Money In The Bank Buyrate Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

may i just add that wwe MITB aired free in the UK which may be a reason for the low buyrates but im not sure if the buyrates are US only or worldwide anyway i thought id just add the fact that UK and Ireland got the ppv for free
Here are some reasons why PPV buy rates are so low.

> Kids can't order PPV.
> The PPV's are too expensive.
> US has bad economy.
> No one is going to pay monthly about $50 for a PPV, that is 3 hours of entertainment for around 50 bucks.


Make the PPV cost $5 - $10 by doing this it will significantly increase the buy rates.
PPV buy rates are low for 3 reasons:

1 - There are way too many of them

2 - Most people (in the real world) just are not into wrestling like they were in the 80's and 90's. Most people are watching MLB, NFL, NHL, or NBA; UFC, or the dozens of reality shows on TV now. Others are busy dating, or working. Most people don't care about wrestling anymore (sorry TNA, but wrestling doesn't matter anymore to most). And the fact that kayfabe is no more makes most see it as just fake, and if they want fighting they'll watch real fights like the UFC.

3 - The economy. I'm sorry, but most people just can't afford to pay $50, $60, $70 or whatever on wrestling PPVs anymore. Not when you have bills to pay, kids to feed, etc...
I was a little suprised when I saw the number. I think it was low not because punk can't draw, I think we need to see the Summerslam rates before a full judgment can be made there. I think most people thought punk was gone and therefore would not go over cena, so why pay to see the same crap over and over again.

Now to get buys to go up, keep freshing up the main event as often as you can. Not drop the belt on a new guy every month, but keep new guys in the hunt. I think there was like 4 or 5 ppvs where the title match for one or both shows was the same. and who wants to spend money to watch the same match. And keep up intresting story lines like the one with HHH and punk.
may i just add that wwe MITB aired free in the UK which may be a reason for the low buyrates but im not sure if the buyrates are US only or worldwide anyway i thought id just add the fact that UK and Ireland got the ppv for free

That is true because i live in the UK aswell but I think the buyrates is just The US not worldwide.
I think this is an interesting situation. I wouldn't quite freak out yet. I'm not saying this is an exact comparison, but during the beginning of the Attitude Era in '97, Austin vs Hart Foundation and DX were HOT storylines, but they were getting KILLED by WCW. Austin won the Royal Rumble to go onto wrestlemania, but those outside of the wrestling world didn't care. Of all the people, it was MIKE TYSON who ignited the mass media flame that WWE needed to boost them into the spotlight.

I guess my point is that even though the product is heating up right now, the numbers won't necessarily reflect the drawing power of the superstars. This may or may not be the calm before the storm. With the Cena/Rock program starting at, I assume the Survivor Series, packaged with perhaps some other major media stars leading to Wrestlemania, and finally some intriguing storylines involving the WWE stars, what may initially seem like bad numbers could turn into something huge by next April.
Here are some reasons why PPV buy rates are so low.

> Kids can't order PPV.
> The PPV's are too expensive.
> US has bad economy.
> No one is going to pay monthly about $50 for a PPV, that is 3 hours of entertainment for around 50 bucks.


Make the PPV cost $5 - $10 buy doing this it will significantly increase the buy rates.

I totally agree. Reduce the cost or spread the ppv's out and buys might look more impressive.
to me its all about the money,with my cable bill being 250 dollars a month i will not spend another 50 or so on a pay per view,i dont see why they dont just lower the prices of their shows,its not like stores keeping the price up on products because of employees having to handle all the merchandise they dont have to handle shit the product is already there,lower prices equal more purchases the only pay per view that should be 50 bucks is wrestlemania,believe me i wanted to purchase it as well as other shows but i just couldnt convince myself to
Ok, I'm going to combine questions 2 and 4 here, because I think my answer will answer both, but here goes.

1. What was your initial reaction to the low buyrate? What were your buyrate guesses? Honestly, I expected it to do well, but wasn't surprised that it didn't because of other factors.

