**Merged** [OFFICIAL] The Future of Miz Thread

when did i type like that? i must have missed something..? anyways, i like sheamus hes great on the mic even better on the mat but what i dont like is that he got his shot to early. for whatever reason, im pretty sure it was a good reason, he got to the main event without really spending to much time on the bottom. i dont really digg that at all.
Well, I'm hoping the Miz isn't the next HHH or John Cena, because they will never be another John Cena or HHH. We don't need another HHH or John Cena.

Just like in Football. Eli Manning is going to be Eli Manning, and Peyton Manning will be Peyton Manning. Like Steve Young is Steve Young, and Joe Montana will be Joe Montana.

Now, we are discussing the term face of the company. The WWE has a number one face of the company, but a lot of other guys work with that face, making the Company. (I Figured just throw that out there.)

Overall, We will soon see The Miz in main events. Nothing really makes the company a bigger deal, then a new villain that people can connect too.

Take the Dark Knight for example. The Joker really made that movie. Batman was great in that film. I loved the previous film. But with the Joker joining the 2nd film, it became such a powerful film. We all wondered, how will The Joker be stopped, not also that, but some of us didn't want him to stop because it was just so damn entertaining from start to finish. But to get to my point. The Dark Knight was the batman sequel, but when you think of the Dark Knight, you think of the Miz.

The Miz is entertaining. A good bad guy that get's the job done. And does it very well. He has gotten much better in the ring, and his attitude is just amazing. He can very much well, steal the Show with a John Cena feud. Or with a Randy Orton Feud.

So, I hope the Miz doesn't concentrate on being the future, but on making the Miz better.
You basically agreed with me around 900 times in that post, but seemed to insist that you were disagreeing. He will main event. He will get title runs. He will NOT be the top face of the company or the #1 guy that Cena has been these past few years, that Rock and Austin were, that Hogan was. No. Just, no.

Hard to tell, your thoughts were all over the place that it was hard to interpret what your opinion was. Hell, you should just replace the original post with this one paragraph.

In regards to the Rock, he is absolutely unique. I stick by my guns that Miz is NO WHERE NEAR Austin/Rock. That is RIDICULOUS to think. MAYBE, HUGEEEEEEEEE MAYBE, if we weren't in the PG ERA and anything went Miz could come CLOSE. But I mean dude are you shitting me right now? Rock could do a heel to face turn because he was that damn good.

I'll leave you be on your Miz/Rock comparison due to difference of opinion, but to say that The Rock could do a heel/face turn because he was "that damn good" is weak. Why couldn't a Miz turn be just as successful? Because he's too big a heel, as you yourself said?

Funny, I remember another big heel who was also "that damn good" named Triple H. People said he was too hated to turn face and look what happened. HHH was a FAR bigger heel than Miz, so if he can do it, I see no reason why Miz can't.

I don't see how any of those arguments are 'weak' either. And how does age have nothing to do with this? We're talking about the future face of the WWE for years to come. If Cena and Orton were both in their forties, your little girlfriend would have a much better shot at being the top dog. But he doesn't, and he won't be.

Your argument is weak because say Miz's in-ring ability hasn't improved without explaining how or why. You chose instead to talk about John Cena.

Your argument is weak because you say Miz can't be a top face simply because he's too big a heel despite the fact that other heels, some bigger than Miz, have made the switch before and were successful.

As far as the age thing goes, I said that because you mentioned Cena & Orton's ages even though they were irrelevant to the rest of your post. You just said they were the two biggest stars/draws after that. I didn't see why the age was necessary.
Well, I'm hoping the Miz isn't the next HHH or John Cena, because they will never be another John Cena or HHH. We don't need another HHH or John Cena.

Just like in Football. Eli Manning is going to be Eli Manning, and Peyton Manning will be Peyton Manning. Like Steve Young is Steve Young, and Joe Montana will be Joe Montana.

Now, we are discussing the term face of the company. The WWE has a number one face of the company, but a lot of other guys work with that face, making the Company. (I Figured just throw that out there.)

Overall, We will soon see The Miz in main events. Nothing really makes the company a bigger deal, then a new villain that people can connect too.

Take the Dark Knight for example. The Joker really made that movie. Batman was great in that film. I loved the previous film. But with the Joker joining the 2nd film, it became such a powerful film. We all wondered, how will The Joker be stopped, not also that, but some of us didn't want him to stop because it was just so damn entertaining from start to finish. But to get to my point. The Dark Knight was the batman sequel, but when you think of the Dark Knight, you think of the Miz.

