**Merged** [OFFICIAL] The Future of Miz Thread

I admit I was not always on The Miz bandwagon. When he first appeared on SMACKDOWN! during the Tough Enough segments, I thought he was there as a joke. No way was this kid from Mtv going to make it in the wrestling world.Then he had a boxing match vs Daniel Puder during a T.E. competition and showed some toughness.

He became the guest host of SMACKDOWN!. This is when The Miz got to start working on his mic skills. At first he was stumbling and stuttering through out his promos. I was still thinking he was a waste of air time.

Next we got the Chick Magnet, This is when Miz started to grow on me. He was just another mid carder used as filler talent. He was getting better on the mic and started to get over with some of the fans at this point. This is about the time when the "E" decided to pair him up with John Morrison. I think these two mixed well together, JoMo was at his best here and you could just see The Miz improving on the mic right before your eyes.

Now The Miz is one of the top promo cutters on RAW. Sure his promos might be scripted, but he can deliver the hell out of them. His in ring work has improved so much over the span of his career, I see no reason why it will stop improving now. Right now, Miz is in my top five talents on the RAW brand.

The Miz has a good look, He can cut a promo almost on par with the likes of The Rock or Ric Flair, and he has shown constant improvement with his wrestling ability. This might be why a lot of people are "hot" on The Miz right now.
That's what annoys me the most about the Miz, he getting put over so much more that Morrison when he has clearly proved himself better in all aspects.
Morrison deserves a push!

Yeah okay, that's your opinion but I'd like to know; how has John Morrison in any way proved himself to be better in all aspects? I don't believe Morrison deserves a push, I used to like watching him all the time because he was entertaining, but now I'm bored of him; as for The Miz, I've never EVER been bored of him since he first debuted.

The Miz is the United States Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank and quite arguably the future of the company. I'm not a Miz mark, I can just see the potential and future bursting out of him. I don't see that in John Morrison. All I see in John Morrison is a greedy, boring entertainer. I hope to God that I don't have to relive another boring John Morrison IC title reign; (or Kofi Kingston for that matter).

In my opinion it's Miz Michaels and Johnny Jannetty and it always will be, no matter how John Morrison tells his side of it.

So tell me dude, how has John Morrison proved himself to be better than The Miz?
Well I still don't like The Miz, but I respect him and think that he earned his spot. He has worked his ass off, no one can take that away from him. There's nothing really special about him we have seen it all before. But then again its pretty much impossible to see something "new" in pro wrestling today considering it has all been done at least once before. The Miz just needs to keep working at his in ring game. He hasn't ever put on at least one memorable match. I highly doubt anyone can even remember a match he was in last month or anything like that.
Ok so there are so many people out there who are jumping all over this guys band wagon thinks hes the next big thing but, . . . . i just don't see it! Whenever he is on TV in a match or in a promo he never impresses me at all. He talks and all he does is brag about great he is and in the ring he come off kinda mediocre. I personally think when the WWE puts the belt on him and makes him the face of the company they'll be making a big mistake.

I know a lot of Miz fans are probably getting ready to destroy me in this thread but hold on for a sec because the point of this thread is me asking if someone can please help me see whats so great about the Miz and why so many people are behind him.

Because i just don't get it.:confused:
I do agree with you. The Miz may be the next future face of the WWE, but I can't stand watching him. Thankfully I don't get Raw so all I have to suffer through is clips on Smackdown, NXT and Bottom Line.

Edit: I also don't like Morrison, either. The two were great as a tag-team, but as singles wrestlers, they're personally unlikable.
Another Miz bashing thread, or at least an attempt at one. You can always tell when a wrestler is on the cusp of being a main event player by how many bash threads pop up whenever he gets a huge push.

I wasn't always a fan of The Miz. The truth is that I didn't like the guy at all in the beginning. But, The Miz won me over by being consistently good on the ring, giving great promos, having legitimate charisma and by simply overall working his ass off to prove himself. Also, I think the whole "band wagon" business is something of a crock in many cases. While I have no doubt that some have started to like The Miz because it seems to be the "cool" thing to do, I do believe that more people like The Miz now because he's actually proven himself to deserve the spot he's got. The Miz has worked his ass off and I think he's shown that he's got the goods.
Let me be the first one to agree with the composer of this thread... The Miz is a TOOL... A huge tool... He is one ugly looking, horse faced loser... The Miz looks like one of those college frat boys that you see... Miz is just a wannabe... THE MOST ANNOYING WRESTLER I HAVE EVER SEEN... Eugene was better than the Miz... Miz is VERY limited in the ring as well...

