Can someone please explain to me the appeal of posting drunk?

Well then you have fun my friend, godspeed!

Honestly, I think Justin is bitching (as usual, it's all he's been capable of for, oh, just more than a year now...) out of jealousy. I show up drunk posting because I am having fun, and I like to share that fun with the people here. Justin, on the other hand, goes on hating life from his podunk little town, wishing he was having as much fun as I am.

And I am fine with that. Couldn't care much less. I work my ass off all week, I will have a wife soon, a family eventualy - I go out and drink on occassion (maybe once every two weeks or so) and have fun doing it. I don't hate on people who don't drink - totally fine by me, god bless - but my choice is just that, and I am sure not gonna lose sleep over the opinion of a miserable, self-righteous kid.

That having been said, it is bed time. IC25 out.

You know absolutely nothing about me or my fucking life, It's kind of hard to enjoy life with 4 members of your family die within the last year one of which was your father, your sister and her husband have to suffer through the mis-fortune of a fucking miscarriage, my mom is left with financial problems because the insurance companies and fucking around with the money they owe her, add to that that she's been unable to work do due to a broken wrist that the fuckhead of a doctor fixed wrong, then a week after my dad dies I get laid off from my job, and go unemployed for a couple months before getting the job I have now which I had to take a pay cut from what I was making to get, then 2 months before getting my much needed raise the company starts a wage freeze for the next year, so yeah I've had a shitty year which has left me a bit bitter at life, but I dare anyone to go through as much bullshit as I have goen through over this past year and not come out feeeling a little bitter and angry at life, so IC until you have done that perhaps you should shut the fuck up
Hahaha, I just got the funniest GREEN rep from Justin!

justinsayne said:
you shut up, you're the one ruining the quilty of the forums with your shitty drunken posts

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funniest thing EVER! Justin, let me say publicly that I am SO SORRY that I am undoing all of your quality hard work of building these forums up, and that my bi-weekly single drunken post thread is single handedly ruining the forums.

Say nothing to the fact that my drunken posting thread sees more responses in 10 minutes than the Music Asylum saw in a week, and I even tried to help you make that work. HAHAHA!

What happened to you, Justin? You and I used to be boyz...

Don't answer that, it's not that big of a question.
Hahaha, I just got the funniest GREEN rep from Justin!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funniest thing EVER! Justin, let me say publicly that I am SO SORRY that I am undoing all of your quality hard work of building these forums up, and that my bi-weekly single drunken post thread is single handedly ruining the forums.

Say nothing to the fact that my drunken posting thread sees more responses in 10 minutes than the Music Asylum saw in a week, and I even tried to help you make that work. HAHAHA!

What happened to you, Justin? You and I used to be boyz...

Don't answer that, it's not that big of a question.

Now that is hilarious.
You know absolutely nothing about me or my fucking life, It's kind of hard to enjoy life with 4 members of your family die within the last year one of which was your father,

I remember that, because I was one of the people who went so far as to offer you his phone number in case you needed someone to talk to you pissy little ingrate. I was genuinely concerned about you.

your sister and her husband have to suffer through the mis-fortune of a fucking miscarriage, my mom is left with financial problems because the insurance companies and fucking around with the money they owe her, add to that that she's been unable to work do due to a broken wrist that the fuckhead of a doctor fixed wrong, then a week after my dad dies I get laid off from my job, and go unemployed for a couple months before getting the job I have now which I had to take a pay cut from what I was making to get, then 2 months before getting my much needed raise the company starts a wage freeze for the next year, so yeah I've had a shitty year which has left me a bit bitter at life, but I dare anyone to go through as much bullshit as I have goen through over this past year and not come out feeeling a little bitter and angry at life, so IC until you have done that perhaps you should shut the fuck up

All of which is not my fault. I know you've been going through shit, Justin, but if you wanna turn on me and take this shit out on someone who tried to help you when it started, from someone who fought to get you modded so you'd have something to take your mind off of it, then that's fine by me. But as for me shutting the fuck up? Not likely.
Meh I post when sober or drunk...posting when drunk makes it funnier and the day after I remember that I have bant DMN1F
When I got out to drink I usually get shitfaced and in no fit state to even so much as turn on my computer. I'm yet to find a happy medium. For instance I woke up this morning in my living room with pasta spilt on my chest watching CCW.
You see, I am a controlled drinker, and an exceptionally happy drunk. I had 4 Johnny Walker Black's last night, and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face with a sandblaster. Plus the band we go see is really good. I'll toss a pic or two on later.
I remember that, because I was one of the people who went so far as to offer you his phone number in case you needed someone to talk to you pissy little ingrate. I was genuinely concerned about you.

