Rosie Lottalove

That was new..ummm she really doesn't have to dress like that to get attention.She's supposed to be a wrestler not a low class hooker.The outfit ruined what could have been a good debut for Rosie
Wow....really TNA? Really? :confused:

This is supposed to be a credible Knockout? This is supposed to be a credible f'n Knockout? I'm seriously laughing as I type this. At least they aren't ripping off WWE anymore...they've moved to the music industry. This is such a blatant rip-off of Whole Lotta Rosie by AC/DC. I mean, if you're gonna rip-off the music industry, at least get it right, like WWE did with John Morrison. This is horrible. I saw no in-ring skills that impressed me, she gets beat in her first outing. Just because she is something new, doesn't mean she is good. This is sad, pathetic even. You have Sarita. You have ODB. You have Velvet Sky. Ayako Hamada. And you have this on TV? You wasted an AC/DC rip-off on this? Really? You couldn't find something better, a better gimmik, to use this music-related gimmick on. And the name. LottaLove? Really? Lotta F'n Love? Just take me now.

So diappointed in TNA right now....:banghead:
I think she's disgusting. It's like, Kong got her skin bleached and made a baby with ODB. I hate her, and there's not much I can say. Ring Skills: Terrible, Jiggling: Terrible, and of course she turned on the OP, it's probably all she can get. This is a DISGRACE. I wasn't watching Total Noobish Activity before, but now I'll NEVER watch it with the way they're doing it now. Fat Chicks for Knockouts? Please. This is why WWE is winning with the Women's Division now, too. Russo needs to stop looking on his profile for EHarmony and start looking for REAL women's wrestlers. I'm now going to start watching WWE Superstars from now on, just to give WWE even more edge over this terrible Knockouts division and company. Bleh.
This thread is full of so many double standards it's laughable. So many talking about how this big girl shouldn't be wearing those clothes to the ring and acting like a "hooker" when TBP do the exact same thing. So its okay for TBP to do it but not her just because she isn't what society deems as attractive? If all you haters want Lottalove to stop wearing such provocative clothing, then the same rules must apply for the rest of the divas. I don't want to see that happening and I know that neither do you. If Lottalove has the confidence to show off what she gots especially when there are so many bigoted people out there who hate big people (this thread is proof of that), she has my respect. Also I marked out huge when she dropped Madison Rayne and her post-match interview. I can't wait to see the anti-BP destroy them and show them what real women truly are.
This thread is full of so many double standards it's laughable. So many talking about how this big girl shouldn't be wearing those clothes to the ring and acting like a "hooker" when TBP do the exact same thing. So its okay for TBP to do it but not her just because she isn't what society deems as attractive?

It's all about what draws ratings. It may be a great message of confidence in ones self, but people don't watch wrestling for societal grandstanding. This kind of stuff goes over most viewers heads and just makes the show more unappealing for some.
She is just like Awesome Kong...i didn't actually see her wrestle in that video posted, i just saw her being rolled up for a pin and lose...

I mean she even used Kong's finisher...if anything..they might aswell bring back Kong..
as someone who likes chubby women myself, i like Rosie.

People have compared her to Bertha Faye, and honestly she is not as large as Bertha was.

I think big women can be beautiful too, and i like the whole concept of her character. Her past work shows her as a relatively sound in-ring competitor, so let's just hope that TNA lets her have decent matches instead of just making her a sideshow character of sorts.

And i do think she's kind of hot. On her Myspace page, there are tons of photos of her not in character, and she's actually quite pretty.
i see her as someone who can help bigger people not feel as bad that they are just that, bigger women. we are such a horrible society that we degrade women who are 10-15 pounds over weight and applaud those who are anorexic and bulimic.

vince degraded mickie james because he thought she was overweight? are you kidding me? she's skinnier than that is usually considered normal. i feel bad for linda. he probably makes her keep the weight off.

and to those who are saying she is 300 pounds. if she was 300 pounds, she wouldn't even be able to move.

if anything, i am glad that this thread brought out the guys who think like me and feel big is actually beautiful.
If you have a problem with Rosie's wardrobe, then you are watching the wrong programming. You should switch over to the Lifetime Channel or start watching Next Top Model.

