**MERGED** Money in the Bank 2012 & Aftermath Discussion- Keep it all in here!!

I like the MITB ppv. I would place it as the third best of the year (behind Mania and RR). This is due to there being two multi-man ladder matches which are always enjoyable as well as the added fact that the winner will be instantly propelled into the main event. Moreover, the past two years have had very story-lines surrounding the ppv. We had Nexus and the whole punk leaving scenario making the PPV unmissable.
Common knowledge that The Rock is coming back for the Title. A lot of people suggesting he wins The Royal Rumble and others suggesting he gets a Title match at Wrestlemania 29. But how about Rock wins the MITB match at the July PPV?

First up, I don't buy into it has to be an 'up and coming star' because Punk, Edge, Kane and others were estbalished in the main event scene when they won it. The Smackdown match can do that anyway. Second of all, I know July is a long way from his estimated early 2013 return, but does that matter? These things usually take a while to cash in anyway (see Bryan waiting 5 months). I imagine there would be extra interest in Title matches on Raw and extra interest in PPV Title match should Rock win the Briefcase. Rock could show up at anytime to cash in, that sells itself. Thirdly, a lot of the wrsetling snobs on here saying Rock needs to earn the Title, surely earning a shot by doing a PPV like MITB and winning the match rectifies this?

I obviously dont see this happening but it is just something I am throwing out there.
I don't see this happening, but it's not a completely stupid idea i guess. Having him win would be a safe bet, but you see the money in the bank as a 'cheap' way of getting the title, with most of the reigns being pretty lacklustre (that is minus Bryans and Miz's reigns). I personally would like ziggler or maybe barrett to win the briefcase but i can see cena winning it.
This sounds like a good idea, it will keep the element of surprise rather than expecting the rock to win the rumble and being obvious.

As to him earning a shot.....the guy is a legend he already has earned his spot and is a bigger star than the entire roster.

BUT i still think he wont return till next year
I think a better idea would be for The Rock to enter the MITB match, and then at the end of it all have just Rock and someone left standing in the ring, Rock lays X out with a Rock Bottom, and climbs the ladder, just as you think that he has won, he gets knocked off the ladder and has victory stolen from him by some up and coming heel, just imagine the heat that person would get. Then have Rock return later to win the Rumble.

I personally think he's just gonna win the Rumble myself, I think he was telling the truth about not being back till next year, cause his schedule doesn't seem to allow for him to make a faster return.
It'd be a waste of the stipulation. Traditionally, the MITB briefcase IS for elevating wrestlers to the main event spot. Guys like Edge, Punk, RVD & Miz were well known up & comers but they didn't ever the main event scene in WWE until winning the briefcase. Kane is the odd man out in terms of winners, so it's not out of the realm of possibility to use the case to push someone into the main event scene that's been there before.

However, Kane isn't The Rock. The Rock is on a level of star power, overall talent & fan interest that Kane could never dream of reaching. The Rock is such an icon in WWE that he can just show up, demand a title shot, he'd get it and nobody would miss a blink. Even a good deal of internet fans, who generally piss and moan about everything, would really complain about WWE going that route BECAUSE he's The Rock. He's one of the biggest stars that's ever been or ever will be in pro wrestling.

On top of all that, according to The Rock himself via Twitter, it's unlikely he'll be making very many, if any, appearances in WWE for the rest of the year. He's already got three other film projects on his plate right now, so I doubt we'll be seeing him until it's close to Royal Rumble time.
I don't see it happening either -- should I bold that so people don't completely ignore that I said it? -- and my knee-jerk reaction was to think "you idiot, what a stupid idea," but it actually is kind of interesting. How often do you see people complain about how predictable wrestling is? But if you had the match booked and then, say, Sin Cara or whoever suffered some sort of kayfabe injury, you could have The Rock come out unannounced, compete, and win the match. By merely being in the ring with The Rock, guys like Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett would be getting a boost (you can't complain that the belt gets passed around too often and then say that MITB -- and inevitably the title -- belongs to an up-and-comer; those two things contradict).

Personally, I think The Rock just said what he said about the title as a teaser to fans. It may well be a long-term plan to put the belt on him, but I don't think they had that intent the night he cut that promo. And obviously they would never consider taking this route, but in terms of giving the audience something fresh and unpredictable, it's actually quite intriguing.

