Michael Cole Homophobic Slur

Who cares. Cole said a naughty word on twitter....blown well out of proportion. Talk of firing him is ludicrous.

I enjoyed all the gay jokes and references. I was upset WWE wont be doing them anymore now they got that GLAAD group working them them. Its a TV Show, its scripted, its not real...soap operas get away with homophobic terms and gay references.

I would love for WWE to go back to TV14 and tell Glaad to stick their sensitivity up their arse (no pun). To pander to the gays in this industry is a joke. Fuck em I say.

If gays are offended, dont watch the programme. Its quite simple.
I find It funny that Cole would say that when in fact WWE Hall Of Famer Pat Patterson is a gay man I am a straight man although I don't believe in same sex marriage they have a right to do what ever they want to it is America the land of the FREE, so if they want to do that hey by all means let them be happy and for the GLADD Thing Cole should have not said ****** to Josh Matthews on twitter just last week Gladd and WWE partnered up after John Cena was sayin all that stuff to DJ, Cole should have thought about what he was going to put instead of just putting it out there for the world to see, if this was an angle to get him heat for Mania or if it was legit he should have used better choice of words.
Its great so many people are giving there cents on this. But as so many people say which i completely ignored is that Cole is a TOP HEEL in WWE right now and as such should be a complete professional and a comment like that is is no professional and how you represent your boss or company you work for.

Im sure with the WWE/CENA/GLAAD stuff there was talks back stage about use of words and even body language but yet this still happens
This is so dumb. Society is SO soft. Big freakin deal. Me and friends have called each other that very word in playful manners and not used or meant to be used in that sense. Bottomline, like most of you on this matter, society is soft and the bottomline and I don't care who resents this, but being gay is frowned apon in the bible.

So is eating pork and shellfish. I'm sure you regularly scold your local supermarket for carrying products forbidden in the bible too, right? Or is it just homosexuals you have a problem with?

Michael Cole is a public figure with a large public profile and should know better than to call someone else ****** in a public forum where hundreds of thousands of people could see it. He has the right to be a homophobe (he may or may not be) if he want's, but to say that in public is just dumb and asking for trouble.

A lot of the responses on this thread are quite depressing. No one is forcing anyone to "like" gays, blacks, muslims - whatever. What society expects of you, however, is to not be a fucking douche about it. How hard is it to just take "***" out of your lexicon? You wouldn't call anyone a ******, would you? So why is *** OK when it is still screamed in utter hatred at gay people all over the world?

Michael Cole is a highly paid man in the public eye and represents the WWE in his public utterances - he isn't some dumbass 15 year old and WWE expect better from him than bringing embarrassment like this on the company.

Freedom of Speech is a lot more than a license to call someone a ****** just because you haven't the brains to come up with something wittier.
I honestly don't feel he should be fired. He's about to get squashed at Wrestlemania. Suspend him. Play it off as if he is seriously injured and will require surgery. Then when he has done his time, taken his classes, bring him back and move on.

But there is no reason to fire him. It was really stupid, but not worth losing a job over considering how many years he's been with the WWE. Let him quietly learn from the mistake and move on.
Suspend him? To quote The Miz Really?

You can't be serious.
They're going to do something. The WWE will not sit by and do nothing and firing him is too extreme. That is why I think suspension is the correct path to take. If they do nothing, they get a lot of PR heat. If they outright fire him, that makes them look good PR wise for only a short time, then the product suffers because, let's face it, Mathews is not where Cole is at this time. Suspension takes care of everything on all ends.

I said it earlier in the thread, it was just a storyline where Cole used poor judgement when trying to enhance his "hated" character. No, he should not be fired but yes he should be pushed off TV after WM for 2 months and not be able to announce tonight.

BTW, FUCK GLAAD! Also, fuck all of the "I am oppressed and want my rights" groups. They should all rot in hell. Why.............................

Who is looking out for my rights when I have these illegal aliens making me pay thier health care, these ghetto moms shitting out 5 kids from 5 fathers on welfare that I have to foot the bill for, and these scumbags on disability for a hang nail that don't want to work.

