2010 The year of Mattitude

This could be they year of Mattitude if Matt gets into the Smackdown money in the bank match and wins. I have always been a fan of both Matt and Jeff and it took a while for Jeff to get there but he did and everyone said he wouldn't I think that same is true with Matt.

I really hope Matt wins the world title this year he is a good in-ring competitor and he is good on the mic and he is a fan favorite. He has been in the business a long time and I think that his time is coming. He has put on some great matches and he shouldn't be punished for his brother's mistakes. If they pushed Jeff I think that they will push Matt just wait his push is coming.
Matt Hardy can sure get a reaction out of the fans. The guy is really over. He isn't "in shape" per se like most guys but he certainly isn't fat, like X said. I bust on Hardy, just for shits and giggles. I for one don't have any problem with Matt at all, in fact I enjoy his work. This could be the right time to push Hardy, but like X I prefer him as a heel. I really bought into Matt Hardy's heel run last year and it sucks it was dropped so quickly. But right now Hardy could be a guy that could shock us and win the MITB if he is in the SD one. He had a solid MITB at Mania, so I wouldn't see why not. I think a nice midcard feud over the IC title with Ziggler (if he were to win it) would be a nice little shindig for Hardy.

Right now though I expect him and McIntyre (if he gets his visa solved) to continue and culminate at Summerslam. If that isn't the case I'd have no complaints if Hardy were to win at MITB and become an eventual world champ on the SD brand.
Matt Hardy sin't the greatest, but he could have a decent reign as champion. The facts are is that he is not fat. People talk about Matt Hardy being fat, but Jack Swagger has a little bit of a gut himself and no one makes a big deal out of that. Matt Hardy is a big draw amongst the little kids, he is a decent wrestler, and can cut a decent promo. People only hate on Matt Hardy because it is "the cool thing to do." He was really over with the crowd as ECW Champion so why wouldn't he be over as World Heavyweight Champion?
I'm glad to see some pro-Hardy posts in this thread. I was expecting the whole thing to be full of hating on him. Anyway, Will this be Matt's year? I don't see it being his year in terms of winning the big one, but he can take some big steps forward after a very forgettable year prior to now. This McIntyre feud has given him a purpose once again and I thought the match they had on Smackdown last week was fairly good.

I feel that Matt has to be considered as a possible winner of the Smackdown MITB. As we saw with Swagger, anyone can win it and Matt has every chance. Like I said earlier, I don't think he will win the big one this year, so I wouldn't put money on him winning MITB, but it is a possibility. Even if he doesn't win it, there is no reason he can't be considered a title contender come the end of the year if he is used well for the rest of the year.

The one thing you can't ignore about Hardy is the pops and crowd reaction he gets. He has a good connection with the fans and that can be all important. He is a more than decent wrestler and, while his mic skills aren't great, they are good enough to get by. I don't get everyone's obsession with his weight. Would it be in his best interests to have a rock hard six-pack? Sure. Is it that big of a deal? No. It just isn't.
I'm not a Matt Hardy fan. At all. It's one of those things that it's hard to explain, but it's just a culmination of things that bother me about him.

He's been sloppy for the past few months. All of his in ring work has been slow, messy, and unimpressive. His feud with Drew has failed to capture my imagination, and I can't even remember what he was doing before that.

The last time he seemed relevant was in his feud with Jeff when he turned heel. I thought he was a fantastic heel. He cut great self-pity promos that were both hilarious and aggravating, and worked his matches very well.

Then he and Jeff became friends again, and he once again slipped into his brother's shadow, and there he stayed until Jeff left. Even then, he struggled to become seen, and he wasn't until his feud with McIntyre.

Quite frankly, Matt Hardy isn't over right now because of Matt Hardy, he's over because of a short and peppy black guy, a tall and angry Scott, and WWE creative. People like him because of the feud, not because he's cut any great promos or done any superb ring work.

His song still sucks, his look hasn't changed since he started wrestling, and the quality of his character has only declined in recent years, except for his heel turn.

I'm about done with Matt Hardy. Unless they can reinvent him one more time, then I've completely lost all interest in him.
I gotta say this, I've seen some great stuff from Matt Hardy. He's a guy who can commit, do what he has to do, get the job done reliably, and not only get himself over but get his opponent over as well. He's one of the more unselfish wrestlers in the WWE...which may be his problem. Like it or not, many of the wrestlers who eventually became legends were spoken to be backstabbers and "a-holes" by other wrestlers (take the cases of Hogan and Nash for a couple.) Some notable exceptions to this ('Taker for one) but you see what I mean.

However, he's also been a very reliable workhorse for the WWE and it would seem that, in some cases, many of the big boys in the board room are starting to reward that sort of behavior...up to a point. All I have to say is that now that Mysterio is champion again, anything is possible. Will Matt Hardy have a another championship run of any kind? It's probable in the midcard sector and I wouldn't put it past him to have one lousy stinkin' run as main event champion. Considering that they've fobbed off the WWE Championship on a Ronald McDonald clone with even less ring ability (yet again I might add), I'd say Matt has far more than a chance.

And to all this garbage about Matt Hardy being out of shape, what are you on about? It's true that he's perhaps stockier than your average Ken Doll, and perhaps he deviates slightly from what many have been conditioned through advertisers and popular media to think the ideal male looks like, but out of shape? No. The guy is in perfect shape to do what he needs to do and I personally like the fact that he doesn't simply look like everyone else.
I agree from Matt Hardy's feud with Drew McIntyre that it's elevated them both. It's been unfortunate he has been pushed down so many times, partially because he seems to still be in the shadow of his younger brother(even though obviously Jeff is in TNA now), but partially because he's overlooked. Well I do hope it leads to a big enough push that he could get a Title shot. He's got plenty of attributes despite what the critics say about him, and he's definitely one who can "get the job done" in the ring. I would mark for Matt Hardy to be a world heavyweight champion. Even if it's unlikely...it never hurts to dream...
I must say, I am interested in his quoting that '10 will be the year of Matt Hardy. Although, its a little odd because if you've seen some of his videos on his youtube channel, its is a little crazy, like '51/50' crazy (where you think you may have to have someone involuntarily committed) crazy. But then again, this could be the whole sh-tick he's doing for that angle.
I will say, he has said before '04, '05, 06, 07, 08, 09 was all year of the Hardy. Maybe I was watching the wrong Hardy. I really do root for Matt. As others say, he is a very hard worker, and he does have an intense passion for this. When you figure with Drew out for now, and Taker out, you really do see this trend of un-expecteds having the belts, (WWE title, WHC, IC, US...etc.) So it couldn't be that far-fetched for him to be elevated to that next level since he's going to be at the MITB ppv, and since he is one of the pioneers, you have to consider him a big favorite for that match. If I was a betting gal, I would feel more than comfortable putting some credit behind him on that night for that event. :)
I'm going to go ahead and say that 2010 won't be Matt's year for the same reason that any toher year isn't going to be his. That reason is that he sucks. His promos are at Morrison levels of shitness, and while he is ok(ish) in the ring he is not entertaining. He also hasn't been able to get into shape after his time off (which could have been avoided if he hadn't been foolish enough to let his appendix burst on him)

He is over for two reasons, firstly because he's related to Jeff and the name alone is worth a sizable pop (even though Junkie Jeff is himself terrible he's very popular) and because he's a rabble rouser. He's not worth pushing frankly, and for that reason will never be given one.

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