EDIT: And it also gives The Rock one more career accolade to hang his hat on.
I would disagree. The Rumble seems to be the only viable way for him to make a splash AND go for the title IMO. It's a built in storyline so not much needed there. That way you don't have to make up a story depending on who is the Champion and he doesn't have to compete in the Elimination Chamber the following month. Works out for everyone.
At first when I saw this I was against it, then thinking to myself it could be a good move. Whilst granted (apart from Kane) the briefcase has been used to pushed wrestlers into the main event, it is usually been cheap and often these wrestlers need something else to actually get them to that level (Punk's contract, Edge's Rated R, RVD's ECW) whereas others just fall away (Miz, Swagger, Kane). It's nothing more than a prop. The likes of Barrett and Ziggler don't need the MITB because they'll make it to the main event without it.

So why not have The Rock win it, fit it into the fact he will rarely show up but at the same time have him personally have the briefcase with him when promoting movies and so forth. Talk trash about the champion on various chat shows, whenever you see The Rock you see the WWE logo. Free advertisement and an easy way to keep The Rock relevant without having the need for him to be there.
Hate to be so negative, but this has no chance of ever happening. If they were to throw The Rock in the MITB match, does anyone, ANYONE think he would lose? Jack-Hammer says waste of a stipulation, I say waste of a match period. There would be absolutely no suprise there whatsoever. Even less so than an Undertaker WM match. Plus, he just doesn't need it. Same thing as Jericho not winning the RR this year. He didn't need to win to be inserted into the WWE Championship picture. Just as The Rock doesn't need MITB to get in either. Is anyone in the IWC or WWE Universe going to deny that he already belongs there and boo him for it? Not a chance.

Plus it's just a tough match on the competitors and I don't think The Rock would want to go through that.

If you're going to do something like this, throw him in as a surprise entrant into next year's Royal Rumble. At least then there's a little shock and awe.
In a reverse Daniel Bryan, NO! NO! NO!

Money In The Bank matches are NOT to be used for reasons like this. The Rock shouldn't even be allowed to participate in a MiTB, because him then losing it would make him look less of a Superstar. If he did win, it would just make the MiTB look awful and make Rocky look like he had to take shortcuts to get himself to a title.

I have nothing more to say on this, it's a really bad idea.
I like the idea and can see it working if done correctly. First I would not announce Rock in the match. The MITB PPV sells well enough that it doesn't need to announce The Rock. Have the match set and then at the PPV have one of the guys get attacked, thus opening a spot. This also brings in the element of uncertainty and may make watching weekly shows and ordering PPV's more important to the fans because maybe something like this can happen again. This also makes all future title matches that much more important as you never know when Rock will cash it in. You could even have him show up once or twice and tease cashing it in.

I would hold off cashing it till Mania. Have him announce beforehand that he will do so, so the match is set and someone else can win the rumble and challenge for the other title. This way Rock still looks strong because he isin't Edging his way to victory. He can win the title he said he will at Mania and then drop it the next month or maybe 2 months later.
Complete hypothetical here.

What if what was mentioned above happened, The Rock got knocked down while climbing the latter by X, who wins the briefcase. X cashes in the MITB, Rock wins Rumble, and the two face at Mania.

Highly unlikely though. Though I do agree many would benefit from being in the ring with him. Can you imagine if he made a surprise appearance? That place would pop like no other.
I like that idea......since R-Truth can't win since he hates heights and spiders....anything that has The Rock in it will be gold for sure.
Hate to be so negative, but this has no chance of ever happening. If they were to throw The Rock in the MITB match, does anyone, ANYONE think he would lose? Jack-Hammer says waste of a stipulation, I say waste of a match period. There would be absolutely no suprise there whatsoever. Even less so than an Undertaker WM match. Plus, he just doesn't need it. Same thing as Jericho not winning the RR this year. He didn't need to win to be inserted into the WWE Championship picture. Just as The Rock doesn't need MITB to get in either. Is anyone in the IWC or WWE Universe going to deny that he already belongs there and boo him for it? Not a chance.

Wrestlemania sells itself on the Undertakers 'streak match'. We all know Takers gunna win but are you telling me that Taker vs HHH III wasn't compelling viewing?!