FUCK YOU GLAAD! And my comment has nothing to do with sexual orientation!
This country is getting insane with all these laws and "special interest groups" crying about hurting someone's feelings.

Get over it...If I feel like calling someone a name because I dont like them, NO ONE else should be getting involved! I have the RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH and obviously if the comment wasnt directed AT YOU then you have no business complaining about anything.

This country needs to put a stop to this BS! Bring back my basic rights!
If Cole got fired for his comments I truly think it is because they need a scapegoat. Why not fire Cena or suspend Cena, after all he is the one who constantly implies gay insults on LIVE tv, forget his twitter account. To many people in the world and on this forum will find what Cole did was irresponsible and unacceptable. To me he did nothing different that most of us on this forum has probably done before, and that is call someone we know a fagot. I've done it and I know for a fact most males on this forum have done it, so why be so judgmental now? Cole should not be fired for this imo, nor should he be suspended because he was merely acting the way most of us do as men. Just because he is in the public eye, he should still be himself and just because GLAAD isn't happy with his comments, he should be fired? For those of you who feel he should be fired, one day you will have a job if you already don't and you better not say anything that can offend someone in any way because you should be fired for that too. He had a hiccup, you apologize and move on nothing more nothing less, unless it becomes a habit, then there is cause for concern. Btw, I don't know if anyone said this, but what if it was a work? Highly unlikely, but these days to get heat people will almost do anything. Imagine the boos Cole is going to get tonight.
First, I apologize if this particular subject has been covered in the previous Michael Cole thread. Moderators, do your thing if it has!

So, obviously, we all know what happened (if you don't, go read TMZ or the reports on this website... we're not going to rehash it here). If you were Vince or someone high up in the WWE food chain, how would you handle it?

Would you have Cole come out in a pre-taped segment, out of character, and make a short apology... followed by a suspension? The suspension could work, especially after WrestleMania, with the announce team claiming, in storyline, that Cole was too injured after 'Mania to work for a bit, while announcing in the press that he was suspended without pay for his slur.

Another option, which I don't suggest but I don't think WWE is above it, is to use this situation to build even more heat for the Cole character.

Or, what they'll probably do is ignore it altogether but still suspend or even fire Cole after 'Mania.

What do you cats think?
Cole screwed up, I don't see why this is so hard to understand. Promoting hate speech is unacceptable. I don't know why people it set in people's minds that hating on gays is alright, they're human beings just like everybody else. And to those that say a racial slur is worse, I don't understand how that's possible, you're still hating on someone for something that they were born with. It's like hating on someone with a mental disability, or a physical deformity. No form of hate, particularly for something that people never chose to have, is alright.

Cole should know better, he's a grown man! And I don't care if that's what he calls his friends, or if that's what you guys call your friends, just because you CAN do it, doesn't make it right. This is beyond ridiculous, Cole needs to be punished, I don't think firing is the route to go (although if this were in another company, I can guarantee you that he would be fired because managers and CEOs don't stand for that), but he should be suspended. He should go to Wrestlemania, get his ass handed to him, and then be taken off tv for a while.

Oh, also as a side note, for those who are saying that people are too sensitive and that GLAAD should keep their nose out of people's lives... how would you feel if you were in a specific group of people, one that doesn't have the same rights as everyone else, and you had to sit there and endure people hurling hateful comments and slurs at you? You probably wouldn't feel very good about it. You can't sit there behind your monitor saying that people need to grow up about it and stop being sensitive, when if you were in that exact position, you yourself would be hurt.
Step 1: Cole issues an apology.

Step 2: WWE apologizes.

^ These are already done.

Step 3: Forget about it. It's not that big of a deal and nobody will care about it very soon, so the less you talk about it, the less steam it has behind it and the less work you have to do.

Cole doesn't need to be fired or suspended or anything. Nobody is going to change their mindsets. They'll still crack the gay jokes backstage and amongst themselves. The only mistake he made was doing it in a public way where he got caught and they're trying to make up for it with counter PR moves.
Cole screwed up, I don't see why this is so hard to understand. Promoting hate speech is unacceptable. I don't know why people it set in people's minds that hating on gays is alright, they're human beings just like everybody else. And to those that say a racial slur is worse, I don't understand how that's possible, you're still hating on someone for something that they were born with. It's like hating on someone with a mental disability, or a physical deformity. No form of hate, particularly for something that people never chose to have, is alright.

