Rosie Lottalove

Christ, what's the big deal? A fat bird rocked up to the ring looking a bit glammed up. Get over it. I've seen more disgusting things than that on wrestling shows (Mae Young) and will continue to do so.

Personally I thought Kong was a load of old bollocks as well, so it really makes no odds to me. I'll give her a chance based on the very little I've seen of her in ring and on mic.
She's been trained by 3-D, so there's talent there. Ring work's not too shabby, and she does have some sort of a personality. When I first heard they were bringing her into TNA I held out some hope that even though she's no Kong, at least TNA was being serious about getting actual wrestlers instead of just skinny eye candy. I still hang on to that hope, and with it a prayer that someone will slap the s--- out of Russo for coming up with this gimmick. Even though it's still better than that Betsy Ruth gimmick she was saddled with, get rid of the teddy and fishnets. It just doesn't work.

I'll keep watching just because I want to see her slap the taste out of TBP, but please, Vince.. PLEASE.. come up with something different for her.
so much for breaking the stereotype about women.

she was on that one episode and they never brought her back. i didn't see that they let her go, unless they just don't have room. but it's the frickin' knockout division, which only has, what, 6 wrestlers total?

i hope they bring her back sometime.
so much for breaking the stereotype about women.

she was on that one episode and they never brought her back. i didn't see that they let her go, unless they just don't have room. but it's the frickin' knockout division, which only has, what, 6 wrestlers total?

i hope they bring her back sometime.

Thats how it is with TNA see em 1 week gone the next, hell they do it with Joe too which is really kinda annoying since it messes up the process of building people up, storylines, ect.
Thats how it is with TNA see em 1 week gone the next, hell they do it with Joe too which is really kinda annoying since it messes up the process of building people up, storylines, ect.

i can see it if it was a guy, but the ratio of men to women in tna is like 20-1.

i do hope they bring her back. i liked the storyline they were putting her in with beautiful people.

oh well.
I don't think Rosie is gone by any stretch – I just think they've held off on her push a bit because of the complaints from the back about how green she still is, as well as the fact that Love just came back from injury and they wanted to come full-circle with her feud with TBP.

The alternative here is worse than the idea of keeping Rosie off TV for a few weeks – the alternative would be leaving the Love/TBP feud unfinished – something TNA is lambasted for on a daily basis here. I'd rather they complete the feud and leave Rosie out to dry for now than push Rosie and somehow pretend Love's angle with TBP never mattered (or didn't matter as much as Rosie's potetial feud).
Maybe their thinking of something for her to do. Don't forget TNA has a habit of setting you up with a potential fued and then changing it to somethig else.

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