2. WHY was it so low? 4. And lastly, is Punk's ability to draw to blame? NO CM Punk is not to blame. I think he is the reason that many people who ordered the PPV did in the first place. As far as why is it so low? It's been said a few times on here, the economy is a big reason. Let's face it, people are not going to fork out 40 or 50 bucks when they can read the results live as it happens, or stream the PPV for free. And if neither of those sound appealing, the DVD will be out in less than a month for 20 dollars and you can watch it as many times as you want if you will be patient. I think those factor heavily into why the buy rate was so low.
3. What can be done to make sure ppv buys increase? Nothing, unless Vinny Mac is going to start finding his own ways to boost the economy.
I wonder if the people commenting and viewing this thread bought the pay-per-view, because I know I didn't. Why didn' I buy it, you ask? Was it because I can't afford it, was it because I'm not interested, was it because Punk can't draw, was it because wrestling wasn't as cool as it was before? No, it's because I could watch it online for free. Live streams of ppv's online cost the WWE at least $2,500 in the last year among my group of friends alone, who watch the ppvs for no charge and get the same exact experience as those shelling out 50 bucks every month.

Call me cheap, call me lazy, call me a crook, but either way I don't think Punk's drawing power is the problem at all. Punk is the biggest thing in wrestling and he has me hooked on everything he does. Technology is the problem, the Internet has been ruining the wrestling business since its inception (it created smarks and ruined a lot of surprises) and this is just another way that it continues to do so.
I'm also quite surprised, because it seemed like a pretty solid card to me all around. I'm hoping they don't throw Punk under the bus for this one...

And it would be silly for them to do so; apart from the main event, there were TWO 8-man ladder matches. That's almost ridiculously awesome. You're guaranteed at least a couple of good spots, and unless your favorite wrestler is Yoshi Tatsu, you're pretty much going to see who you want on the card.

I'd have to agree with the others... the problem isn't the programming, it's the fact that it costs so goddamn much to be alive, and 50 bucks for a three-hour TV show isn't cheap. Good point to the guy above me who mentioned you can watch it online, too. I might shell out 20 bucks, just to support the company, even if it were available online. 50? No way.

PS: I did not order the event (and wouldn't have), but as a lucky Chicagoan, I attended it.
This is to the guys living the states.In The UK The PPV's are only £15 pound which i believe is around $30? And sometimes we get them free aswell.But yeh a reason is that it is to expensive for some people who also have kids to feed,bills to pay and such.
I wonder if the people commenting and viewing this thread bought the pay-per-view, because I know I didn't. Why didn' I buy it, you ask? Was it because I can't afford it, was it because I'm not interested, was it because Punk can't draw, was it because wrestling wasn't as cool as it was before? No, it's because I could watch it online for free. Live streams of ppv's online cost the WWE at least $2,500 in the last year among my group of friends alone, who watch the ppvs for no charge and get the same exact experience as those shelling out 50 bucks every month.

Call me cheap, call me lazy, call me a crook, but either way I don't think Punk's drawing power is the problem at all. Punk is the biggest thing in wrestling and he has me hooked on everything he does. Technology is the problem, the Internet has been ruining the wrestling business since its inception (it created smarks and ruined a lot of surprises) and this is just another way that it continues to do so.

I don't think the streams are that much of a problem. You can find UFC PPV streams really easily too and their buyrates is way higher than WWE.
Most people just read the results as they happen or unfortunately just watch it online for free. $50 bucks is outrageous and unless they either lower the price or cut back the amount of PPV's, thus creating more interesting and hyped up matches, this will continue.
Rock comes back for a short while, not even wrestling and people tune in like crazy but when it comes to Punk, who I think is the best in the business, he can't draw and I know no idea why.

People tuned in for Raw in the first few weeks of his return and he helped WM get over 1 million buys (just about) but without him......

Simple answer would be to say a few things:

* wrestling is still in a slump and even if Punk temporarily drew people to Raw and the MITB ppv due to his worked shoot, it was mostly from the IWC who make up a small amount of fans compared to the rest of the fanbase.

It's like Bischoff said, we're all 10%ers and such a small minority cheering on every insider term and insult doesn't help when the majority are all sheeple who will boo and cheer whoever WWE tell them to (and yep, I've seen several years of first hand experience of that myself)

* money issues, after all, the economy in the US is still in a slump (I'd mention the rest of the world but let's be honest here, the buyrates and tv ratings are US only) so people would wait or catch an illegal stream to counter having to pay for the ppvs.

Hell, my time at Batista's forums showed me that even if people had the money, they still preferred to wait until Raw and SD to find out what happened or let some of us post live results on the boards from wrestling sites or (or both)

* fans and haters of CM Punk could've probably skipped it thinking Cena would win anyway. Wouldn't be the first time people thought a conclusion to a match was obvious and even I thought the only options were Cena winning and retaining or Punk winning only for someone to cash in and take the title from him before the night ended.

