that I will see these superstars as the best of the best of all time:

5. Randy Orton
4. Bret Hart
3. Shawn Michaels
2. Triple H
1. Ric Flair

I think Ric Flair will forever be "the man." Triple H will probably beat his record in title reigns, but Flair will always be the best.
Right now I see HBK as better than Triple H, but if you look at it, it was Triple H who carried the two greatest factions in the last 15 years: Evolution and Degeneration X. It was Triple H who pushed HBK to the limit in their matches. It was the Game that has put on epic Hell in a Cell matches, given us countless Wrestlemania title victories, put over and helped grow some of the great talents we have today.
HBK is great for putting on huge matches with already established guys, but Triple H was able to take guys like John Cena, Big Show, Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton, Batista, etc. to the next level.
I think that in 20 years Triple H will be the new Ric Flair in terms of popularity, but Flair will always be "the man."

At the rate RKO is going I have no trouble believing that he will grow into another HBK or HHH.

As for their match, I think Undertaker and HBK is perfect for this Wrestlemania. It's supposed to be the biggest of all time, and this match might just be the showcase. I do not think that putting these guys together in 10 years for a retirement match is a good idea. You don't want two guys who can't wrestle any more headlining the biggest show of the year. It will for sure draw lots of money, but it won't be a good ending for either of them. Undertaker would have to win (for the streak) and you want both of them going out on top. I think when they go out you'll see them wrestle against guys who are huge at the time, like John Cena, Edge, or Randy Orton (if they stick around that long).
Let me begin by saying these two guys are great. Now let me vent. This is an entertainment industry(ie:not real). Streaks are met to be broken to elevate another star. All I ever hear is how Hogan never put anyone over. Really...? He made Savage with the Mega Powers angle. He gave the ball to the Ultimate Warrior, but he dropped it. He attempted to elevate Earthquank, but his just sucked. His fued with Piper is legendary, and he never pinned Piper in WWE. His fued with Sting revitalized Sting's gimmic. He put Goldberg over big time on Nitro. He put over The Rock & Lesnar. Who has the Taker ever put over? As a matter of fact didn't Hogan lose to the Taker to give him his first title?! Imagine if The Legend Killer Randy Orton beat Taker at Mania. How big would be be today? Nope he jobbed. Everyone loses to this guy. Why have this streak if it can't elevate another star? WM will be a great match with these two, but Taker will win and then what???? Who cares? These guys are great but the Taker NEVER puts anyone over. He always wins his fueds. Exception stunt man Mick Foley got elevated by him, but LOST THE FUED! He should not lose to HBK because it would do nothing for him. But he needs to lose to aid another star or maybe he will just continue to never put anyone over.

I couldn't agree anymore. I was just having this convo with a coworker. Though i respect both of them as legends for the things they have done, neither of them is getting any younger. I believe the streak should be beaten by an up and coming star that the WWE wants to push. The Undertaker and HBKs history implies that the Undertaker will win but that's y i don't like this match.
It's wrestlemania guys. What matches on this card scream Wrestlemania to you? More so, which matches on the card scream Wrestlemania 25 to you? This is the ONLY match that has a special feel to it. It's been 12 years since we have seen the match. It will be interesting to see what type of match these significantly older wrestlers can put together. I know Taker should be elevating younger talent. And I know Michaels should also be using wrestlemania to put over younger talent. But we all know undertaker is never going to lose to someone at Wrestlemania. Why not give these two the spotlight at the "biggest show in history" and i use quotation marks because the card is terrible and it does not feel like the biggest show at all. They both deserve a huge match, and they are both getting it together. it is what they want, and they deserve it. Instead of just being ONE huge match on the card, they are in the ONLY huge match on the card. It is one of two things I am watching wrestlemania for as WWE has dropped the ball huge on everything else. At least we didn't get Taker Kozlov, or any Kozlov for that matter.

So I somewhat agree that taker hasn't put anyone over - other than Khali. But this is no the year either taker or michaels need to be doing that. I applaud WWE for putting this match on the card. And only this match as everything else is pathetic. PEASH!

