Money In The Bank Buyrate Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

- According to the latest numbers released to WWE stockholders, the 2011 Money in the Bank pay-per-view with John Cena vs. CM Punk in Chicago did over 265,000 worldwide buys. This is up over 100,000 pay-per-view buys from the first Money in the Bank pay-per-view, which did 165,000 worldwide buys.

The increase can be attributed to the hot CM Punk angle and the match against John Cena.

The 2011 Money in the Bank buyrate is WWE's best this year besides WrestleMania 27 and the Royal Rumble.

I don't think the streams are that much of a problem. You can find UFC PPV streams really easily too and their buyrates is way higher than WWE.

People will buy UFC PPVs because they don't know the aftermath beforehand. Technology, like someone earlier stated, is a huge reason. But not just because of the free streams. People already know what is going to happen. UFC will always thrive because it's two REAL guys fighting a REAL match.

Economy is also to blame. But I put most of the blame on McMahon constantly jacking the prices up. $50 dollars per PPV? When there are so many? No thanks. I could use that money and throw a party for my friends during the first weekend of the NFL season.
People will buy UFC PPVs because they don't know the aftermath beforehand. Technology, like someone earlier stated, is a huge reason. But not just because of the free streams. People already know what is going to happen. UFC will always thrive because it's two REAL guys fighting a REAL match.

Economy is also to blame. But I put most of the blame on McMahon constantly jacking the prices up. $50 dollars per PPV? When there are so many? No thanks. I could use that money and throw a party for my friends during the first weekend of the NFL season.
That's all bullshit.

UFC draw high PPVs because you don't see their stars every week. It's really the ONLY time you see their top guys fight in matches that haven't already happened.

"McMahon jacking the prices up" yea fuck Vince. I mean, he's just doing it to be a dick. Has nothing to do with the figures his statisticians and researchers find or the fact that it probably also COSTS him more to produce a PPV.

People need to get their head out of their ass and look at the big picture and think critically. If his researchers showed that the WWE would make more money on PPVs at a cheaper cost, he would sure as hell do that. Instead he doesn't, he probably has damn good reasons too.
I don't think that's true. Not to single you out--a lot of people have made this point so far, that this Punk storyline isn't making ripples outside of the wrestling community.

My asshole roommate, who turns his nose at the very thought of wrestling, heard about the whole storyline from some sports podcast he listens to, and it interested him enough that he started reading about it online. If you want to talk about another "jaw-dropping" moment, it's when he told me that he thought this storyline was really interesting and he wanted to know what happens. A couple of days later, he handed me a copy of the Chicago Reader, whose cover story was about Colt Cabana, and said "hey, isn't that the guy who CM Punk keeps mentioning..?"

Granted, it didn't turn him into a fan, and I have no empirical evidence that this happened to anyone else, but this storyline got (relatively) major coverage outside of wrestling websites. Maybe that doesn't result in an immediate increase in PPV buys (understandably so... again, would a new interested party be willing to pay 50 bucks for something he's merely curious in?), but it definitely means greater overall public interest in the WWE.

It created a spark, I'll agree. Jim Rome called CM Punk to come visit his show and finish the shoot. But to comment on people not willing to pay 50 bucks, Raw's ratings haven't exactly shot up either. I honestly think Punk's shoot was over-rated. He said what most of us already knew and thought. Nothing special in my eyes, and really, since Punk is back, I think the buzz from that shoot died down.

Punk's great at what he does, don't get me wrong. I just don't think what he does is going to create new fans.
Did you guys even bother to read post 54 in this thread?

the OP LIED, the PPV had almost 100,000 more buys, indicating Punk CAN draw
Saying "the PPV has more buys, Punk is a draw" is kind of selective statistics don't you think?

I mean, yea, Punk stirred a ton of interest, but if he was in the ring against Daniel Bryan saying these things it wouldn't have the significance would it?

Punk IS a draw and was hot then. Watch last nights Raw, Punk vs Miz, Punk isn't that over. He has his segment, which their numbers in attendance differs GREATLY from place to place. Where Cena is over pretty much everywhere.

Not only that, but think of this, the chants are "lets go Cena" "Cena sucks" most of the time. Cena is in most of those. It's not that Punk is this superanti-hero, it's that Cena does such a good job at pissing off smarks tha they really blow their wad when Punk says what they post threads about. However, their hatred towards Cena overmatches their fanhood for Punk. Otherwise you would have heard more "Lets go Cena" "CM Punk". Punk even brought this up on Raw in his promo when Rock did the "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks thing" and Punk said "I think they say Lets go Cena CM Punk". He wanted the crowd to chant his name more.

Punk is very over with a certain segment of the audience. That segment isn't close to big enough to put Punk in the same area as Cena as far as drawing ability. You want drawing ability? I went to a Smackdown house show. Cena wasn't even there. Wanna know who's shirt I saw the most of? John Cena's.

I love Punk. I've followed him longer than probably anyone on here. I followed him BEFORE he was huge in ROH. I heard about "When Hero Met Punk" in IWA-MS and started following him and watching his shit. I'm a big fan. However, I don't let that cloud my judgment.

Punk is a decent draw, but nothing like Cena.

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