**Merged** [OFFICIAL] The Future of Miz Thread


Suck It!!!!
now i dont think this has been done before but if it has im sorry

ok so i was looking at random wwe stuff on youtube because i was bored :p
one of the things i saw was the miz on are you smarter than a 5th grader and he
was so energetic, so happy, reall funny, and he had all the qualities of a face
heres the second part of four videos of him on the show:
[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiL5iY4lQdY&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiL5iY4lQdY&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

now just by watching that and the other parts i think he could make a great face and who know it might happen :)

so 2 things
1)do you want the miz to be a face
2)do you think he'll make a good face

well for me id have to say yes for both just by watching that vid!

*MODERATOR NOTE* This thread is for all discussion regarding The Miz and future title reigns, face-turns, face of the company, future of the business etc. discussion.
1) Yes I Want Miz to be face.
2) Yes I think Miz will make a great face. He could be very similar to The Rock. He is very charismatic has really great mic skills and is really good in the ring. I'm not saying he could be the next Rock but very similar.
I personally see it not working. I have seen him in a similar role that he played on Are You Smarter whilst he was touring the UK a few months ago and he appeared as a guest on one of our biggest childrens shows, Blue Peter. He was lively, energetic, fun and exciting. He was happy to show the Tag Titles and US title around to the hosts and he got involved in showing kids how to make a wrestling ring (in a very funny way in which he actually seemed to piss off the host because he just took over the segment). But in both situations, he was providing entertainment to children around the age of 10. He couldn't really play a heel role that close to kids that young. It isn't the correct environment for it.

With Miz in a face role, I don't see it working like the rock, I see it working like Cena. Very, very bad. Cena as a heel was quite happy to swear and use innuendo and now, he seems to be a 12 year old boy who thinks he's Superman and has never heard of sex. It works for kids, it's occasionally excruciating for the rest of us. The fact is that The Rock would have to tone down now, Stone Cold would have to tone down so those type of faces are finished. The Miz as a face would just be another Cena and it would be such a waste.
I remember this episode of 5th grader. I liked it.

1)do you want the miz to be a face

No. NO WAY! The miz is good as a heel.

2)do you think he'll make a good face
Yes he probably would except...His whole character is based on being cocky/arrogant/loud mouth... If he's going to be getting built up to be the future of the WWE, they cannot change him to a face, that would destory everything he has done to "concrete" his image.The Miz wouldn't work as face. At least not at this point in time. I believe once he becomes a full time main eventer...than it will be okay to change him face. But as of right now, I think things are going great right now.
I don't want him turning heel any time soon since he plays way too damn good, but he would make a good face though from just seeing that vid of him.
I sincerely hope he stays heel, I believe he'd be good in whatever role they cast him, but right now he's just really getting that full-time heat that he needs to be a great heel. It would be wasteful of his talents and generally insulting to the hard work he's been putting in to turn him anytime soon.

Eventually, he's going to go the route of Randy Orton and be forced to turn anyways. People are starting to take to him more and more every week. I say let the crowds dictate when he's going to turn.
Not as good as he is as a heel.