You never gave me your phone number, you sent me a PM saying you were sorry and shit, and you where there if I needed anyone to talk too, but after your dad dies everybody says that shit and you're really kinda emotionally numb and take comments like that with a grain of salt cause so many people just say it cause they think that's what they are suppose to say when someone dies, most actually don't mean it

All of which is not my fault.

I never said it was your fault, it's life's fault, like Vince McMahon once said "Life sucks then you die", and for the most part that's true for most people

I know you've been going through shit, Justin, but if you wanna turn on me and take this shit out on someone who tried to help you when it started,

First off I took most of out on Will right before I got demodded which in all honesty was a shitty thing to do, second TBH I didn't totally intend for this thread to be direct at you solely, I mean it to be directed at everyone who gets smashed and then comes and posts, and third I don't don't mean to take any thing out on you it just sort of happens, I lose my temper and I'm sure as hell not going to take out out on what few family members I have left nor do I want to take out on any of my "real life" friends so it usually gets vented on here where I don't care about MOST of the people

from someone who fought to get you modded so you'd have something to take your mind off of it, then that's fine by me. But as for me shutting the fuck up? Not likely.

I was modded before any of this shit happened, in fact I was modded like 2 weeks before any of this shit hit the fan, what the fuck are you talking about

but whatever, sorry for being such a bitter fucking asshole, I'd say it prolly won't happen again but it likely will
You never gave me your phone number, you sent me a PM saying you were sorry and shit, and you where there if I needed anyone to talk too, but after your dad dies everybody says that shit and you're really kinda emotionally numb and take comments like that with a grain of salt cause so many people just say it cause they think that's what they are suppose to say when someone dies, most actually don't mean it

I PM'd you saying if you needed to talk, let me know, and I'd even give you my phone #. You never asked for it, so I figured you were dealing with everything your own way.

I never said it was your fault, it's life's fault, like Vince McMahon once said "Life sucks then you die", and for the most part that's true for most people

And yet, according to you, since I haven't gone through what you have, I have no right to talk. And people for whom Vince's statement is true have a choice to make - to own their circumstances or to allow their circumstances to own them. I hired a gentleman on Friday who lost both his parents to cancer while he was in college, and that shitstorm he dealt with. He talked to me about how he just put his head down, handled the business end, worked his ass off to support his grandmother, and found outlets for his grief in physical fitness and personal training. He OWNED his circumstances.

First off I took most of out on Will right before I got demodded which in all honesty was a shitty thing to do, second TBH I didn't totally intend for this thread to be direct at you solely, I mean it to be directed at everyone who gets smashed and then comes and posts, and third I don't don't mean to take any thing out on you it just sort of happens, I lose my temper and I'm sure as hell not going to take out out on what few family members I have left nor do I want to take out on any of my "real life" friends so it usually gets vented on here where I don't care about MOST of the people

Fair enough. You did, however, post it shortly after I had posted from my Blackberry from the bar, so it damn sure wasn't NOT directed at me. And even if it wasn't, it was awfully self-righteous. But either way, I can certainly understand where you are coming from, I just said what I felt in reaction.

I was modded before any of this shit happened, in fact I was modded like 2 weeks before any of this shit hit the fan, what the fuck are you talking about

That's right, you're right, got my timeline screwed up. But still, minor detail.

but whatever, sorry for being such a bitter fucking asshole, I'd say it prolly won't happen again but it likely will

Most likely, but at least you're honest.
Not everyone can "own" their circumstances, kudos to those that do, but it's hard. Really, really hard. I don't blame the ones who can't.

Flames Out
Not everyone can "own" their circumstances, kudos to those that do, but it's hard. Really, really hard. I don't blame the ones who can't.

Flames Out

I totally understand this. But there's a difference between not being able to own one's circumstances and lashing out against everyone and everything in the world.
I totally understand this. But there's a difference between not being able to own one's circumstances and lashing out against everyone and everything in the world.

TBH most of my lashing out happens here, I don't really take it out on everyone and everything else in the world if that's what you were suggesting

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