Rob Terry; better than most


Championship Contender
Since Rob Terry's debut in TNA, the man's been a constant victim of criticism. When he was a member of the British Invasion people said he couldn't be anything more than an enforcer. He had no ring skill, he had no mic. skill. He broke out on his own and revealed a pretty neat moveset for a guy his size, including a spin kick. Still he got treated like shit, compared to early Batista and other terrible big men.

So let me provide evidence to the contrary;

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That right there, looked like a pretty good match to me.

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And the promo at the start of Xplosion featured there, doesn't seem to me like someone with poor mic. skills, so...Rob Terry, anyone care to tell me why he's not a good performer?
I don't mind Rob Terry at all. Is he perfect, of course not , but he's still a relative newcomer (I think). I really am not particularly familiar with him in any detail because I am usually unable to make it through an episode of iMPACT without changing the channel or falling asleep. But from what I've seen he's OK.

I don't mind his mic skills and they'll get better as he develops with time. Same goes for his in-ring skills. Sure he's no mat technician, but he fits the mold of the typical big muscular power wrestler, along the lines of Batista or Goldberg (although he's not at their level yet). Give him time for this to develop as well.

I would rather see TNA give in-ring time and promo time to a guy like Rob Terry, who may be green but may be a diamond in the rough, so to speak, rather than have TNA piss away its limited on-air time with nostalgia like EV2.0, potentially a reincarnated Red Wolfpac, or a recycling of old WCW guys. Much like Nexus, maybe something will come from it and maybe it won't, only time will tell. But nothing is coming from these limps down memory lane. Better to have an angle which may be limited at the moment, but has the potential to develop into something in the future, rather than an angle that has a shelf life of 2-3 weeks tops and then is over.
anyone care to tell me why he's not a good performer?

I would've rephrased that differently. Because he's not a good performer. But he is underrated, but only because of how many people think he's absolutely terrible. I probably would've asked in what way he's bad. It's harder to answer because he's improved significantly since his debut. In 5 years he could very well be competent. Maybe.

One ok match here and there doesn't make you a good performer. It makes you an occasionally okay performer. But at least it's a starting point.
I haven't seen that one thing that makes me like Rob yet. Sadly all we have seen him in is quick 5 minute matches and if that's all he can pull off then there is your answer. However I would be interested in seeing a good 15 minute match against AJ to see what he can really do when it's not just short bursts. I'm hoping that they do eventually end this little feud with AJ & Rob with a good final match so we can really see if "The Freak" is worthy or praise. The guy has no doubt gotten better in both ring and mic skills, and maybe it's just a matter of him having to have more time to develop.
I actually like Rob Terry. He's really rough around the edges no doubt, but his personality makes me wanna like him. The only issue I have with him is how backwards he can be in his demeanor. I mean, he talks and acts like a face and it makes me wanna cheer for him. Especially the way they book him as it seems he's supposedly better than everyone he faces but gets screwed in his matches somehow. But the way he wrestles, along with his moveset makes him come off very heelish. It's confusing. Yeah, most big powerful guys are booked heels, but guys like Batista when he was a face still wrestled powerfully, but he still came off as a face the way he presented himself in the ring. Rob Terry, though booked as a face, really doesn't come off that way at all when he's wrestling.

I think they could just solve a lot of that by making him a heel. Batista was loads better as a heel, especially on his last run, that maybe it could work for Rob Terry too.
i cant stand the guy he RUNS down to the ring and usually has a 2-5min match before you can even get into it its over and he screams and runs back down the ramp and into the back.. its just annoying.. he won the global title over seas i think we saw him defend it maybe 3 times? okay maybe a few more then that but im glad its now the TV title and aj is actually gonna defend it.. i actually forgot about the title for a while because we didn't see the guy for almost a month.. drop him like a bad habit and WWE will pick him up and try and make him a champ since hes the usual "big guy" maybe its what he needs to make something of his career and not be so bland and boring
The problem with Rob Terry is that he is being completely mis-managed. This is someone who if molded properly could be a big time player for years to come. He needs to work on his connection to the fans if he is going to stay a face. If I were to have a conversation with the guy I would lay it out like this... First off, cut the hair! the psycho spike do looks rediculous, although not as bad as the mullet. Grow a goatee. For some reason it adds a BA look to people. Then spend some time watching the matches of the Undertaker. Learn to add in some good solid mat skills..Hell work with Kurt Angle no better teacher than him on mat skills.That way he could work much longer and more believable matches. The one last night where AJ Styles retained was such a bad sell. Then lastly work on that connection with the fans. Rob Terry needs to come up with someting to call his fans , like the Popes congragation or Jeff Hardys creatures of the night. Something that the fans can rally behind. I think the Legion would be cool for the Freak! I also think if they would get Matt Morgan out of his douchbaggery role that he and Rob Terry would make an awesome tag team.
You can't judge the guy because he's only been in short matches. That's what the booking has put him in. It's not his fault his match was written to only be 5 minutes long. If wrestlers had a choice, they'd be on camera the whole show and every match would be an epic battle.