Cole should know better, he's a grown man! And I don't care if that's what he calls his friends, or if that's what you guys call your friends, just because you CAN do it, doesn't make it right. This is beyond ridiculous, Cole needs to be punished, I don't think firing is the route to go (although if this were in another company, I can guarantee you that he would be fired because managers and CEOs don't stand for that), but he should be suspended. He should go to Wrestlemania, get his ass handed to him, and then be taken off tv for a while.

Oh, also as a side note, for those who are saying that people are too sensitive and that GLAAD should keep their nose out of people's lives... how would you feel if you were in a specific group of people, one that doesn't have the same rights as everyone else, and you had to sit there and endure people hurling hateful comments and slurs at you? You probably wouldn't feel very good about it. You can't sit there behind your monitor saying that people need to grow up about it and stop being sensitive, when if you were in that exact position, you yourself would be hurt.

LMAO, Im white...call me a "cracker" or a "honkey", Im not going to whine and bitch and try to get you in trouble. GLADD and people that get their feelings hurt due to this type of shit are the ones that need to "grow up" and learn that people can talk however they want and they need to learn to mind their business.

If you call a white person a name its all "ok" because whites arent considered a minority. I cant win a lawsuit if you call me a "redneck" or some BS but all the cry baby minorities have to be babied and told that their lives are going to be "fair and happy"...

This type of shit is pathetic, these groups are making the government take away our freedom of speech and expression all so some people not even involved in a situation dont get their feelings hurt...

And to those that say a racial slur is worse, I don't understand how that's possible, you're still hating on someone for something that they were born with.

I don't mind people being sensitive towards gays, but there is NO evidence that people are born gay. This is a huge misconception that homosexual people made the public believe. A simple Google search should suffice. There is no gene that makes you gay, now don't get me wrong there are doctors who have theories that you can be born gay, but every time that try to prove it they fail. I know I went off on a tangent, but you are sadly misinformed as are many others and I just felt that needed to be pointed out.
We have freedom of speach for a reason, just an fyi.


You know what I'm sick of? Kids like this touting freedom of speech without having any fucking clue what it actually means or contains. Let's recap, shall we. Welcome to US History 101, your instructior is Dr. IC25, PHR.

The First Amendment said:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Newsflash, kiddies, the WWE and GLAAD are NOT members of Congress. WWE is a business, and GLAAD is an interest group that acts as a spokesbody for the GLBTQ population, which many estimate close to 10% of the US population.

Freedom of Speech is 100% COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT HERE.

Let's go on to the next little gem, shall we?

If people are going to have a problem with certain things, DON'T READ IT, OR DON'T WATCH IT! WHATEVER!

<removes history professor style tweed sports coat and dons more customary dark charcoal business suit coat>

Welcome to Business 101. Once again, your instructor, is Prof. IC25.

WWE is a business, and IF PEOPLE DON'T WATCH IT, THEN WWE LOSES MONEY! Do you have ANY idea what the estimated buying power of the GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans-gender, questioning) population in the US is? Roughly $800 billion per year. PER YEAR! You honestly think that the WWE wants to take $800 billion OFF the table in potential revenue so their announcer can use the word ****** on Twitter!? Or that they want to deal with the cost of a potential defamation / harrassment lawsuit by employees who are GLBTQ and feel that WWE, by not doing anything about Cole's comment, is creating a hostile work environment!?

Folks, what WWE is doing with GLAAD is not mandatory. It's damage control. They're trying to preserve an image so that they DON'T lose money. Plus, since so many of their fans are younger, HS and college aged kids, why piss off the customers AND the parents who feel that the WWE is condoning bullying?

Detention, Mr. Knife.
Fire Michael Cole. This is how I would book it.