The only thing that really matters here is if Miz can draw or not... If you take John Cena (as much as I don't like him either) off of Raw, the ratings will drop, and ppv buy-rates go down even further than they currently are... If you take the Miz off of Raw what happens??? NOTHING!!! Ratings & ppv buyrates wouldn't be affected ONE, SINGLE, BIT!!!

That is the truth whether any of you like it or not...
The Miz playing the "cocky heel" - we've never seen that before.

I'm a fan of the Real World and I liked the Miz during his time appearing on MTV shows, so this has nothing to do with his past. I just disagree with those who think he's special.

His catch phrase is weak. It took no imagination whatsoever to come up with it. His gimmick is a retread of something we've seen millions of time, a staple of professional wrestling. Everyone brags about his mic-skills and I still don't see what's so great about that.

The WWE is making an effort to create new stars but it seems that they're pushing people who have proved very little in a short amount of time.
Certainly, if you posted this thread about a year and a half ago, I would agree with you. At that point, The Miz was another dopey heel who had a huge ego, but couldn't back up his words with his wrestling.

But then he added the skull crushing finale to his repertoire, and he managed to win both the US Title and the Unified Tag belts and retained them on multiple occasions, CLEANLY.

At Bragging Rights, he went onto beat John Morrison, the man everyone thought would outshine the Miz, and he did it CLEANLY.

More recently, he was given the privilege to be Daniel Bryan's pro during the first season of NXT (the use of the word privilege is debatable, but I maintain that being paired with a guy that many deem to be one of the best wrestlers in the world is an opportunity that would not be given to just anyone). His work on NXT was so good, the WWE decided to make him the only pro who would also appear in NXT season 2, where he got a Mini-Miz in Alex Reilly.

An even bigger accomplishment than being a two time NXT pro is winning the RAW money in the bank briefcase, which basically guarantees a shiesty mother fucker like The Miz a world championship. This briefcase has also allowed him to plant multiple faces into the briefcase, including the WWE Champion Sheamus.

In the real world (no pun intended) The Miz is one of WWE's greatest ambassadors. If the WWE is holding some sort of event, meet and greet, or anything of that sort, you can count on Miz being there. And if you watch the video of these events, The Miz always seems funny, charming, and courteous.

The Miz is already a very accomplished wrestler championship wise, his moveset is very appealing in that he mixes realistic moves with typical wrestling moves, and he knows how to play the crowd. He used to be an annoying little twerp, but he has transcended that role to become one of the top superstars in the WWE. If all this hasn't convinced you that The Miz is one of the best the WWE has right now, nothing will.
It's amazing how much difference a year can make. Before Miz and Morrison split up, I HATED the guy, I just couldn't stand him. I would have rather watched Randy Orton and Triple H wrestle in their 441564th Last Man Standing match than listen to this guy. But, he's really starting to improve.

The Miz reminds me a lot of how John Cena was before he received his massive push. Annoying, cocky, loved to hate him, etc.. A lot of you may not see it now, but I believe the Miz has a bright future ahead of him. He's the U.S. champion AND Mr. Money in the bank (aka WWE Champion). Vince obviously has faith in the guy. I was reading this one article on wz and I believe it said that Vince wants to push the Miz as THE top guy of the WWE. It also said that Miz is getting the same push as Cena. Vince used to hate Cena, but he just worked harder than anyone else. He feels the same about Miz.

The Miz is really something special in my eyes. His match with Randy Orton a month or so ago was pretty awesome, and it showed that he can go with the top guys. Of course, he's no Shawn Michaels or Triple H or Undertaker, and probably never will be. But he has the look, the charisma, and the mic skills that it takes to be World Champion. Indeed he will be World Champion one day...
I really don't get his appeal either. The impression I get off him is that he's just pretending to be a wrestler (or are they just sports entertainers now?) If anyone has seen that South Park where the boys set up a wrestling company in their backyard and they all just cut promos all the time, that just seems the kind of place Miz belongs.

