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Michael Cole Homophobic Slur

Bottom Line: Im going to start a lawsuit with anyone that says "Honky", "Cracker", "Whitey", "Redneck" or anything that may resemble the fact that someone is white.

Also words talking about people being "cock suckers", "pimps", "Ho's" or anything sexual at all because it ALL offends me because many people have sucked my "u knwo what" and i feel you all are making fun of them when you call others these things or talk aboout people being over sexually active at all.

K Thx, watch out, "Big Family Member" is watching! (I didnt wan to say Big Brother because it may offend anyone with a big sister"
When PETA got on Obama for swatting at a fly because the fly has feelings nobody supported PETA because it was extreme. As part of the white Caucasian majority I get discriminated on but if I say anything about it I'm the one with the problem. Point is the Civil Rights groups that over react to things like this are extremist that throw a temper tantrum whenever someone says anything they don't like. Sad thing is it hurts there stance even more. Instead of raising awareness to a civil rights issue like the lack of federally legalized gay marriage, they bring attention to someone calling the a ****** and attacking them for doing so.

As someone who was quite a nerd in high school(and still am to this day) I never felt like my civil rights where being violated when I was made fun of for it.

I personally think they should give Cole a promotion and a raise for simply proving a point.
Sorry to say this, but why are they creating such a media hype about this?

Okay posting it public wasnt very smart but lets just get over it :S cmon it was only ****** :S its not like he was trowing it all out there and making fun off all gays around the world...

Someone should kick TMZ out the window...
In a backstage segment during WM, I would have Michael Cole walking towards the ring for his match. Then he encounters Goldust, who slaps him in the face, and states "All is forgiven"...

But seriously, I dont expect anything to happen to Cole as a result of his dumb actions. The most I may expect is creative going against the PG theme and Cole agrees to blade himself for the match against the King.
[/QUOTE]The fact that these groups have this power and we have lost our freedom of speech is the REAL problem here.[/QUOTE]

These groups don't have this power, that's the thing. GLAAD can no more make the WWE stop using homophobic language than you or I could. They can just register their displeasure in public at such behavior and hope for a change. They have no state or federal powers to compel the WWE to do anything. The only thing compelling WWE to take this action is a fear of losing money.

Besides, who's rights to freedom of speech been impinged here? Cole called someone a ****** in very public manner. A website (TMZ) brought attention to it and WWE then reported in to GLAAD because THEY wanted to.

No black choppers descended on Cole's home to cart him off for re-education. Cole won't be arrested by thought police.

There may be internal company discipline meted out to Cole, there may not be but there will be no federal or state action brought against him. Where's the problem here?

I think most of the posters on here main problem here stems from not liking it when others express their freedom of speech by calling you a bigot if you speak like one.
Personally I think a lot of people may be looking at this from the wrong perspective. Has anyone else noticed that the PG rating has been pushed aside recently. The line has been blurred. I have to wonder if Cole was told to say something along those lines to further push the envelope. To take things back to a more adult oriented format. Just my observation.
Bottom Line: Im going to start a lawsuit with anyone that says "Honky", "Cracker", "Whitey", "Redneck" or anything that may resemble the fact that someone is white.

Also words talking about people being "cock suckers", "pimps", "Ho's" or anything sexual at all because it ALL offends me because many people have sucked my "u knwo what" and i feel you all are making fun of them when you call others these things or talk aboout people being over sexually active at all.

K Thx, watch out, "Big Family Member" is watching! (I didnt wan to say Big Brother because it may offend anyone with a big sister"

What lawsuit are you referring to?

Also, as Twistid Essex and I have pointed out, nobody is taking away Michael Cole's right to say the word - but he's got to deal with the consequences. That's the beauty of speech - if you use it, you get to deal with the consequences of it, positive and negative. Cole uses the WWE platform to get his point across, and if he says something on his Twitter, since he's affiliated with them, it comes across on WWE as well.

This is a very simple issue that many of you who are claiming that GLAAD and other folks are "over sensitive" aren't getting. GLAAD represents a cultural minority, and they have as much right to complain about it as Michael Cole has to say it. The difference? They can cause huge boycotts and remove a massive revenue base from the WWE, which has STOCKHOLDERS to answer to, many of whom may ALSO be GLBTQ.
To those holding onto the ''Freedom of speech'' excuse.


It is LIMITED to HATE SPEECH. I assume, most have NOT read the actualy document, but the points are quite clear. AND I QUOTE:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Bone up people, It was initially a governmental law, NOT for every idiot with a mouth.