Kane loses his match against Wade Barrett. He is backstage and very angry. Michael Cole walks pass him. Kane releases his anger on him, but before he can do any damage, Jack Swagger comes and saves Michael Cole. Kane chokeslams Jack Swagger, leaving him unconscious. Kane grabs Michael Cole, chokeslams him through 10 floors, gets a steel chair, hits him in the head, gets a barbed wire, and mutilates Cole.

This idea will not only get Kane VERY VERY VERY over, but establish him as a MONSTER face.
NOTHING should have to be done but apparently the "gays" are a very emotional group of people and need to get involved in everyone elses everyday lives all so they dont feel bad about their lives.

Both WWE and Cole have appoligized, CENA even appoligized after his comments, now WWE is just doing damage control so these special interest groups dont try to ruin their business.....

These groups make me sick....

I said it earlier in the thread, it was just a storyline where Cole used poor judgement when trying to enhance his "hated" character. No, he should not be fired but yes he should be pushed off TV after WM for 2 months and not be able to announce tonight.

BTW, FUCK GLAAD! Also, fuck all of the "I am oppressed and want my rights" groups. They should all rot in hell. Why.............................

Who is looking out for my rights when I have these illegal aliens making me pay thier health care, these ghetto moms shitting out 5 kids from 5 fathers on welfare that I have to foot the bill for, and these scumbags on disability for a hang nail that don't want to work.

FUCK YOU GLAAD! And my comment has nothing to do with sexual orientation!

Um....Ghetto moms and illegal aliens, slack off workers are breaking LAWS. What laws are gays breaking? Try again, Your point is moot.

The constitution that has all of your FREEDOM OF SPEECH quotes, Do NOT cover, derogatory, racial, bigoted, or prejudice words, I assume everyone is ignoring that because it doesnt help their cause, they just was ''do what they want''. Grow up people, seriously

IrishCanadian25, PHR
, Thank you for having a brain, attention to history, and not being immature like alot of these KIDS who spew the ''say what you want' crap. The Freedom of speech was meant for the PEOPLE able to speak about their goverment, not for some idiot to go on a social forum and say prejudice words, and Im glad SOMEONE besides me knows that
LMAO, Im white...call me a "cracker" or a "honkey", Im not going to whine and bitch and try to get you in trouble. GLADD and people that get their feelings hurt due to this type of shit are the ones that need to "grow up" and learn that people can talk however they want and they need to learn to mind their business.

If you call a white person a name its all "ok" because whites arent considered a minority. I cant win a lawsuit if you call me a "redneck" or some BS but all the cry baby minorities have to be babied and told that their lives are going to be "fair and happy"...

This type of shit is pathetic, these groups are making the government take away our freedom of speech and expression all so some people not even involved in a situation dont get their feelings hurt...


I think calling ANYONE by any sort of derogatory term like that is wrong. Nobody is trying to "baby" a minority, I fail to see how trying to give everyone equal rights is babying, unless you're saying that not everyone around deserves the same rights?

Nobody is trying to take away your freedom of speech, but there is a thing called "abusing your rights". I won't pretend to know much about American laws or the constitution, seeing as I'm Canadian, but just because you HAVE the right to freedom of speech, doesn't mean that people can abuse it like they have been. I'm all for freedom of speech, I exercise that right frequently, particularly when I'm standing up for what I believe in. I just don't think it's right to exercise free speech when all it's doing is promoting hatred.

You know what I'm sick of? Kids like this touting freedom of speech without having any fucking clue what it actually means or contains. Let's recap, shall we. Welcome to US History 101, your instructior is Dr. IC25, PHR.

Newsflash, kiddies, the WWE and GLAAD are NOT members of Congress. WWE is a business, and GLAAD is an interest group that acts as a spokesbody for the GLBTQ population, which many estimate close to 10% of the US population.

Freedom of Speech is 100% COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT HERE.

Let's go on to the next little gem, shall we?

<removes history professor style tweed sports coat and dons more customary dark charcoal business suit coat>

Welcome to Business 101. Once again, your instructor, is Prof. IC25.