If you're going to evaluate something, evaluate how the guy does in those 5 minutes when he's actually in the ring. Is he a competent wrestler? Is he too stiff? Is he blowing spots? Is his character credible?

Right now, his character is a big British guy who likes to kick ass. He's not face or heel. He's just powerful and his match against AJ was very good at showing that he's not your typical big dumb musclehead. He was countering very well. The ending was bogus, AJ hit two moves after being dominated the whole match. It was like watching a Rey Misterio match. Total bs.

I think Rob Terry has the potential to be more than a one dimensional lumbering mass. He could be better than a lot of big men if he develops more character and promo skills.
I think he needs to grow a brain to suit his look.

His look is incredible. I'm not even a huge fan of bodybuilder types but he is an amazing specimen.

But having seen him work live, he is very slow and plodding and needs to get some experience and confidence. That TNA put him on TV as early as they did, means someone creamed over his look (knowing Vince McMhaon may well have done the same) and put him on our screens. I think he needs two years more training at least, because he has done nothing but stink so far.
I don't dislike the guy. His match with AJ was decent, terrible ending like was mentioned before. I do think however, that at the risk of him blowing up or being potentially exposed for limited development, the 5 minute matches are what he needs to be in until he develops. So while i'm not telling you he is a good performer, I definitely think he isn't as bad as he is made out to be.
This guy reminds me of Ultimate warrior, besides being crazy and all
he has a great look, and the kiddies like him, but if you look deeper you see there really isn't anything there, Ultimate Warrior put on a good match against Hogan at Wrestlemania, but that was Hogan in his element, Rob Terry had a good match against the best wrestler in the world, thats not saying much, however Rob Terry has much more potential than Warrior and i believe actually cares about the buisness, but right now hes just Warrior 2.0
First, look at him compared to some of the rookies NXT has exposed to mainstream audiences. He isn't terrible. He isn't even all that bad. He's a little green, and raw. He's a big powerhouse. I just watched the AJ/Terry match now for the first time, and I was legitemately impressed. Last time I had seen him, it was in rediculous squashes with worthless talents. This shows improvement, as he was able to have a good match, be it short, with the only Grand Slam winner in TNA. His match wasn't rediculous, and it's one of the better parts of TNA.I like him, and I think TNA did a good job building another superstar on their own.
He has come a long way. That cannot be denied. Bubba and D-von have done a good job with him. He obviously works hard and continues to put time into learning his craft. I hope he continues to improve... He has an incredible look. A scary good look. When Samoa Joe is off of his suspension, I hope they punish him just a little bit more by letting Rob squash him.... then they can take Joe off of TV for a month or two and Joe can get his steam back. Samoa Joe should be eating hay and sh*tting in the street somewhere during a parade.
Are you F'n kidding me? All you've shown is proof of the obvious facts. That match was average at best. All I saw was AJ selling the fuck out of poorly executed moves while Terry looked confused and hesitant. He possesses no natural athletic ability at all. It'll take years upon years for him to even hope to reach mediocre.
The promo was more of the same. He speaks about as well as he wrestles. God forbid someone every asks him to walk and talk at once. I wonder what was going on to his left off camera that was so interesting he felt the need to look at it after practically every other sentence. Clearly it wasn't anyone holding cue cards.
I agree that the guy isnt terrible. For a abnormally muscular guy he could move pretty fast and has a unique move set. Some one said before that he should take lessons from Angle. Personally I think everyone should. On top of that add a new finisher that could show off his strength like the Jackhammer. He should be able to hold anyone up in the air for days and could make him look impressive.

On top of that give him some new ring attire. We've seen our fair share of muscle guys in the underwear tights. Personally i would love to see the long leg tights sort of like Scott Steiner. Put him in a cool T shirt that fans would buy that he could rip off when he enters the ring(hey..if Hulk got over doing it why cant Terry).

Finally let him wrestle for more than 5 minutes...I know hes a freak and suppose to be able to get the job done fast but it is killing his character and not helping him get over at all.
This sounds like little more than an attempt to defend Rob Terry because he's a TNA performer. I have a feeling that if Terry were in the WWE, he wouldn't have many defenders. There'd be even more criticism lobbied towards him and the WWE since the WWE has gotten loads of it the past from pushing muscleheads with a much greater look than actual ability inside the ring.