The Miz is entertaining. A good bad guy that get's the job done. And does it very well. He has gotten much better in the ring, and his attitude is just amazing. He can very much well, steal the Show with a John Cena feud. Or with a Randy Orton Feud.

So, I hope the Miz doesn't concentrate on being the future, but on making the Miz better.

when people say the next triple h or the next rock we actually mean the next guy to carry on the legacy, which is MUCH needed
The Miz, of course he can be a face. He'd make an excellent tweener but that is not the point. Miz has charisma it oozes from him, his mic skill alone will help him pull off a successful face turn if it ever happened and as of right now i dont see that happening.
Why not give it time? As fans watching the show, why not just sit back and see what happens instead of criticizing and guessing how everything will turn out? Thinking "The Miz just won't do good as a face" and then come up with possible gimmicks and ideas will make you automatically be on the negative side of the turn, when you could easily sit back and see what it brings. It could be hit or miss, but don't determine it's a miss before anything is set.
If you forget about Shawn when he was in the Rockers but only as he started solo the same questions were raised.
He was a good heel before he became HBK when he became a great heel it was several years before he could make the turn and make it work.
As he developed in the ring he made it possible. I see miz the much the same, but hopefully not before he has had 3 good heel runs with the strap and a long feud with Big Show or Undertaker where he wins clean.
-Why would they make the face of the WWE a guy that most of the fans (especially the younger generations) have been taught to hate? Yeah kids, remember that guy that would always fight dirty and beat up the good guys and call you all losers? Yeah well he's now a good guy so root for him! Maybe that happens with a lot of wrestlers, a simple change of script from heel to face of vice-versa, but does it turn them into the FACE OF THE COMPANY? NO. Definitely not when they are THIS BIG of a heel.

Randy Orton was "THIS BIG of a heel" and now he's a face. He was dominating everyone before and after WrestleMania last year with kicks to the head. He booted the crap out of Triple H, who was a huge face, and he had Legacy helping him out with his dirty work. He was the biggest heel in the business. But now he's a huge face. So maybe you should think about that...
Look at Chris Jericho. Awesome as a heel and cuts the best promos, but as a face he is equally as good.
Randy Orton - How on earth he went from being the most hated heel in WWE to a mega face is incredible. The fans turned him, which could well happen to the Miz in time.
Cena - Started as a good heel and is now the top face.
The Rock - Again, he was a great heel, but equally a great face.
No kidding that heel-to-face turns happen. Didn't I already say that? I'm saying it's not going to happen to the point where this guy is the John Cena of the WWE. And it won't. It won't happen with anyone.

I fail to see how my opinion was all over the place. I was actually rather direct, your simple lack of understanding gave you the idea that I thought Miz was just bad. No, he is overblown and treated like the next John Cena. Don't ask me "who says dat xD" again, because if you haven't seen it here then open your eyes. "MIZ IS DA FUTURE FACE OF DA COMPANY". Sorry, but no.

And Orton/Cena's age does matter to this because THEY are the faces of the company, Cena is, Orton's second. They aren't going anywhere because they are YOUNG. So Miz will not be them until they are gone.
-Why would they make the face of the WWE a guy that most of the fans (especially the younger generations) have been taught to hate? Yeah kids, remember that guy that would always fight dirty and beat up the good guys and call you all losers? Yeah well he's now a good guy so root for him! Maybe that happens with a lot of wrestlers, a simple change of script from heel to face of vice-versa, but does it turn them into the FACE OF THE COMPANY? NO. Definitely not when they are THIS BIG of a heel.

You understand that you just described exactly what Randy Orton has already done right? And Randy Orton was a MUCH bigger heel than Miz is now. His Legend Killer gimmick took well care of that. Not to mention his feuds with HHH.

Anyways, Miz is on the fast track to being one of the faces for sure. He'll never be John Cena. And he'll likely never be Randy Orton. But some day it will happen. It's just a matter of time. Everyone knows if Vince likes you, you're going somewhere usually.
He might not be the main face of the WWE, but the WWE don't have just one face of the company, also all the faces in the company are not just baby-faces, there also heel as well. You need more than one face, or the public will get bored seen them all the time being pushed. Would you like to see Cena on all the PPV posters, Magazines etc no, that why they rotate them with other main stars to keep things fresh. What would happen when Cena and Orton get injured who fill the void. Also main events were becoming stale as its being the same main eventers going against each other all the time. So they are now bringing new main eventers to freshen up the title chase.
They Build stars constantly so they can step up to the plate without star power being questioned. A plus for the Miz is the kids love him as villian, and buy his mechandise and that what the WWE want to see is money money money.
What would his gimmick be as a face a underdog who always over comes the odds? I sure hope not wwe already has rey mysterio playing that gimmick which really isnt all that entertaining imo so i dont know how wwe could make it work.