WWE is a business, and IF PEOPLE DON'T WATCH IT, THEN WWE LOSES MONEY! Do you have ANY idea what the estimated buying power of the GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans-gender, questioning) population in the US is? Roughly $800 billion per year. PER YEAR! You honestly think that the WWE wants to take $800 billion OFF the table in potential revenue so their announcer can use the word ****** on Twitter!? Or that they want to deal with the cost of a potential defamation / harrassment lawsuit by employees who are GLBTQ and feel that WWE, by not doing anything about Cole's comment, is creating a hostile work environment!?

Folks, what WWE is doing with GLAAD is not mandatory. It's damage control. They're trying to preserve an image so that they DON'T lose money. Plus, since so many of their fans are younger, HS and college aged kids, why piss off the customers AND the parents who feel that the WWE is condoning bullying?

Detention, Mr. Knife.

I dont think anyone is arguing against your points....so confused where your hostility is coming from.

Everyone knows that the WWE has to protect itself from these BS interest groups because the world is going downhill and we are all worried about hurting someones feelings (waaaa waaa waaa).

The basic issue is that these groups SHOULDNT have the power to MAKE the WWE have to do damage control because our Freedom of Speech should over rule whatever BS these groups try to spew to protect their feelings.

Yes, since the world has turned into trying to censor EVERYTHING that ANYONE may find even slightly objectionable now the WWE is put in the position where they have to act or else someone might cry to mommy that the big bad WWE hurt their feeligs and made them sad.

The fact that these groups have this power and we have lost our freedom of speech is the REAL problem here.
Am I the only one in the world to see this for what it is.

Guys & Gals; IT'S A STORY LINE! The story line is that Cole is supposed to be a *********** and an asshole to every and all (except the Miz). The problem is that his "charcacter" went too far and did something stupid. It has nothing to do with Michael Cole being homophobic. PAAAAA-LLLLEEEEEESSSSSSSEEEEEEEE!

OK. Is that the excuse everyone uses when someone does something wrong?(Not bashing you in anyway, but people say "It's a work" like people changes droz.)

I have no problem with freedom of speech. However, there is a difference between freedom of speech and being just plain idiotic. Cole was being just plain idiotic. Especially if Josh really is homosexual. Then he definitely crossed the line. He's really lucky that he's gonna get squashed at Mania. Otherwise, he would've gotten fired no problem. Cole really is becoming intolerable. :disappointed: He let his character go too his head a little too much. He's a grown freakin' man. He should've known better.
I agree entirely with Anthony. An apology from both Cole and the WWE was essential. Now that it's been done, just move on. If they were to do anything, it wouldn't be until after Wrestlemania anyway. By that time, this whole thing will be forgotten about. I don't see Cole getting punished any further, and he really shouldn't. If he does, all it should be is a chewing out from Vince (which I'm sure has/will happen) or maybe just a total beatdown on WWE TV. I don't think it would be right for his entire career to be screwed with over one dumb mistake, albeit a big one.
LMAO @ Anyone defending the fact that callign someone a NAME takes away from EQUAL RIGHTS!

You can call me a name and I can call you a name we both have that power, its just always the minority that cries when the big bad majority puts them down all because this is the only way to feel like the minority has some power. Its like "Oh yeah, well I'll teach you, im going to sue! Shut up meanie!"

It's sad and pathetic and its a shame that people can no longer even talk to their colleagues without people getting involved that think people shouldnt "be mean"...
I'm not a huge fan of Michael Cole however nothing should happen to him whatever happened to freedom of speech in our country i don't think we have it anymore its freedom of speech up until someone gets butt hurt
To those holding onto the ''Freedom of speech'' excuse.


It is LIMITED to HATE SPEECH. I assume, most have NOT read the actualy document, but the points are quite clear. AND I QUOTE:
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Bone up people, It was initially a governmental law, NOT for every idiot with a mouth.

DJ_Legacy: Can't talk to their colleuges? Go to your job, and call the closest black person ******, Then text us in the unemployment line, OR the hospital after he knocks you out. That is NOT speaking with a peer, its hate words. Im appalled at how so many people don't THINK anymore. And using a internet accronym? Not the best way to be taken seriously as an adult. ''Lol Uz gotz pwned, roflcopter''

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