Miz has a great talent: he can be so annoying that people will pay their money to see him get beaten up. That's a rare ability in wrestling that as far as WWE goes might be limited to Honky and Piper. Those two would talk so much and get on your nerves so bad that you just wanted to pop them in the mouth after about 9 seconds. Miz is the same way. His character works so well because he's just so irritating. The key to him though is he's backed up his mouth. As a face, this talent goes away. That's not good, but it could work. I just don't think it'll be as good.
I wouldn't like to see him as a face, as he can play a heel so good.He dosen't really have to play it up because that is his attitude.The guy can be so annoying and you want to see someone like a Cena or Orton kick his arse, when you have a guy scream AWESOME into a mic it is going to start to annoy people.Plus that plays into his ego, and how he says he is Awesome.Miz plays a great heel and with Money in the Bank in his pocket if he can use it against a face it will make him even more over with the people as a heel.
I don't want to see him as a face but I think it is inevitable, the same thing that happened to Randy will happen to him I think where he gets so good as a heel that he starts getting cheered. I think if he did a Randy and kept basically the same character but got cheered it would be ok but if he turns into an actual face then no it wouldnt work as his current character is perfect for him.
I think he is good enough on the mic to be a face. But obviously, I would like to see him remain a heel for the foreseeable future
People have said that if he is a face that he'd have to be like The Rock. While I do agree to an extent, consider also Jericho and Piper as faces. I imagine that a successful face run for The Miz would have to be something like the lovechild of the three, but with his own twist on it (obviously he wouldn't be as manic as Piper). Let's face it, he brings something completely different than what any of them have brought. You can't just imagine him as being a rip-off of that. Miz has enough knowledge of the industry to know that piggy-backing on something that worked is a step in the right direction, but doing the same exact thing twice is boring. That said, I think he'd be very successful, if booked in the right way. I'd see the integral part of a face run being who he's booked against and what he says to whom, obviously with a little bit of the malice taken out, replaced in equal parts with humor. What he gets heat for saying to faces could just as easily get him good pops if he says it to heels. Regardless, I only want to see it happen at the right time for the right reasons with some actual direction for it to go in afterward, and definitely not as a tease like they did with Edge this year.
Jeez! Miz this and The Miz that. So many threads about the Miz these days. He's the talk 'o the town I guess.

But yeah, I would like to see The Miz try out the face role. I think he would be good at it because he just seems charasmatic enough to play both sides well. I think it is good to see wrestlers play face and heel during their careers. Its good to see both sides of them and to know which role they play better.
I don't really know. He has the potential to be a good face, but it doesn't mean it will be capitalized on. He's a good heel however, and that is something we know because we've seen it. However I don't believe we've ever seen Miz as a face.

And who knows, there might be a reason for that, perhaps WWE doesn't believe in Miz being able to play a face for now, but would rather see him as a heel where he obviously thrives.

But yeah I guess he could be a good face, however I'll have to see it before I can truly comment on it.
yes i want him to be a face not now maybe in a year or so as soon as the rosters gets evened up again because raw is to stacked. but i think he will be a great face as soon as he matures as a wrestler a little more and get a better finisher i dont like his current one. but as many of you know he is in mcmahons lime light right now and he will be the new better john cena later down the line
Think about this...Earlier this year, NOONE wanted Randy Orton to turn face because his character was such a good heel that they didn't want WWE to ruin it...What happened? Randy Orton turned face and he's the hottest star in the WWE, period, Raw OR Smackdown.... Now people say The Miz can't turn face because his character is such a good heel...Who says to turn face you have to change your character? Randy Orton did fine with it..Why can't The Miz? As for the John Morrison comparison, it's unfounded...Morrison TRIES too hard to be a face as opposed to just letting his natural ability shine through...Fans are already cheering The Miz and he hasn't even HINTED at a face turn like Orton did for months before making it official...Every GREAT Superstar is great because they could swing between face and heel and excel at it..Lets look at a few superstars, hall of famers, who are good but not great superstars..

Ted Dibiase Sr: One of the GREATEST Heels of all time....He was one of the top heels during a time where the WWF needed top heels..In WWE, WCW, he drew heat whereever he went... Unfortunately, he won't be mentioned in the top echelon because He never played a face(or atleast, never played it well)...Dibiase was such a great heel...They couldn't possibly turn his character face.

Mr.Perfect: Now, granted, he had a brief face run during his feud with Ric Flair but it was nothing memorable...As a heel, however, he had great feuds with the likes of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels and is a former Intercontinental Champion and many believe should have had atleast ONE WWF Title run which I agree... But he could NEVER catch on as a face, even in WCW which is why he turned on Flair and joined the nWo..

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat: One of the most dynamic faces of all time...His matches with Ric Flair and Randy Savage were LEGENDARY.. But I don't think, in his ENTIRE career, he was ever booked as a heel...Correct me if i'm wrong but I don't recall..And for that, he gets points deducted because he never even gave it a TRY..