DJ_Legacy: Can't talk to their colleuges? Go to your job, and call the closest black person ******, Then text us in the unemployment line, OR the hospital after he knocks you out. That is NOT speaking with a peer, its hate words. Im appalled at how so many people don't THINK anymore. And using a internet accronym? Not the best way to be taken seriously as an adult. ''Lol Uz gotz pwned, roflcopter''

Seriously? The people at my job are amazing, they dont use the legal ticker tape to control peoples lives. The owner of my company uses non-"PC" language ALLLLL the time. Who care how you feel about internet language, taken seriously as an adult? See thats exactly my point, you all want and have one view of WHAT everyone should do and HOW everyone should act and if you dont like it then it must be wrong.

I have been a district manager for a MAJOR US company, I have been in sales for over 10 years and I have been a DJ for radio and bars/club since I was 15. I have most likely accomplished more in my short life than you but yet since I dont "talk" the way youd like online you somehow use that as a way to discredit parts of the debate. Pathetic...

I worked for an all black radio station (98% black)...Im white, I say "the n word" around plenty of black people and they are all still cool with me, go figure (rolls eyes)

I hate you people that live in a "the world should be nice and happy with rainbows and lolipops bubble".

Im APPALLED byt all of these "butt hurt" people trying to control what the entire world says and does. Cole calling someone a *** doesnt hurt ANYONE, its just an excuse for GAYS to grab the spotlight and get attention and say "waaaa waaa poor us!"

Most of you ARE the problem with America you just cant see it.
Michael Cole went to far with this and the way it is read sounded homophobic. Then you read that if it wasnt for WM and the focus on him he would have been fired i find this wrong Cole is a nobody really and i dont even think he is needed in the WWE and with a comment like that and WWE partnership with GLAAD it is a bit of a tricky spot .

One way to solve it know King v Cole Loser gets fired and they need to burry cole and show them that Homophobic comments will not go unpunished in the WWE

I have a few both male and female friends that are gay and i know how much comments can hurt and cause problems with confidence and just feel that the way its been handled due to his WM involvement is more of a slap on the wrist and sets no example for anyone about using these kind of comments

Thoughts ?

yes, to me Cole went way too far. there is absolutely no need for homophobic, racial comments in society. everybody is all human and deserves to be treated as equals. If I were Vince, obviouslly can't fire Cole right now since he's booked in a match at WM, but make stipulations in match at WM that loser leaves WWE and have Cole lose obviously. then backstage give Cole a long lecture of how his homophobic slurs are not accepted in his company.
Ok Im expessing my freedom of RELIGION to remind you all that the bible says that when "a man lays with another man (or woman with woman)" it is an ABOMINATION...I guess I dont need to debate this because high powers wil deal with all of these "interest groups" later :)
As If there weren't enough reasons already to hate Michael Cole. And I don't mean in the good kind of "tv heel heat", I mean I really just can't stand listening to him. He's a terrible announcer. And apparently not much better of a human being either.

I couldnt stand to listen to his god awful announcing even before this slur incident, but now I really dont want to see his face ever again on WWE TV.

Frankly this is the perfect time to fire him if you think about it. They could easily explain his absence from WWE as him being seriously injured during the Mania match. I say kill his character off with an Austin stunner and a Lawler piledriver, just like the King did to Kaufman back in the 80's. Carry him off on a stretcher and have him never be seen again. There's no where for him to go after this Lawler feud anyhow. What are they gonna do after Mania? Put him back at the announce table like nothing happened? There's no going back.
Ok Im expessing my freedom of RELIGION to remind you all that the bible says that when "a man lays with another man (or woman with woman)" it is an ABOMINATION...I guess I dont need to debate this because high powers wil deal with all of these "interest groups" later :)

And to stone babies that talk back to their parents right?Old Testament

"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son yours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."

This is what your basing your argument on? Im christian, YET, I refuse to allow every little syllable in a book dictate my life.

Anyway, Religious nuts aside.

Our points have been made, take them or not, thats up to you, Just know, we dont accept prejudice, and for the suppose ''Free speech'' people, you have no problem with bigotry and prejudice, so its pointless to even talk to you as equals most of the time, since your verbage is that of teenagers, and immature adults that just want to be able to say what they want, and NOT have to face the results. THATS what alot of you ARE NOT GETTING

Cole can say ANYTHING HE WANTS, Im not about censorship, BUT, I am able people getting their due for saying dumb shit. And Cole may have to face it.
The problem is that this is not the first time the WWE has had an issue with homophobic or racist slurs. I read a post on another wrestling website recently that detailed the numerous gay slurs John Cena has used throughout his career in WWE, and Mark Henry has been the victim of numerous racially insensitive storyline through his career. This is not a Cena or Cole problem, it's a WWE problem. Clearly the WWE has created an atmosphere that makes this kind of speech acceptable, when it is not.