Straight Shooter!
Should this match be a Hell in a Cell? These two men competed in the first Hell in a Cell. why not do it again? The last time there was a Hell in A Cell at Wrestlemania was ten years ago. Also featuring The Undertaker.
I agree that so far, this is the most exciting match to happen at the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania. Would the match being a Hell in a Cell take away from the specticale of it, will the match be more historic should it not be in a hell in a cell?
To the comment of the streak ending to an up and coming star; why would WWE do that? In this day and age, it is obvious that these "up and coming stars" tend to be incredibly un reliable. Take Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, The Rock. What would of happened if it was The Undertaker vs. Bobby Lashley at Wrestlemania 24? Lashley won, then went to MMA. How awful would that of been, the Undertaker's streak would of been a complete waste, the perhaps biggest achievement of the man's career would of been shit on by Lashley. What's not to say Ted Dibiase JR could be the same? He could get a taste for movies like the Rock after being in The Marine 2, realise how much easier it is to make the big bucks that way, he walks away taking 'Taker's work and two decade career for nothing.
If anyone was going to end the steak, surely you would pit Shawn Michaels "Mr. Wrestlemania" as a favourite. He won't take ending the streak in vain. IF (thats a big if) the streak were to end, I would give it to someone like; JBL, Benjamin, a Hardy who have been around a good few years and aren't too fresh in the business and un-predictable.
If you want a promo, you got a promo. That thing went about as well as could possibly be expected. Sure, a few bumps in the promos by both guys, but that's too be expected. Make no mistake about it, Taker vs. HBK is the marquee match of this show. The title matches are set, and they have their moments, but the match to get you to those matches is this one. This is Rock vs. Hogan, but on a whole entire different level. Both men are synonmous with Wrestlemania and Wrestlemania lure. Sure, Taker vs. HBK may not be the mainstream appeal as others, but if you ask most people that have watched wrestling for the last 25 years, this is the match they want tos ee, and we're going to get it.

The promo with Taker never losing at Mania, but never beating Michaels, Shawn Michaels being Mr. Wrestlemania, but he's also lost at Mania. The Mind Games aren't going tow ork on either. I love that this is the Angle, and unfortunately it's Hogan Bashing time, that should have happened at Summerslam 2005. There is no point to have one play the heel and the other face, these two are simply beyond that at htis point. Michaels won't be intimidated, the Undertaker won't back down, this is goingt o be freaking epic.
"How dare you. Whats going to make WM 25 is Orton vs HHH!"

Speaking of HHH and Orton quick last night just killed it for me with how fake it was. I mean really his house and with what like 4 people in there besides Orton HHH and Ortons wife that you could see. HHH its not a movie buddy.

But anyone with common sense knows that of course this 9UT vs HBK) is whats going to make WM25, and should be the ME. I loved the promos. UT was a ittle spotty but he never talks so he did good for that excuse) They can build it up enough to where it is the ME, and rightfully so. I hope Undertaker is resting his knee and has limited matches so this can be the best match out of both of them. UT vs Angle NWO 06 was just amazing, and I can see this being better (which is a HUGE task, but can be done). HIAC needs to wait and not be at WM. Put it on Summerslam (not saying that because I'll be there or anything :icon_biggrin:)
I will not be surprised if this is Taker's last Mania match. He knows his career is winding down and he knows what the fans expect out of him. Sure he's slower than Michaels but both these guys will step it up to steal the show. People have been saying this match is predictable but I say... WHO CARES!? It's what most people want to see so if Undertaker wins so what, they stuck with something solid and didn't ruin it. The only way I could accept or get over Taker losing to Michaels is if Michaels did a major heel turn and Psycho Sid came in and cost Taker the match and alligned with Micheals. Something like that would be shocking and another "expect the unexpected" moment in the WWE. A clean Michaels win over Taker would just infuriate everyone and be a waste of such a long streak build up.
I'm as close to swearing as Humanly possible.. if Shawn Michaels enters Wrestlemania, against The Undertaker, as a heel.. ugh.. I'll personally think about tracking down the dumb-fuck who thought that would've been a great idea, and kick him in the nuts until I know he can't reproduce.

I can see Shawn turning on Taker, or "accidentally" Superkicking him and having this whole issue that causes the fans to turn on H.B.K. (again) and he'll get so totally fucked at having any legit shot at defeating Taker, like he would've/could've had as a face.

Even having The Undertaker turning heel, by turning on Shawn would be stupid. This needs to be "THE" Main Event of Wrestlemania this year. It's bigger than either Heavyweight Championship match. It's bigger than any Mania match that's taken place in at least a decade, and it deserves a Face versus Face showdown.. the likes of Hulk Hogan against the Ultimate Warrior.
The match needs no build up. It's Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker. You could write that on a cocktail napkin with a date and time and people would pay to see it.