Goldberg: Yeah, I went a little outta left field here but I had to get a WCW name in there... Goldberg debuted on fire...173-0 and the WCW Champion after defeating top heel Hollywood Hogan...Bill Goldberg was easily THE top face in WCW at the time...But they tried turning him heel with The New Blood and what happened? Goldberg fell flat on his face...He couldn't do it, didn't wanna do it, and never really got the chance to be a top heel.

Now this is where THE MIZ falls in currently...He's a great heel...In my opinion, Nexus included, he's the second top heel on RAW behind Sheamus...But he's never been given a proper face run...Who knows what would've happened had The Miz turned face and Morrison stayed heel after their split..In my opinion The Miz would've been released because his mic skills weren't nearly as far along as they are now..He wouldn't have been ready...Now on to the Superstars who COULD swing from Face to Heel and vice versa.

Hulk Hogan: Obvious choice..He was Superman of the 80's...Hulkamania was runnin wild..Hogan was pretty much the top face his ENTIRE WWE tenure in the 80's and early 90's until he left for WCW feuding with top heels like Randy Savage, The Undertaker, Andre the Giant, etc..The first 2 years in WCW, also THE top face feuding with the likes of Ric Flair, The Giant, and The Dungeon of Doom...Then came Bash at the Beach 1996...Hall and Nash vs Team WCW...Hulk Hogan comes out, seemingly to aid Sting and Savage and BAM! Drops the Leg on Savage and the rest is history..Hulk Hogan went on to become the Top Heel in Professional Wrestling during the nWo's heyday until he once again turned face before exiting WCW.

The Rock: Another obvious choice here...The Rock debuted as Rocky Maivea, the blue chip face..Unfortunately we were just entering a more edgier product and that blue chip goody goody face wasn't working anymore..The fans turned on Maivea and he became The Rock, leading the Nation of Domination...Eventually The Rock turned face before turning heel again at Survivor Series and becoming The Corporate Champion..The Rock's big face run came after he was exiled from the Corporation and quickly became The People's Champion...Nolonger was he a goody two shoes..He was edgier, funnier, and aside from Steve Austin, was THE face of the attitude era.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: People look at Austin's failed heel turn in 2001 as proof Austin couldn't be a heel...People seem to forget the face that Steve Austin was a great heel in the Hollywood Blondes AND when he first arrived in the WWE as The Ringmaster and in the early days of his Stone Cold persona... Then ofcourse, THE FANS turned him face after his Wrestlemania match with Bret Hart and he solidified his spot as THE face of the attitude era and was instrumental in the success of the attitude era.

Triple H:Yeah, I know..I like him better as a heel too..But you can't deny his ability and overness as a face...He was THE top heel from 1999-2006 basically..Minus his uneventful face turn after he came back from his 1st quad tear...Then in 2006, Triple H reformed D-Generation-X and never looked back..Both as a part of DX and away from DX(his feuds with Cena and Orton), Triple H has proven he can get over as a heel or face.

Shawn Michaels: Couldn't put HHH on here and NOT ol HBK...Shawn Michaels turned on Marty Jannetty and branched out on his own, amassing a pretty good heel run by winning the Intercontinental Championship..His feuds with Razor Ramon and Bret Hart as a heel were epic...Then, as a result of his win against Bret Hart, HBK turned face and had a pretty decent run considering what he had to work with..1995 was a down period for the WWF and the WWF Champion working with guys like Vader, British Bulldog, Diesel, and Mankind during his run pretty much proved that... In my opinion, HBK's greatest work as a face came after his 4 year hiatus in 2002...From 2002 until his retirement in 2010(minus his one month heel turn during his feud with Hulk Hogan), Shawn Michaels was one of the top faces in the WWE with great feuds with guys such as Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and The Undertaker.

Chris Jericho:The best in the world at what he does is right..He debuted as a heel interupting THE ROCK...Jericho eventually turned face and became one of the most charasmatic faces of the attitude era..Jericho's heel turn became complete when he defeated The Rock AND Stone Cold to become Undisputed Champion...He waffled between face and heel more than ANY superstar in recent memory and nomatter where he's aligned, he doesn't miss a beat.