Rock in a MITB match would sell itself, and beyond. Who cares that its predictable? Everytime Punk defends his Title in Raw we know he is going to walk out Champion. The big belts very rarely switch hands on Raw. Look at the bigger picture to this idea, its one big story. The unpredictability can come later.

And yes, people will deny he doesnt deserve a title shot because he is a 'part timer' zzzzz. I dont agree with these people but go through The Rock threads and see what I mean!!!
In a reverse Daniel Bryan, NO! NO! NO!

Money In The Bank matches are NOT to be used for reasons like this. The Rock shouldn't even be allowed to participate in a MiTB, because him then losing it would make him look less of a Superstar. If he did win, it would just make the MiTB look awful and make Rocky look like he had to take shortcuts to get himself to a title.

I have nothing more to say on this, it's a really bad idea.

But Rock just turning out and wanting to go for the title isn't taking shortcuts? Way to go contradicting yourself!!! Gruelling ladder match with 7-9 other people is more than paying your dues.

Oh and can I just say. The MITB match is a glorified number one contenders match. That is all.
Sorry but i dont see this happening for two reasons

1. Wwe would not risk such a big star like The Rock Getting injured and possibly not being able to compete at WrestleMania 29.

2. I read in a report on Wrestzone that The Rock will not be returning to the Wwe until early 2013, so The earliest i imagine him appearing is the Royal Rumble.
As I believe Rock In the MITB would be awesome but I doubt it for two reasons

1. Rock would probably prefer to win at the Royal Rumble since it's viewed as a more major PPV

2. and this is the major point. Rock in no way would ever at his age and status be in a ladder match! He would never jeopardize his health and acting career for the sake of a good storyline. Im sorry to say but your reaching here
The Rock being the MITB is such a weird image in my head. Hm. In any matter, if WWE wishes to put him in there. I believe that they have to add some other top (or upper midcard) wrestlers in there. Like the MITB that had Edge, Randy, and Jericho in there. Having the Rock in there with no other true main-eventers or upper midcarders would make it look ridiculous. If WWE is going to put him in there, you would probably have to equalize it with say D-Bry or anyone who looks good in a match-up against the Rock.
Its a great idea in theory if he wins and then cashes in like RVD did aka setting up a match and saying "I'm going to cash this in at Wrestlemania" or something to that degree. Cheap wins suck and that would devalue any dominance he'd have in the ring if that happen... Just a thought.
Its a great idea in theory if he wins and then cashes in like RVD did aka setting up a match and saying "I'm going to cash this in at Wrestlemania" or something to that degree. Cheap wins suck and that would devalue any dominance he'd have in the ring if that happen... Just a thought.

It has to be that way. Unless he turns heel but even then he's not a cowardly heel like previous MITB winners.
It's a creative alternative to him winning the Rumble, but there's no way in hell this scenario happens for the reason that MiTB is used to elevate mid-tier stars to the main event. Rock doesn't need MiTB. I think, like everyone else, he'll come back in January 2013 and win the Rumble to earn his shot at the WWE belt.
I like the idea of The Rock winning potentially one of two MitB briefcases. It would play out the best if it were a surprise, and if the match is anything like it usually is, the finish will not be predictable. The Rock doesn't need it, but it would be a nice feather in his cap to have. If he could make appearances in the months leading up to Wrestlemania, the briefcase would be an interesting storytelling element. It's a fresh concept, but like many have said in this thread The Rock already has earned a main event spot for eternity, so the briefcase is really just unnecessary.
I don't see that happening, if for no other reason than a Money in the Bank match is probably to dangerous for The Rock to risk being involved in.
The Rock winning Money In the Bank would be a bad idea for several reasons. First of all, he would gain next to nothing from it. He's a multi time WWE Champion and was one of the biggest names in the history of the federation. What could he possibly gain from winning either briefcase? One more little thing to brag about? It really does not accomplish anything. Secondly, a huge injury could spell the end of his movie career. There is no way he would want to take that risk.

Finally, it results in a waste of a time. The MITB matches serve the purpose of helping upper midcarders break into the main event, not giving a semi-retired legend something else to brag about. Guys like Rhodes or Barrett who would benefit greatly from winning the match would miss out on a huge opportunity. WWE are smart enough to realize what a terrible idea it would be for The Rock to win MITB. Then again, they had him beat Cena. It could happen. I really hope not though.

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