I don't think HBK being the heel, or Taker being the heel really matters. When it comes to the showdown, the crowd will be on fire, and on edge, and cheering for both guys. They are at a point in their career (Living Legends) that very little can be done to sway the crowd or illicit a specific reaction. People are going to cheer for both of them. And rightfully so.

I agree that this should be the Main Event. It has such a special feel, such a vibe, and electricity to it, that anything that goes on after it is going to be a let down. It takes the show out on the highest note possible. The two most legitimate WWE Superstars of All-Time (I mean that they never went to WCW during their big run like Hogan or Bret). Have Taker win, and then have the two of them shake hands in the middle of the ring, and have every damn member of the roster come out and shake each of their hands. Because without those two, there isn't a WWE, and there probably damn sure isn't a Wrestlemania 25.
Well it's not going to be the Main Event, even though its by far and away the only match that has a big time feel to it. Orton vs. Triple H is simply turning into an ultimate embarassment of epic proportions that is setting the industry back about twenty years, and the Triple Threat match is a joke as well.

Will this be the Main Event, of course not, and it shouldn't be unless a belt is on the line. Wrestlemania isn't aobut the best match going on last, it's about the world titles being showcased. The problem with this match, it's going to over shadow anything that the WWE could put on afterwards. This has Rock Hogan written all over it. The Toronto crowd cared only about one match that night, and that match got all of the attention. No one remembers Triple H vs. Jericho, and that went on last. That is destined to be what happens this year
Will this be the Main Event, of course not, and it shouldn't be unless a belt is on the line. Wrestlemania isn't aobut the best match going on last, it's about the world titles being showcased. The problem with this match, it's going to over shadow anything that the WWE could put on afterwards. This has Rock Hogan written all over it. The Toronto crowd cared only about one match that night, and that match got all of the attention. No one remembers Triple H vs. Jericho, and that went on last. That is destined to be what happens this year

I disagree that only a title match should go on last for the exact point you made. Anything that goes on after this match is going to feel like you were flying down the highway at 100 MPH on a beautiful evening, and then had to slam on the brakes and take an exit, and you just wish you could have kept driving into the sunset.

I agree that the two title matches aren't exactly thrilling. I fear HHH walking out of another Main Event with the World Title, and I fear Cena winning the Triple Threat. Why do I fear these things? Because this isn't 2005 anymore. It's four years later, and we would still have the same two guys at the top. That's almost what doomed the WWE in the mid-90s. Hogan left the cupboard pretty bare. Those two are doing to same.

Give HBK and Taker one last Wrestlemania Main Event. They both deserve it, and are the only true to the core, completely old school WWF/E Superstars.
For this match I think Taker has the creative decision in this match if he will lose his streak or not. I think its up to him and Vince if they want to give Shawn the mega push before he possibly ends his career also and goes on a title run. I personally would not like to see the streak end. I could see Kozlov get involved in this match also. Maybe JBL's historic moment will be that Taker loses thank's to Kozlov because he bought him as his employee. Gives Kozlov the mega rub and a feud with UT. But I think people want a clean finish in this match and that defintely will not go over well heh..
IDK why I'm having a feeling of a screw job here. Just the fact these two had a real life feud after the Bret Hart incident and UT rumored or confirmed punched Vince in the face after that I wouldn't be surprised to see this end as a real legit screwjob. Match should be great and will be MOTN and should and hopefully will be the ME. Im sorry you dont need a PPV to ME by a title match esp with the title matches this year. This can top UT vs Angle NWO 06 if done right.

Think of it what match is going to be the best? HHH vs Orton that we have seen 5 times LAST YEAR and were maybe 2.5/5 star matches at best, a triple threat that we know will be a 2/5 and thats being nice, or a match that is having a great build, we know will be at least a 4.5/5 stars and both men are from the sites home state. Let alone we haven't seen these two go at it for over 11 years!
Sometimes title matches aren't ME material. Look at SS both Cena vs Batista and Edge vs Taker HIAC went over BOTH title matches. Same thing should happen at WM25. True the title matches were HHH vs Khali and JBL vs Punk, BUT BUT they were fresh and were still for the title. Simply put Cena vs Batista and Edge vs Taker had everones interest. Same thing with this WM. Almost no one is buying for the title matches. This is the only match people are paying to see. Hardy vs Hardy extreme rules and MITB help, but Taker vs Michaels is the true reason any wrestling fan is really excited about this PPV.
Another theory to my above statement. Plain and simple people always remember the ME. Take WM18. Rock vs Hogan was the ME to EVERYONE and a lot of people bought the PPV for just this match. It wasnt the ME, BUT no one really remembered Jericho vs HHH. WM18 was simply remembered as Hogan vs Rock and this is the only PPV I can think of that everyone remembers the non main event (which was BS this match should of been).

