Why do people insist on stating that Miz is "the future face of the company" or something along those lines?
Let's play.
Let's state the reasons why people think this:
-Cuts great Promos (hello CM Punk, hi there Chris Jericho, bonjour Edge)
Notice how all the men you listed are former world champions. If cutting great promos does that, Miz will be a multiple time champ in no time.
-Vince McMahon loves him. He also loves John Cena, who is currently the face at the age of 33... thats not old... Batista retired when he was like 41 and Cena is way more dedicated to the business than Batista was. So assuming Cena stays around until he is at least 41, he will be the face up until that point (dont even say the Miz will take that away from Cena... what?), then by that time Miz will be 37. Is this the point where you guys think he'll be the face?
Who said any of this? Miz doesn't have to be THE face of the company, but he can definitely share that spot with Cena or whomever. Orton is doing it now.
-He's "constantly improving in the ring" (very debatable).
Hardly. The guy has grown by leaps and bounds and continues to do so.
-He's one of the best heels. But uh, what does this have to do with being a face? I don't see a heel being the face of the company. Maybe a tweener like Austin/Rock but only Austin/Rock had the kind of charisma to do that. Miz is no where near as talented as them. Not even close.
Okay, being the "face" of the company doesn't literally mean being the top good guy. It just means being the top guy, the top draw. And while he isn't at the level of Rock and Austin, he's not THAT far off (in terms of charisma and in-ring ability) If he keeps improving, he'll be at that level in no time.
-Michael Cole calls him the future face of the company. Well, in case you haven't noticed, Michael Cole is in the transition into a heel himself lately. Maybe not a full turn, but some may argue he already has. Bryan is an obvious baby-face and Cole hates him where as Miz is a giant heel and he wants his hotdog in his face at all times. Simply calling him "the future face of the WWE" may be a way of just pushing the guy. Not LITERALLY an attempt to make people believe he'll be a bigger star than Orton or Cena.
Ignoring your pointless rambling, it was reported that Vince told the commentators to start referring to Miz as the future of the company because that's what he actually believes. Vince is very high on Miz right now, and seemingly has plans to push Miz to the level of Cena and Orton.
-He works really hard. Oh really? Wow that hard working American! Let's make him the face of this giant company and leading face of this wrestling federation! Do you even realize how stupid that is? I'm not saying you shouldn't be rewarded for your hard work. I'm saying that just because you work really hard doesn't mean you are entitled to certain things.
I didn't know Carlito had an account here. Hard work equals reward; that applies in wrestling as much as it does in life. Cena is a workhorse who gives 110% for the company and look what it's gotten him. Miz has been doing the same and it's being recognized. You can't expect more if you put in less.
Oh joy.
-John Cena, as previously stated, is only 33 years old. Randy Orton, is currently 30. They will both be around for a long time (barring injury). Miz is 29. They aren't going to tell their 2 biggest stars and arguably 2 biggest draws that "hey this Miz guy is now 'the guy', sorry." Will Miz be a main eventer? Of course. Will he be some super hero like John Cena is and take over the WWE? Of course.. not.
I don't think anyone is actually saying this and if they are, they're morons. And I highly doubt people want Miz to get a "SuperCzena" push. He'll main event, but Cena and Orton will be there with him. Also, what do their ages have to do with anything?
-His "improving in the ring" is HARDLY noticeable. I think it's just cool to say now, I mean seriously, "MAN DA MIZ IS ALWAYS IMPROVIN DID U C DAT MOVE HE DID". No, I must have missed it, as I do every week, apparently. YES, I DO REALIZE JOHN CENA IS NOT THE GREATEST IN-RING PERFORMER, BUT, a lot of his "inability" is overblown due to the massive heat he gets from "uber internet wrestling fans". The crowd goes wild over his 5 moves because he's that damn entertaining (apparently). If he isn't to you, I'm sorry, but you are in the minority. I don't see how different the Miz is. I honestly don't. I mean hell, if Cena wasn't scripted to always just come back like a super hero after getting his ass kicked for 20 minutes then we probably would REALLY see what he is capable of. Like the stuff we saw when he first got on the scene.
Watch videos of Miz's matches from 2 years ago and tell me he hasn't improved. If you can't see it, than you're either blind or don't know wrestling. He's ring work has gotten much smoother and he has expanded his move-set. Not to mention he can play a crowd like few can and has great heel physiology.
-Why would they make the face of the WWE a guy that most of the fans (especially the younger generations) have been taught to hate? Yeah kids, remember that guy that would always fight dirty and beat up the good guys and call you all losers? Yeah well he's now a good guy so root for him! Maybe that happens with a lot of wrestlers, a simple change of script from heel to face of vice-versa, but does it turn them into the FACE OF THE COMPANY? NO. Definitely not when they are THIS BIG of a heel.
The Rock used to be a pretty big heel too. Everyone hated that guy. Then they turned him face and what happened again? Oh, and remember when Cena was heel?
Now I'm not saying that every heel that turns face has to be, or will be, the face of the company. But to even suggest that they couldn't successfully turn Miz face, when far bigger heels have done, is asinine.
-I could get into his look, but it would be helpless. The point has been made.
Difference of opinion, though I think you mean "pointless" not "helpless".
I think just because he is young, cuts great promos, and has the briefcase everyone thinks hes the next hottest thing ever. He's an entertaining fellow, but let's be real here ok? He is not the future face of the company. He is not going to ever carry the company. He will be your typical above-average heel main eventer. Name me one of his matches that have been memorable? Ok, thanks.
Youth, mic skills, and the MITB briefcase are usually DO mean your one of the hottest things going on. We don't know if he'll be the face of the company, but it's more likely than you think. I mean, if Vince himself thinks so, than the sky's the limit for Miz. Maybe you should be a little more open-minded and give him a chance instead of bashing him with weak arguments.
Oh, and I remember Miz's MITB ladder match