As for the freedom of speech issue, clearly many people don't understand what that means. Freedom of speech protects you from persecution by the govenment. Cole can't be arrested for tweeting "******". But his employer can do whatever they want to Cole. Your employer can fire you if they don't like something you say, and you can do very little about it. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with private business. In fact, media personalities have very little freedom of speech, because what they say gets much more attention. WWE could very easily fire Cole for this & he would have no legal recourse. And in my view, they should fire him.
Well, I'm not really sure what should happen at this point. Michael Cole is the voice of the WWE (as his character often reminds us of at least twice every show). Could we look at this from a different perspective. Had the comment been directed at Booker T and the N-word had been used instead, Cole would be out on his ass right now, WrestleMania match or not. There are plenty of cases where a n-word issue has caused people to lose their jobs and get plenty of negative press: Don Imus, Michael Richards, Duane "Dog" Chapman. The F-word is a very harsh word directed at gays, but is often ignored and laughed off with very few repercussions. So our society does have a lot to learn about being respectful. Those who aren't in the LGBT community just see it as a joke and laugh.

However, we learn and evolve as human beings by making mistakes and learning from them. Michael Cole has publicly apologized, WWE has publically apologized, and Michael Cole will get some training. He's apparently on thin ice after this issue, as he should be, but let's give the man a second chance.
The problem is that this is not the first time the WWE has had an issue with homophobic or racist slurs. I read a post on another wrestling website recently that detailed the numerous gay slurs John Cena has used throughout his career in WWE, and Mark Henry has been the victim of numerous racially insensitive storyline through his career. This is not a Cena or Cole problem, it's a WWE problem. Clearly the WWE has created an atmosphere that makes this kind of speech acceptable, when it is not.

As for the freedom of speech issue, clearly many people don't understand what that means. Freedom of speech protects you from persecution by the govenment. Cole can't be arrested for tweeting "******". But his employer can do whatever they want to Cole. Your employer can fire you if they don't like something you say, and you can do very little about it. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with private business. In fact, media personalities have very little freedom of speech, because what they say gets much more attention. WWE could very easily fire Cole for this & he would have no legal recourse. And in my view, they should fire him.
YES, Im glad to see some ADULT minded people responding beyond the ''This country is failing cause I cant tweet tweet ****** on my on pc''

You my friend, get the REAL point, The freedom of speech excuse only goes so far. Hence why nwa/pubLic enemy had a REASON, yet Eminem is just spewing hate nonsense.
Ok Im expessing my freedom of RELIGION to remind you all that the bible says that when "a man lays with another man (or woman with woman)" it is an ABOMINATION...I guess I dont need to debate this because high powers wil deal with all of these "interest groups" later :)

It also says;

Leviticus 11,7-8
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you.

So pork is out. Do you eat pork? If yes, and I mean if even one pork product has passed your lips then you're going to BURN IN HELL. If you're going to quote the bible you're either all in or all out.
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Ok Im expessing my freedom of RELIGION to remind you all that the bible says that when "a man lays with another man (or woman with woman)" it is an ABOMINATION...I guess I dont need to debate this because high powers wil deal with all of these "interest groups" later :)

This above quote is officially the stupidest thing ever posted in the history of Wrestlezone.com.

The Bible? Az Miz would say, Really? Really? The Bible? Really?

The Bible also claims a senior citizen built a giant boat in the middle of the desert and put 2 of every single species on it. It also says that mental ******ation is a sin and that mentally challenged people should be put to death. Yet, for some strange reason the Bible does not condemn Genocide, slavery, child molestation, and a whole lot of other things that you would think would be more important.

I seriously hope this DJ Legacy is a 10 year old boy, because no intelligent adult should be posting crap this stupid.
And to stone babies that talk back to their parents right?Old Testament

"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son yours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."

This is what your basing your argument on? Im christian, YET, I refuse to allow every little syllable in a book dictate my life.

Anyway, Religious nuts aside.

Our points have been made, take them or not, thats up to you, Just know, we dont accept prejudice, and for the suppose ''Free speech'' people, you have no problem with bigotry and prejudice, so its pointless to even talk to you as equals most of the time, since your verbage is that of teenagers, and immature adults that just want to be able to say what they want, and NOT have to face the results. THATS what alot of you ARE NOT GETTING

Cole can say ANYTHING HE WANTS, Im not about censorship, BUT, I am able people getting their due for saying dumb shit. And Cole may have to face it.