Honestly, I laughed all the way through here til the 4th page. Listen, if you are not part of TNA management, then you need not worry one flying fuck about the "ratings". As for her size, who gives a shit?

Pre-teen boys do. So do d-bags. Otherwise, relax. I don't see any Samoa Joe needs to put on a shirt threads or any Bubba Ray is a fat fuck threads. So there does not need to be a thread about her looks.

As for her wrestling, it is atrocious. She looks like she doesn't know how to wrestle.

With that being said, I would let her completely engulf me.
If you have a problem with Rosie's wardrobe, then you are watching the wrong programming. You should switch over to the Lifetime Channel or start watching Next Top Model.

Honestly, I laughed all the way through here til the 4th page. Listen, if you are not part of TNA management, then you need not worry one flying fuck about the "ratings". As for her size, who gives a shit?

Pre-teen boys do. So do d-bags. Otherwise, relax. I don't see any Samoa Joe needs to put on a shirt threads or any Bubba Ray is a fat fuck threads. So there does not need to be a thread about her looks.

As for her wrestling, it is atrocious. She looks like she doesn't know how to wrestle.

With that being said, I would let her completely engulf me.

sad to say, but this is really the only reason why both federations still even have a women's division. those who are monitored by their folks and can't get access to online pron or magazines only have the women's matches to look forward to.

it's amazing how this thread is really starting to separate those who hate big women and those who love them.

and as for d-bags liking the plastic garbage shelled out; those are the guys who will continue to remain single because their standards will constantly be set too high. and if one of them did find someone like that, they'll probably treat the guy like garbage and only use him for his money.
It was kind of a comedy skit.
Seems to be getting a lot of IWC reaction, and SHE didn't need to get punched by Cornette. As long as she is funny, I'm fine with it. Looks to me like TNA took Victoria/Tara/Varon's contract and gave the money to LottaLove and Roxxi. The 2 of them combined lokely cost less than Tara (who honestly bored me).
My only issue is that she hurt Daffney. Inmho Daffney was the best thing going in the knockout division. The lipstic on JB's face was perfect.
But, honest to god, if the best a wrestling school can do is "LottaLove" and "Jobber Neal", the board of education oughta shut it the fuck down.
I am looking foward to what TNA has planed for Miss Lottalove. I agree with most people so far I like the story but needs some tweeks. There is a market of viewers that I think WWE tried to hit with the Piggy James storyline that WWE never connected with the fans. Micky James was hot so Its hard to get people to feel sorry for someone who looks like Micky. Don't get me wrong Rosie is not a bad looking women but she is on the overweight side and I think the same fans WWE was trying to connect with would connect with a simular story with Rosie. Here is what I would do on the next impact.

1. Dress her in jeans and a t-shirt and come down to the ring
2. Have Rosie annonce her name is Rosie just Rosie. Drop the Lottalove for god sakes
3. Tell the fans she only dressed and acted like that to be like her idols the Beautiful people
4. Have the beautiful people attack her and cut a promo on they don't want to here her sob story and she will never become one of them because she's fat

You can get Roxxi in this too and have a little of her old story that she was always made fun of for practicing voodo by people like the beautiful people and her and Rosie can stand up for all the "Differn't people" and fued for the tag team belts.

You also can go the singles root and have Rosie stand up for herself and has a fued with Madison Rayne for the Title. And get her wrestling gear and not a teddy

Thats my idea for Rosie and possibly Roxxi

I like to look at hot chicks but it gets old after awhile. I applaud TNA for doing something differnt.
It was kind of a comedy skit.
Seems to be getting a lot of IWC reaction, and SHE didn't need to get punched by Cornette. As long as she is funny, I'm fine with it. Looks to me like TNA took Victoria/Tara/Varon's contract and gave the money to LottaLove and Roxxi. The 2 of them combined lokely cost less than Tara (who honestly bored me).
My only issue is that she hurt Daffney. Inmho Daffney was the best thing going in the knockout division. The lipstic on JB's face was perfect.
But, honest to god, if the best a wrestling school can do is "LottaLove" and "Jobber Neal", the board of education oughta shut it the fuck down.

