**Merged** [OFFICIAL] The Future of Miz Thread

ur right in most ways but i just think the miz will not be as good as john cena,rey mysterio or any one like that. he could be no time soon tho.
He reminds me so much of a Y2J/Rock cross. He will be a great face one day but for now he is getting so much heat for his cocky attitude. Very much like the early Rock did (after the Rocky Maivia thing).
I love how everyone on here can look into their crystal balls and say xyz won't happen anytime soon. Eventually the Miz is gonna turn face if you believe what you read on this site to be true. Could happen two mondays from now could be a year from now. Hell none of us know because we aren't the bookers and none of us can see the future. If Cena were to happen to tear his pec again and Espn were to come out with another steroid bust that implicated Orton or HHH for that matter, the bookers are gonna set up a situation where they are gonna have to have a top face and could make any of a number of people that individual. I guarantee if the Miz was actually a part of Team Raw this past week and it the outcome involved the Miz about to win it all and BD coming in and screwing the Miz from a win half the people on here would be singing a different song.

Thats my rant and I'm sticking to it.:banghead:
The Miz is a douche plain and simple. I am tired of people saying he is so good. He has good mic skills but he can't put on a good wrestling match worth a dick. His finishing move sucks and I hope he is in a U.S. title match with Daniel Bryan so he can tap like the loser he truly is.
The Miz is a douche plain and simple. I am tired of people saying he is so good. He has good mic skills but he can't put on a good wrestling match worth a dick. His finishing move sucks and I hope he is in a U.S. title match with Daniel Bryan so he can tap like the loser he truly is.

Do you even WATCH Raw? If you're going to come out here, guns blazing, with your over-the-top opinion of the Miz, perhaps you should back it up with some some sort of POINT. Great, you don't think that highly of him -- why? Slinging a few insults is easy. Back up your opinion with some reasoning. You probably can't. Which is why you resorted to childish name calling in the first place.

Anyway, to the topic at hand. I do agree that Miz will turn face eventually. The OP really went out of their way to provide some solid examples. However, I just don't know that a face turn right now is the best thing for the Miz or the WWE. He could possibly be the most over heel at this point and always manages to get a reaction from the crowd. I think WWE will ride this wave until they absolutely have to turn him. At the same time, though, I could see him cashing in MITB to get the title off of Sheamus, resulting in a nice program with Sheamus where the end result is a face Miz. Who knows? All I do know is that Miz will probably be as big of a face as he is a heel.

Personally, I am enjoying his heel persona too much right now and am hoping a turn isn't in the works anytime soon.
Is everyone reading this thread completely missing the OP's point? He went OUT OF HIS WAY to say numerous times that he's not saying that Miz' face turn will/should happen any time soon. He is stating that in order for the Miz to be able to hold a candle to the likes of HBK, Taker, Flair, etc... that eventually the Miz would have to succeed as both a Heel AND a Face and to be able to interchage the two w/out losing the ability to make the crowd boo or cheer him AT WILL. I think the Miz could def work as a face (I know, I know, not anytime sooon). I agree with the OP that if he can pull that off, he could ascend into the upper echilon of Briliant wrestlers past.

Let's be honest here, it matters very little whether or not any of us smarks think he is great on the mat, or if we think he sucks. (personally, I think is doing just fine and getting better by the week). What does matter is that he has the natural ability to hold the crowd in the palm of his hand. If he is able to get the crowd to react however he so chooses, he can propel himself into the kind of character that people love or love to hate whenever he so chooses. If he can make the transition between heel/face seemless enough, he will then become a future HOF'er the likes of which are not often seen.
The heel/face line is so blurred now....faces fight faces and heels fight heels....i think the good guy vs bad guy thing, as hard as the writers try, is dead (ok...so maybe its still a big deal with the kids). The only way I see a successful Miz face turn is when it comes to more fans cheering than booing. His character is all that is getting him over right now (taking nothing away from his love of the business and ring and mic skills), so it would be dumb to change it.
Well if you look at his character, he's cocky, which a person can be face or heel with, he has a catchphrase that can easily be face ore heel. It wouldn't be a bad idea, it would be perfect for him to go after Sheamus with MitB, make some pale man jokes, beat him clean, and at least hope to be more over than Most of the faces. We don't have many faces that are as good as him on the mic, only heels. Jericho, Edge, Barrett and Sheamus are adequate on the mic, and they're all heels. Look at the faces with good mic skills, who are actually active. Cena, Truth(ish). If he were to turn face on Sheamus, he could at least run with it for a little while, to give heel Miz a break, and have the heel refreshed for later on.
The miz is a solid heel with great mic skills and so so in ring skills, but he doesn't have to turn face, ever. Guys like dibiase and steamboat both hall of famers never had character turns and it didn't hurt their careers. Miz should stay heel for the forseeable future or else be lost behind cena and orton
watching the miz in the ring is boring i know vince is giving him a push but at least push someone with some talent him being heel works as a face i dont think he would do well i hope bryan danielson beats him for the belt because he has not defended it recently he just hangs on to it if he ever becomes heavyweight champ thats a sad day in wwe and for me miz is horrible good on mic ring skill below average
watching the miz in the ring is boring i know vince is giving him a push but at least push someone with some talent him being heel works as a face i dont think he would do well i hope bryan danielson beats him for the belt because he has not defended it recently he just hangs on to it if he ever becomes heavyweight champ thats a sad day in wwe and for me miz is horrible good on mic ring skill below average