Actually now that the government has stepped in you cant even punish your kids or smack their butts because its "abuse"...Now kids blackmail their parents by telling them they will call social services if they dont get their way....I guess this is all for the best too huh?

As long as no one has their feelings hurt though, its all good!
This above quote is officially the stupidest thing ever posted in the history of Wrestlezone.com.

The Bible? Az Miz would say, Really? Really? The Bible? Really?

The Bible also claims a senior citizen built a giant boat in the middle of the desert and put 2 of every single species on it. It also says that mental ******ation is a sin and that mentally challenged people should be put to death. Yet, for some strange reason the Bible does not condemn Genocide, slavery, child molestation, and a whole lot of other things that you would think would be more important.

I seriously hope this DJ Legacy is a 10 year old boy, because no intelligent adult should be posting crap this stupid.

And oddly enough MORE people ACCEPT THE BIBLE than GAYS...says allot about being gay huh?
Actually now that the government has stepped in you cant even punish your kids or smack their butts because its "abuse"...Now kids blackmail their parents by telling them they will call social services if they dont get their way....I guess this is all for the best too huh?

As long as no one has their feelings hurt though, its all good!

So, not only do you support prejudice , and bigotry, but Child abuse as well?

I get ya, I have now come to grips that you HAVE to be a teenager, Thats the only thing I can come up with. Or, a very, VERY near sided adult, Either way, Why continue this debate, You have your view, I, and others share out more adult one, so, Good day, go back to your gay bashing and kid beating

The point is, People need to be held accountable..NOT censoring peoples every word. People can say every single negative hateful word they want, just know that you will be held accountable for each and every letter, THATS the point.
Ok Im expessing my freedom of RELIGION to remind you all that the bible says that when "a man lays with another man (or woman with woman)" it is an ABOMINATION...I guess I dont need to debate this because high powers wil deal with all of these "interest groups" later :)
I wasn't even going to go on the religious aspect of the issue, but since it was brought up, I'll respond.

If homosexuality truly is a choice (which I don't believe, but for argument's sake, let's say it is), then the person's sin is between him and God. If it truly is a choice, I also don't believe God hates any person in the LGBT community. God loves all His children, and people tend to forget that the LGBT community are still His children as well and should be treated as we would treat Him.

The Bible teaches us many things, but one of the things I take to heart is to love thy neighbor and to be respectful to all of God's children. Jesus walked with prostitutes and told a thief on the cross next to him he would walk beside him in Heaven.

Leviticus also commands us not to wear clothes made of more than one material, or plant a field with more than one seed (Leviticus 19:19). We are also commanded not to get tattoos (19:28) yet I know plenty of Christians who get tattoos of crosses or Psalms.

Point being, many of us keep picking and choosing parts of the Bible that we obey, yet leave out the ultimate message provided. Ultimately we need to just love each other and be kind to everyone.
Employess of the company, especially with the wrestlers and commentators, should be fined and warned about the language used that will have any amount of public exposure. That's it. There's a notion with the media that everyone in the spotlight who does something insensitive should have "rehab" or training. This is ridiculous, and TMZ is quite inflammatory. And GLAAD is so very glad to be able to use this to further their agendas. I am all against using slurs. Since I'm black, and muslim, and sensitive about being called names I would be a hypocrite to support Cole's comment. He is a public figure and what he says on Twitter is seen by many. This I understand.
So, not only do you support prejudice , and bigotry, but Child abuse as well?

I get ya, I have now come to grips that you HAVE to be a teenager, Thats the only thing I can come up with. Or, a very, VERY near sided adult, Either way, Why continue this debate, You have your view, I, and others share out more adult one, so, Good day, go back to your gay bashing and kid beating

Ha! Smacking a kids butt is abuse? Lets talk to just about EVERY generation of people over the age of 20. I will bet my life on 95% of the people saying they had their butts smacked and they were punished by being sent to their room for several days as the most COMMON forms for punishment. This new age "make everyone happy, protect everyones feelings" BS is going to be the reason why todays kids are growing up ignoring rules and will most likely be the least educated generation to date. I dont see kids holding doors for people anymore, most dont say please and thank you, they dont even have basic manners at this point.

Good bye world it was nice knowing yah...its all ruined now...Protect the ******s from themselves and emotions or the quality of life may be more gloomy!