You are making what we call strawman arguments. Of course the Miz could be a face. Have him keep that arrogance and instead of directing witty insults at the crowd just turn them on guys like Jericho, Sheamus, and Edge.
Yeah dude, I was totally saying he isn't ready for a push or anything. That is exactly what I said. You are DEAD on.

That was sarcasm.

What a main-eventer is to you, could be different from me. As long as a guy is in or has been in a main event someone can argue they are a main-eventer. Think of the principals of it. Don't be so ignorant. I'm not saying that's my definition of what a main eventer is but to each his own.

You act as if I'M the one comparing Miz to other people. I'm not. The people that say MIZ IZ DA NEX JERICHO are the ones that are. /facepalm

Oh No! Not the dreaded interweb facepalm! Ouch, my feelings :rolleyes:

Please point out where I claimed that you were saying Miz didn't deserve a push. I'll wait... Oh couldn't find it? Maybe because I never said that's what your particular Miz-bashing thread is about numbnuts.

Okay so you say that as long as a guy has been in the main event then he is a main-eventer. Well then by your standards Zack Ryder must be a main-eventer too. Matt Hardy is also a member of that esteemed group. Your logic is flawed. With all your back and forth bitching with every respondent, I'm starting to think you did this as a lame attempt to get your post count up.
dude if your a noob and haven't been watching the wwe since recently in the last year hate to tell you that Mike Mizanin started as a face on Smackdown! and when the fans was booing him as a face kinda like w/ the Rock they turned him heel go back and watch back in late 2004 to Jan 2007 where he was a face but he sucked then as a generic wrestler who just came from Tough Enough 2004. So yes he could be face if he wanted to be one but he plays the heel or bad guy perfectly because he plays the gimmick outside the ring or that is the real Mike Mizanin where getting weekly. It's all up to him if he chooses to be one again but I think he'll stay heel for his remainder of his career.
Here we go again can people stop with the over analyzing of this man .....let him get his shot from all accounts he works his ass off and like it or not he will get achance on top., now let's all take a deep breath and see what he does with it ..DAMN calm down.
Why do you people insist that Miz can't play a face? You do realize that all he would have to do is change who he fights against right? Let's take a look at The Great One himself; The Rock (simmer down guys, not comparing Miz to Rocky.) He insulted faces and came up with catchy sayings and used them until the fans started saying it along with him. It became so prevalent that he began stopping mid-catchphrase to say "This is not sing-along with The Rock!" The audience is already following along with Miz's Awweeeessooooome and it was reported at a house show that he said "You people don't deserve to sing along with me!" A little too close for my comfort because while I do like The Miz, I love The Rock and if Miz tries to emulate him, he would only fail. However, my point is that he can continue being a cocky ass and just turn his insults to heels and I guarantee you that he will be accepted.
He most certainly can be a face... because he sucks as a heel.

I know he's charismatic, entertaining blah blah blah, but that's not a heel's job, that's a faces job. The Miz "turning face" would involve nothing but changing who he feuds with.
prob he cant turn face.turning face means kids love you now,but us older fans like heels more for edgines and yeah i think miz would lean more towards supercena type face,also who else doesnt like randy orton anymore because of him being FACE not tween or heel?
And on a side note, i REALLY hope at some point they get the Rock to visit again and interrupt the Miz and do the "Who in the blue hell thing" to him. Oh man.

I'm with you, Duke. My sig says it all. That would be a great segment to watch on RAW.

Back on topic, The Miz is probably best suited as a tweener. Hell, he was doing that already when he was getting in Sheamus's head, and the crowd ate it up. I just hope he doesn't flip flop back and forth between face and heel (like Kane).
I really don't think this guy can ever be a face. I just don't see it if wwe ever turns him face imo they will be making a big mistake. The miz is great on the mic as a heel but i wouldn't wanna listen to him cut a promo as a face.

He is great as a heel because he has that cocky arrogant im better than you attitude and really knows how to sell it. Also the miz isn't the biggest guy imo he is kinda avg size.

What would his gimmick be as a face a underdog who always over comes the odds? I sure hope not wwe already has rey mysterio playing that gimmick which really isnt all that entertaining imo so i dont know how wwe could make it work.

So does anyone think he could be a successful face? If so what do you think his gimmick will be? How would wwe turn him face?