There was a thread started the other day about Kaval and Danielson being part of the dying breed of wrestlers who can break into the big leagues having already wrestled in places like Japan and Mexico for several years to develop their in-ring skills. Miz is the opposite of guys like that, so the whole 'he worked his ass off!' argument doesn't wash with me. He's just a loudmouth who wants to be a sports entertainer, not a wrestler
i disagree with most people when i say that the miz is a good wrestler cos ive never seen him lose a match lately i know it dosent matter that much but still. as for mic skills, his voice is pretty boring and thats not good.. and even for a heel
Tell you what about the Miz, I despise him. I despise him in the way I've despised Randy Orton and currently CM Punk. He's petty, cheap, and whiny. I also love to see him in pain and getting pinned (which doesn't happen often enough in my opinion.) What does that say about him? That he's doing his job. He's a heel. He's supposed to be hated and annoying. He's supposed to inspire all of us to want to knock those horse-like teeth down his throat.

As far as I see it, the Miz's "appeal" is to keep himself hated so well will continue to enjoy seeing him get the snot kicked out of him when it happens. I think we're gearing up for Bryan's push and the Miz got his build up to make Bryan's defeating him actually seem to mean something.

Miz's push, however, is an entirely different matter in my opinion. I've heard from interview snippets that Miz has what Cena has, a willingness to do just about anything and work his ass off for the company. It is because of this, not necessarily how much he "draws" that he is the future of the company. As we all know, even a practical no-talent in some areas can draw and draw well if pushed the right way.
Look I been a wrestling fanatic since 5 and I'm going on 30 .......I've been following this site 4 a while now and I have 2 say The Miz has gotten my respect all I have 2 tell u guys is to go back and watch this past years god awful summerslam where btw they totally killed that great nexus storyline, that show was wrapped up into 2 words THE MIZ from team wwe needed him to what I believe the highlight of the night that brilliant promo he cut in the ring, Top notch ......The Miz will be 1 of a hand few that will carry the WWE torch.
IMO the Miz is nothing special he is a product of the WWE machine. Especially since WWE has turned into a company where its more about who can cut a promo, and not who can cut it in the ring.

Everyone wants to claim how golden the Miz is on the mic,ask yourself this who else is that great on the mic as a heel on RAW right now, Jericho and edge havent had a chance to consistently showcase their mic skills, Sheamus is a heel by his actions more then anything, and Wade Barrett has potential.

The Miz is looking great on the mic becasue the WWE is giving him the air time every week to showcase. The Miz is THE ONLY GUY on the raw roster who gets to get on the mic and alot, probably more then in ring match times.

Miz CAN cut some good promos but thats where it ends for me personally if WWE wants to put their chips behind him becuase he can cut promos and will do whatever they ask then thats their options.

Just ask yourself who in the wrestling business has become great and a star off good promo skills, and decent/ok in-ring ability??? Kevin Nash, but he had size, Batista, but he had size, etc... Miz is smaller/normal sized guy with good promo skills, and just ok in ring ability how that translates into being a top star of the #1 wrestling promotion in the world i cannot understand... The U.S. title run was great for him, I just think he hasn't showcased enough to be WHC material/top star material within the next year
Because he's proved them wrong. When Miz & Morrison split up, people thought that they were going to be like the Rockers. They thought that Morrision was HBK and Miz was Jannetty. They thought that Miz would get buried on RAW and thus be released from the company. But he didn't. He's a thriving champion and his mic work at times in brilliant. He's able to get a lot of heat from the fans too. Even though he is pretty average in the ring his mic work saves him from being hated. So if he improved his ring ability more then people would go nuts for him.

exactly! now i know miz isnt the best wrestler in the business today but one of the reasons monday night raw is good right now is because of him. he knows how to play to the audience. also i bet you can tell im a huge miz fan but im not gonna bash you for not liking him. its your opinion. and im 100% positive that he is the next cena
That's what annoys me the most about the Miz, he getting put over so much more that Morrison when he has clearly proved himself better in all aspects.
Morrison deserves a push!

are u serious morrison is sucha boring wrestler, he dresses like a gay ric flair, his music sucks, hes okay in the ring, his promos are helllla bornin, i dont even know how this guy has a dvd out now that really bottles my mind.. the miz on the other hand has it all hes entertaining, he can cut crazy promos and hes alright in the ring, he has proven time n time that he is > than morrison n is the future of the company..
As much as i dont like the miz, i do have to side that he is more over, morrison has the in ring ability, and he has the look, just doesnt have the mic skills. He honestly was a decent heel but as a face he is just corny when he is on the mic, and has a timid personality if his mic skills where decent/ok I could see your point but they are not.