The Miz winning the WWE Championship (whether MitB or in a clean match) will be one of the best things for the company going forward.

The Miz is right on the cusp of main event status and is easily a Top 3 heel in the company right now. He's gets tremendous amounts of heat from those who hate him and growing cheers from those (mostly the IWC right now) who are ready to see him take the next step.

I personally think The Miz is one of the few superstars that Creative has done well bringing along, showing his progression from a Reality T.V. star to a legitimate player in the company.

I honestly cannot wait for Miz to hold the WWE Title because of the attitude and promos we'll get from it. There's nothing like a cocky heel bragging about being at the top of the ladder, and I think he'll be able to sell that persona better than Sheamus is currently able to.

A face? Someday. For now, his heel run is one of the best things going for the WWE.
A Miz face turn would only work well with a Cena heel turn. Let's be honest they already have a ton of faces on Raw and they need to turn more faces heel for a Miz heel turn to work. First they have Cena and Orton who are faces and are HUGE. Now even though Jericho and Edge are "heels" they still get a great deal of cheers from the crowd. Then if you keep moving down the list you have guys like Morrison and R-Truth (who I can't stand), who are faces as well. If Miz wants to be a really over face, which I think he can be, some of the big names have to switch to being a heel. Since Edge and Jericho are already heels and still get cheers they would need to do something drastic for the crowd to truly hate them. Turning Orton heel could work but I think he is so hot right now he would keep getting cheers just because he is a bad ass. Morrison heel would be really nice and lets be honest who cares about R-Truth. Now if they could turn Cena heel, get the crowd to hate him there is a spot open for a charismatic, comical face, which would be perfect spot for Miz to take.
He'll turn face down the road but not any time soon. Why ruin such a good thing, a great heel run, to make a mediocre face? I'd hate if they turned him right now, it would totally kill any interest I have in him. They can easily kill his career by turning him. You're actually thinking into this too much, he's been around for a bit... No need to drop the Steamboat comparison. He'll obviously turn someday, just not now. Hell, even if he takes the belt from Sheamus, he'll still be a heel.
It's like I said, i'm not EXPECTING The Miz to turn face anytime soon but with the MITB briefcase, there's no telling...It was THAT MITB briefcase that basically triggered CM Punk's heel turn to the Punk we know today...Why? Because CM Punk cashed in on a beloved hero, Jeff Hardy...The guy who arguably was more over than John Cena...Now, say Wade Barrett wins the WWE Championship...The crowd HATES the Nexus...They easily get the most heat on Raw besides The Miz and Sheamus...So, say Barrett wins the Title..He defends it for a couple of months, avoiding defeat against guys like Cena and Orton..Then BAM! The Miz hits the ring, nails Barrett with the SCF and wins the WWE Title...The Miz will be looked at as a hero...He was able to take out the Leader of the heel faction that's been taking over RAW for months. Instantly The Miz catapults himself to the top face on Raw..He would be able to do what John Cena and Randy Orton couldn't...Then The Miz would be target #1 of the Nexus and that automatically gets him fan support...Add in his cocky Y2Jesque attitude and you have a HUGE money making face.

It's all in that briefcase..That briefcase led us all to the CM Punk we love today..It can easily do the same for The Miz IF WWE creative chose to go that route which I'm not 100% sure that's where they're going but it could happen that way and I think that's the BEST way, if you wanted to turn The Miz face and have it make immediate impact.
Yes, Miz will turn face. I'd say we have at least a year until that happens though. Miz is the fastest rising superstar in the WWE. He's going places, and he's going places because he loves the industy, a complete workhorse that is dedicated to getting better and exceptional comfortable and talented on the mic.

In my opinion, it looks like he is about to enter his first mega feud once he cashes in his MITB contract -- probably against Cena, but possibly Orton as well. If WWE were smart, they'd make him feud against Cena. Cena is a perfect mega-feud for Miz for many reasons:

1) Cena is the top face, and the best way to rise the value of a heel is to have him compete against the top face.

