Monkey's Rant Of The Day

Ok, The rant for today is....

HAI GUYZ, Im an ignirint postre woh haz no regaurd for teh rulez, or enyones else.

First off, I KNOW this sounds like me. Yes, I have crossed the line a few times. For those times I truly apologize. I get into the spirit of my gimmick and maybe go a little overboard.

Now with that being said. This guy Macca, has no class whatsoever. Making fun of someone with a terminal illness should never be tolerated. He comes into the bar like he knows everyone, and starts making random and sometimes very obscene comments. My father battled cancer until it eventually took his life. I'm sorry for anyone else who has to go through that. Macca however will one day realize that Karma is a bitch. Fuck him, I hope he's gone forever.

Like I said, this may seem eerily odd of what I do. Yes, you would be correct. Anyone and their mother knows that I poke fun of newbies, because I'm the Dr. Cox of the forums. Simple as. I joke with them, and hopefully they joke back. No harm is ever intended, and if it ever is. I apologize. Kayfabe now over.

Fuck you all.

preach, brother!

*Embraces Echelon*

My new user tag is...Ech is my brother...Brother!
Wishing a poster's family got cancer. It's in the board room, check it out there.

Was this the only reason he was banned? His comment was deleted before I could see it but what I judge from the other members remarks he was generally wishing ill upon Thunder Dave's family rather than specifically referencing the tragedy in Daves family. I only say because insults of this kind are common enough in the bar room- posters wishing horrible things upon eachother (something I have never particularly liked anyway).

Of course I understand that the application of the rules is entirely up to the discretion of the mod staff and they do not have a duty to explain themselves, but I am curious whether this was as a result of his constantly annoying posting style or down to the single post he made.

I am not wishing to defend Macca in the slightest and a remark of that kind is offensive personally to me due to losing my grandfather to cancer a couple of years ago. I am as I say simply curious about this incident. If I am out of line feel free to say and I will shut up.
Was this the only reason he was banned? His comment was deleted before I could see it but what I judge from the other members remarks he was generally wishing ill upon Thunder Dave's family rather than specifically referencing the tragedy in Daves family. I only say because insults of this kind are common enough in the bar room- posters wishing horrible things upon eachother (something I have never particularly liked anyway).

Of course I understand that the application of the rules is entirely up to the discretion of the mod staff and they do not have a duty to explain themselves, but I am curious whether this was as a result of his constantly annoying posting style or down to the single post he made.

I am not wishing to defend Macca in the slightest and a remark of that kind is offensive personally to me due to losing my grandfather to cancer a couple of years ago. I am as I say simply curious about this incident. If I am out of line feel free to say and I will shut up.

Nita, I get what you're saying here. But there is no defense.

Macca's comment is like a prejudiced remark. No matter what the context or circumstance, it is not tolerated on this forum. PERIOD.
There's a difference between insults, and wishing something that horrible and real upon someone's family. There's a line there that shouldn't be crossed.
For example, I can jokingly wish someone to trip and fall into a conveniently placed flaming meat grinder, because it's over the top, but wishing someone's mother to get a terminal illness could conceivably happen and was in an actual flamey raegrant.

Something like that?
Nita, I get what you're saying here. But there is no defense.

Macca's comment is like a prejudiced remark. No matter what the context or circumstance, it is not tolerated on this forum. PERIOD.

I am not really trying to defend Macca. Its more that comments in a threatoning context have been said before by other posters. I am fairly sure I have read posters telling others to go off and die before. I suppose its just a difficult line to define sometimes.
I think it has to do with context. Telling someone to die in a fire is different from telling someone in an angry rant that they hope their mother gets cancer.
1) Macca is NOT worse than JKO. Sure, what Macca said was out of line. But we can attribute that to a "flame in the heat of the moment" kind of thing. If he's banned forever, then whatever. But JKO is a bitchy little cunt who says what he says on purpose, well thought out in advance I'm sure. He probably has annoying threads plotted out for months.

2) If anyone ever says something like they wish Parkinsons on me, don't ban them. My grandpa may have died of Parkinson's and Dementia, but I don't take great personal offense to it if someone jokes like that. He fought for their freedom to say such a jackassed thing.

Of course, that's just for me, and it's merely a request. You guys ban whoever the fuck you want to. :thumbsup:
It just struck a liiiiittle too close to home. Especially since the rant in question was on JKO's level.

That is to say, it was boring and unfunny. And to some, very very offensive.

Previously I've thought Macca was funny. However in this thread he was fail, as his rants against Monkey and Dave were just...bland. Uninspired. It was all "roar i killed job squad die die die gimmick infringement" this time. Previously he had been more clever than that, as evidenced by the quote in X's sig.

P.S. Dave, I love you.
What the hell would Dave get banned for? For responding to Macca's idiotic comments passionately when he so obviously crossed the line? Dave's comments were knee-jerk comments due to Macca's comments hitting too close to home, whereas Macca's comments were just him being an asshole.

Plus, look at their respective histories. Dave is consistently one of the top posters here on this site, whereas Macca has only been here a short time and has been pissing everyone off ever since he arrived.
This is the greatest thread ever.

And Macca is a fucking beast, he just went a little too far with that cancer shit. However, there is no way in hell I'm worse than him.

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