Ric Flair:16 time World Champion...He created the 4 Horsemen as the Top Heel in the business..He was one of, if not THE top heel in Wrestling for years...Then he slowly turned face feuding with the nWo and during his run in the WWE..Flair has earned the respect now that he's cheered regardless of whether he's booked as a face or a heel...Very few guys can say that.

John Cena:I may get heat for this one but look at the facts...Everyone wants him to turn heel...Why? Mostly because they prefer his Rapper gimmick..He drew TREMENDOUS heat as a heel on Smackdown and would draw "nWo Hogan" type heat if he turned heel today...But then John Cena turned face and the rest is history..Cena worked and made himself THE top face of the post attitude WWE and the biggest money maker since Stone Cold Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan before him.

Randy Orton: Facts are Facts...As a heel in Evolution, he was unstoppable, holding the Intercontinental Championship for Seven months and becoming the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in history...Then he turned face and bombed...Why? Because he wasn't ready yet..He had just started to catch fire as one of the top young heels..A face turn was the worst thing for him...He turns heel again and racks up 5 more World Title runs and an impressive 2007-2008 run after John Cena went down with injury..His feuds with Triple H and John Cena as a heel were epic, like it or not...Noone wanted him to turn face...He did...And instantly became the hottest face in the entire WWE...He hasn't had that one defining feud yet as a face(although he could've but they cut Dibiase/Orton short, Edge/Orton short and Sheamus/Orton looks that way aswell) but that doesn't change the fact he's lighting up RAW as a face and hasn't changed his character one bit from a year ago.

There's other guys like STING who were legendary faces but never given a fair shot as heels...Even when he was heel in the MEM, he was booked as a face who was aligned with heels...Even now, he's doing an exceptional job as a heel with the whole "deception" angle but in reality it's all setting up for Sting to turn face again and be vindicated when Bischoff and/or Hogan turn heel..Obviously I left guys off like The Undertaker(Heel:Ministry..Face:phenom), Bret Hart(Heel:Hart Foundation..Face:Hitman),etc.

So everyone the point is...Do we want The Miz to be positioned on the level of Mr.Perfect and Ted Dibiase? A great heel but not a great Superstar? It's not a BAD thing, Perfect and Dibiase are hall of famers for a reason...Or do we want The Miz mentioned, in 10 years, with the same breath as John Cena, Stone Cold, Randy Orton, The Rock, or even Hulk Hogan?A great Superstar who could cut it bein Heel or Face without missing a beat? I know which one I want....Now, i'm not saying he has to turn face RIGHT NOW...That'd be foolish..He's too hot right now to turn face...Atleast not until he cashes in..And even then, I think his 1st WWE Title run SHOULD be as a heel...But with Barrett, Sheamus, Edge, Jericho, and possibly Cena OR HHH, the time maybe near for a Miz face turn...Maybe AFTER his 1st reign is over, turn him face...Have him play a Jericho type face..The cocky comedian who always runs down their opponets.. I think that'd suit his current character the best...The Miz is SO hot as a heel, just like Orton was, that WHEN the time comes to turn him face, it could be even bigger than John Cena's face turn...

The Miz could be just as big as Cena is now if played right.. They didn't rush Cena's face turn back in 2003(or was it 2004? I think 03)...They gave it a slow build so when it happened, the fans ate it up...Stone Cold didn't turn face over night...Sure, his match with Hart solidified his face turn and Hart's heel turn but they'd been teasing it for weeks, even months before hand, eversince KOTR...The match with Austin/Hart just put the final nail in it...Randy Orton's latest face turn didnt happen over night...Neither did Triple H's face turn in 2006..They were teasing a DX reunion since Wrestlemania when HBK did the crotch chop before elbowing Vince through a table...Triple H then did the same in his Match with Cena...When Triple H finally turned face and reunited with Michaels, the fans went nuts...The best face and heel turns are not the shock value turns like Hogans(although that was lightning in a bottle)...It's the slow build turns...If and when The Miz turns face, it'll be far more epic and it'll instantly catapult him to the Top alongside Cena and Orton(assuming Cena stays face)..I'm also assuming Triple H turns heel as I can't see WWE keeping Cena, Orton, AND HHH all face for too long and I doubt Orton would kill all his momentum by turning heel this quick so that leaves Cena or HHH with HHH being the more likely of the two.

