Monday Night Raw - 24/4 - Somebody's Gonna Get Dumpstered!

Bet Curt Hawkins is glad he returned to WWE.

I know you say that in jest but he's a regular on house shows and is probably working more than he would on the indies. Couple that with better pay and more exposure, which will keep him with steady work when he's gone again and it's a great thing.
I know you say that in jest but he's a regular on house shows and is probably working more than he would on the indies. Couple that with better pay and more exposure, which will keep him with steady work when he's gone again and it's a great thing.

Yep. That. He's probably making more money now than he was on the Indies.
Crews really did need more time in developmental. Granted a feud with Titus O'Neil isn't going to do him any favors.
I know you say that in jest but he's a regular on house shows and is probably working more than he would on the indies. Couple that with better pay and more exposure, which will keep him with steady work when he's gone again and it's a great thing.

Fair point, but god he was a useless return. I will say I have no idea what Hawkins was doing on the indies so maybe he is better off jobbing in WWE.
If you're pursuing a gal, and she enjoys Taco Bell, you should probably pass on her. Unless you like hearing a thunderstorm go off everytime she uses the bathroom.
Apollo can get over with a good feud or change in character.

Titus O'Neil does not sound like a good feud...maybe a change in character?
Crews really did need more time in developmental. Granted a feud with Titus O'Neil isn't going to do him any favors.

The most noteworthy thing he did in NXT was drawing Baron Corbin's ire and being told to go back to ROH, when he had, in fact, never actually worked in Ring of Honor.

He's got a lack of charisma, and unfortunately, to quote Enzo, you can't teach that.
If Miz's partner isn't Owens... I'm guessing Big Show. Return of Show-Miz.

I mean... it's been like 3 months... time for a Big Show heel turn right?
The most noteworthy thing he did in NXT was drawing Baron Corbin's ire and being told to go back to ROH, when he had, in fact, never actually worked in Ring of Honor.

He's got a lack of charisma, and unfortunately, to quote Enzo, you can't teach that.

True but you can teach a character which can hide that lack of charisma.

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