I think he could be sucessful. My proof of this is look at the Rock. When the rock debuted he was a face. no body cared about him and would chant "Rocky Sucks". they turned the rock heel and he came out with a more cocky arrogant attitude than ever and the crowd loved it. This was similar to the cocky way the miz is now. They both had catch phrases that you loved to hate. Miz has "IM THE MIZ, AND IM AWESOME!!" where the rock had "If you smell what the rock is cookin" when the rock turned face, he was a face but he was still cocky and arrogant. thats the only way u can turn the Miz face. you have to make him still be arrogant, but an arrogant guy that plays to the crowd.
Oh No! Not the dreaded interweb facepalm! Ouch, my feelings :rolleyes:

Please point out where I claimed that you were saying Miz didn't deserve a push. I'll wait... Oh couldn't find it? Maybe because I never said that's what your particular Miz-bashing thread is about numbnuts.

Okay so you say that as long as a guy has been in the main event then he is a main-eventer. Well then by your standards Zack Ryder must be a main-eventer too. Matt Hardy is also a member of that esteemed group. Your logic is flawed. With all your back and forth bitching with every respondent, I'm starting to think you did this as a lame attempt to get your post count up.

Yikes someone's a little tender. Post count? What? Wait you think this discussion is over some number next to my name? What the shit are you talking about?

Let me repeat what I said and we can both see if you can read this time, here goes k?

"What a main-eventer is to you, could be different from me. As long as a guy is in or has been in a main event someone can argue they are a main-eventer. Think of the principals of it. Don't be so ignorant. I'm not saying that's my definition of what a main eventer is but to each his own."

Did we get it? You see it? No?

A person who's never watched wrestling before but happened to watch Ryder get booted in the face by Sheamus could say that Ryder is a main eventer because he saw him in the main event. It'd be a weak argument, but there is no real definition of a "main eventer". There is no set-limit to how many times a person has to be in the main event to be labeled one. It is just one's perception of how they view a wrestler. There is no argument here. Not to mention I already listed the guys who, in my mind, are main eventers so I don't understand your assumption of me believing Matt Hardy is a main-eventer or whatever you were rambling about.

Why are you even going on about this? This has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. I simply stated that Miz is a main eventer. MY BAD! OOPS! Ok, what I meant to say is he "will one day" be a main eventer.

Holy shit some people...
I think he could be sucessful. My proof of this is look at the Rock. When the rock debuted he was a face. no body cared about him and would chant "Rocky Sucks". they turned the rock heel and he came out with a more cocky arrogant attitude than ever and the crowd loved it. This was similar to the cocky way the miz is now. They both had catch phrases that you loved to hate. Miz has "IM THE MIZ, AND IM AWESOME!!" where the rock had "If you smell what the rock is cookin" when the rock turned face, he was a face but he was still cocky and arrogant. thats the only way u can turn the Miz face. you have to make him still be arrogant, but an arrogant guy that plays to the crowd.

A classic example to compare The Rock and Miz in terms of crowd reaction. Go back a few Raw's ago and Miz tells the crowd to stop saying 'Awesome', stopping and waiting to catch the crowd out. Its very similiar to when The Rock told the crowd 'This isn't a singalong with The Rock'. So the face elements are there if we use The Rock as the example. Even a heel Austin had the 'What?' chanted by the fans. Later as a face and even today, they continue. So The Miz has the face element to him, he doesn't have to like the fans as a character to be a face. He can continue to do his catchphrases and insult the heels. Thats all that is needed.
You understand that you just described exactly what Randy Orton has already done right? And Randy Orton was a MUCH bigger heel than Miz is now. His Legend Killer gimmick took well care of that. Not to mention his feuds with HHH.

Anyways, Miz is on the fast track to being one of the faces for sure. He'll never be John Cena. And he'll likely never be Randy Orton. But some day it will happen. It's just a matter of time. Everyone knows if Vince likes you, you're going somewhere usually.

Yes, Orton has made it that far from being one of the BIGGEST heels in WWE history (I'd go as far as saying) to being the second biggest name in the business (arguably, but not really). I totally agree with you and I definitely over-looked Orton. But here's the thing, Orton was the youngest champion ever, he was in one of the biggest stables ever, he has former WWF blood in him, his look is a classic superstar look being pretty tall, perfectly built, the tatoos, everything. Unfortunately, and unluckily for the Miz, he really has none of that.

Not once have I denied in this entire thread that Miz will be a main eventer. He will be. It's a fact. However, he will not become what John Cena is and that is THE face of the company. THE guy. I've seen on more than 15 occasions (at least) people claiming that he WILL be. I am disagreeing with it.

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