Actually Rob Terry is the best thing coming out of that school. You know, the Global Champion. One of the Top 10. If he's shown us anything it's that bad wrestling skills can be overshadowed by a good booking curve ball. So she dresses weird and can't wrestle all that well. We seem to be talking a lot more about her than Tara. Seems like she's got our attention. That means she's doing her job. TNA is trying something new. Not everybody likes the new thing because it looks different. Like broccoli. But put some cheese on it and now it tastes better. Can they find the right "cheese" for Lady Lottalove? So far they have.
If you have a problem with Rosie's wardrobe, then you are watching the wrong programming. You should switch over to the Lifetime Channel or start watching Next Top Model.

Honestly, I laughed all the way through here til the 4th page. Listen, if you are not part of TNA management, then you need not worry one flying fuck about the "ratings". As for her size, who gives a shit?

Pre-teen boys do. So do d-bags. Otherwise, relax. I don't see any Samoa Joe needs to put on a shirt threads or any Bubba Ray is a fat fuck threads. So there does not need to be a thread about her looks.

As for her wrestling, it is atrocious. She looks like she doesn't know how to wrestle.

With that being said, I would let her completely engulf me.

I don't think I could've said this any better. I saw the article with Team 3D putting her over, but I saw the clip of her as the baseball girl wrestling a man and I was not impressed. That doesn't mean anything, though.

She went to TNA and instead of squashing someone in her debut, she got beat. Then she tried to get her gimmick over. What's the big deal?

Some of you talk about repetition, but how many times have you seen the skinny blonde fitness model (but sometimes wrestler) stumble around the ring botching like there's no tomorrow? Don't try to disguise your prejudices with "belony" IWC cliches.

It's hypocrisy. TNA fans talk about the wrestling.....the wrestling....until it comes to knockouts. You guys rip on TNA for trying to be WWE lite, but it's okay to have as part of your ko tag champs a woman who cannot work to save her life. It's okay, though, because she's pretty.

Getting back to repetition. Repetition is not all bad. It just depends on who does it. I have seen TBP do that entrance (in slightly varied incarnations) about a million times. It's interesting maybe the first ten times you see it. The problem is that d-bags don't know about Skinamax and Showtime late night for softcore pronz. they still show softcore pronz on Showtime?? It doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is 9 times out of ten, the "casual fan" is a douche. Couple that with the pre teen boys and 45 year olds living in mommy's basement, and you get Velvet Sky (of all people) being one of the biggest draws in TNA.

Another thing is that there are people on these boards passing themselves off as TNA fans. I'm not talking about the "Douche-al Crew". Just read through these comments. It's pretty sad. Watching Impact or parts of Impact to come here and ridicule and belittle the product. Telling us how much they suck and how they aren't doing it right. Then tell us why WWE will always be king. Then go to the corner and "squeeze one out" because you got yourself hot marking out for yourself with such spirit and vigor.

If she can wrestle, let her wrestle. If she can't, don't watch, but if you only do one thing....please.....please....stop taking yourselves so seriously. Really. Neither you, nor your opinions (and/or prejudices) are that big of a deal.

Santa Claus fo' life fool......
The minute I saw her I was thinking about Kong. It's clear to every one that has seen her that this is TNA's way of replacing Kong.In terms of in-ring ability,she isn't nearly as bad as I predicted.She also has pretty good Mic Skills,the post-match interview was pretty good and funny.But she kinda disturbed me.I have nothing against fat people but in fishnet stockings and stripper clothes she is no were near appealing to me.With the loss of Tara&Kong TNA needs more knockouts and Rosie can't do more harm than good.
Personally, I am already grooving on this. Seems she's not only going to be an edgy character, but her in ring skills don't look to be bad either. Too bad that she already has something against her with some fans in the fact that she injured Daffney. All I can say on that subject is that it's wrestling and these things happen sadly. Obviously it wasn't intentional or something that was a huge bungle or she probably wouldn't be with TNA at this point.
I should have been more specific in my post,but I honestly want to see her without the fishnets the thong and all the makeup.Dress her up like a normal wrestler because from what I could see through the blush and eyeshadow...I'd LOVE it
I have to say that Rosie Lottalove has got a good deal of potential, particularly with the contrast of, shall we say, acceptable stereotypes. I see this character as a direct and gleeful thumb in the eye of the magazine-inspired standards that the WWE enslaves itself to and that TNA, particularly in terms of the Knockouts Division, displays its collective middle finger to on a regular basis.

