Monkey's Rant Of The Day

You know what I find pretty ironic? In the thread that Ghost of Monkeys ranted on posters advertising threads they have posted in- Razor boasts about a thread he has posted in and then advertises another one. And then Dexter advertised how he commented in it too. Guess its not really what you do here- its kinda more who does it :p

So the question is...... if I advertise a thread here, will Monkey come down hard on me? Well um I made a great thread in the music section a couple months ago. Can't remember what its called but I remember that its really great. You should all search it out and post in it.
Hai guyz, I jsut maed 1000 postz!!!111!!!!111!!!

First of all who fucking cares. Nobody notices your posts anyways. Dagger shut the fuck up and keep posting the same shit that you've posted before, or what's already been posted in the thread previous. Blade, just stop trying. Seriously, I've never seen someone as annoying, not even JKO or Derf.

Wow. No one here has ever mocked me before... Oh wait!!

You couldn't even think of anything original. You're losing it. :disappointed:
Oh, I am calling gimmick infringement on this fucker, baba.

Cheap rip-off of me, no doubt. I'm the young and up-coming tyrant of the bar room, not you knobjockey. Hit the bricks with the rest of these curtain jerkers rolling round here.
Oh, I am calling gimmick infringement on this fucker, baba.

Cheap rip-off of me, no doubt. I'm the young and up-coming tyrant of the bar room, not you knobjockey. Hit the bricks with the rest of these curtain jerker rolling round here.

This may be the most ******ed thing I have ever read in my life.

You say that you are calling "gimmick infringement" on someone who was here years before you. You even go on to call yourself "young and up-coming" just to add to the ******ed nature of that post. Well played.
My Gran just died of cancer you fucking ********er. I swear to God, you are most disrespectful person I have ever met and I seriously hope that every single member of your family dies in a fucking fire. I fucking hate you. I don't hate a lot of people but I fucking hate you. Your ego is way ahead of you and no one, I REPEAT NO ONE, wants you here. Go throw yourself off a very high building you fucking piece of shit.

Damn man if this is true then Macca needs to issue a public apology.
We see people get warned, infracted, or future endeavoured on this site all of the time, sometimes deservedly so, sometimes not. I know this is the bar room and there's more leeway to say shit here that you wouldn't get away with elsewhere, but can someone explain to me why this MACCA asshole is still on this site? Public apology or not, to post something so potentially stupid and insensitive as wishing cancer on someone's family has got to be grounds to get a guy kicked off of this site. When you see a good quality poster like THE GAME RAGE getting warnings due to some friction between himself and Sid, yet this MACCA guy runs his mouth constantly with no repercussions whatsoever, I don't understand it.

This is a high quality website for excellent wrestling discussions. It shouldn't be ruined by some asshole making posts of this nature.
Even in the bar room, wishing cancer on somebody's family is not tolerated by me. My father is currently battling cancer, and it touches everyone's lives in some way shape or form.
I've got to say I have been blessed because I have had a Great-Grandmother and a Uncle die of cancer, but luckily I barely knew them. Although I have seen what it has done to my family and that is never a good thing. I also campaign for Macca The Widowmaker to be banned for his insensitive comments. Other then this comment, but based on the other posts he makes in the bar room, if he is banned I truly feel that The Bar Room will be a better place for all.
Even in the bar room, wishing cancer on somebody's family is not tolerated by me. My father is currently battling cancer, and it touches everyone's lives in some way shape or form.

I'm sorry to hear that IC. I hope your dad gets better.
Cancer is never something to joke about. It's the biggest human kiler in the world.

IC25's story is true, and I've also lost family members because of it. There's no need for me to go on because I think you all get the picture.

Please remember: Just because it's the Bar Room doesn't mean that anything you guys say is passable. Think appropriate first.
If I bant him, it would be a perma-bant. But I didn't, so ask IC25. He's the boss and always knows best.
Wow man that is terrible. Why would someone seriously joke about cancer. My dad died of cancer when I was 15, almost 16. It takes its tole on everyone around you and makes life tougher than it already is.
I found Macca amusing until now. That shit isn't funny. My na died of cancer over the summer.
Ok, The rant for today is....

HAI GUYZ, Im an ignirint postre woh haz no regaurd for teh rulez, or enyones else.

First off, I KNOW this sounds like me. Yes, I have crossed the line a few times. For those times I truly apologize. I get into the spirit of my gimmick and maybe go a little overboard.

Now with that being said. This guy Macca, has no class whatsoever. Making fun of someone with a terminal illness should never be tolerated. He comes into the bar like he knows everyone, and starts making random and sometimes very obscene comments. My father battled cancer until it eventually took his life. I'm sorry for anyone else who has to go through that. Macca however will one day realize that Karma is a bitch. Fuck him, I hope he's gone forever.

Like I said, this may seem eerily odd of what I do. Yes, you would be correct. Anyone and their mother knows that I poke fun of newbies, because I'm the Dr. Cox of the forums. Simple as. I joke with them, and hopefully they joke back. No harm is ever intended, and if it ever is. I apologize. Kayfabe now over.

Fuck you all.

Especially Doc. What thread have you made that was ever interesting? I'll be waiting you pathetic little sig maker.

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