The Miz could be another Rock but i would prefer him more closer to the way Chris Jericho was when he was face...Then he could end up with a similar career as Jericho..Being able to drift from World Champion to U.S. Champion, from Main Event to Mid Card and back to Main Event without losing any credibility..That's what The Miz has the chance to be, IF done right..

I'm interested in hearing everyones thoughts.
You certainly have done your homework and you are right about Ricky Steamboat, he was never a heel ever. He was always the face. I agree that the Miz turning face is inevitable mostly because nobody ever stays one way their whole career anymore. The one flaw most heels have today is sometimes, the fans run out reasons to hate them. Triple H I feel has been that way for years. He was the big heel I agree for a good chunk of years. When he came back from injuries that sidelined him, the crowd couldn't help but cheer for him. Even when they tried to turn him back to heel, didn't last because again, run out of reasons to hate him. Good examples with Orton. He's over now but when they turned him face after Evolution, it was a disaster and he was not ready. Then there's John Morrison. He's an amazing talent in the ring without question but something is missing with him. He's just not as over as he ought to be. Edge came back from injury as a face and within a month they changed him back to heel. Given, they did a stupid move by not having him beat Jericho for the belt and then on Smackdown they let Swagger win it. But they couldn't figure out how to have Edge as a face and still maintain what he had as a heel. I saw a glimmer of the Miz as a face when he was talking down Shaemus. I think it could work but it has to be done right because I don't want a Miz face turn to be on the list of face/heel turn disasters.
Firstly don't ever mention austin and cena in the same breath.
Ok now onto the topic. I don't think the miz should ever be face. It just wouldn't work. He is good at being heel, but thats because he is an asshole in real life. If they do turn him face then it will be just like ortons first face turn. And at that time Orton was a great heel but he was being more or less himself which is an asshole. It wasn't untill he was doing over the top fucked up shit and the whole cool viper thing when he set the world a fire. If miz finds a character like that, well then yeah turn him face, BUT his character now would not catch on with the average viewer.

And p.s.
Shawn michaels faced bret in 1996 and had already turned face in 95, so his match vs. bret was a face vs. face match. Secondly shawn best face run was when he was champion in 96 and where he had classic after classic. At that time he was the face of the company.
Wait, wasn't the Miz face when he first showed up on WWE T.V? I mean, it wasn't until DX started making fun of him when he was an interveiwer. He then turned heel when he went with Morrison
The Miz turning face anything soon would only result in a Randy Orton 2004 situation. People might be cheering him, but he just isn't that likable. Actually, that's Randy Ortons situation now.

I think The Miz has the potential to be a very good face, but doing it anytime soon would be such a waste. There is more potential for him as a heel world champion than their is as a face.
great thread....if you wanna get technical though Cena was a debuting face, who eventually turned heel...he was only a heel for a year and a half tops before turning face in 2003.....The Miz on the otherhand has been around for 4 years on the roster so I dont know if you can really compare that a whole lot....Miz debuted after Tough Enough as a host who the fans turned heel because he really didnt belong back then.....I see what youre saying though eventually he has to turn face.....I believe he could make a great face due to the reaction he got when he went up against Sheamus a few weeks ago.....he has the catchphrase and it wont be too long before he is WWE champion
Firstly don't ever mention austin and cena in the same breath.

First I just want to comment on the quote above. Why shouldn't you mention Austin and Cena in the same breath. They were both huge Merchandise making machines. And if your going to say it's because Austin was a better wrestler, well that's just stupid. Austin only used 5 or 6 moves also (the Lou Thesz press, stomp, stomp, kick in the corner and the stunner). Now this was not Austins fault, as it is not Cena's fault he only does 5 moves, it was the fault of VKM and the bookers that told them to only do these moves as both Austin and Cena are much better wrestlers than they appeared.