Personally, Morrison needs a overhaul lost the "gay rick flair dress" lol and change his music, and his wrestling attire,

Im sure alot of Miz supporters would be against thiis since they feel he has to win the title, I say have Miz cash in his money in the bank against a heel in a legit way not after a match, but against a fresh champ, that way Miz can continue on his I proved everybody wrong angle, have miz hold his own and hit a skull crushing finale, and as miz is about to go for the cover have morrison super kick the miz during the match causing the miz to loss by DQ, have morrison be that bitter heel looking to make a name for himself, Miz can be a tweener, as much as people hate on AWESOME! chant its over!!! and it works!!! And would be over to the audience seeing as he just got screwed.

Doubt it would happen but it would definitley shock everyone who believes that since he has money in the bank he HAS to win
Next we got the Chick Magnet, This is when Miz started to grow on me. He was just another mid carder used as filler talent. He was getting better on the mic and started to get over with some of the fans at this point. This is about the time when the "E" decided to pair him up with John Morrison. I think these two mixed well together, JoMo was at his best here and you could just see The Miz improving on the mic right before your eyes.
and this is when i went from neutral to truly behind miz. people say he was like a frat boy, but i saw it more as a guy who didn't belong, but was pushing his way in. and it worked.
Thanks for all of the replies i'm glad to see this thread was a success.

So after reading everyone's response i now understand why everybody is behind him, but i still cant stand him! Someone said in there reply that he's not a wrestler he's a sports entertainer and i kinda agree with that. I've heard so much about his mic work but i feel like if you have a great promo and then go out and have a mediocre match you take away from the feud because if you can't continue to sell the storyline in the ring just like on the mic then you kill the story line sometimes
Why do people insist on stating that Miz is "the future face of the company" or something along those lines?

Let's state the reasons why people think this:

-Cuts great Promos (hello CM Punk, hi there Chris Jericho, bonjour Edge)

-Vince McMahon loves him. He also loves John Cena, who is currently the face at the age of 33... thats not old... Batista retired when he was like 41 and Cena is way more dedicated to the business than Batista was. So assuming Cena stays around until he is at least 41, he will be the face up until that point (dont even say the Miz will take that away from Cena... what?), then by that time Miz will be 37. Is this the point where you guys think he'll be the face?

-He's "constantly improving in the ring" (very debatable).

-He's one of the best heels. But uh, what does this have to do with being a face? I don't see a heel being the face of the company. Maybe a tweener like Austin/Rock but only Austin/Rock had the kind of charisma to do that. Miz is no where near as talented as them. Not even close.

-Michael Cole calls him the future face of the company. Well, in case you haven't noticed, Michael Cole is in the transition into a heel himself lately. Maybe not a full turn, but some may argue he already has. Bryan is an obvious baby-face and Cole hates him where as Miz is a giant heel and he wants his hotdog in his face at all times. Simply calling him "the future face of the WWE" may be a way of just pushing the guy. Not LITERALLY an attempt to make people believe he'll be a bigger star than Orton or Cena.

-He works really hard. Oh really? Wow that hard working American! Let's make him the face of this giant company and leading face of this wrestling federation! Do you even realize how stupid that is? I'm not saying you shouldn't be rewarded for your hard work. I'm saying that just because you work really hard doesn't mean you are entitled to certain things.


-John Cena, as previously stated, is only 33 years old. Randy Orton, is currently 30. They will both be around for a long time (barring injury). Miz is 29. They aren't going to tell their 2 biggest stars and arguably 2 biggest draws that "hey this Miz guy is now 'the guy', sorry." Will Miz be a main eventer? Of course. Will he be some super hero like John Cena is and take over the WWE? Of course.. not.