Lets go to Unforgiven 07 for example. No one really remembers Orton vs Cena for the title. Everyone remembers Undertakers vs Mark Henry because it was the ME and the build toward the PPV.

NWO 08. Again no one remembers Orton vs Cena. Everyone remembers the two elimination chamber matches.

Now I know people say the build for HHH and Orton is great. Well there is a build but IMO it sucks, and UT HBK feud although shorter is just amazing. Simple but amazing.

My point is this. Regardless of UT vs HBK being the ME match or not, everyone will remember WM25 for these two. To put it second to Orton HHH just isnt right. Not as wrong as putting Hogan Rock second to HHH Jericho but pretty close. Actually no at least HHH Jericho was fresh then.

My point why not put the match everyone is going to remember and everyone is looking foward to as the ME. Both men are from the sites home state, and both men will put a 5/5 star match.
I hate the build for this so far. In my opinion, they need to make HBK seem like a bigger deal than they are. All he is talking about, is the streak this, and the streak that, to me, that paints UT as the bigger of the two. It makes Shawn sound the same as every other guy who has come along talking about "streak this, streak that". It shouldnt even be about that. It should be about "IM HBK, im Mr.Wrestlemania, and you have never beaten me. You CANT beat me. Wrestlemania is MY show, not YOURS". In my opinion, that would make Shawn seem to be a mor elegit threat. Right now, he looks like he will be just another victim.

Oh well, it was pretty much destined to be built this way when they had the little mini trounament to see who would get a shot at the streak. and even still, if they built it my way, HBK wouldnt have a chance, like now.
If you dont like either man esp HBK you wont like this feud. What I like about it is the Undertaker. The fact he is talking regular is just awesome. It took long enough for this to happen. HBK's expressions make him, not his talking per say which is why I say simple but awesome. This is the best build for WM. This is the only reason to get WM. If this match wasnt on the card I could look anyone straight in the eye and say WM25 is a waste of your money Backlash will be better.

Jericho is great, but ever since he has to carry 3 men no one cares to see at WM25 (sorry I hate saying it but listen to the reactions) is just sad. He was better off when we didnt know his opponent, although the beat down to Flair on Raw ruled.

HHH Orton. Read above. The kiss to Stephanie was cool, but at the end of the day we have seen this WAY to much and the build up wa enjoyable if you were under 12. Let me also point out VINCE was rumored to have said he added Big Show to Cena vs Edge cause we have seen it (Cena Edge) to much. TRUE, BUT BUT BUT we have seen this (HHH Orton) more and more recently. OMFG!
Well the result is obviously a foregone conclusion, WWE would ruin the biggest draw match if they let HBK win, it isn't going to happen. So what the match needs is some high profile spots everyone will remember for years.

Some of these I see happening are:

1) Both kick out of each others finishing moves, and proper kick out, not get hit by the move, wait 10 seconds, then the pin is kicked out of.

2) Shawn will kip up at EXACTLY the same time Taker sits up.

3) Shawn will reverse old school with sweet chin music as Taker jumps off the rope.

Everyone of them is guaranteed to get a crazy pop from the crowd, and I don't care if they are predictable, I would love them to happen.
This will not only be the best match on the card, but this could be match of the year. I'm am so pumped to see this match. This match is the primary reason I will order Mania this year. I'm liking the build up to this and I think the match will live up to all the hype. This will be awesome.
I agree there not building this up good at all....I still think the match will be good like back and forth near pinfalls ect... And what I don't like is HBK mocking him like on raw in the graveyard ect the match should be more based on respect like we all know it should be..
This is by far the most anticipated match on the card for me. I seems ripe for an Undertaker victory, but I think that HBK has more to gain from a win in terms of where both go post-Mania. To me these are just two of the best, going at it in a true Mania caliber match. I doubt there are two more trusted hands, arguably, in the entire history of the company and I am sure that both will give their all to make sure that the match steals the show. I just hope that we get to see air-Taker countered by a superkick...
I kinda hope this match is toward the end like between the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship Matches. This is the "Austin/Hogan" match really. It's been built pretty well and I love both these guys. I just hope it delivers, but I too hope to see air-Taker countered by a superkick LOL. Though I'm a huge HBK fan, I kinda hope Taker wins because this is his legacy.

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