Now as for this topic, I could see them changing the Miz to a face and two weeks later everyone on the Internet complaining that the Miz sucks as a face and he WWE was stupid for changing him. Same as the IWC as done with Morrison (who I still find very entertaining in the ring), MVP, Cena. The reason Orton works is that he did not change his character at all from Heel to face and people just started to cheer for him. But I also bet by early next year Orton will be heel again as his character is just not one that can be a face very long.
Great thread, the only info of yours that I saw as incorrect was your perception of Mr. Perfect. He turned face at Survivor 1992, he had his feud with Ric Flair but then feuded with Lex Luger (WM 9) as a face as well as Shawn Michaels (doesn't anyone remember him throwing Michaels on that car in from of the Manhattan Center?). He was also a face at the King of the Ring in 1993 where he wrestled a great match with Bret. In all honesty he was the guest referee at WM X as a face but turned heel on the then face LEx Luger, which kind of made sense. He was also a longtime face and fan favorite in the AWA.

The Miz could be a face but there is no real reason to turn him now, he is getting much more heat than cheers. He has the potential but he is just a very unlikable guy with his persona so I really don't want to see him be a face. For those ripping on Randy it is not really comparable. Randy has already delivered dozens of classic matches so we have respect for him. Miz hasn't earned it yet. I wouldn't mind seeing him bleed.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Of course there will be a point in time that The Miz will turn face and be loved by the crowd, but that time is certainly not in the near future. He still has a lot of avenues to explore with him being a heel and there is more potential for him to grow and develop as a star in this persona. While he still gets the random cheers from the crowd here and there, he isn't at that point where he can make the turn and the crowd will instantly cheer for him. He'll have a lot of trouble trying to cope with the changes and will do an Edge/Orton transition and go back to being a heel.

Why change someone over to a different alignment when the current one is doing wonders for them and will continue to do so? Let's have Miz run a lot of his course and judge him in the future at which point a turn would be beneficial.
Obviously you took a lot of time writing this up, so you get that respect. Here's why I respectfully disagree.

The company revolves around Cena. There's all this talk about building Miz up to the main event. Well, the main event IS Cena. Even when he's not in the title picture, he's in the main event. Cena being the sole survivor of Team WWE at Summerslam was the most obvious outcome of that scenario, and a good example of that point. And as long as Cena is the face of the company, he needs heels to feed on, to have rematches and programs with.

I love the idea of Miz and Cena facing off for the title at Wrestlemania. This might be a poor example, but anybody remember when Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude had a program for the IC title, then they went their seperate ways, only to have a program again later for the World Title? Cena and Miz already have a past to build on. I think it's perfect.

I don't like the idea of Miz on Smackdown. He could do a much better job than Jack Swagger as a heel champion, fighting with the Takers and Mysterios and the such, but it's my opinion that the best talkers should be on the "A" show, the live show. Miz on Smackdown would work as much as Chris Jericho on Smackdown worked. It didn't.

What I won't say though, is that Miz can't be a tremendous face. That's not true at all. The Miz on the Real World/Road Rules challenges was one of the very few cast members that was universally liked by every other cast member. Everybody picked him first. I do believe that The Miz is somebody that can be a cornerstone of the company. A huge reason why I think the Miz will make it: he really does it because he loves wrestling, he already had a pretty good gig and could have been an actor had he wanted to (which is what it seems guys like say, Batista really wanted to do); also he already has tons of experience in front of the camera. He has the personality and the presence and the right attitude and the right intentions, and will be a workhorse. But as long as there are two separate shows, there can only be one true face on RAW (Orton is a tweener), and that is John Cena.

For the next 12 months, building towards Miz working programs with guys like Cena and Orton are two of the most obvious and most "slam dunk" money making programs the company has. Anything else would be foolish. Miz could be a face one day, but not anytime soon.
Sure, The Miz will turn face eventually. Statistically speaking, it's almost impossible for it not to happen. However, I agree with Y 2 Jake on this that it'll be a huge mistake to turn him face anytime in the near future. The Miz is arguably the best young heel in wrestling today. He's worked hard in developing himself, his character and he's great on the mic. Ultimately, being a heel is what's brought The Miz to the dance thus far and he's on the verge of being a main event player.

I think he might be a good face, potentially. Although, at the same time, it might not go over nearly as well because The Miz has been so great as a heel.

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