-His "improving in the ring" is HARDLY noticeable. I think it's just cool to say now, I mean seriously, "MAN DA MIZ IS ALWAYS IMPROVIN DID U C DAT MOVE HE DID". No, I must have missed it, as I do every week, apparently. YES, I DO REALIZE JOHN CENA IS NOT THE GREATEST IN-RING PERFORMER, BUT, a lot of his "inability" is overblown due to the massive heat he gets from "uber internet wrestling fans". The crowd goes wild over his 5 moves because he's that damn entertaining (apparently). If he isn't to you, I'm sorry, but you are in the minority. I don't see how different the Miz is. I honestly don't. I mean hell, if Cena wasn't scripted to always just come back like a super hero after getting his ass kicked for 20 minutes then we probably would REALLY see what he is capable of. Like the stuff we saw when he first got on the scene.

-Why would they make the face of the WWE a guy that most of the fans (especially the younger generations) have been taught to hate? Yeah kids, remember that guy that would always fight dirty and beat up the good guys and call you all losers? Yeah well he's now a good guy so root for him! Maybe that happens with a lot of wrestlers, a simple change of script from heel to face of vice-versa, but does it turn them into the FACE OF THE COMPANY? NO. Definitely not when they are THIS BIG of a heel.

-I could get into his look, but it would be helpless. The point has been made.

I think just because he is young, cuts great promos, and has the briefcase everyone thinks hes the next hottest thing ever. He's an entertaining fellow, but let's be real here ok? He is not the future face of the company. He is not going to ever carry the company. He will be your typical above-average heel main eventer. Name me one of his matches that have been memorable? Ok, thanks.
First, I should preface by saying that I have nothing against the miz. I think he is a hard worker and has been showing lots of improvement since his debut. I also agree with everything that the original poster already said.

That being said however, I really wish this thread had not been made. Because first, I really don't think we need yet another thread dedicated to the miz. I swear, every time I come in it seems there is a new miz thread or there are other threads that have somehow devolved to miz discussion.

And second, because what is likely to happen is that this thread will be responded to by a slew of posts by miz lovers listing reasons why miz is great, and they will likely just repeat a laundry list of reasons and explanations, all of which will have already been stated and repeated ad nauseum in many many other posts.

However, if placing all the pro-miz and anti-miz discussion in one thread will keep this forum from having new miz topics almost every day, then perhaps this is a good thing after all.
In a way, all those threads were why I made this one. Fight fire with fire, right? EVERYONE is kissing up to this guy like he is the next Jesus Christ or something. I would LOVE to see these laundry lists because none of this makes sense to me. I'm not trying to start a fight with people, I just go about making my points a certain way. I understand it looks that way, but if you can prove me wrong please do.
I think its funny that just cus a guy can cut a descent promo everyone declares him the next big thing. The WWF used to be all about playing your character well and cutting great, believable promos. The WWE has gotten so bland and controlling on its new guys that none of them have personalities and they are like robotic puppets with promos cus thats how they want it. He's a descent wrestler, but there's way better wrestlers in the company. If others were given the chance to be themselves and if creative lets off the reigns a little they could be just as good as the Miz. And I never really saw the Miz/Morrison team as a resemblance to the Rockers.
I get your point, sure, but the Miz is going to be big.

Look, all the talk about ‘face of the company’ is over reaching to say the least because everyone knows (or should) that Cena will be “The Man” for quite a few years more and with Orton getting such big pops these days he’s the next in line. Miz won’t be Cena and he won’t be Orton but will have huge success over the next few years and he will be a main eventer.

Miz has come a long way from his first appearance in WWE and he has earned the briefcase he carries. He has every tool needed to be a big star. He’s a great entertainer and a great talent to have right now. He will get a good push and will cement himself in the main event but I’m with you in knowing he won’t be the “face of the company” but he will certainly be ONE of the faces.
Ok see I agree with you. He will be a main eventer, he will get his run(s) with the title (hopefully just one...), and yeah sure he'll be successful.

The one thing that got me is when you said he will be ONE of the faces of the company. I'm sorry I just don't see it. Face of the Company is a HUGE title. John Cena has it right now and Orton is next in line. After that? It's some old guys and then no ones close. HHH, Taker sure. No one else is in there though, no one. It's a title made for one guy and that right now is Cena.

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