* the card just wasn't worth buying the ppv for, I only saw because of the hype of the worked shoot and I'm glad it was free to air live on tv over here. Even in my WWE watching days I never watched a ppv that wasn't free to air, no point paying £15 to see a crappy ppv and then having to pay £15-20 on it again on dvd if you really wanna own it

At the end of the day though, we can come up with as many excuses as possible but we'll never know the real reasons.
people shouldnt be so shocked. It doesnt really have much to do with Punk as much as it has anything to do with any performer. Its simple...

PPVs as a rule are just not as good as they used to be.

PPVs are too expensive

PPVs are rarely built up properly, and if they are, are mostly built up too late

People probably also thought they wasnt going to see anything special. The WWE should just see it this way. They didnt do any lower than they were all ready doing AND the PPV was well received by the people who paid to watch it. Keep giving people a reason to order and then maybe it will give people an incentive too. Both endings to MITB and Summerslam were shockers.
PPV buy rates are low for 3 reasons:

1 - There are way too many of them

2 - Most people (in the real world) just are not into wrestling like they were in the 80's and 90's. Most people are watching MLB, NFL, NHL, or NBA; UFC, or the dozens of reality shows on TV now. Others are busy dating, or working. Most people don't care about wrestling anymore (sorry TNA, but wrestling doesn't matter anymore to most). And the fact that kayfabe is no more makes most see it as just fake, and if they want fighting they'll watch real fights like the UFC.

3 - The economy. I'm sorry, but most people just can't afford to pay $50, $60, $70 or whatever on wrestling PPVs anymore. Not when you have bills to pay, kids to feed, etc...

I couldn't agree more. There is absolutely no need for for a PPV every month; it's greedy. I was discussing this with a buddy of mine that Wrestlemania was always about $49.95 each and it was to be expected for it was like the Superbowl of wrestling. Asking that amount for MITB is not realistic. The companies have to realize the economy hit the blue collar workers who happen to be the hard core wrestling fan base. People I know have cut down their cable bill to basic just to make ends meet; let alone afford an expensive PPV.

Yes Punk new and improved image is great, but it has nothing to do with drawing money in this case. The card was weak except the main event. Realistically, people have to choose between "paying bills, kids to feed, etc" and asking an extra $50 a month is too much. Hell even TNA went up to $40-$45 a month.
I don't know if anyone's said this yet.. but my personal opinion is that buyrates go down because of the same old crap.. i LOVE the cm punk angle.. i really hope for a more edgy wwe going forward, but Cena... ALWAYS Cena.... it gets sick and annoying... he is ALWAYS right there in the main event.. it's getting ridiculous. can't we have 2 or 3 solid PPV's without him having something to do with the mainevent/title picture... i like orton, but the same could be said for him as well, eventhough with smackdown's product, it's better to have him in there, lol
aswell as alot of other people, i save my money for the huge ppvs and watch others on the internet. the fact that you can always find ppvs on the internet somehow will take a portion out of buyrates. times are getting hard. i cant afford to buy every wwe and tna ppv like i used to.
Are you kidding me!? There is no way that can be right. WWE worked really hard to generate interest in this show, and it was very much worth the money. I would have expected at the very least 200,000 and had predicted something in the 250,000 area. This is terrible news. It might finally be time for WWE to decrease the amount of PPV's because there are only so many shows a year that people can afford to order. Punk is absolutely not to blame. He did a great job of making the match look important. The number of PPVs per year and people's financial problems are to blame.
You don't need 300 words to say the following:

Pay-Per-Views are too damn expensive.

While millions watch Raw and Smackdown every week less than 5% buy Non Big-4 PPVs
Is that the USA buyrate or worldwide? Like a few people said in the UK we got it free (free in the sense that you buy the Sky Sports package first). I would be very interested to see the worldwide figure. I think that would show a much higher number.

But like everyone else I am also disappointed, it was one of the best PPV's I've ever seen, maybe the DVD will sell huge. Who knows.
If you're going to do PPV once a month consider lowering the price. MITB was better than Wrestlemania but you wouldn't have known that since previous attempts that the MITB PPV only have 1-2 solid matches. Wrestlemania is supposed to be the best show of the year but there have been two pay per views since Wrestlemania which were both superior.
The WWE has to be disappointed. 185,000 buys isn't that much of a difference from last year MITB. Capital Punishment had 170,000 buys.
The only thing they have done is sold some Punk shirts. Ratings haven't went up and MITB buyrates are not very good.

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