2) Cena is polarizing. People will get behind the Miz simply because they hate Cena. Would hint at a possible face turn.

3) Continuity. Last year Miz had a mostly one sided mini-feud with Cena. The fans would love to see this storyline come full circle. Not only that but Miz will have the the whole "Cena thought I was a joke, NOW look at me!" factor that will make him look really legit.

Miz will turn face soon enough, and if WWE plays its cards right (which I think they will, they've invested too much into the Miz to make a hasty dumb decision) then Miz will have an organic transition into a Face similar to Orton and the Rock. You can only be an awesome heel for so long before the fans catch on and think you are awesome. No pun intended.
The best wrestlers are those who can play both a face and heel effectively, which is why it's usually best to experiment with a superstar BEFORE projecting them into the main event. However, The Miz's heel run is continuing to gain huge momentum and he's less than a year away from winning a world championship, so it's very unlikely a face turn is going to come anytime soon (which is fine by me, as i love watching The Miz's currently persona.)

However, once he is a former world champion and established main eventer, realistically, he will become a face at some point. Even though it might be a few years away, I am highly anticipating that time. I believe, if done right, The Miz's face turn could be a huge succsess. If WWE don't try and tweak his personality too much (e.g still have the I'm Awesomeee) he could get over with both the kids and the IWC who love him currently. However, if the WWE try and shove him down people's throats as a plain face character who always does right and isn't flawed (ok, if they portray him as a Cena type character) he's gonna loose the majority of his current fan base.

He oozes charisma, and i think all he needs to get over as a face is good booking. But that's not really up to him. So in short:

1) I do want The Miz to be a face eventually. Eventually being the key word.
2) I think The Miz would make a good face as long as WWE don't try and alter his persona too much.
They need to keep building MIZ up as a heel..The biggest heels have the best face turns. look at the Rock heel to face to heel..he was awesome. then you have HHH the biggest heel of them all now a face..just look recently at Orton the fans turned him face. IMO this is what they need to build him to. To a point to were he's hated so much but then the fans turn him face.
I sincerely hope Miz has enough mic skills to back up being a face. Specifically because I found Austin, Rock, Cena all to become lame when they turned face. Well, relatively lame compared to their hell selves. I know Miz is going to turn face one day, I can only hope that it turns out well.
It's only a matter of time. There are already plenty of people who chant I'm awesome along with him. If you're excellent on the mic and decent in the ring, or vice versa, and the circumstances are right, such as facing other heels or faces who aren't over, the crowd will eventually turn you face or at least tweener. Look what happened with Orton. The strange part with him though is that it was basically his finisher which forced the turn, once the right situation came along with Legacy.
Ok so there are so many people out there who are jumping all over this guys band wagon thinks hes the next big thing but, . . . . i just don't see it! Whenever he is on TV in a match or in a promo he never impresses me at all. He talks and all he does is brag about great he is and in the ring he come off kinda mediocre. I personally think when the WWE puts the belt on him and makes him the face of the company they'll be making a big mistake.

I know a lot of Miz fans are probably getting ready to destroy me in this thread but hold on for a sec because the point of this thread is me asking if someone can please help me see whats so great about the Miz and why so many people are behind him.

Because i just don't get it.:confused:
Because he's proved them wrong. When Miz & Morrison split up, people thought that they were going to be like the Rockers. They thought that Morrision was HBK and Miz was Jannetty. They thought that Miz would get buried on RAW and thus be released from the company. But he didn't. He's a thriving champion and his mic work at times in brilliant. He's able to get a lot of heat from the fans too. Even though he is pretty average in the ring his mic work saves him from being hated. So if he improved his ring ability more then people would go nuts for him.
That's what annoys me the most about the Miz, he getting put over so much more that Morrison when he has clearly proved himself better in all aspects.
Morrison deserves a push!
The miz isn't the best wrestler but he's gold on the mic. He proved everybody wrong by still being a wrestler. He improved alot since his Smackdown days and he keeps getting better. He has made the US title more intresting. Like many people I thought the Miz was gonna get fired when he got moved to Raw but he was booked well and has look great and now he looks like he's ready for the ME.
That's what annoys me the most about the Miz, he getting put over so much more that Morrison when he has clearly proved himself better in all aspects.
Morrison deserves a push!

Im a huge Morrison fan but him being better in all aspects No Way. The miz is much better at cutting promos and being his "character" the cocky heel. Morrison needs to improve his mic skills before he gets a push because even Cena shows determination in his promos unlike Morrison who comes of as bland.
have you been watching his progress?? or even any episodes of raw in the past few months?? if not let me recap Miz has been flat AWESOME his promos really stand out his matches are so-so but getting there and he has just massively improved from his tag team days so thats why people are marking out for Miz there may be other reasons but these are just the basic reasons ok question answered??

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