In terms of Rosie as a wrestler, great at using the power game. That chokebomb at the end was picture perfect. So long as they keep her as a power-based wrestler, there's a lot of potential here. In terms of character, I'll admit it's a little silly, but I like the fact that she's going after TBP head-on, crusading for the larger ladies. As for her ring gear...well, let's be honest on that one, I think that TNA could have done better. Alright, I get that she's trying to show that women of any type have the right to wear sexy lingerie, but is it really practical in a wrestling ring? Am I an idiot to even ask that question in terms of professional wrestling where ring gear is often silly and impractical? Possibly.

Anyways, bottom line, not exactly a spectacular start, but not bad either. I'll be watching Rosie's progress with interest and in conclusion, if she's going to wear that thong, the least she can do is incorporate the "stink face" as a signature maneuver.
My apologies, I honestly didn't know that Rpb Terry was from 3D's school. That said, for the push TNA seems to want to give him, he needs to get a lot better, real fast.
I hope he does, because TNA needs as many of its "own" people as possible.
Trust me, they could do a lot worse than this. Remember Bertha Faye from the older days of the WWE? Exactly. Rosie's better than her, and that's fine with me. If she's servicable in the ring and doesn't become a circus exhibition with her larger body, then she'll be fine. But that's not what TNA wanted. They wanted someone to 'push the envelope' and give the people an alternative to the Beautiful People. Why? I'll never know.

But she's not a bad wrestler. However could use less of the mimicking the entrance of TBP. She doesn't need to do that to get over. Just be a powerhouse that looks dangerous.
i have high hopes that rosie is something that can change the scheme of what a diva or knockout is supposed to be, but i am afraid it will turn into a sideshow, with a program much much worse than mickie james being made fun of.

if russo is the one who came up with the idea in the first place, then it is going to go downhill fast. they could really do something good with rosie being breaking the beauty barrier by being a dominant force against TBP. but if russo is behind it, i don't have high hopes.
She reminds me of Bertha Fays from WWE 1990's. I think she can be a gimmick champion to bring new potential out of other women. Unless maybe she was there noly to make roxxi look strong there.
When i saw her for the first time last thursday, 2 came to mind, first it's that the best they could do whith her, dress her up like a Bertha Faye clone and secondly, why promote the fact that she injured Daffney in a tryout match, it's made them look stupid to hiring her and i'm sure nobody even notice that Daffney was gone anyway so why give a reason for Daffney not being on t.v.

But getting back to miss Lottalove, like i said, it's that the best they could come up with. I've got nothing again big woman and she look like she a decent wrestler but why give her a cartoonish gimmick like that when they could have given her a bad a$$ personna that would have fitted her better since that's how they want to portrait her anyway. Right now she's pretty much a update version of Bertha Faye and while Bertha was a good wrestler in her time, when she was in the WWF/E, she got stuck with the same crappy gimmick that Rosie got stuck with, i just hope that TNA doesn'T bring Harvey Wimpleman to be Rosie's lover/manager.
I'm all for new Knockouts and I applaude TNA for picking someone who's different, but seriously she looks like she walked in from a late night party, I know The Beautiful People wear revealing outfits but you can see theirs as wrestling attire in a way.

I'll reserve judgement for later but I think Rosie could have done with some improvements before she debuted, such as more wrestle-like attire and some improvements in the ring such as making her less sloppy (she did injure Daffney after all)
There is a difference between Kong and this Rosie. Kong was a heavy woman, yes. But I was able to lose sight of that when seeing her just demolish anybody she wrestled. She was intimidating to boot and was a one woman wrecking crew. Rosie Lottalove, only thing that I thought when seeing her entrance and everything else was "I wish I was blind." I've got nothing against figured women or saying that there is no place for them in the ring or anything like that. This gimmick is worse to me than the old Bertha Faye one from the WWF days and to me, makes me want to vomit just as quickly. I get having a rival for the Beautiful People, but this is the best TNA could do? Really? I know somebody already brought this up, but this is something that I feel can't be stressed enough. I thought the premise for the knockouts division is to attract viewers to it, not repulse them.

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