Pathetic that the world is full of this "waaa waaa" BS support now adays.
Much like the fact of Gays not being able to marry, Lets just sweep it under the rug because we have ''Bigger fish to fry'' right? Thats the american way. Take away rights, endorse prejudices, and when put in a corner and having to own up to the responsibilities this country claims to have? Ignore it, Say other rights are NOT important, and move on. Thanks America

EVERYONE has used this word, but does that make it right? Of course not. But the media endused coma of ''Say what I want'' has done its job, by neutering peoples opinions on others. Say, why don't we bring back the word Spic, ******, Kike, Wap and everything else that can alienate and piss off a specific group, That way, we can say what we want, Then say ''HEY, I have the freedom to be the hateful person I want to be, Who cares, we have Oil problems, we have high gas prices, Why worry if an ENTIRE HUMAN GROUP is offended''

(And to the guy that says he's ''Christian'',don't get me started. Being judgemental is against our book as well, so don't spew that crap. Many people judge us for believing in a ''Invisible man'' so you have alot of nerve judging ANYONE, Im christian BUT I respect human rights, The church has NOTHING to do with country laws, Seperation of church and state, Remember that? Or is that something else swept under the rug since its to hard to understand)

If I have to fucking hear your Liberal Shit one more fucking time, I will reach through my computer screen and choke the shit out of you until you die, you piece of fucking Communist SHIT!

WAAAHHH WAAAAHHH AMERICA IS EVIL! AMERICA DOESN'T LIKE GAYS! WAAAAHHHH!!!.....Oh, but those Muslims, they LOVE Gays! They even go as far as to cut their heads off just for being Gay! How compassionate is that! WOW! That's who we need to strive to be more like! Islam! Because America is EVIL! And they treat Gays worse than ANYONE!

You fucking liberal asshole. I so badly want to kill you and your entire fucking liberal family.

I'm sick and fucking tired of you fucking politically correct, liberal nazis trying to dictate to the rest of us what we can and can't SAY. I'll say whatever fucking words I damn well please. If I feel like calling someone a "******", I will do so. I don't give a shit who's "Feelings" i'm hurting.

And "GLADD" is just a fucking Nazi group. Acting as if the only kids who ever get bullied in school are Gay kids. What fucking horse shit is that??? Is GLADD not sensitive at all to Fat Kids who get bullied in school and then go home and kill themselves? What about kids who are too short? or too nerdy? So I guess in the little imaginary world that GLADD lives in, only Gay kids are teased and bullied? Only Gay kids kill themselves over being bullied???

Fuckers. I'll NEVER fucking give in to these nazi bastards, with their fucking double standards. And what the hell is this "GLADD Classes" shit? So if you call someone a "******", your immediately sent to "Gay Sensitivity Classes"??? How the fuck does anyone not GET IT?? This is pure fucking nazi shit. Treating us like fucking children, trying to dictate to us what we can and can't say and what we can and can't think.

How about these fuckers try to stand up for Christians?? They get bullied just as much as anyone today. But I don't see any "Christian Sensitivity Classes", DO YOU??

Fucking Liberal Cock Suckers. I'm gonna hunt down these fuckers at GLADD and beat the holy living shit out of them all, then we won't have to deal with this fucking shit.
Ha! Smacking a kids butt is abuse? Lets talk to just about EVERY generation of people over the age of 20. I will bet my life on 95% of the people saying they had their butts smacked and they were punished by being sent to their room for several days as the most COMMON forms for punishment. This new age "make everyone happy, protect everyones feelings" BS is going to be the reason why todays kids are growing up ignoring rules and will most likely be the least educated generation to date. I dont see kids holding doors for people anymore, most dont say please and thank you, they dont even have basic manners at this point.

Good bye world it was nice knowing yah...its all ruined now...Protect the ******s from themselves and emotions or the quality of life may be more gloomy!

Pathetic that the world is full of this "waaa waaa" BS support now adays.
You can teach your children respect and manners without resorting to physical violence to do it. Now I will agree there's a huge difference between physical discipline (such as a spanking) and child abuse, but for most, the line has just become so blurred. And a spanking doesn't need to be used for every scenario.

Unfortunately, in our society, children are growing up disrespectful because of parents who aren't taking the time to teach their children proper manners. My 2 year old doesn't speak yet, but he always hears me and his mother say "Please", "Thank you", "Excuse me", and the like. My ex works with him to try to teach him the baby-signing for those terms (unfortunately that's the crap of divorce, I don't get much time with my boy...which I hate, but that's for another thread if it ever comes up, which I doubt lol). So ultimately, it comes down to each individual to teach their child respect for their elders, which many fail to do. But unfortunately for children, most parenting seems to be nothing more than to throw them a grilled cheese while sitting them down in front of Sesame Street and expecting them to grow up right with no input or direction.

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