Rob Terry is every bit as terrible as people claim. He's typically awkward, clumsy, hesitant and has nothing going for him with the exception of his look. I'm sure that if I looked hard enough, I could find an example of a match that shows The Great Khali in something of a different light other than what most people say about him. I'm sure there are probably a few matches in which he at least looks remotely compotent inside the ring. Those few matches, however, do not a great wrestler make.
There is no doubt Terry has the body, but it takes more than that. I almost nodded out watching that video of his promo, but i have to admit he reads well. If he could cut a promo that matches the faces he makes coming in the ring he would have something going for him. Maybe a little coaching from Flair would do him some good. With the right training the guy could be unstoppable. Like Shockmaster mentioned some intense training with Angle wouild help a lot. I have to admit, I do like his beatdowns, the one thing he does well. I think the bookers were blinded by the body and pushed him a little too soon, they should have worked with him a more before putting him in the ring. If he does improve its going to be harder to shake his current reputation. I would like to see the guy succeed because he has the potential to be awesome.

People might not remember this but Rob Terry is being treated the same way Lex Luger was early on.

he is TRYING to get better and it shows. What he really lacks to me is a few things..

1. One he needs more SPEEDto his moves so they give a bigger impact when they land. He moves a bit to slow.

2. He needs a better gimmick.. the freak! is not a good one for him. BEASTS needs BEAST names.. or he can be a gimmick of himself and rename him "The Wellness Policy" (it would be a cheap shot at the WWE too) where he comes out and destroys poeple with brute strength. He cures the world of fat! that would be a funny gimmick.

3. Mic skills, he can be better but that comes in time. he is young raw talent that needs some tweeking.


Charisma, Body, the Look, he has all that going for him.

He can have a good future if he works on thos things...I like Rob Terry.. I think he needs more ring time and I am glad he is getting it. I don't think he has bad work ethic.. he is just learning his craft is all.
Come on guys. This is like being forced to eat a turd sandwich, but trying to make the best of it by saying "hmm at least there's a little corn in there" or "man this is good whole wheat bread!".

Rob Terry sucks.
Now there's no denying that Rob Terry has the look of a credible main eventer but that's about it. I don't see him holding a promo that can get the audience attention nor have I seen a match of his that says he has promise. Other than being a big musclehead and having a very forgettable reing as Global/T.V. Champion, Rob Terry has nothing else going for him. Can he improve if he tries? Maybe but that remains to be seen b/c right now I see nothing in Rob Terry that makes me think that he may have a future.
He is nothing more than a body. TNA picking up Hogan is bad enough, adopting Vince's love for big men is another matter.

Sure, he has potential, but doesn't deserve the air time compared to a majority of the roster. Let the real talent shine and define the brand... kinda like the X-Division.
Rob Terry tries hard and he is working hard to overcome his weaknesses. Give the guy a chance. In America we can hate who we want and like who we want. For now, most of our constitution still lets us. So, I will not disaggree with anyone hating on him. I do not think TNA in anyway shape or form is getting into 'the muscleman' syndrome that Vince had. TNA had a good future prospect in Rob Terry and they are giving him airtime just like a first round pick in The NFL will get time with the 1's just because he is a first rounder even though there may be some veterans at the position on the team that are better.

That's the way I view what TNA is doing with 'Psycho Rob'.... TNA is giving him the same chance as first rounders in The NFL get. Show up or move out. So far 'Psycho Rob' is delivering. I respect him because I can tell he is putting just as much time into learning promo skills, ring skills and charisma just as much as he is putting the time and effort into his incredible physique and what it demands of him to keep it.

British performers do not really get over in American rings. They have to typically be saddled with a heel persona. If I had the chance to help develope Rob Terry, I would slowly have him lose his british accent, announce that he has moved to let's say.... Las vegas or somewhere very american, totally accept 'The American Way' and in his persona show it. I would also slowly bring out a 'psycho' mentality of doing things his way... I would def make him a tweener... doesn't matter if you are face or heel... get in his way and the ass whooping is on the way... out of no where... backstage, parking lot, in the ring.... over two years this guy could take TNA to places they have only dreamed of.

But.... oh weeeel, my opinion will never matter. I find it very sad to watch TNA and the way politics take over doing what's best for TNA as a whole. Wrestlers forget that they are entertainers. They all start to live the gimmick and do not know when to say when.

TNA needs a guy who doesn't have any connections to PRO WRESTLING but who also knows The Biz to come in. They need to give him absolute power. In that respect he has no friends trying to sell him on what he should do for them, he has no one in the back who can use his past or what he has said against him to sway his opinions.... The guy/girl could just take charge and bring out the best TNA has to offer. Sadly, that will never happen and we will never truly have a promotion that can honestly compete with The WWE. :shrug: oh weeeeeelllll.... dream a little dream... everyday we can..... in our minds we are free... :blush:

MoneyMan :icon_neutral:
I'm not a big Terry fan, mainly because, apart from the cast of Gavin & Stacey I'm not a big fan of the Welsh in general (although I will always be grateful they took Vinnie Jones off of our hands) but, credit where credit is due. Terry has moved up from being a completely useless piece of shit to the Chris Masters level. By that I mean that he still sucks and has no personality but he is able to be carried to an exciting match (like the tag match against AJ & Kaz) so that's good progress. I could just see him doing bigger things if they gave him someone to do his talking for him, I wouldn't mind him having Don West as a manager

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